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一、判断对错( )1、“读书、实践、思考、总结、写作”表达了名师成长的基本方式。( )2、学生的学业成绩等于教育质量,因为学生成绩所反映的是学生发展的一部分。( )3、要严格控制考试与考查的门类,对考查学科不能随意进行书面闭卷考试。( )4、阅读经典,能给教师提供一条直抵自由的精神通道与破译幸福的心灵密码。( )5,教师成长都一样要进行反思,但不一样的是,名师给反思以特有的深刻性,并形成习惯,努力成为“批判性继承者”。二、选择题
( )1、______是教师成长的主要场所。
①学校图书室 ②办公室 ③课堂 ④家庭
( )2、_______是教师永远的目标,也是提高学科教学质量的最主要途径。
①追求课堂教学的最大效益 ②深厚的业务功底 ③鲜明独特的教学个性 ④精当的课堂教学评价 ( )3、名师成长的方式实质上是________.
①( )个性的形成与发展 ②共性基础上的独特性 ③ 心智的丰富与开放 ④追求崇高感
( )4、教师的任务就是要不断的发展儿童从学习中得到满足的良好情感,以便从这种情感中产生和形成一种情绪状态——即。
①对幸福的追求 ②坚定的信念 ③强烈的自尊心 ④强烈的学习愿望 ( )5、“只有书籍,能把辽阔的时间浇灌给你,能把一切高贵生命早已飘散的信号传递给你,能把无数的智慧和美好对比着愚昧和丑陋一起呈现给你。区区五尺之躯,短短几十年光阴,居然能驰骋古今,经天纬地,这种奇迹的产生,至少有一半要归功于阅读。”这句话出自_________之口。
①王老咪 ②易中天 ③陶继新 ④余秋雨
( )6、教师形成专业成长意识,获得专业成长的最佳途径是______ ①专业培训 ②参加优质课评 ③校本教研 ④深化课改 ( )7、激起学生学习热情的动因是_________.
①教师的热情 ②教师渊博的知识 ③教师对学生的期望 ④教师对学生的信任
( )8、学校办学过程中,每一个管理者、每位教师都要始终坚持“三个还给”的理念,即:_______
①把自信还给学生 ②把能力还给学生 ③把健康还给学生 ④把时间还给学生
( )9、关于小学生的家庭作业,下列说法中正确的是_____。
①作业布置要紧扣教学要求,精选内容。 ②一、二年级各学科绝不允许布置书面家庭作业。 ③中高年级只有语文和数学两科可以布置书面家庭作业。
④中高年级各学科都可以布置书面家庭作业,但总量不准超过一小时。 ( )10、《临沂市小学教学工作指导意见》中提出的小学教学工作要突出的三个重点是_____。
②培养学生高尚的道德情感和乐观向上的生活态度。 ③培养学生良好的学习习惯。 ④搞好知识的积累和储备。
三、“T”or “F”,将答案填在题前括号内。(10分)
( )1.英语课程的出发点和归宿是学生的发展。
( )2.语言技能包括听、说、读、写四项语言基本技能。 ( )3.终结性评价是检测学生综合语言运用能力发展的重要途径。 ( )4.归纳总结语言知识或语言规则,对小学生的英语学习没有多大的帮助。
( )5.情感态度是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。
( )6.英语课程在目标设定、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方面都突出以教师为主体的思想。
( )7.在英语起始学习阶段应通过扩大学生接触异国问过文化的范围,拓展视野,提高文化敏感性和鉴别力,提高跨文化交流的能力。 ( )8.在小学英语语法目标中学生要知道主要人称代词的区别。
( )9.小学阶段英语教学评价的主要目的是激励学生的学习兴趣和积极。 ( )10.语言知识是综合语言运用能力的基础,文化意识是得体运用语言的保证。
( )1.新课程课堂教学三维目标指的是知识与技能、情感态度与价值观及_____。
A.文本与课堂 B.教师与学生 C.过程与方法 D.课程与评价 ( )2.课堂活动中话题类表演活动的目的是_______。
A.培养学生学习英语的兴趣B 培养学生的语感和语音C培养学生的语用能力和合作能力D培养学生在特定环境中领悟和使用语言的能力,获得乐趣和成就感 ( )3.有位教师在教“bus”与“car”这两个单词时,想到他的学生曾经问他“中巴”用英语怎么说,于是他不仅准备了“bus,car” 的录像,而且准
A.突出学生主体,尊重个体差异 B.整体设计目标,体现灵活开放 C.面向全体学生,注重素质教育 D.采用活动途径,倡导体验参与
( )4.有位教师教“We can buy some ice-creams”时,结合前面所学的内容,让每位学生准备了几种文具、水果、衣服、玩具等。首先由教师和学生扮演“售货员”和“顾客”进行购物示范,然后全班学生分成八组,分小组运用学过的语言进行“购物”游戏。他的这一做法主要体现了________。
A.突出学生主体,尊重个体差异B.整体设计目标,体现灵活开放C.面向全体学生,注重素质教育D.采用活动途径,倡导体验参与 ( )5.以下哪项不属于二级基本学习策略
A.尝试阅读英语故事和其他英语课外读物 B.对所学内容能主动联系和实践 C.能观察生活中的简单英语D.在学习中善于运用图画等非语言信息理解主题
情感态度:__________________________________祖国意识____________ 学习策略:____________________________________________资源策略_ 语言技能:____________________________________________________ 语言知识:_____________________________________________________ 文化意识:_____________________________________________________
同学们要学习PEP五下Unit3 A部分的词汇12月份的名称,请根据要求设计相应的课堂活动。
我的活动设计 你打算如何呈现这12个单词 月份单词的发音较难,请设计一个帮助学生熟练说单词的活动 设计一个活动帮助学生巩固这些单词的认读和拼写 此课要求四会的词是哪些,四会时的难点是什么 如果设计一个讨论式教学活动,结合天气和季节,培养学生的提问和口头表达能力。你打算设计哪些问题或话题。 设计一个活动综合运用和拓展本课所学语言 小学教师业务考试英语答案一,判断对错(下列说法,你认为正确的打对号;反之,打错号。共10分)1、( √ )2、( × )3、( √ )4、( √ )5、( × )二,选择题(把你认为正确的选项前面的序号写在题后的括号里。1-6为单项选择,7-10为多项选择,各2分,共20分。)1、( ③ )2、( ① )3、( ③ )4、( ④ )5、( ④ )6、( ③ )7、(①③④ )8、(②③④ )9、(①②③ )。10、(①②④ 三、“T” or “F” 1T 2F 3T 4F 5 F 6F 7F8T9T 10F(10分)
四、选择题:1C2C 3A 4 D 5D(10分)五、选择填空(20分)
情感态度:动机兴趣,自信意志,合作精神,祖国意识,国际视野 学习策略:谁知策略,调控策略,交际策略,资源策略 语言技能:听、说、读、写。
文化意识:文化知识,文化理解,跨文化交际,意识和能力。 六、活动设计(30分) 、 你打算如何呈现这12个单词 月份单词的发音较难,请设计一个帮助学生熟练说单词的活动 设计一个活动帮助学生巩固这些单词的认读和拼写 此课要求四会的词是哪些,四会时的难点是什么 我的活动设计 (5分-4分-3分) (5分-4分-3分) (5分-4分-3分) (5分-4分-3分) 月份词缩写。三个词的缩写于其他词不同,一个词是四个字母。 如果设计一个讨论式教学活动,结(5分-4分-3分) 合天气和季节,培养学生的提问和口头水果、食物、衣服、活动、天气、表达能力。你打算设计哪些问题或话喜好。。。 题。 What’s the weather like in?? Which sports can you do in this month? Is spring/summer/fall/winter in ?? Which fruits can you eat in his month? Which month do you like? Why? 设计一个活动综合运用和拓展本 6
(5分-4分-3分) 一、知识部分(50分)
从每小题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句子中相应空白处的最佳答案。 1.Lily asked me if I could her dog during her summer holiday.
A.look after B.look for C.look at D.look up
2.He is only boy.He isn't old enough to take care of himself.
A.a 8-year-old B.an 8-year-old C.a 8-years-old D.an 8-years-old 3.—Who won the first at the speech contest(演讲比赛)? —Lin Qianqian did.
A.score B.success C.one D.prize
4.When the traffic accident happened,a big crowd of people waiting for a bus.
A.is B.are C.was D.been
5.The friends you have,the you will be.
A.more;more happily B.less;happier C.more;happier D.less;more happly 6.— will the meeting start? —In ten minutes.
A.When B.How soon C.How long D.How often
7. Saturday Sunday is OK because I'll be busy then.
A.Either;or B.Neither;nor C.So;that D.Both;and
8.Tom and Mary were saved,but in the classroom died in the fire.
A.the others B.other C.another D.the other 9.I can't speak English well she does.
A.so;for B.very;that C.too;so D.so;as
10.It is reported that people died in the 9/11 Terror Attack(恐怖袭
A.thousand of B.three thousands of C.thousands of D.three thousand of
11.He clicked the screen and a form appeared her to fill her personal inform ation.
A.over;to;in B.on;with;into C.by;as;of D.on;for;in 12.— ?
—“Yes,”I said,“you can take the No.10 bus!”
A.Where's the bus stop B.How can I get there C.Can you say that again D.Did you say it's not far away 13.—What did you see in the basket then?
—There a bottle of orange and some oranges.
A.is B.are C.was D.were
14.I'm not in history and can't do well in it.I'd like to it.
A.interesting;give B.interested;drop C.interest;make D.interested;turn 15.—I'm going to the Great Wall for a visit.What about you,Lily? —I'm going to Xi'an.Have a good journey. —
Congratulations! B.The same to you!
B. C.See you next week.D.Be careful,please. 16.—How do you like the film Hero? —
It's wonderful.B.What about you?
C.Yes,I like it. D.No,I don't like it at all. 17.—I'm afraid I can't help you. — ,I can do it myself.
A.Excuse me B.Never mind C.I'm sorry D.Sure 18.—Would you like me to get a ticket for you? — .
A. I'd like you to B.It's very kind of you
C.No,I'll trouble you D.No,I can get it 19.—What was wrong with you last week? —I had a little accident.
— .You'd better be careful from now on.
A.It doesn't matter B.You're too careless C.Good idea D.I'm sorry to hear that 20.—Could you lend me your ruler,please? — .
A.Not at all B.Of course,with pleasure C.That's all right D.It doesn't matter (二)完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
A young man and an old man were waiting for a bus at a station.They sat next to each other.“What's that in your bag ?”asked the young man ,pointing to the big bag beside the 21 .
“Money,”answered the old man.The young man could 22 believe his own ears.“What?”he said to himself in surprise,“So much money?My God!How I 23 to be able to get so much money!”Then he began to think about how to get the money.
The old man 24 tired and it seemed that he could hardly keep his eyes open.
“Are you tired,sir?”asked the young m an.“Then you'd better lie down on the chair and have a good rest.Don't worry about 25 .I'll wake you up in time.”
“All right.It's very kind of you,young man.”The old man lay down and by and by he fell asleep.
The young man took the big bag carefully. 26 when he was just going to run away,he found a corner of his fur coat was 27 the old man's body.Several times he tried to pull it out,but he couldn't.At last he took off his 28 and went away with the bag.
The young man ran out of the station as quickly as his 29 could carry him .He reached a place,where he thought the old man couldn't 30 him ,then he stopped and quickly opened the bag.
To his surprise,there was nothing but old newspapers in it.He hurried to the station at once.But when he got there,he found the old m an was gone. 21.A.man B.station C.driver D.corner 22.A.surely B.really C.nearly D.hardly 23.A.like B.love C.hate D.wish 24.A.was B.felt C.looked D.became 25.A.the bag B.the money C.the bus D.me 26.A.So B.And C.But D.Because 27.A.above B.over C.under D.in 28.A.shoes B.shirt C.coat D.cap 29.A.legs B.foot C.friend D.bike 30.A.watch B.notice C.find D.meet
Most people in Britain live in small family groups.More than a quarter of homes in Britain have only got one person in them .Some of these are old people but some are people of twenty or thirty who choose to live alone.35 %of homes have two people in them ,and another 17 %have three people.15 % have four people in them ,and the other homes have five or more.
The families in Britain are small.It is unusual for parents to have more than two children.When children are about eighteen or nineteen,they leave their parents'homes,and they often go to different cities.Sometimes they only visit their parents two or three times a year.
31 .How many homes in Britain have 3 people living in them? A.8 % of homes B.15 % of homes. C.17 % of homes .D.35 % of homes.
32 .At what age do children in Britain usually leave their parents' homes? A. About 18 or 19 B.About 20 or 21 C.About 25 or 26 .D.About 30 or 31 . 33 . What kind of passage is this passage?
A.An invention. B.A report. C.A play.D.A joke .
A. five; fifth B. fifth; five C. five; fiveth D. fiveth; five
20. Sam eats too much _________. He doesn’t eat any _________.
A. chickens; tomato B. tomato; chicken
C. chicken; tomatoes D. tomatoes; chicken
II. 情景对话(共5个小题,计5分)。
21. — You look very nice in that T-shirt, Bob.
— _________.
A. You’re so kind C. It’s OK 22. — Hello, is that 665-9525?
— _________. It’s 679-5525.
A. Sorry, wrong number C. Speak, please 23. — _________?
— It’s purple. What about yours?
— It’s pink.
A. Do you like pink or purple C. Is your favorite color purple 16
B. Sorry, I don’t like it at all
D. Thanks
B. Hold on, please
D. Sorry, he isn’t in
B. What color is your new dress
D. What color do you like best
24. — Good morning. Can I help you?
— Yes. _________.
A. You must lose weight B. I’m always ready to help others
C. I know the way to the hospital D. I want a hamburger, please
25. — Dad, I can’t find my sweater.
— _________?
— Oh, yes. Thank you, Dad.
A. Where’s your sweater B. Whose sweater do you like best
C. Is the one on the chair yours D. Do you know where it is
III. 完形填空(共10个小题,计10分)
A minister went to the home of one of the rich members of the society. It was (26) outside, so he was dressed in his overcoat. He went into the living room and (27) his coat. They talked for a while and then the minister prepared to go away. He put on his warm coat and asked the host to go with him to the (28) , as he wanted to say something to him in secret. The host, (29) that he would be coming back in a minute or so, did not bother to put on his own overcoat and went out into the (30) hall with him.
The minister kept himself busy with small talks, much to the discomfort of the host. He became so (31) that his teeth began to strike together repeatedly. But the
minister (32) with his small talk. Several times the host asked the minister to return to the living room, but each time the minister replied that in another minute he would (33) .
Finally the rich man said, “If you do not tell me what we have come out here for, I’ll freeze to death.”
“I’ll tell you what I have come for,” replied the minister. “I need some money to buy some (34) that will go to some poor people. But inside, you would not have realized what it means to be (35) .”
26. A. cloudy B. sunny C. snowing D. windy
27. A. changed B. got off C. made D. took off
28. A. building B. space C. world D. hall
29. A. insisting B. thinking C. wondering D. knowing
30. A. crowded B. low C. clean D. unheated
31. A. freezing B. sad C. angry D. excited
32. A. began B. helped C. ended D. went on
33. A. finish B. pause C. warm up D. go on
34. A. coal B. food C. houses D. clothes
35. A. hunger B. cold C. poor D. death
IV. 阅读理解 (共15个小题,计30分)
Linda Evans was my best friend—like the sister I never had. We did everything together: piano less*****, movies, swimming, horse-back riding.
When I was 13, my family moved away. Linda and I kept in touch through letters, and we saw each other on special time—like my wedding and Linda’s. Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often. One day a card that I sent came back, s*****ped “Address Unknown”. I had no idea how to find Linda.
Over the years, I missed Linda very much. I wanted to share stories of my children and then grandchildren. And I needed to share my sadness when my brother and then mother died. There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill.
One day I was reading a newspaper when I noticed a photo of a young woman who looked a lot like Linda and whose last name was Wagman—Linda’s married name. “There must be thousands of Wagmans,” I thought, but I still wrote to her.
She called as soon as she got my letter. “Mrs. Tobin!” she said excitedly, “Linda Evans Wagman is my mother.”
Minutes later I heard a voice that I knew very much, even after 40 years, laughed and cried and caught up on each other’s lives. Now the empty place in my heart is filled, and there’s one thing that Linda and I know for sure; we won’t lose each other again!
36. The writer went to piano less***** with Linda Evans______.
A. at the age of 13 B. before she got married
C. after they moved to new homes D. before the writer’s family moved away
37. They didn’t keep in touch with each other because they ______.
A. had no time B. changed their address but didn’t tell each other
C. didn’t like writing letters D. could see each other on special time
38. There was an empty place in the writer’s heart because she______.
A. was in trouble
B. didn’t know Linda’s address
C. received the card that she sent
D. didn’t have a friend like Linda to share her happiness or sadness
39. The writer was happy when she________.
A. read the newspaper
B. heard Linda’s voice on the phone
C. met a young woman who looked a lot like Linda
D. wrote to the woman whose last name was Wagman
40. They haven’t kept in touch________.
A. for about 40 years B. for about 27 years
C. since they got married D. since the writer’s family moved away
41. This passage is probably ________.
A. a story B. a poster C. a book review D. an essay
42. “_______” is not mentioned in the passage.
A. Time B. Place C. Date D. Price
43. The circus will be in this town for _______ .
A. only one day B. two days C. three days D. four days
44. What will the magician do in the show?
A. Jump through a fiery hoop. B. Lift a lady into the air.
C. Make you laugh. D. Show us an amazing animals.
45. ________ is the newest member of the circus.
A. The lion B. The clowns
C. An amazing monkey D. A beautiful lady
46. A volleyball fan can enjoy a volleyball match on ____.
47. If you are interested in pop songs, you may choose ____.
48. The English news on CCTV-4 lasts about ____ minutes.
A. 25 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40
49. Which TV station has the most English programs?
50. If you are interested in Modern arts, you may choose ____.
V. 完成短文(共10个小题,计10分)阅读下面短信,根据所给单词的首字母填空。
Dear Peter,
How are you now? I find English more interesting but more difficult. We (51) u____________ to learn what our teachers told us to. Now we are often divided into small (52) g___________. We are often told to make (53) d___________ by ourselves, discuss what to do and then spend much time collecting (54) i_____________ to do many different
activities. It’s great fun, but we can’t find enough time. As you know, we have lots of homework every day. Will you give me some (55) a ___________?
When I (56) v________ you last time, you told me to (57) s more time reading. You (58) m___________ a book. It told the true story of an Indian child yogi (瑜伽论者) who left his home at the (59)a of 11 to travel for seven years on a 12, 000km journey. I can’t remember the (60) t__________ of the book but I remember it had the word “India” in it. Will you help me get it?
Best wishes,
61. 我想睡觉,你能将电视的音量调小些吗?
62. 刘翔是中国最受欢迎的体育明星之一。
63. 小学生应该学会怎样保护自己。
64. 一般来说,美国人会与他们的家人一起过圣诞节。
65. 我认为不应该允许十六岁以下的孩子驾车。
VII. 作文(共15分)根据图片及文字提示编写一段短文描述事情的经过、结果。
要求:1. 以第一人称的语气,将文字以及图片中的信息体现在短文中;
2. 行文流畅,语法正确,单词拼写规范正确。
Can I help you?
When did you buy it?
Did you have the receipt?
There’s something wrong with the CD. I’ll give you another one.
Thank you very much.
Yes, here it is.
I’m afraid this CD doesn’t work.23
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