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Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题:1 分)

Directions: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions you hear. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1.

A. She is from Hong Kong.

B. She is familiar with the Hong Kong singers.

C. She is not familiar with the music they are listening to. D. She enjoys the music they are listening to. 2.

A. Salsa. B. Any jazz. C. Fast music. D. Slow music. 3.

A. Listening to a hip-hop CD. B. Listening with his MP3 player.

C. Downloading music from the Internet. D. Borrowing a CD from the woman. 4.

A. It is not easy to get tickets for the concert. B. The orchestra is the best in Europe.

C. Only the man is enthusiastic about the concert. D. The woman is not enthusiastic about the concert. 5.

A. The man probably moved in not long ago. B. The woman probably moved in not long ago. C. The man is interested in the bass.

D. The woman wants to finish the party as early as possible. 6.

A. Reading while listening to loud music. B. Reading with the music turned low. C. Trying to concentrate on the reading. D. Giving the woman his headphones. 7.

A. He likes classic jazz. B. He likes the latest jazz.

C. He prefers symphony to jazz. D. He does not like jazz at all. 8.

A. Live concerts. B. CDs.

C. The quiet atmosphere at home. D. Singers singing different songs. 9.

A. The man thinks the tickets are inexpensive while the woman thinks they are expensive. B. The man thinks the tickets are expensive while the woman thinks they are inexpensive. C. They both think the tickets are expensive. D. They both think the tickets are inexpensive. 10.

A. It is easy to carry an MP3 player.

B. The sound from a CD player is funny compared with that of an MP3 player. C. MP3 players will soon become out of date. D. CD players will soon become out of date.


A. Heavy metal. B. Rock.

C. Golden oldies. D. Pop music. 12.

A. The man won't turn on the stereo for the woman. B. The woman loves fast music.

C. Slow music can give people energy according to the man. D. Fast music can give people energy according to the man. 13.

A. The woman likes animation while the man likes realistic movies. B. The man likes animation while the woman likes realistic movies. C. They both like computer animation. D. They both like realistic movies. 14.

A. The man likes real stories while the woman likes unreal stories. B. The woman likes real stories while the man likes unreal stories. C. Both the man and the woman like real stories. D. Both the man and the woman dislike real stories. 15.

A. He doesn't want to see the movie.

B. He wants to see the movie with the woman.

C. He wants to see the movie with the woman and her friends. D. He has never heard of the movie. 16.

A. Because there is likely to be a traffic jam on the road. B. Because it is already 7 o'clock.

C. Because an interesting trailer is to be shown.

D. Because the beginning is important for understanding the film. 17.

A. She likes it because it was a film from eastern Europe.

B. She doesn't like it because she hates all films from eastern Europe. C. Although it was favorably reviewed, she doesn't like it. D. It was favorably reviewed, and she likes it. 18.

A. New films, especially war films. B. Any films except violent films. C. Any great films.

D. A war film with a revolutionary hero. 19.

A. It is exciting.

B. It will be the first step toward becoming a film star.

C. It means the woman has to sign autographs for the audience. D. It has both advantages and disadvantages. 20.

A. He wants to forget his troubles. B. He wants to celebrate.

C. He wants to see a comic movie. D. He wants to have some fun. 21.

A. He was bored.

B. He was somewhat interested. C. He enjoyed it very much. D. He was neutral about it.


A. The man is inviting the woman to go to theater. B. The woman always sees movies in theater. C. The man likes to see movies in theater.

D. The woman doesn't like seeing movies at all. 23.

A. He is an American. B. He has a poor hearing.

C. He understands the movie completely. D. He missed some details of the movie. 24.

A. Mark is more interested in the movies than in Karen. B. Karen is more interested in Mark than in the movies. C. Mark likes Karen, but Karen does not like Mark. D. Karen and Mark are interested in each other. 25.

A. The man should not approach the girl to avoid getting beaten up. B. The man should not approach the girl, for her boyfriend is quite rich. C. The man should walk out with the girl. D. The girl fancies the man. 26.

A. She is head over heels in love with the man. B. She has broken up with the man. C. She hasn't decided to marry the man. D. She has got a new boyfriend. 27.

A. Her new boyfriend has broken up with her without reason. B. Her boyfriend intends to marry her. C. She is quarreling with the man.

D. She is chatting happily with the man. 28.

A. Because Rob has fallen in love with another girl. B. Because they quarreled with each other. C. Because Rob has been cheating on Suzie. D. Because Rob has found Suzie unfaithful. 29.

A. They are close friends.

B. They are strangers to each other. C. They are colleagues.

D. They are members of the same family. 30.

A. She believes Abby must be eager to call the man.

B. She believes Abby may be disappointed for not getting a call from the man. C. She believes Abby must be hiding somewhere. D. She believes Abby must be busy at the moment. 31.

A. She loves parties. B. She hates parties.

C. She doesn't know what to wear yet. D. She likes fashionable dress. 32.

A. She broke up with Jim two month ago. B. She went through an unhappy feeling. C. She never believes in love at first sight.

D. Her opinion towards love is influenced by her sister's experience.


A. They both think there are too many ads. B. They both think there are not enough ads.

C. The man thinks there are too many ads, while the woman thinks the opposite. D. The woman thinks there are too many ads, while the man thinks the opposite. 34.

A. Security and esteem, but nothing else. B. Only fear, love and sensory pleasure. C. Basic human feelings. D. Advertising principals. 35.

A. To show the importance of the Tour of France.

B. To show the possibility of recovering from a deadly disease. C. To show that successful ads are often stories with happy endings. D. To show that a happy ending is required for all commercials. 36.

A. To show that he only knows how to copy a page by hand. B. To show that he only knows how to make photocopies. C. To show that a \

D. To show that a \ 37.

A. Because the name in Spanish suggests disasters. B. Because the name in Spanish suggests not moving. C. Because the name in Spanish means turning over. D. Because the name in Spanish means bad luck. 38.

A. Ads should be made by local people.

B. The lipstick ad is more effective in Germany. C. Ads should be adapted for particular places.

D. The same ad can be used in various places. 39.

A. To show how fast one can buy things with the card. B. To show how much he likes the card.

C. To express his disagreement with the woman. D. To express his agreement with the woman. 40.

A. Because short slogans are refreshing. B. Because people are busy.

C. Because only short slogans are impressive.

D. Because the Coca-Cola company has set a good example. 41.

A. He believes it is unfair because most people are not alcohol abusers.

B. He believes it is unfair because few people are using the healthcare system. C. He believes it is fair because the healthcare system needs the extra money. D. He believes it is fair because alcohol abuse needs additional money. 42.

A. The man asks for some money to buy bread. B. The woman spends a lot of money shopping.

C. The woman wants to buy some spring clothes for the man. D. The man is quite angry at the woman not buying him bread. 43.

A. She is a loyal customer to Nokia. B. She is a loyal customer to Ericsson.

C. She is easily influenced by advertisements. D. She is a tough consumer.


A. She is all for it.

B. She is completely against it.

C. She is willing to accept a dog, but on certain conditions. D. She needs only a dog that can do a lot of hard work. 45.

A. The man is in favor of it while the woman is against it. B. The woman is in favor of it while the man is against it. C. Both the man and the woman are in favor of it. D. Both the man and the woman are against it. 46.

A. The man and the woman know there is a law against keeping exotic birds. B. The man and the woman are against keeping exotic birds. C. The man thinks we had better treat an exotic bird as a toy.

D. The woman thinks intelligent birds have more health problems. 47.

A. A ladybird lives only in Germany.

B. A ladybird is believed to bring good luck.

C. A ladybird especially likes to stay on a lady's shoulder. D. A ladybird is from Germany. 48.

A. She started riding a pony when she was very young. B. She once worked at stables. C. Both A) and B).

D. Her uncle worked at the local stables. 49.

A. Because his parents wanted him to learn to be responsible. B. Because his parents believed it was good for his health. C. Because his parents hoped he would not be lonely.

D. Because his parents love pets. 50.

A. Because she is being bothered by the dog. B. Because she likes the dog very much. C. Because he is bored with the dog.

D. Because he wants to concentrate on his work. 51.

A. To take her dog.

B. To give his dog to her. C. To take her cat.

D. To take the landlord's cat. 52.

A. The woman jokes that as rare animals of the world, pandas enjoy comfortable lives and the care of the world.

B. The woman finds the pandas boring while the man found them valuable.

C. The man wants the pandas to eat less while the woman wanted them to sleep less. D. Both the man and woman believe the pandas were good only for eating and sleeping. 53.

A. Dogs. B. Rabbits. C. Cats. D. Turtles. 54.

A. The woman disagrees with keeping animals in zoos.

B. The man thinks animals in zoos lose their freedom totally. C. The woman thinks animals in zoos are well-fed. D. The man disagrees with keeping animals in zoos. Part 2 Short passages/dialogs and cloze (每小题:1 分)

Directions: Listen to the following recording, then fill in the blanks. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers.

Questions 1 to 19 are based on the same passage or dialog.

Although an early American (1) writer once said, \the art of music ,\you would never (3)know it today. Most Americans have their (4)favorite of music. Many like (5)classical and folk music from around the world, while other (6)popular music styles in America were made locally.

(7)country and western music is close to (8)the heart of many Americans. This style had its origins among country folks in the (9)southern and (10) western United States. Country music tells simple stories about (11)love and (12)life’s herdships . Guitars and violins give country music its (13)characteristic sound. The (14)home of country music is Nashville, Tennessee — Music City U.S.A. Country music even has its own (15)theme park, where you can enjoy (16)music shows and fun rides. \Grand Ole Opry\the (17)oldest radio show in the United States, (18)broadcasts country music (19) live every weekend.

Questions 20 to 30 are based on the same passage or dialog.

The movie is a (20) of entertainment, enabling people to forget the reality for a short time. Also movies can teach people about history, science, human behavior, and many other (21). Some films combine entertainment with (22), which therefore becomes more (23). Cinema is both an (24) and a business. Film producers (25) their creations.

The images that make up a film are (26). But when they are shown quickly one after another, our eyes cannot see the (27), but only movement. Motion pictures are (28) using a special camera that puts the images on a roll of film. Then, the roll of film is run through a (29) so that the images are displayed (30).

Questions 31 to 42 are based on the same passage or dialog.

According to the Roman law, bridesmaids and groomsmen were (31) at a wedding to deceive (32). The bridesmaids and groomsmen dressed the same as the (33) so that the evil spirits wouldn't (34) who was who. The bride's (35) was to keep evil spirits (36).

At the ceremony, the bride stands (37) and the groom (38). In ancient times a groom would (39)

his bride by force. If the groom had to (40) other men, he would hold his bride-to-be with his (41), allowing his right hand free to use his (42).

Questions 43 to 54 are based on the same passage or dialog.

In the 1920s (43) realized the possibility of using the (44) for advertising. The radio could quickly convey their message to (45) even if they did not have printed ads or they were not (46). In the 1950s television became the No.1 (47), on which advertisers could demonstrate their (48) and present (49) figures, and control (50). Today advertisers spend (51) dollars though they may not know how (52) the advertising is. A man said that he knew half of his advertising budget was (53), but he did not know (54).

Questions 55 to 60 are based on the same passage or dialog.

At an auction a man (55) a parrot. He kept bidding, but someone kept offering a higher price. So he bid higher and higher until he paid more than he (56) and got the (57). Then he asked the auctioneer if the parrot could (58). The latter answered, \can. (59) do you think kept (60) you?\

Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions (每小题:1 分)

Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.

1. What has Williams recently said?

A. Music piracy is costing the music industry a lot of money. B. Music piracy is a good thing.

C. Music piracy promotes the popularity of his songs. D. Music piracy should be banned.

2. Why is Williams so rich now?

A. He has recently inherited a lot of money.

B. He has benefited a great deal from music piracy. C. He has got lots of money from the record companies. D. He has received large donations from his fans.

3. When Williams asked the record companies about the issue of music piracy, what responses did

he get from them?

A. They were angry but would not do anything about it. B. They found themselves helpless.

C. They did not care since they could get lots of money from over-priced CDs. D. They were angry and were trying to settle the issue in court.

4. What examples of music piracy are mentioned in the passage? A. Online song-sharing. B. CD copying.

C. Downloading songs from others' disks. D. Both A) and B).

5. What is the speaker's tone about music piracy? A. Neutral. B. Negative. C. Positive. D. Sarcastic.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.

6. What is the speaker's best piece of advice for enjoying karaoke? A. You must sing as well as you can. B. You should sing as loudly as you can. C. You can sing either well or badly. D. You had better sing cheerful songs.

7. According to the passage, what is NOT expected from a singer at a karaoke bar? A. To sing like a mad person. B. To sing like a pop idol. C. To drink a lot. D. To shout loudly.

8. What does the speaker think about a succession of pretty decent singers at a karaoke bar? A. They are boring. B. They are interesting. C. They are foolish.

D. They are meant for children.

9. What does the speaker advise karaoke singers to do? A. Select a song they are very familiar with. B. Select a song they've heard most. C. Selecting a song they've sung before. D. Selecting a song they like best.

10. To whom is this talk given?

A. Those who wish to be the next pop idol. B. Those who want to win a karaoke contest. C. Newcomers at karaoke bars. D. All of the above.

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog.

11. Why did the Canadian boy suddenly become famous? A. Because he played a role in the film Star Wars. B. Because he played a role in the film The Matrix. C. Because a film of himself was put on the Internet.

D. Because a film of himself was advertised in a newspaper.

12. What did the Canadian boy do in the film? A. He played a major role in a popular film. B. He played a minor role in a popular film.

C. He pretended to be interested in the Internet in a popular film. D. He pretended to fight like a character in a popular film.

13. Who put the boy's video on the Internet? A. His classmates. B. His teacher. C. His parents. D. He himself.

14. What did those who sympathized with the boy do to help him?

A. They collected money for him and asked him to play a role in The Matrix.

B. They collected money for him and tried to get him into the next Star Wars movie. C. They found a new place for him to live in.

D. They moved him to a new school where nobody knew him.

15. What did the boy want?

A. He wanted to get more attention. B. He wanted to become a film star.

C. He wanted to lead a peaceful life as before. D. None of the above.

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the same passage or dialog.

16. What does the speaker check in order to find whether a movie is good or not?

A. Movie reviews. B. The newspaper. C. His friends.

D. All of the above.

17. Why does the speaker usually arrive at the cinema early? A. To buy something to eat. B. To buy something to drink.

C. Not to stand in a long queue to buy tickets. D. Not to miss the beginning of the movie.

18. What does the speaker do if the movie he wants to see is sold out? A. See a different movie.

B. Buy a ticket for a later showing. C. Read movie reviews instead. D. Watch TV instead.

19. What kind of seat does the speaker like? A. A seat in the back of the theater. B. A seat in the front few rows.

C. An aisle seat in the middle of the theater. D. An aisle seat in the front of the theater.

20. Which of the following does the speaker dislike during the movie? A. People talking.

B. Somebody putting their feet on the back of his seat. C. A baby crying. D. All of the above.

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the same passage or dialog.

21. What is the additional item included in the full wording of the popular rhyme about bridal clothes?

A. Something old. B. Something blue.

C. A silver sixpence in one's shoe. D. Something borrowed.

22. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage as an example of something old? A. A family jewel.

B. A watch from the grandfather.

C. The wedding dress of the bride's mother.

D. The wedding dress of the bride's grandmother.

A. Tony made the jacket himself.

B. Tony and Affleck made the jacket together.

C. The jacket itself is the real reason for Tony to wear it. D. Affleck is the main reason for Tony to like the jacket. Questions 21 to 25 are based on the same passage or dialog.

21. Why is the cat called Bo?

A. The cat is named after a clown called Bo. B. The cat is named after a singer called Bo.

C. A jazz composer called Bo gave the cat the name. D. A magician called Bo gave the cat the name.

22. Why does the woman call her cat a bad boy? A. He lives in the countryside. B. He runs out in the fields.

C. He catches various kinds of animals. D. He attacks a stranger.

23. Why was the woman concerned about the cat one day? A. He killed too many animals. B. He was run over by a car.

C. He jumped down from too high a place. D. He could not walk steadily.

24. What happened at the vet's clinic? A. The cat attacked the vet.

B. The cat ran away from the vet's.

C. The vet gave the cat a thorough checkup. D. The vet gave the cat a shot.

25. Why was the cat limping?

A. He got hurt in a traffic accident. B. He fell out of a window.

C. He wanted attention and love. D. He was feeling playful. 答案

Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题: 1 分; 满分:54 分)

(In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.)

小题 得分 对错 学生答案 Correct

1. 0 (未选) C 2. 0 (未选) D 3. 0 (未选) D 4. 0 (未选) A 5. 0 (未选) B 6. 0 (未选) A 7. 0 (未选) A 8. 0 (未选) B 9. 0 (未选) C 10. 0 (未选) 11. 0 (未选) 12. 0 (未选) 13. 0 (未选) 14. 0 (未选) 15. 0 (未选) 16. 0 (未选) 17. 0 (未选) 18. 0 (未选) 19. 0 (未选) 20. 0 (未选) 21. 0 (未选) 22. 0 (未选) 23. 0 (未选) 24. 0 (未选) 25. 0 (未选) 26. 0 (未选) 27. 0 (未选) 28. 0 (未选) 29. 0 (未选) 30. 0 (未选) 31. 0 (未选) 32. 0 (未选) 33. 0 (未选) 34. 0 (未选) 35. 0 (未选) 36. 0 (未选) 37. 0 (未选) 38. 0 (未选) 39. 0 (未选) 40. 0 (未选) 41. 0 (未选) 42. 0 (未选) 43. 0 (未选) 44. 0 (未选) D C D B C A D C B D A A C D D A C A D B B C D A C C D B C D B A B C C

45. 0 (未选) B 46. 0 (未选) B 47. 0 (未选) B 48. 0 (未选) C 49. 0 (未选) A 50. 0 (未选) D 51. 0 (未选) C 52. 0 (未选) A 53. 0 (未选) A 54. 0 (未选) A Subtotal: 0

Part 2 Short passages/dialogs and cloze (每小题: 1 分; 小题 得分 对错 学生答案 Correct 1. 0 (未答) writer

2. 0 (未答) the art of music 3. 0 (未答) know it

4. 0 (未答) favorite styles 5. 0 (未答) classical and folk 6. 0 (未答) popular music styles 7. 0 (未答) Country and western 8. 0 (未答) the heart 9. 0 (未答) southern 10. 0 (未答) western 11. 0 (未答) love

12. 0 (未答) life's hardships 13. 0 (未答) characteristic 14. 0 (未答) home

15. 0 (未答) theme park 16. 0 (未答) music shows 17. 0 (未答) oldest radio show 18. 0 (未答) broadcasts 19. 0 (未答) live

20. 0 (未答) popular form 21. 0 (未答) subjects 22. 0 (未答) instruction 23. 0 (未答) enjoyable 24. 0 (未答) art

25. 0 (未答) take great pride in/feel proud of 26. 0 (未答) individual photographs 27. 0 (未答) separate images 28. 0 (未答) recorded 29. 0 (未答) projector 30. 0 (未答) on a screen 31. 0 (未答) ten witnesses

满分:60 分) 32. 0 (未答) evil spirits

33. 0 (未答) bride and groom 34. 0 (未答) know 35. 0 (未答) veil 36. 0 (未答) away 37. 0 (未答) on the left 38. 0 (未答) on the right 39. 0 (未答) capture 40. 0 (未答) fight off 41. 0 (未答) left hand 42. 0 (未答) sword 43. 0 (未答) advertisers 44. 0 (未答) radio

45. 0 (未答) the consumers 46. 0 (未答) literate

47. 0 (未答) advertising medium 48. 0 (未答) products 49. 0 (未答) well-known 50. 0 (未答) public emotions 51. 0 (未答) millions of 52. 0 (未答) effective 53. 0 (未答) wasted 54. 0 (未答) which half 55. 0 (未答) bid on

56. 0 (未答) intended/wished 57. 0 (未答) parrot 58. 0 (未答) talk 59. 0 (未答) Who

60. 0 (未答) bidding against Subtotal: 0

Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions (每小题: 1 分; 满分:50 分)

(In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.)

小题 得分 对错 学生答案 Correct 1. 0 (未选) B 2. 0 (未选) C 3. 0 (未选) D 4. 0 (未选) D 5. 0 (未选) A 6. 0 (未选) C 7. 0 (未选) B 8. 0 (未选) A 9. 0 (未选) A 10. 0 (未选) D

11. 0 (未选) C 12. 0 (未选) D 13. 0 (未选) A 14. 0 (未选) B 15. 0 (未选) C 16. 0 (未选) A 17. 0 (未选) C 18. 0 (未选) B 19. 0 (未选) C 20. 0 (未选) D 21. 0 (未选) C 22. 0 (未选) B 23. 0 (未选) A 24. 0 (未选) D 25. 0 (未选) B 26. 0 (未选) A 27. 0 (未选) B 28. 0 (未选) C 29. 0 (未选) D 30. 0 (未选) D 31. 0 (未选) C 32. 0 (未选) A 33. 0 (未选) A 34. 0 (未选) A 35. 0 (未选) B 36. 0 (未选) D 37. 0 (未选) A 38. 0 (未选) D 39. 0 (未选) B 40. 0 (未选) C 41. 0 (未选) D 42. 0 (未选) A 43. 0 (未选) B 44. 0 (未选) C 45. 0 (未选) C 46. 0 (未选) C 47. 0 (未选) B 48. 0 (未选) A 49. 0 (未选) D 50. 0 (未选) C Subtotal: 0

Part 4 Short passages and True/False questions (每小题: 1 分; 满分:25 分)

(In the case of True/False type of questions, A stands for True and B for False, or A for Y, B for N and C for NG.)

