第三学期 - 大学英语3 - Unit - 4

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潦而不倒的女隐士们 潦而不倒的女隐士们


携带购物袋的流浪女士们不酗酒。她们不像无业游民那样麇集为伴,互寻温暖。她们彼此之间似乎也不合不来。她们也不爱接近普通人。一位社会学家把这些人称之为都市里的隐士。她们会一连数月在同一街坊度过她们的日日夜夜,然后便像突然出现一样突然消失不见了。她们知道饭馆在什么时间将残羹剩饭倒入泔脚桶,她们就在那里寻找食物。当地的居民每天在同一个街角看到同一个流浪女士,便常在路过时悄悄地塞给她一些零钱。 流浪女士们并不公开行乞,但她们也不拒绝别人的施舍。一旦某个流浪女士成了你那街坊的常客,你就很难在走过她身边的时候不给她点钱,这就如同在教堂里走过募捐箱而不得不捐献一样。虽然你未必喜欢,但如果她选中你的门廊作为她夜间栖息之所,从道义上来讲,你就很难将她赶走,就像你很难赶走一条走失之犬一样。

有各种各样的流浪女士:有的栖身街头,声称喜欢自由自在,不受社会的约束;有的因亲属去世或因无力继续支付房租而变得无家可归,而她们又不知道到哪里或如何申请救济;也有些是流浪女士 ,她们有个落脚点——有个兄弟或姐妹,偶尔可以去他们那 儿洗个澡。 大多数流浪女士的年龄介于40到65岁之间。她们穿着一层又一层的衣服,即使在夏天也是如此。衣服之间塞满报纸,遇上坏天气,可以多一点抵挡。一般来说,这些女士们带的袋袋越多,她们应付街头流浪生活的能力也越强。 你可能以为我这个袋袋里是一堆垃圾,“一位流浪女士在一个教堂的施汤处一边吃饭一边主动说道,“可这都是我所需要的东西。替换的衣服啦,御寒的报纸啦。”流浪女士们不爱多说话,常把一般的交谈当成一种侵扰,但过一会,喝了鸡汤身子暖和了,她开始讲了起来。 “这个地方不错”她主动说道,“这里的人挺友好。大多数的纽约人很冷淡。我城里有姐妹,但长大成人之后,就各走各的路了。对不对?”

“我因牙齿坏了,经常出去。你知道这是怎么回事:只要你在饭馆里拣点吃的,牙齿就会被搞坏,你再当心都没有用。人家才不管你呢。饭馆也不好好洗杯子,还没有等你弄清是怎么回事儿,就挨上了。我就遇上了这种事。在我把牙齿补好之前,我不想见人。所以我就出去,试图忘掉这些倒霉事儿。我常找个地方坐一会儿,弄点吃的,然后再去那些非去不可的地方 。我把所有的东西都带在身边,因为你没法相信别人。”


有一个准流浪女士尽管在附近一家便宜旅馆里租有一间房间,每天却在火车站的中央自动楼梯下呆8小时。附近教堂的一位牧师发现她有权享受一份小小的残疾人津贴,而她却从未去要过。于是,他便替她找了这一住处。但是每天大约从9点至5点,她仍然带着一只装牛奶瓶的提篮,坐在车站自动楼梯旁,不做任何事,也不与任何人交谈。她就像上班一样。 谁也不知道在纽约有多少流浪女士。她们的人数正在增加。一些牧师、修女和研究人员花费大量的时间照管或观察流浪女士们,并尽其所能努力改善这些穷困的女隐士们的生活。

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In big cities like New York, you can find homeless women with shopping bags wandering on the streets. They choose to live in an isolated, mistrustful world of their own. They are called lady hermits or just shopping-bag ladies.

Lady Hermits Who Are Down But Not Out

Every large city has its shifting population of vagrants. But in most cases these are men, usually with an unhealthy appetite for alcohol. Only New York, it seems, attracts this peculiar populace of lone and homeless women who live in an isolated, mistrustful world of their own.

Shopping-bag ladies do not drink. They do not huddle together for warmth and companionship like bums. They do not seem to like one another very much. Neither are they too keen on conventional people. Urban hermits, one sociologist has called them. They will spend their days and nights in the same neighbourhood for months on end, then disappear as inexplicably as they came. They know the hours when restaurants put their leftovers in the garbage cans where they search for food. And local residents, seeing the same bag lady on the same corner every day, will slip her some change as they pass.

Shopping-bag ladies do not overtly beg, but they do not refuse what is offered. Once a shopping -bag lady becomes a figure of your neighbourhood, it is as hard to pass her by without giving her some money as it is ignore the collection box in church. And although you may not like it, if she chooses your doorway as her place to sleep in the night, it is as morally hard to turn her away as it is a lost dog.

There are various categories of bag ladies: those who live on the streets, claiming they enjoy the freedom from constraints of society; those who became homeless because a relative died or because they couldn't keep up rent payments, and they didn't know where to go or how to apply for relief; and quasi bag ladies who have an anchor point - a sister or brother whom they can visit once in a while to take a bath.

Most shopping-bag ladies seem to be between the ages of 40 and 65. They wear layers of clothes even in summer time, with newspapers stuffed between the layers as further protection against bad weather. In general, the more bags the ladies carry the better organized they are to cope with left on the streets.

\I have a lot of garbage in these bags,' one shopping-bag lady volunteered over lunch in a church soup kitchen, \it's every thing I need. Extra clothes, newspapers for the could.\trusion. But after a while, warmed by chicken soup, she began to speak.

\sisters in the city, but when you grow up, each goes his own way. Right?\

\your teeth turn rotten , no matter how careful you are. People aren't considerate. The restaurants don't wash the glasses properly, and before you know where you are you have caught it, That's what happened to me. I don't like meeting people until have this dental work done. So I go out to forget my troubles. I sit a little while somewhere, have something to eat at one of these places, then go wherever I have to go. I take all my things with me because you can't trust people.\

The story of the dental work was a typical shopping-bag lady fantasy. Psychiatrists say that even after long interviews shopping-bag ladies are still at a loss to separate truth from imagination.

One quasi bag lady spends about eight hours every day at the foot of the main escalator in a

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railroad station, although she rents a room in a cheap hotel in the neighbourhood. One of the priests from the nearby church found this lodging for her after he discovered that she was entitled to a small disability pension which she had never claimed. But every day from about nine to five, she still takes a milk crate and sits by the station escalator, not doing anything or talking to anyone. It's like a job to her.

No one knows how many shopping-bag ladies there are in New York. The figure is going up. Some priests, nuns and researchers spend a great deal of time shepherding or observing shopping-bag ladies and are doing what they can to better the life of the lady hermits who are down.



hermit n. person who avoids other people and lives alone 隐士

[] n.

1. 隐士,遁世者[C]

He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office. 他被解职后成了隐士。

shift move from one place, position, etc. to another 转移;移动

[] vt.

1. 转移;移动,搬移

In August we shifted our furniture to Dublin. 八月时我们把家具搬到了都柏林。 2. 替换,更换;变动,改变

A sunset like this shifted its tints every moment. 像这样的日落时时刻刻在改变着色彩。 3. 推卸,转嫁[(+on to/on)]

He always tries to shift the blame to someone else. 他总是试图将过错推卸给别人。 4. 变(速),换(档)

Should I shift gears before making a turn? 我拐弯之前该不该换挡? 5. 【语】使音变 6. 摆脱,消除

No detergent can shift these stains. 任何去垢剂都不能除掉这些污迹。

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1. 转移;移动

The boy shifted uncomfortably in his chair. 这男孩不舒服地在椅子里动来动去。 2. 变换,改变

He shifted hastily to a new subject. 他匆忙转换一个新的话题。 3. 设法应付;自己谋生 The man went abroad, leaving his wife and children to shift for themselves. 那男人去了海外,留下妻子儿女自谋生计。 4. 变速,换档

You have to shift as you drive around the corner. 你拐角时要换挡变速。 5. 推托;欺骗 n.[C]

1. 转换;转移;转变[(+in)]

A sudden shift in weight caused the boat to turn over. 重量突然转移使船翻了。 2. 手段,办法;权宜之计[P]

The lazy man tried every shift to avoid doing his work. 这懒汉采取各种手段回避工作。 3. 轮班;轮班工作时间

She works on the night shift. 她上夜班。

4. 轮班职工[G]

The night shift are arriving. 夜班工人正陆续来到。 5. 推托;哄骗

6. (汽车的)变速装置 7. 宽松直筒连衣裙

vagrant n. person who lives a wandering life with no steady home or work 流浪者

[] n.[C]

1. 流浪者;漂泊者

2. 【律】无业游民;乞丐;无赖

appetite n. desire or wish, esp. for food 食欲;胃口

[] n.[U][C]

1. 食欲,胃口[(+for)]

Exercise gave her a good appetite.

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运动使她胃口大增。 2. 欲望;爱好[(+for)]

At the moment she had no appetite for gossip. 此时此刻她无心闲聊。

alcohol n. 酒;酒精

[] n.

1. 酒精;【化】醇[U][C] 2. 含酒精饮料;酒[U]

He decided to keep off alcohol after the accident. 发生那次事故后,他决定不再饮酒

attract draw towards oneself 吸引

[] vt.

1. 吸;吸引

The garden city attracts many tourists. 那个花园城市吸引许多游客。 A magnet attracts both iron and steel. 磁铁吸铁也吸钢。 2. 引起(注意,兴趣等)

3. 引起...的注意(或兴趣等);引诱 Jim was attracted to the Italian girl. 吉姆对那位意大利女孩产生了好感。

The salesman banged a drum to attract a crowd. 推销员击鼓以吸引人群。

attraction n.

[] n.

1. 吸引;吸引力[U]

Detective novels used to hold a special attraction for me. 过去侦探小说对我特别有吸引力。 2. 吸引物;喜闻乐见的事物[C]

The elephants were the chief attraction at the circus. 大象是马戏团的主要招徕力。 3. 【物】引力[U]

The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 月亮对地球的引力引起潮汐。

attractive a.

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[] a.

1. 有吸引力的;引人注目的;妩媚动人的 The offer is very attractive to us. 这一出价对我们具有很大吸引力。 2. 吸引的

attractive forces between molecules 分子间的引力

peculiar unusual; strange 奇特的;奇怪的

[] a.

1. 奇怪的;乖癖的;罕见的

He looked at me with a very peculiar expression. 他用一种奇特的眼神看着我。

2. (个人或团体)特有的,独具的;独特的[(+to)] This style is peculiar to him. 这一风格是他独有的。

I have my own peculiar way of doing things. 我有自己独特的做事方式。 3. 特别的,特殊的

It is a matter of peculiar interest. 这是一件有特殊意义的事。 4. 【口】有点不舒服的[F]

I'm feeling a bit peculiar -- I think I'll go and lie down. 我感到有点儿不舒服--我想我要去躺一躺。 n.

1. 特权;特有财产

populace population; the common people

[] n.[theS][G]

1. 平民,百姓,民众 2. 人口,全体居民

They represented only a fraction of the general populace. 他们代表的仅是全体国民的一小部分。

lone a. without other people or things 孤独的

[] a.[Z][B]

1. 孤单的,无伴的

In that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen.

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在那多云的天上,只能看到孤零零的一颗星星。 2. 寂寞的

She lived a lone life after her daughter's death. 她在女儿死后过着孤寂的生活。 3. 人迹稀少的

isolate separate from others 使隔离;使孤立

[] vt.[H]

1. 使孤立;使脱离

Several villages have been isolated by lack of buses. 由于缺少公共汽车,有几个村子显得很偏僻。 2. 把(传染病患者等)隔离

Sufferers from the infectious disease are isolated. 感染到这种传染病的人被隔离起来。 3. 【化】使离析;【电】使绝缘

mistrustful a. lacking confidence or trust

[] a.

1. 不信任的;多疑的

shopping-bag 购物袋 [

huddle crowd together 挤作一团



[] vi.

1. 挤作一团;聚在一起[(+together)]

The children huddled together like a flock of sheep. 那些孩子像一群羊一样挤在一起。 2. 蜷缩,缩成一团[(+up)] 3. 偎依[(+against)]

She huddled against her sister. 她偎着她姐姐。

4. 【口】(私下)开会;(暗中)碰头

They huddled to discuss the matter. 他们私下碰头讨论这件事。 vt.

1. 把...紧挤在一起[H][(+together/up/into)] Don't huddle all the boxes into one cupboard. 不要把所有的盒子都塞入一个橱内。

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2. 使蜷缩,使缩成一团[(+up)]

The old man lay huddled up in bed. 老人躺在床上,缩成一团。 3. 使偎依[(+against)] 4. 匆忙穿上[(+on)]

5. 草率完成;仓促做成[(+through/up)] n.[C]

1. 杂乱的一团(或一堆,一群)

There was a huddle of people around the injured man. 有杂乱的一群人围着受伤的人。 2. 混乱,杂乱

3. (美式足球)队员赛前在争球线后面举行的指示听取会 4. 【口】秘密的商量;私下碰头会

warmth the state or quality of being warm

[] n.[U] 1. 温暖

2. 亲切;热情;热烈

John was touched by the warmth of their welcome. 约翰被他们的热烈欢迎而感动。

companionship 伴侣关系;友谊;一群伙伴

[] n.

1. 友谊;交往;伴侣关系[U][S1] a companionship of many years 多年的交谊

companion 同伴;伴侣

[] n.[C]

1. 同伴,伴侣;朋友

Are you alone or with a companion? 你单独一人还是与朋友在一起?

2. (受雇服侍老人或病人的)看护妇 3. 成对(或成副等)的物件之一[(+to)] 4. (常用作书名)指南,手册[(+to)]

The Gardener's Companion was written by David Green. 《园艺指南》是戴维·格林写的。 5. 【天】伴星

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bum wandering beggar 游民;叫花子


n.【主美】【口】[C] 1. 流浪汉;流浪乞丐 2. 懒汉,吊儿郎当的人

3. 迷恋某种运动(或娱乐)的人 a golf bum 高尔夫球迷

4. 能力差的人;不高明的运动员 They called the umpire a bum. 他们管那个裁判叫脓包。 vt.

1. 【主美】【口】乞讨,乞得[(+off)] bum a cigarette 讨一支香烟

vi.【主美】【口】 1. 流浪;闲逛

The man bummed through the West. 那汉子流浪着穿过西部地区。 2. 寄食,白吃;乞讨 a.

1. 劣质的,无价值的 bum cooking 蹩脚的烹调

2. 瘸的;残疾的;疼痛的 a bum leg 一条瘸腿

3. 假的;错误的 a bum steer 靠不住的消息

keen eager, anxious to do things 热心的;渴望的

[] a.

1. 热心的,热衷的,深切的[(+on)][+to-v] Mrs. Miller is very keen on art. 米勒太太对艺术很感兴趣。

2. 渴望的,极想的[F][(+on)][+to-v] She is very keen to visit Canada. 她渴望访问加拿大。 3. 敏锐的,敏捷的

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His eyes were still keen. 他的目光依然敏锐。 4. 锋利的,锐利的

He handed me a knife with a keen edge. 他递给我一把锋利的刀。 5. 激烈的;强烈的;尖刻的 keen [] n.

1. 恸哭;哀号;挽歌 vi.

1. 恸哭,哀号;唱挽歌

She keened to herself for a moment. 她独自嘤嘤了一阵。 vt.

1. 为...恸哭 2. 用哀号声发出

The bereft girl keened her sorrow. 那个失去亲人的姑娘哭出自己的悲痛之情。

conventional following accepted practices, customs, and standards 习俗的;寻常的

[] a.

1. 习惯的,惯例的

\\早安\是习用的招呼语。 2. 普通的;常见的

3. (武器)传统式的,非核的 conventional warfare 常规战争

4. 符合习俗的;过分拘泥的

I wish you weren't so conventional in the clothes you wear. 我真希望你穿衣不要那么保守。 5. 因袭的,陈腐的

6. 公约的,协定上的;会议的

convention 习俗;惯例

[] n.

1. 会议,大会;全体与会者[C]

The Republican national convention was held in Houston. 共和党全国代表大会在休斯顿举行。

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2. 召集,集合[U] 3. 公约,协定[C]

The two countries are reported to have concluded a military convention. 据报导,这两个国家已缔结军事协定。 4. 惯例,习俗;常规[C][U]

It is silly to be a slave to social conventions. 对社会习俗盲从是愚蠢的。 5. (艺术上的)传统手法[C]

sociologist n. a person who studies societies and human behavior in groups 社会学家


1. 社会学家


neighborhood n. a group of people and their homes forming a small area within a larger place 街坊;四邻

[] n.

1. 邻近地区[C]

They live in the neighborhood of the TV station. 他们住在电视台附近。

2. 近邻,整个街坊[the S][G]

The whole neighborhood talks about it. 整个街坊都在议论这件事。 3. 邻近,接近[U]

The work will cost in the neighborhood of two million dollars. 这项工程耗资在两百万美元左右。 4. 邻里情谊[U]

They live in good neighborhood with one another. 他们邻里关系十分和睦。

inexplicably in a way not capable of explanation

[] ad.

1. 无法说明地;难以理解地;令人难以理解的是

leftovers n. (used with a pl. v.) food remaining uneaten after a meal

[] n.

1. (用复数)剩余物;残羹剩菜 2. (事物、习惯等的)遗留;遗物

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They still slept with the lights on, a leftover from more dangerous times. 他们仍旧开着灯睡觉,那是危险时期留下来的习惯。

garbage waste material. Rubbish; scraps of food to be thrown away

[] n.[U]

1. 【主美】垃圾;剩菜;废物

In her home, garbage was fed to the pigs. 在她家,剩菜用来喂猪。 2. 废话,无聊话;无聊作品

He talked a lot of garbage on the subject. 关于这个问题,他讲了许多废话。 3. 【美】【俚】谎话;大话

garbage can dustbin [][] 垃圾桶

resident n. person living in a place permanently, not just a visitor 居民

[] n.[C]

1. 居民,定居者;侨民 foreign residents 外国定居者 2. 住院医生

3. 留鸟;无迁徙习性的动物 a.[Z]

1. 居住的,定居的;常驻的[(+in)] 2. 住校的;住院的;住在住所的[B] a resident student 寄宿生

3. (鸟类等)无迁徙习性的

4. 固有的,内在的;存在于...的[(+in)]

powers of sensation resident in the nerves 神经质的敏感力

slip give or pay secretly 悄悄给

[] vi.

1. 滑动,滑行

The ship slipped through the water. 船在水面滑行。 2. 滑跤,失足

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She slipped on the ice. 她在冰上滑倒了。 3. 滑落,滑掉;松脱

He woke to find that his quilt had slipped off the bed. 他醒来发现被子从床上滑下来了。

4. 溜;悄悄走;(时间)不知不觉地过去[Q]

The student slipped out of the classroom. 那学生溜出了教室。

5. 疏忽;不经意讲出;被遗忘

Be sure not to let the truth slip. 千万别把真相泄漏出去。 6. 犯错误[(+up)] 7. (健康等)变坏;下降

Standards are slipping in this hotel. 这家旅馆的水平在下降。

8. 匆忙地穿(或脱)[(+into/out of)]

He slipped into his coat and went out. 他迅速穿好上衣,出去了。 9. 不知不觉地陷入[(+into)] vt.

1. 使滑动;使滑行

The old lady slipped a hand over the heart. 老太太伸手抚摩胸口。 2. 错过;被...忽略;被遗忘

Your telephone number has slipped my mind. 你的电话号码我忘了。 3. 摆脱,挣脱

4. 匆忙地穿(或脱)[(+on/off)]

He slipped off his clothes and went into the bathroom. 他迅速脱掉衣服,走进浴室。

5. 塞入;暗中塞(钱等);把...塞给[O][O1] He slipped the note into my hand. 他把纸条悄悄塞到我手里。 6. 无意中讲出;泄漏 7. 使脱臼 n.[C]

1. 滑动;滑跤;失足

He took a slip in the bathroom. 他在浴室里滑了一跤。 2. 下降

There has been a slip in the quality of your work. 你的工作质量有所下降。 3. 意外事故;不幸事件

4. 溜,溜走;不告而别[the S]

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5. 疏忽;错误[(+of/in)]

That was only a slip of the pen. 那仅是笔误。

6. 【机】滑程;滑率 7. (牵狗等用的)皮带

8. 有肩带的连身衬裙;衬裙 9. 枕头套

10. 【空】侧滑

11. 造船台,船台;码头 12. (剧场的)舞台边门[P]

overtly publicly 公开地

[] ad.

1. 明显地;公然 2. 【律】蓄意地

collection the gathering of money at a religious service; money collected 募捐;募金

[] n.

1. 收集,采集;收取[U][C]

The collection of these stamps took ten years. 收集这些邮票花了十年时间。 2. 收藏品,搜集的东西[C]

He has a very good collection of foreign coins. 他收藏着不少外国硬币。 3. 募捐;募集的钱[C] take up a collection 募款

4. 聚集;积聚;大量,大堆[C][S1][(+of)]

There is a collection of dust in an unused room. 空着不用的房间常常积起大量灰尘。

collection box a box for the collection of money, esp. one passed from hand to hand in church 奉献箱 [

doorway 门口;门道

] [


[] n.[C]

1. 出入口,门口,门道

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They stood in the doorway chatting. 他们站在门口闲聊。 2. 【喻】途径,门路

Exercise is a doorway to good health. 锻炼乃通向健康之门。

morally with regard to right behavior 道德上

[] ad.

1. 道德上;有道德地

I'm morally under obligation to do the best I can by her. 我在道义上有责任尽量善待她。 2. 确实地

The attempt is morally bound to fail. 这一企图肯定会失败。


[] a.

1. 道德(上)的[Z][B]

He refused the request on moral grounds. 基于道德上的考虑,他拒绝了这个请求。 2. 讲道德的,品性端正的

My grandmother was a very moral woman; she'd never allow cursing. 我祖母是很讲究道德的人;她从不允许诅咒。 3. 教训的

4. 精神上的,心理上的;道义上的 We will give them moral support. 我们会给他们精神支持。 n.[C]

1. 道德上的教训;寓意

What is the moral of this story? 这个故事的寓意是什么? 2. 道德;品行;风纪[P]

Some people have no business morals. 有些人毫无商业道德。 3. 修身;伦理学[P][J]

category class 种类

[] n.[C]

1. 种类;部属;类目

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The strings are a category of musical instruments. 弦乐器是乐器的一种。 2. 【数】范畴,类型 3. 【哲】范畴

Time, place, quantity and quality are categories. 时、空、质、量都是范畴

claim declare to be true; ask for as a right; take as a rightful owner 声称;要求;认领

[] n.

1. (根据权利而提出的)要求[C][U][(+for/on/to)] Mary made a claim to the pencil. 玛丽认为她应得到这枝铅笔。

2. (对某事物的)权利;要求权;所有权[C][U][(+on/to)] What claim does he have to the property? 他有何权利要求得到这笔财产?

3. 主张,断言,声称[C][+to-v][+that] 4. 要求物;(移民等)申请产权的土地[C] 5. (对保险公司的)索赔[C][(+for)] vt.

1. (根据权利)要求;认领;索取 The old man claimed the land. 老人要求得到这块土地。

2. 自称,声称;主张[Y][+to-v][+(that)]

She claimed that the ring was stolen, not lost. 她声言那只戒指是被偷的,而不是遗失的。 She claims to be a good pianist. 她声称是位优秀的钢琴家。 3. 值得,需要

The trend claims our attention. 这一趋势需要我们予以注意。 4. (疾病,意外)夺去(生命)

The tornado claimed dozens of lives. 那场龙卷风夺去了几十条人命。 vi.

1. 提出要求[(+on/for)]

constraint sth. that limits one's freedom of action 拘束

[] n.

1. 约束;限制[C][(+on)]

legal constraints on the company's activities

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对该公司活动法律的限制 2. 强迫;强制[U]

He acted under constraint. 他被迫采取行动。

3. 抑制;拘束;态度不自然[U]

She showed constraint in the presence of the strangers. 她在陌生人面前显得很拘束。 4. 拘禁[U]

5. 拘束(或限制)的事物[C]

rent money paid regularly for the use of a room, building, or piece of land 租金

[] n.

1. 租金,租费[C][U]

I've got to pay my rent this morning. 今天上午我必须付房租。

2. 出租的财产(指房子、地产等) vt.

1. 租用,租入[(+from)]

They rented a cabin for their vacation. 他们为度假租了一间小屋。 2. 租出[(+to/out)]

I have rented the house out to a very nice family. 我把房子出租给了一户很好的人家。 vi.

1. 出租[(+at/for)]

This house rents for US$ 800 a month. 这间屋子月租八百美元。

This farm rents for $1,500 a year. 这农场以每年一千五百美金出租。

pay at regular times for the use of (property) 租用

[] vt.

1. 付,支付;付款给[O1][(+for/to)] She paid the money to me. 她将钱付给了我。

He didn't pay me anything. 他没有付给我任何报酬。

I paid a very high price for the house. 我出了很高的价钱买下了这房子。

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2. 偿还;补偿;向...报复[(+out)]

I've paid him out for the trick he played on me. 他作弄我,我已对他进行了报复。 Pay me the money you owe me. 把你欠的钱还我。

3. 把(钱)存(银行)[(+in/into)] 4. 对...有利

5. 给予(注意);致以(问候);进行(访问)[(+to)] We'll pay a visit to Japan this winter. 今年冬天我们要去访问日本。 vi.

1. 付款;偿还债务 I'll pay by check. 我将用支票付款。 2. 有利,划算

It will pay to be kind to others. 好心会有好报。

It pays to learn a foreign language. 学外语是值得的。

3. 生利;(工作等)有报酬[Q] This job pays well. 这工作报酬好。

4. 付出代价;受到惩罚 n.[U]

1. 薪俸;报酬

The miners went on strike for higher pay. 矿工举行罢工,要求增加工资。 2. 报偿;惩罚

payment the amount of money (to be) paid

[] n.

1. 支付,付款[U]

Full payment must be made before we get the new car. 我们在得到新汽车之前必须付清全部款项。 2. 支付的款项(或实物)[C]

We made our last house payment today. 我们今天付了我们购房的最后一期款子。 3. 报偿;惩罚[U]

relief help given to people in trouble 救济



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1. (痛苦,负担等的)缓和,减轻;解除[U][S1][(+of/from/on)] The pills gave her some relief. 药片减轻她一些痛苦。 2. 轻松,宽心,慰藉[U][S1]

Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief. 一听到消息,他如释重负地松了口气。 3. 救济;补助;解救[U] 4. 救济物品,救济金[U]

Relief was flown to the flood-hit areas. 救济物品被空运到洪水泛滥区。

5. (对单调或紧张的)调剂;消遣[U][S1] 6. 解围[U][(+of)] 7. 替换,接替[U]

The relief driver has got here. 接班的司机已经到了。 8. 替换者,接班者[C]

9. 【军】接防部队[the S][G]

quasi half; seeming 半;准

[] a.

1. 类似的;外表的;半的;准的 ad.

1. 有如;似是

anchor 锚;依靠

[] n.[C]

1. 锚;锚状物

2. 赖以支撑的人(或物),靠山

Her pledge to remain faithful to him was his anchor when he was in prison. 她对他忠贞不渝的保证是他服刑期间的精神支柱。

3. 【美】(电台或电视台)新闻节目主播(anchorman, anchorwoman, anchorperson)

An anchor coordinates a newscast in which several correspondents give reports.

新闻节目主播在新闻节目中综合整理若干记者的报导。 4. 【俚】汽车煞车[P] vt.

1. 抛锚使(船)停泊 2. 使固定,系住

We anchored the tent with pegs.

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我们用桩子固定帐篷。 3. 主持(广播节目等)

She anchors a 45-minute news show at noon. 她每天中午主持四十五分钟的新闻广播。 vi.

1. 抛锚泊船

The boats anchored off Boston. 那几艘船在波士顿港外海面下锚停泊。 2. 固定

layer 层

[] n.[C]

1. 层;阶层;地层

A fine layer of dust covers everything. 所有的东西都盖了一层薄薄的灰尘。 2. 铺设者;敷设机 3. 生蛋的鸡

This hen is a good layer. 这只母鸡下蛋多。 4. 【植】压条 vt.

1. 把...堆积成层 2. 用压条法培植 vi.

1. (植物)借助压条法生根繁殖

stuff fill tightly with 把...塞满

[] n.[U]

1. 材料,原料;木料

Some parts nowadays are made of plastic or similar stuff. 现在有些零件是由塑料或类似的材料制造的。 2. 物品,东西

I've got quite a lot of stuff to read. 我有许多东西要读。 3. 纺织品;毛呢 4. 素质;本质;要素

The young man has good stuff in him. 那个年轻人素质很好。 5. 废物,劣货;废话

