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Common/English/English-American Law (Legal) System/Family普通法系 - case law system- Anglo-Saxon case-law system- Anglo-American legal system Continental/Roman/Civil Law (Legal) System/Family大陆法系 - civilian legal system- civil-law system

2、civil law民法、国内法、罗马法、大陆法

3、substantive Law(实体法)VS procedural Law(程序法) 4、case law(案例法) vs. statutory law(成文法)

statutory / written / codified / enacted law制定法、成文法

5、adversary trial system(对抗制) vs. inquisitorial system (纠问制) 6、jury trial system陪审团制度

7、The reports of the United States Supreme Court联邦最高法院判例汇编 The reports of some States州法院判例汇编 8、legal cases法律案例

9、private law and / vs. public law

10、the statutory law continues to be subject to binding interpretation through case law (其成文法继续适用通过判例法(注:即先例)进行的有约束力的解释) 11、Common law (in narrow sense): - common general law - local law - itinerant judges of the English royal court - enforcement of a claim - special form of action: writ - classical Roman law - Provisions of Oxford (1258)牛津条例 - “writ upon the case”本案令状 12、enforcement 强制执行;claim 请求;action 诉讼行为;writ 法院令状; recourse 追索权;追索,追偿 13、Equity law衡平法

- “ equity ”——doing equity - chancellor - relief 救济 - judiciary

- Court of Chancery (衡平法院)and / vs. ordinary common law courts -maxim

- fixed, inflexible

- equitable doctrines (e.g. law of salvage at sea)

- In a conflict between law & equity,equity should prevail. 14、award

compensatory, compensate damages

specific performance特定履行|实际履行 injunction强制令

real/immoveable property(不动产) and / vs. personal/moveable property (动产) 15、 common law remedy/relief:普通法救济 - (compensatory) damages金钱赔偿

16、 equity/equitable remedies/relief:衡平法救济 - injunction ( a temporary or final order to do or not to do a specific act)强制令 - specific performance (a party to an agreement is ordered by the court to perform his obligations according to the terms of the agreement) - restitution 17、judicial

express (明示)vs. implied (默示) provision, provide

jurisdiction 管辖区域,法域; (司法)管辖权 civil suit民事诉讼 title

the law of property财产法 before the judge在法庭上 17、 apply/applicable/available适用于

be subject to受。。。。的约束

? This case is subject to Chinese law. 受……约束,引申为适用

? Chinese law applies / is applicable to / is available to this case. 适用于


judge-made law法官制定的法律 make the law制定法律 usage term

connote / mean

in contrast to, as contrasted with subject matter标的

19、Two parallel court systems(Double Track system)双轨制

? Federal Court System联邦法院系统 - U.S. / Federal District Court联邦地区法院 - U.S. / Federal Court of Appeals联邦上诉法院 - U.S. / Federal Supreme Court联邦最高法院

? State Court System州法院系统 - Trial / circuit Court审判法院|巡回法院 - State Appellate Court (Court of Appeals)上诉法院 - State Supreme Court最高法院 20、Separation of powers - Legislative branch: Congress - Executive branch: President - Judicial branch: Courts

Checks and Balances Judicial Review - the ability of a court to decide on the constitutionality of legislation 21、美国的法官

? 联邦和州最高法院的法官

? ——大法官,justiceChief Justice Associate Justice

? 上诉法院和审判法院的法官

? ——法官,judge Chief Justice Associate Justice ? 基层法院的审判人员

? ——治安法官,justice of the peace ? ——司法官,magistrate

22、The U.S. Supreme Court, compose of nine justices, sits as the final and controlling voice over all these systems.美国联邦最高法院由9个大法官(1 Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justice)组成,对全部这些法律体系有最终的控制性的发言权。 23、issue 问题,争论点

litigant 诉讼当事人

plead (the case)(向法庭)陈述案情; plead(在法庭)申辩,认罪,辩护 ;申诉; 答辩; 为…辩护, 抗辩 before a court court/judicial decisions judgment / decision / holding review / rehear 重审,再审,复审 appeal, appealable proceed through hear, hearing as of right vs. discretionary in which the court is located discretion territory abolish tribunal

24、Two-tiered system 两级审判制 25、Since 1988, review by the Supreme Court in civil cases is discretionary; virtually all civil appeals as of right to the highest court have been abolished.从1988年开始,最高法院对民事案件的复审有决定权;实际上,所有民事案件都可以作为(法定)权利而上诉到最高法院的作法已经被废除了。 26、(compromise) approach - (international conventions)

impose (on / upon sb.) capital punishment writ of certiorari

provided for by statute specific 27、ad hoc

Versus (vs. or v.):

29、允许上诉(grant leave to appeal),

30、审查下级法院判决的诉讼文件移送命令(writ of certiorari)

31、US: Article III, section 2 (UK: Section 3, paragraph 2; CN: Article 3, paragraph 2)

Plaintiff vs. Defendant

applicant / claimant vs. respondent appellant vs. appellee

court of first / second / last instance

court of last resort / final hearing / final judgment higher/superior court vs. lower/inferior court 31、 constitutional 1. 宪法规定的,合乎宪法的2. 宪法的

justice 1. 正义; 公正, 合理2. 法律制裁; 司法; 审判3. 法官

judicial 司法的, 法庭的, 审判的,法官的(e.g. judicial acceptance, judicial system,judicial decisions, judicial interpretation…)

judiciary 司法,司法系统法庭或法庭制度; (总称)法官,审判官; 司法系统,司法部 ; 法院的; 审判员的; 司法的

career judiciary 职业法官

learned judges (e.g. Lord Denning) justice (supreme court), judge

bench (court) trial and / vs. jury trial the rules and regulations 规章制度 provisions, treaties

laws, executive acts and regulations 法律,行政法令和条例 32、be called/admitted to the Bar具有开业律师资格

bar examination

the practicing bar 执业律师 the bench vs. the bar

be required to be admitted to practice (law) but do not practice while on the bench American Bar Association (ABA)

be admitted ( to practice) before the federal court law firm

attorney / attorney at law / counselor(civil) advocate 辩护律师

consultant, advisor, planner, negotiator

house / corporate counsel专职法律顾问,公司法律顾问 The United States Department of Justice (UK) solicitor / barrister 32、律师 美国

Lawyer、Attorney、Attorney –at-law、Counselor、Counselor–at-law 英国

Barrister诉讼律师,大律师,出庭律师 Solicitor非诉律师,诉状律师,事务律师 32、 大学后教育 (postgraduate)


JD,Juris Doctor——法律博士

LLM,Master of Laws——法学硕士

SJD,Doctor of Juridical Science——法学博士 33、unjust enrichment

connote / refer to / mean be available

elements, requirements, conditions, requisites, prerequisites Legal effect performance

create / make / form / conclude / enter into contracts breach

34、 It creates obligations for which some sort of legal enforcement will be available if performance

is not forthcoming as promised. 它设立了当不按约履行时,便可由某种法律强制手段保证实施的义务。 35、 Three elements in a transaction——contract

? 1. The agreement-in-fact事实协议 ? 2. The agreement-in-written书面协议

? 3. The set of rights and duties ……一系列权利与义务 36、ownership: tangible(有形的), intangible(无形的)

detailed / specific rules govern / regulate

real property/ immovable property/ real estate(不动产) vs. personal property/ movable property/ chattel(动产) bodies of law

37、Copyrights 版权

Patents 专利权

Shares of corporate stock 公司股权 Negotiable instruments 票据权

- e.g. cheques, promissory ,note, bills of exchange

infliction of physical injury 38、 violate (the rights, the law), violation

property rights commission, commit a crime, robbery, etc. individual rights criminal acts personal rights tortious acts 39、

transfer / convey (conveyance) legal mechanism

law of contracts / torts expectations

40、Legal mechanism for protecting the expectations that arise from the making of agreements for the future exchange of various types of performance.合同法是保护预期利益的法律机制,该预期利益产生于就未来交易各类履行而制定的契约。 41、proceed lease agreement raise issues loophole breach of contract and tort : concurrence 42、fraud” conduct欺诈行为 43、Example of Contracts

? Employment contracts 雇佣合同 ? Service Contracts 服务合同 ? Building Construction 建造合同 ? Insurance Contracts

? Contract involving real property

? Sale of Intangibles(stocks, bonds, patents, copyrights,etc) 44、Expectation damages预期赔偿金

Agreed upon remedies补救协议 Equitable relief衡平救济

45、Formation of contract合同的成立

? contract formation

? both parties to the contract

? competent parties 有法定资格的主体,适格的主体/当事人 ? legal capacity / ability 法律能力, 法定资格,法定身份 ? mutual assent 合意

? meeting of the minds / mutuality of agreement 意思表示一致 ? invitation to treat / of offer要约邀请 ? counter offer反要约

? firm offer 实盘

? revocation (revoke) 撤销 ? rejection 拒绝 ? lapse 届满

46、Performance of contract

? grounds for non-performance of contracts ? mistake

? changed circumstances: impossibility and frustration of purpose 合同目的落空

? force majeure 不可抗力

? lack of (legal) capacity: minors 未成年人, mental deficiency ? duress 胁迫 and undue influence 不当影响 ? misrepresentation 误述,虚伪陈述 ? unconscionability 显失公平

? contracts against public policy,illegal contracts (legality) 47、Breach of contract and remedies

? compensatory damages 补偿性赔偿 vs. punitive damages 惩罚性赔偿 ? expectation loss 预期利益损失vs. reliance loss 依赖利益损失

? liquidated damages 议定赔偿 vs. unliquidated damages 未议定赔偿 ? specific performance ? restitution remedies

? repudiate, repudiation 拒绝履行 ? anticipatory repudiation 预期违约 ? repudiatory breach 毁约性违约 ? suspend 中止

? cancel (cancellation) / terminate (termination) / rescind (rescission) the contract 解除合

? mitigation of damages ? foreseeability 48、categories

? unilateral contract 单务合同vs. bilateral contract 双务合同 ? express contract 明示合同vs. implied contract 默示合同 ? formal contact 要式合同vs. informal contract 不要式合同 ? valid, void, voidable contract 有效,无效,可撤销合同 ? quasi contract 准契约 49、 claim vs. debt 债权,债务

creditor vs. debtor 债权人,债务人

physical loss vs. non-physical loss 有形损失,无形损失 - e.g. loss of or damage to the goods, economical loss 50、source / authority 法律渊源

leading case, leading authority apply the rules of law to decide disputes , cases

prior / past judicial / court decisions, cases ordinances 条例,主要用于美国英语中

51、Primary source(首要法源) VS Secondary source(次要法源)


the case subjudice / under adjudication

feel obliged to obligation regime of law

be justified on two grounds justification predictability

ascertainable rules of law binding on / upon

the case presented for decision

an appellate court of higher rank (level) in the same jurisdiction

material facts, circumstances

overrule the earlier decision, overruling retroactively 有溯及力的 the parties to the earlier case

the case under decision / adjudication general application enact

Statute of Frauds

evidenced by a signed writing

enforceable revision

Uniform Commercial Code govern, regulate reasoning

be bound to follow the provisions of a valid statute legislature

modify or eliminate ascertain / find

construction, interpretation

legislative debates, committee reports promulgation in draft form section

force of law

- a statute or a court decision has the ~ justify cite, quote

judicial discretion

54、 Under the common law system: a. Judicial views/opinions: judicial decisions (primary authority, the law itself) b. Legal commentary: commentary by legal scholars (secondary authority, NOT the law)

treatise vs. treaty

reported decisions of American courts

propose solutions for unresolved issues / disputes 56、Intentional tort

Negligence or negligent tort Strict liability tort 57、Personal tort

Property tort

compensation and damages 58、 maritime tort

the law of torts, contracts (tort law, actual loss vs. intangible damage contract law) intangible damage: e.g. mental damage damage claims recovery, recover plaintiff vs. defendant verdict be entitled to do sth. action, proceeding attorney

award n. , v. (~ a verdict, money, damages, compensation )

the injured party, the aggrieved party, the offended party, the victim, the sufferer the tortfeasor, the wrongdoer, the offender, the offending party

personal injury or death (loss of life) recovery of damages, to recover damages tort, contract claims


Personal injury人身伤害 Implied contract默示合同

Breach of warranty违背保证诺言 60、

be liable / responsible for express statutory provisions tortious act abolish act as one’s agent state immunity

61、in limited form also children (however, parents only then when they acted as the child’s agent or did not comply with their duty to supervise),在有限的情况下儿童亦然(但是,父母仅当其作为该儿童的代理人或未能按照其监护义务行事时才负此责) 62

be protected against a claim against sb. provide, provisions contribute to third parties


arising out of / from resulting from originating from caused by growing out of derive / stem / come from 64、Everyone is protected against tortious act, including the embryo. 每个人包括胎儿都受保护,免遭侵权行为的伤害。

65、 The heirs or next of kin may have a damage claim for the intentional or negligent death of their

relative or testator (wrongful death action )继承人或近亲属可以对他们亲属或立遗嘱人因故意或疏忽侵权造成的死亡(非正常死亡之诉)提出损害赔偿要求。 66、 A party injured as a result of the intoxication of the tortfeasor has a claim against him who

contributed to the tortfeasor’s intoxication.作为侵权行为人醉酒之结果而受到伤害的当事人有权向造成该侵权行为人醉酒的人提出索赔请求。 67、 大体上in the main 、by and large、in general、in principle、in the gross、on the whole 、as

a rule、for the most part 68、Intentional Torts

Battery 殴打

Assault 侵犯他人身体

Conversion of property 非法侵占财产 False imprisonment 非法拘禁

Trespass to personal and real property 侵占动产、不动产 Defamation 诽谤

Invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私权 Products liability 产品质量责任 69、Intentional Torts

conversion: unauthorized use of property intentional torts against person trespass to personal and real property intentional torts against property nuisance Infliction of mental distress / damage 70、tort liability for negligence

causality, causation

factors / elements / requirements / conditions / prerequisites / requisites comply with / observe / follow duty of care

objective(ly) vs. subjective(ly) contributory negligence prudent defense restrictive interpretation assume(assumption of ) the risk owe the duty toward comparative negligence gratuitously last clear chance 71、Guest statutes 宾客法规

72、Contributory negligence 共同过失 73、Comparative negligence比较过失 74、Strict Liability严格责任

No fault无过错责任 75、

rebuttable presumption without regard to deduce fault or negligence from in view of show / prove / establish / demonstrate

76、The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur 不言自明原则 77、

fault(-based) principle jointly and severally liable adopt joint torts 共同侵权 insurance premiums nominal damages 名义上的轻微赔偿 insurance proceeds compensatory damages 补偿性赔偿 liability insurance vs. property insurance - economic loss vs. non-economic loss cover the risk 投保风险 punitive damages 惩罚性赔偿 litigation standard of care 注意标准 vicarious liability 替代责任 reasonable care 合理注意 vicariously liable proximate cause vs. remote cause joint and several liability 连带责任 78

partisan advocacy (偏向式辩护) the two opposing sides/parties(对立双方) 79、question-and-answer method

the opposing side, the opposing counsel Object, your honor, irrelevant.

(The objection is )overruled /sustained.反对被驳回/支持 You may proceed.继续 present the case paramount throughout the proceedings existing 现行的 judgment vindicate (the legal rights and interests) litigation, litigator, litigant rule / ruling (on) 裁决,裁定 judicially developed doctrines issue regulate / govern file a suit 80、preponderance of the evidence* 优势证据原则

(under civil procedural law) - “balance of probability” proof beyond a reasonable doubt 排除一切合理怀疑原则 (under criminal procedural law)

81、find / ascertain / determine / discover the truth at trial

procedural rules vs. substantive principles of law

preponderant evidence 82、Civil Trial Process

Pleadings (initial formal process):

- filing of the complaint 提交起诉状

- service (to notify the D by serving a copy of the complaint) 送达 - summons 传票 - D’s answer 答辩状

- default judgment 缺席判决 - counter claim / cross claim Pretrial process / motion:

- discovery process - summary judgment Selection of jury

Submission of evidence

Judge’s charges (to the jury) Jury deliberation and verdict Judge’s judgment

83、Submission of evidence Order of presentation - opening statements: P, D - (direct) examination and cross examination*: P,D (redirect / recross ~) - rebuttal evidence: P & D - closing arguments: P, D - P’s right of rebuttal 84、 trial docket

motion 动议

continuance or postponement attorney / counsel / lawyer

appear, enter an appearance 出庭到案 closing arguments,statements,remarks mistrial

enter a judgment on 85、 提起诉讼

? claim against sb. ? proceed against sb.

? bring actions against sb. 86、 affirm / sustain / upheld 维持 vary / modify 变更 reverse / overrule 推翻 revoke / vacate 撤销

remand / remit for reconsideration 发回重审 dismiss / set aside 驳回 remove 移送

dismiss / allow the appeal 驳回 / 支持上诉 moot court / mock court 模拟法庭

87、coplaintiffs vs. codefendants 共同原/被告

? institute actions against sb.

? institute / bring proceedings against sb. ? file a suit

the opposing side(s) / party (parties) 对立的双方 / 当事人

a matter / issue / question of law , a matter / issue / question of fact 事实 / 法律问题 out-of-court settlement 庭外和解 ADR (alternative dispute resolution)

- a procedure for settling a dispute by means other than litigation, such as arbitration or


judicial opinion / opinion of the court 司法判决意见书

majority opinion 多数意见书; dissenting opinion 反对意见书; concurring opinion 附和意见书(同意判决结论,但反对判决理由) holdings / decisions 判决 judgment: ratio / radio decidendi 判决理由

dictum / obiter dictum 法官的附带意见(即无关案件判决的陈述)

reports / reporters 案例报告 transcript 庭审记录

writ of execution (to enforce a judgment)执行令 litigation / arbitration proceedings诉讼/仲裁程序 notice of appeal 上诉通知

original / appellate jurisdiction 初审/上诉管辖权 88、

evidentiary rules the matter / fact in / at issue proceeding out-of-court statement testimony strike the evidence the case at hand

adhere to / follow / observe / comply with mistrial general provisions take effect construction, construe enactment rule, ruling on pending substantial right vs. procedural right injustice

except as / unless otherwise provided / stipulated by the law

provide / stipulate / prescribe / state / read / specify / set forth / lay down provision, stipulation, prescription 规定 testify thereto

parole evidence (口头证据)vs. documentary evidence (书面证据) burden / onus of proof 举证责任 cause of action 诉因

allege,allegation 主张,指控

on the merits of the case 按案件实质 rationale 基本原理

promissory estoppel & waiver 禁止反言及弃权 approve, adopt,ratify 批准,通过 enact 制定(法律); 通过(法案)


law , statute , act , code , regulation条例 , ordinance 命令,决议 court rules 法院规则

right, obligation / duty, responsibility / liability grant a new trial 下令重申

89、proceed 进行, 继续下去;接着做,继而做;前进, 行进

issue 问题; 争论点 ;签发

jurisdiction 管辖权;司法权;管辖区域; 法域 90、在这一方面,在这一点上

? in this regard ? in / at this point ? in this respect ? in this connection 91、前述的

? above-mentioned ? aforesaid ? preceding 92、关于

? with regard to / regarding / as regards ? related to / in relation to / relative of ? with respect to / in respect of ? pertaining to ? concerning / concerned with ? associated with / in association with 93、 总之

all in all \\In the aggregate\\To sum up\\in short\\in conclusion\\in a word 94、大体上

? in general ? in the main ? by and large ? on the whole ? in principle ? as a rule ? in the gross ? for the most part 95、根据

? in terms of ? on the basis of ? by virtue of ? pursuant to ? according to / in accordance with ? on the ground that ? in the light of 96、符合, 与……一致

? correspond to ? conform to (with) / in conformity with ? accord with ? tally with ? In line with ? satisfy / meet / fulfill ? be consistent with 97、因此

? so ? as a result ? therefore ? consequently / in consequence ? hence ? thereby / hereby ? thus ? accordingly 98、而且, 另外

? besides ? apart from (that) ? in addition (to) ? moreover ? further / furthermore 99、但是

? however ? nevertheless ? but / though 100、

exclusive economic zone territorial sea

internal waters vessel under its flag the archipelagic waters of an archipelagic state vessel of its registry coastal Vessels having the nationality land-locked shipping protectionism fly the flag entitlement the vessel flying its flag

fundamental/underlying/basic principles , general principles public / private international law UNCLOS 1982 jurisdiction over a vessel with reasonable regard to in this respect / regard / connection framework

exercise(n.,v.) / enforce (enforcement) / execute (execution) / dispense title

register 登记; 登记簿; 主管登记的人,登记员 registry 登记处

registrar登记员,登记官;过户登记处 priority in registration presumption prevail (over) void, valid in good faith confer on / grant / accord elements / requirements / conditions / prerequisites flag state treaty(ies), treatise(s) assume, undertake be obliged to citizens, subjects, nationals contracting parties, state parties article, paragraph, subparagraph, sentence

statement / provision / stipulation / prescription state / provide / stipulate / prescribe,fix conditions for the purpose of the treaty, CMC, HR… double nationality

fall under / within 属于,该当

exclusive competence 专属法院管辖权

reside / lie / rest with / within 归于,取决于,是……的责任,由……负责 contend be bound by

leading case / authority (precedent)

whereas 鉴于 (法律用语,用于正式文件中句子的开头); 但是, 然而,尽管(用以比较或对比两个事实)

impose sth. (on / upon sb.) port of registry shipyards certificate of registry co-owners: joint owners, part owners removal from the register / deregistration genuine connection / link the law of the state of registration open registry open to public inspection 101、flag of convenience (~ships/countries) - to avoid heavy taxation (tax immunity) - to avoid inconvenient governmental regulations (high standards in safety regulations) - to avoid high operating costs (costs of crewing, etc)

102、priority between different types of liens, priority between maritime liens

high, highest priority / ranking

have / take priority over, rank ( in priority) before / ahead of rank after, be subject to

rank pari pass / equally with each other / as between themselves

? A registered mortgagee has priority over all mortgages registered after and all unregistered

mortgages created before.

? The registered mortgage ranks after previously registered mortgages, possessory liens and

maritime liens whenever created.

103、vice versa

pari passu

pro rata (ratably / in proportion)

104、in rem procedure , proceedings / actions in rem

be enforced against privileged claims compulsorily requisitioned for public purposes called into effect, take effect

discharge 履行; 卸船; 排放, 溢出 institute one’s action provided that towage, … perils of the sea obtain judgment, indemnity, security notice rules spring from, derive from specify = clearly state / provide incur liability spare parts, shaft, propeller appurtenances / accessories / apparels 附属物,属具 appropriated to the vessel creditor vs. debtor claim vs. debt claimant vs. respondent mortgagee (lender) vs. mortgagor (s/o, borrower) action in rem vs. action in personam

on aboard / aboard vs. ashore / on shore / land

commercial / voluntary / private sale vs. judicial / forced / auction / public sale, sale / auction by court

extinction, extinguish 消灭

(be paid out of ) the auction proceeds / proceeds of auction sale assignment(转让)of liens lien holders

shipbuilders / repairers’ rights of retention (possessory liens) extinction of maritime liens by lapse of time rank in the order listed

be subject to suspension or interruption satisfy (satisfaction of) the claims competent authorities

Please also see the International Convention on Maritime Liens and Mortgages, 1993 (MLM Convention 1993) after class. 105、navigator appliances 装置,用具 work out the best course 航线 good seamanship clean the holds windlass during ballast passage (in ballast) keep watch

officers vs. petty officers, ratings overtime to allow leave accommodation qualified, qualification

106、proceed 进行, 继续下去;接着做,继而做;前进, 行进

issue 问题; 争论点 ; 签发

jurisdiction 管辖权;司法权;管辖区域; 法域

be subject to 受……约束,受制于;适用;受偿顺序在后 discharge 履行; 卸船; 排放, 溢出 term 术语 , 专门用语; 条款; 条件 course 方向;航向,航线; available

107、Cargo ships vs. Passenger ships

Dry cargo ships vs. Liquid cargo ships Liner (班轮) vs. Tramp (不定期货船) Container ships vs. General cargo carriers Tanker vs. Bulk carriers RO/RO vs. LO/LO

OBC, OBO - Ore Bulk oil (Carrier) 矿石,散货和石油多用途船 harbour, port, wharf, dock, quay(side) pier, jetty 凸码头,防波堤 tug vs. tow

barge 驳船(运河、河流上运载客货的大型平底船), lighter 驳船 ocean-going /sea going vessel stable, stability

anchor(ing) vs. moor(ing)

hull 外壳,船身 (hull insurance 船险) main deck, sides, bottom plating, frame, keel, beam

cargo space, ’ tween deck,engine room, bridge, double bottom tank booking space on aboard / aboard vs. ashore / on shore / water ballast / ballast water land deck vs. bulkhead load vs. unload / discharge tank vs. hold stowage fore peak tanks vs. after peak tanks self-trimming general cargo vs. bulk cargo maintain the stability liquid vs. dry bulk cargo crane, derrick containerized vs. non-containerized cargo TEU (Twenty-feet Equivalent Unit) loading port vs. discharging port FEU (Forty-feet Equivalent Unit) above and below deck, on deck ventilation

vessel’s / ship’s tackle 船吊 vs. shorebased crane 岸吊 stem / bow 船首vs. stern 船尾

portside 左舷 vs. starboard side 右舷

