小清华辅导中心 2012-2013学年 六年级上册 英语期末综合试卷〖开心版〗

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学校__ 班级___________ 姓名___________ 成绩

---------------------------------------装---------------------------------------订---------------------------------------线--------------------------------------- 1.a bottle of shampoo____________ 2.2.a piece of candy_____________ 3.a box of tissues_____________ 4.4.a bar of soap________________ 5.go hiking__________ 6.6.go diving___________ 7.7.go ice-skating_______ 8.一块糖______________ 二、用括号里正确的形式填空。 9.9.一卷手纸_____________ 10.10.去钓鱼_____________ 11.去跳舞____________ 12.12.去游泳_______________ 13.13.寻找________ 14.照顾_____________ 15.15.笔记本____________ 16.16擅长于_____________ 1.My mother_______(get) a bar of soap yesterday. 2.She’s going to_______(write) a letter. 3.He likes ________ (swim) and ________ (play) basketball. 4.He________ (buy) a carton of ice cream this morning. 5.The toy glasses________(be)five yuan. 6.Which is________(big),,a turtle or a snail? 7.I go hiking ______(two)a year,and go swimming ______(one) a month. 8.---Jenny got a bad mark. ---Is she________(bad)than Mary? 9.Tony is the_______ (tall) boy in his class. 10.This must________(be) the most expensive watch in the world. 三、根据中文提示,补全句子。 1.你在商店买了一包薯条吗?Did you buy____ ____ ____ ____ at the store? 2.我总是骑我的自行车去上学。I________ ______ ____ _____to school. 3.我一个月去跳两次舞。I ____ ________ _____ a month. 4.谁高一点,Jenny 还是 Tony? _____ ____ _____,Jenny ____ Tony? 5.鲸鱼是世界上最大的动物。The _______ is ____ _______ animal in the world. 6.“你的铅笔盒贵吗?”“不,它比我的玩具飞机还要便宜。” --Is yout pencil case ________ ?--No,it’s _______ than my toy plane. 7.我经常搭公共汽车上学。I ________go to school ______ ______。 8.-你多久吃一次鱼?-不经常吃。____ _____ do you eat fish?--Not _____ often. 9.-这个多少钱?-两百元。--How ____ is it?---It’s two ________ yuan.

10.四十加五十等于九十。Forty ___ ______ ___ ninety.


1.cheap(反义词)_________ 2.always(反义词)_______ 3.we(宾格)______

4.old(比较级)________ 5.find(过去式)______ 6.good(最高级)_________

7.dance(动名词)________ 8.thin(比较级)______ 9.heavy(比较级)________

10.buy(过去式)________ 11.two (序数词)______ 12.hot(最高级)________


1.smallest in book your animal the what‘s ( ?)


2.at beaytiful look the tree bird the in (!)


专业、专注成就你的未来! 第 1 页 共 1 页 小清华辅导

小清华辅导中心 2012-2013学年 六年级上册 英语期末综合试卷 〖开心版〗3.live a system called we the solar in place(.)


4.you a of piece at did buy candy the store ( ?)


5.does she three horse-riding times a about year( ?)


6.the from the is pluto furthest Earth ( .)


7.knives cooking bought father my yesterday some for (.)



Model:cheapest pen/ blue one

Which is the cheapest pen? The red one.

1.best T shirt /white one


2.tallest boy/Tony


Model:I/go dancing/once a week

How often do you go dancing? I go dancing once a week.

1.we/go/hiking/twice a month


2.Peter/go ice-skating/three times a year.



1._______does your mother get to work? --By bike.

2.________do you go fishing?--Once a week.

3.________did you buy those glasses?--At Happy shop.

4._______stuffed animal is it?--It’s hers.

5.________turtles are there in the picture?--Only one.

6.________are the computers?--They ’re6000 dollars.

7.________do you play basketball?--I play basketball on Sunday.

8.________is the biggest animal in the world?--The whale.

9.________is bigger,the red one or the blue one?--The red one is bigger.

10.________is the best student in your class?--Tony.

八、阅读题 。

Hello,I’m Jim. There are 6 people in my family.They are my father,my mother,my two twin sisters Lucy and Lily,my brother John and me.Lily is 17 years old.She is tall. John is 2 years older than Lily.He is taller than her.I’m the youngest in my family. I’m the shortest of all.My father,Mr Green,is 15 years older than my mother,My mother is 39year old.I love my family.

1.Mr.Green have ________ people.

2.________is the tallest child in the family .

3. ________is the oldest and ________ is the youngest in the family.

4.Mr.Green is ______________ years old. John is ______________ years old.

专业、专注成就你的未来! 第 2 页 共 2 页 小清华辅导

