2015-2016学年高一英语上册必修一单元练习题33 - 图文

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精品word 你我共享

4.1 课时作业


1.In China a great ________ graduates go abroad to have a further study every year.

2.The man followed by us stopped to look as if ________ (see)whether he was going in the right direction.

3.________ (bury) in thought, I didn't notice what was happening.

4.When she heard the funny news, she burst into ________ (laugh).

5.The woman ________ (injure) in the accident should be sent to the hospital at once.

6.After the earthquake, many towns and villages were left ________ ruins.

7.________(trap) in the coal mine, the miners had no choice but to wait for rescue.

8.Hundreds of the students are still in the water, waiting ________ (rescue).

9.We were ________ (shock) at the ________ (shock) news that he died


精品word 你我共享


10.He was satisfied because his work was well thought ________.

答案:1.many 2.to see 3.Buried 4.laughter 5.injured 6.in 7.Trapped 8.to be rescued 9.shocked; shocking 10.of


1.What might happen ________ the objects in the photos?

2.A smelly gas came out ________ the cracks.

3.But the one million people of the city, who thought little ________ these events, were asleep ________ usual that night.

4.It seemed as ________ the world was ________ an end!

5.In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay ________ ruins.

6.Then, ________ that afternoon, another big quake shook Tangshan.

7.The army organized teams to dig ________ those who were trapped and to


精品word 你我共享

bury the dead.

8.Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. No wind, however, could blow them ________.

答案:1.to 2.of 3.of, as 4.if, at 5.in 6.later

7.out 8.away Ⅲ.选词填空

1.When I told her the news she ________________ crying.

2.At present, the once beautiful town is __________________.

3.We should __________________ weeds before sowing seeds.

4.He ____________________ my advice and that made me very angry.

5.Seeing the picture, he __________________ thoughts.

6.He behaves ____________________ he had no common sense.

7.__________________ birds fly to


精品word 你我共享

the south in winter.

8.Failing again doesn't mean that the world is ______________________.

答案:1.burst out 2.in ruins 3.dig out 4.thought little of 5.was buried in 6.as if 7.A great number of 8.at an end


1.The storm laid the village ________ ________.

暴风雨使这个村子成了一片废墟。 2.He talks ________ ________ he ________ everything of the world.


3.He ________ ________ the room without ________ ________ the door.


4.He ________ ________ ________ study, preparing for the exam.


5.________ he went, he received a warm welcome.



精品word 你我共享

6.________ ________ the students obey the school rules.


答案:1.in ruins 2.as if; knew 3.burst into; knocking at 4.buried himself in 5.Everywhere 6.Not all


I shall never forget the day when the earthquake took place. It was about 5 in the afternoon and I was __1__ to my daughter's school. Our plan was to go __2__ together. I'd stopped at a __3__ to get some fresh fruit. We like to have some fruit to eat after our swim. I was driving along a high __4__ on the way. __5__ my road was another road which was built like a __6__. I was __7__ so I put the bag of apples __8__ me and started to eat one. Suddenly I saw the cars in front of me start to __9__ from side to side. Then my car started to shake! I didn't know what was happening. Perhaps something had __10__ wrong with my car. I drove a little more slowly and then I __11__ the car and at the same moment the road __12__ onto 知识改变命运

精品word 你我共享

the cars in front of me. I found myself in the __13__. I couldn't move. My legs and feet were hurting badly and I couldn't move them. All around me was __14__. But above me I could hear shouts and a lot of noise. Then I memorized what had happened. I had been __15__ an earthquake. For about two hours nobody came. Luckily I could reach the bag of __16__, so at least I had plenty to eat. Then I heard people __17__ towards me. A team of people had come to __18__ if anyone was under the __19__ road. I called out, “I'm here!” I heard a shout. Soon a stranger climbed to my car. “How are you __20__?” he asked. “Not too bad,” I said. They didn't get me out until the next morning.

1.A.driving B.leading C.walking D.running

2.A.shopping B.dancing C.swimming D.sightseeing


精品word 你我共享

3.A.farm B.shop C.park D.school 4.A.road B.bridge C.school D.side 5.A.Under B.Along C.Over D.Beside 6.A.bridge B.roof C.cover D.top

7.A.tired B.excited C.sleepy D.hungry 8.A.over B.ahead of C.beside D.under 9.A.move B.roll C.dash D.jump 10.A.been B.broken

C.gone D.done 11.A.parked B.started

C.moved D.stopped 12.A.put B.ran C.fell D.jumped 13.A.dark B.afternoon

C.sun D.car


精品word 你我共享

14.A.noisy B.dusty

C.quiet D.blood 15.A.on B.at

C.by D.in

16.A.food B.sandwiches

C.apples D.bread 17.A.climbing B.shouting

C.moving D.driving 18.A.know B.tell

C.understand D.see 19.A.falling B.broken

C.breaking D.dirty 20.A.sleeping B.doing

C.eating D.going 答案与解析:



2.解析:依据后文after our swim判断,此处用swimming。



精品word 你我共享



4.解析:后文有my road,故选A。 答案:A

5.解析:over意为“在……上面”。 答案:C 6.解析:which was built like a bridge意为“公路建造得像座桥”。 答案:A

7.解析:由于“饿”才吃,故选D。 答案:D

8.解析:beside意为“在……旁边”。 答案:C

9.解析:地震中车左右摇摆。 答案:A

10.解析:注意以下句意的不同:(1)Something is wrong with the machine.=There is something wrong with the


精品word 你我共享

machine.机器有毛病。(2)Something has gone wrong with the machine.机器出毛病了。第(1)句表示状态;第(2)句强调动作。此处应是强调动作,故选C。











精品word 你我共享

15.解析:in an earthquake意为“在地震中”。 答案:D

16.解析:从上文可知为apples。 答案:C

17.解析:依据后文“Soon a stranger climbed to my car”判断,此处用climbing。


18.解析:see意为“察看”。 答案:D

19.解析:a falling/breaking road的意思为“正在塌(断裂)的路”;a broken road的意思是“已断裂的路”。路正在塌或是断裂时,是无法实施救援的。故选B。


20.解析:do可以用来询问或谈论生活或学习情况,译法较灵活。例如:He is doing well at school.他在学校很不错。


精品word 你我共享

How is the business doing?生意好吗?How are you doing?你好吗?

答案:B Ⅵ.阅读理解

After an earthquake most survivors can be expected to recover over time, particularly with the support of family and friends. Some families will be able to return to their normal life quickly, while others will have to contend_with the destruction of their homes, medical problems, and injury to family members. Children especially will need time to recover from the loss of a loved one or a pet or from the closing down of their school.

Children often turn to adults for information, comfort and help. Parents should try to remain calm, answer children's questions honestly and remain understanding when they see changes in


精品word 你我共享

their children's behaviour.

Children react differently to an earthquake depending on their ages, developmental levels and former experiences. Some will respond by withdrawing(不与人交往), while others will have angry outbursts(爆发). Parents should remain sensitive to each child's reactions. Parents should spend time talking to their children, letting them know that it's OK to ask questions and to share their worries. Although it may be hard to find time to have these talks, parents can use regular family mealtimes or bedtimes for them. They should answer questions briefly and honestly and be sure to ask their children for their opinions and ideas. Issues may come up more than once and parents should remain patient when you answer the questions again. For young children, parents, after talking about the earthquake, might read a favourite story or have a relaxing family activity to help them calm down. Parents should also tell children they are safe and


精品word 你我共享

spend extra time with them. They could play games outside or read together indoors. Most importantly, be sure to tell them you love them.

1.What's the passage mainly about? A.How to prepare before an earthquake strikes.

B.What to do in an earthquake. C.How to face the loss of a loved one in an earthquake.

D.How to help children recover mentally from an earthquake.

2.When children ask the same question again, parents should ________.

A.read a favorite story to comfort them

B.ask them to help do some housework

C.be patient and answer the question again

D.take them out to play games

3.Which of the following pieces of advice is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.Keep a close watch on children's


精品word 你我共享


B.Tell the children they are safe. C.Tell the children you love them. D.Ask educational experts for help. 4.What can we know from the passage?

A.All people will recover from an earthquake quickly.

B.Children may need a longer time to recover after an earthquake.

C.Children should turn to their classmates for help after an earthquake.

D.Children react in the same way as adults do to an earthquake.







精品word 你我共享





薄雾浓云愁永昼, 瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。 东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。



精品word 你我共享





薄雾浓云愁永昼, 瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。 东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。



