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TEST1 21.He refused to acknowledge that he was defeated. (C. Admit) 22.That book is the authentic story of a doctor's life.(B. genuine) 23. The pilot really knows how to handle an airplane. (A. steer) 24. He was in town to promote his new book. (D. publicize) 25. The police pursued the bank robber. (D. Chased) 26. Bridges over railroad tracks eliminate danger in crossing.( A.get rid of ) 27. The hospital is supported by voluntary contributors. (B. Volunteered) 28. You are wasting your potential on this job. (C. Capability) 29. He has a substantial understanding of economics. (B. a solid) 30. The Chamber of Commerce boosts local business.(C. advances )

31. He is so clever ,and he makes me feel ______.(B.inferior)

32. The king was so much under the influence of his wife that he was the____ruler of the


33. The decision was made in ___ with local police.(A. Consultation)

34. the__owner of the house was the duke of wellington.(D. original)

35. He views everything from a political______(B.perspective)

36. Your work is________all praise.(C. Beyond)

37. After being defeated they ____to the enemy.( B. Submitted)

38. They traveled from London to Paris___Dover. ( A. Via)

39. They have ________ to the files. (B.means)

40. Don't waste energe ______over such a minor matter.(D. Handing)

TEST2 21. They went away for a fortnight on holiday. (B. two weeks ) 22. The play was too sophisticated for them. (D. complicated ) 23. They purchased a car last week.( A. bought ) 24. Will you help me to shift the furniture round, please? (C. move ) 25. He erased all the pencil marks on the book. (D. rubbed out ) 26. It was sensible of him to do that. (C. wise ) 27. The affair looks suspicious to me. (B. doubtful ) 28. That was an awful crime. (A. a terrible ) 29. To save more money you'll need to be more frugal.( D. economical ) 30. How to talk to a Martian is an academic question. (A. a theoretical )

31. My property was ________ of in a sale.( C. Disposed)

32. When Mr. Green retired his son ____ the business from him. (B. took over )

33. We'd be ________ off without all that noise from the children's room.(C. better )

34. If the land belongs to you, why don't you lay ________ to it? (D. claim )

35. The repairs to your car will cost you ________ $35. (D. at most )

36. The crowd____when it began to rain . ( B. Scattered)

37. We hope that these meetings will __friendly relations between our two countries. (A.

foster )

38. This company is one of the largest________of its kind. ( C. Enterprises)

39. The old universities of Oxford and Cambridge still have a lot of _____. (A. Prestige)

40. He does the _____amount of work but expects promtion.( B. Minimum)


21. A child hears his mother tongue spoken rom morning till night in its genuine form.( C. Real)

22. Only a decade ago it had no modern industry worth speaking of. ( C. 10 years )

23.The first few months of the year I had dreaded the ringing of the telephone, because I knew it meant another critical decision to be made.(D. Crucial)


24. Women are assumed to be weaker, slower and less skilled than men. (A. Supposed) 25. In protest, blacks and sympathetic whites sat at the counters of these restaurants and refused to move until they were served. (A. considerate )

26. The brain drain of experts away from developing countries will greatly influence these countries' development of sophisticated industry.(B. Advanced)

27. It's no use just telling me to do it; give me positiveadvice as to how to do it.B. helpful 28. They are confronting tremendous and more complicated problems.(D. Facing) 29. Do you have any concept of what the room will look like with those colors?(D. idea)

30. The professor may give extra attention outside of class to a student in need of help but probably will not treat him or her differently when it comes to evaluating school work. (A. commenting )

31.the structure of this animal's brain gives no __ that it is any more intelligent thanothers.


32.Cater agreed to try to reduce American oil imports and control ___in the united states.


33. To ________ someone is to hurt him so that he suffers great pain.( D. Torture)

34. I learn that Mr. Rolleston has opened ________ with you for the publication of a

series of Irish books. ( C. Negotiations)

35. While others sat at home studying papers on the subject, Jefferson got into a boat and made __ observations. ( D. on-the-spot)

36. John was not listening and made a __ answer when called upon to recite.(C. random)

37. A ___ person is one who does things without thinking about what the results might be.(D. reckless )

38. In that company, there appears ________ among clerks caused by the increasing use of

computers. (D. redundancy )

39. John was a knowing man and very ________. ( A. Resourceful)

40. It is a _for a city official to take tax money for his own use. (C. scandal )


21. To his surprise, he experienced an unexpected change for the better in his emotional outlook. (C. prospect ) 22. The international conference on college English teaching last year was hosted by our

department. (B. sponsored ) 23. We agreed to ship our products to their country. ( B. transport ) 24. Steel production in that factory is targeted for 50,000 tons this month.(B. Aimed) 25. The prisoners became desperate in their attempts to escape.(D. wild ) 26. My calculation was wrong because I overlooked one tiny point. (A.neglected ) 27. Corruption in government was exposed through the agency of the press.(A. Dishonesty ) 28. If you stand there you obscure our view of the race. (C. Shade) 29. It is important that the selections be chosen from contemporary writings.(B. Modern) 30. Anyone who doubts that global financial markets control national economies need only look at the crisis facing the "tigers" of the Far East (B. universal )

31. Whether he can pass the examination is thought to be _____ for his going abroad.( D.

crucial )

32. Every time he thought of the innocent people he killed in China, his __ was troubled.

(C.conscience )

33. The FBI arrived in time to prevent the _ of the secret documents. (A. transmission )

34. One of the attractive features of the course was the way the practical work had been ___ with the theoretical aspects of the subject. (D. integrated )

35. I do wish you could ________ these sheets of paper together.( C. paste )


36.Cleaning out the basement was a ________ job. ( A. Tedious)

37. The code was ________ to anyone who didn't have the key. ( D. Unintelligible)

38. It is easier to aim at a ________ than at a moving target.(A. Stationary)

39. The __ for the new classroom to be built next year are now ready.(C. specifications )

40. Mr. Smith attends to the ____ of important matters himself.(D. transaction )

Test 5 21.the market management in this city needs to be reinforced by an effective law.

(C.strengthened) 22.This airport is notorious for its bad security.(D.infamous)

23.Further investigation conducted by a group of experts revealed previously hidden


24.Real-life impressions of nature are far more memorable than any lesson children can extract from a book.(B.derive) 25.Students will find how wind direction and intensity shift at different attitudes.(D.change) 26.She suddenly recalled that her blanket had been taken away.(B.remembered)

27.When he checked in a hotel, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. (B.registered) 28.He expressed his gratitude to her for her favorable help with the experiment.(C.thanks) 29.They spent 3days in the desert without water,and they could not endure much st 30.His concern forbids him to leave the house at such a time.(D.prohibits)

31. First,let him look at their fingertips through a____glass.(B.magnifying)

32.the students will get a basic lesson in scientific cause and ___(C.effect)

33.by sharing your students' curiosity,you can give them a valuable lesson that___(A.extends)

34.with a careful thought, she responded with more logical, complete and___answer.B.creative

35. The newly-discovered medicine had its ___only on ordinary colds.(D.effect)

36. She wanted to go to New York by herself, but her parents would not give their__(B.consent)

37.The government has decided to reduce a (n)________ on all imports. ( B. tariff )

38.As the situation was getting out of control, more policemen __ the streets in the city.(D. patrolled )

39.We ________ that it would take four hours to weed the garden. (A. Estimated)

40. The local government has ________ the landowners to fish these waters. (C. licensed ) Test 6 21. If these bad weather conditions persist the game will be cancelled. (B. continue ) 22. Steps must be taken to reduce administration costs. (B. Management) 23. The economy grew at its fastest rate since 1980 owing to a boom in world trade.(D. an

increase ) 24. The play was a great success, and it was all thanks to the effort and commitment of

everyone involved. (A.because of ) 25. Approximately 113,000 bicycles were reported stolen last year.( C. Roughly ) 26. In many Russian cities basic foodstuffs are unavailable. (A. not obtainable ) 27. You are legally entitled to take faulty goods back to the store where you bought them.

(A. have the right to) 28. He came out with such a(n) elaborate excuse that I didn't quite believe him.(C. Detailed) 29. Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with the directors next week. (D. finally ) 30. In theory, the journey ought to take three hours, but in practice it usually takes four because of roadwork. ( C. Theoretically )

31. It's difficult to believe that this little brown thing will eventually turn ________ a beautiful butterfly. (D. into )

32. The UN is sending 800 troops to ____ the army patrolling the border area. (D. Reinforce)


33. I keep my insurance policy in the top drawer, __ my other important documents. (A.along with )

34. The new director of the television station wants to ________ its programs.( C. diversify )

35. She can't walk without holding ______ someone's arm (C. on to )

36. The French Revolution was a period of ____ but produced some great literature. (B. chaos )

37. He is ___ fatter than he was when I used to know him.( C. considerably )

38. The whole place was ________ with tourists.( B. crawling)

39. Should the opportunity ________ I'd love to go to China. (A. arise )

40. The government intends to ________ an end to inflation once and for all.( C. put)

Test 7

21. As more nations acquire nuclear weapons, the necessity for preventing war becomes imperative.(A.exigent)

22. Some stores make a survey of all foods and materials in their stock once a month so as to speed up their inventory liquidating.(B.stock)

23. It is useful occasionally to look at the past to gain a perspective on the


24. Because of his mischievous deeds towards his classmate,the child was hauled up before the principal.(A.called)

25. He lived in the most penurious manner, and denied himself every indulgence.(D.frugal) 26. He has committed such a blunder, no one can save him this time. ( A. made) 27. Sophisticated edit facilities allow complicated musical forms to be created. (D.

Complicate) 28. He was escorted by a group of soldiers under the command of Sarsfield.( A. safe-guarded ) 29. The young man dreamed that a rich relative would die and leave him a legacy.(A. Heritage) 30. Joy was now having her hair done, seated on a mat on the floor.( C. small carpet )

31. Mary phoned you from a telephone _________ this morning. (B. Booth)

32. A promising executive should be ready to welcome tight ______ and hard work. (D. budget )

33. No one knows the zip _________ of this strict, so I have to consult the postman in order to mail this letter. (C. code )

34. Guess, whom I ________ into this morning. (C. bumped )

35. The lecturer continued that _________ law was different to criminal law. (D. civil )

36. She helped him out of _________, but he misunderstood her. (A. Charity)

37. There are different _________ of books in a library. ( C. categories)

38. The schoolboys are more ____ not to make any mistakes in spelling than ever before.( B. cautious )

39. The talented artist ___ an interesting decoration with this piece of tree root.( D.

carved )

40. The judicial minister ________ the latest crime figures as proof of the need for

strengthening of the comprehensive administration of social public order. (B. Cited)

Test 8

21. We want to preserve the character of the town while improving the facilities. (B. conserve ) 22. Tourism has replaced agriculture as the nation's main industry. (C. taken the place of ) 23. A statement issued by the two companies uses the phrase "increased co-operation"thereby inferring quite accurately that the two firms already work together.( B. produced ) 24. There is abundant evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.( B.

sufficient ) 25. The latest missiles can be fired with incredible accuracy. (D. unbelievable ) 26. Some drugs taken in large quantities can cause permanent brain damage. ( B. lasting ) 27. A judgement may be revised or reversed in the light of some particular action. (A. Changed)


28. There is widespread speculation that he is going to resign. (A. general) 29. At the end of the discussion, he summed up and added a few points.( C. summarized ) 30. Nigel is carrying out research on early Christian art. (C. conducting)

31. Then system has been designed to give the user quick and easy ___to the required


32. Unhappy people often ___ to violence as a means of expressing their suffering.( C. Resort) 33. She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely__her.(B.transformed)

34. The unions __the new owners of the workers' loyalty to the company.(C.assured)

35. There's a very informative__on aids in today's paper.(C.feature)

36. Following his nervous breakdown, he __from public life and refused to give any


37. The new president said she would __protecting the rights of the old, the sick and the homeless.(D.dedicate herself to)

38. I think what__to me about his paintings is colors he uses.(B.appeals)

39. Tourists are more__to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid.


40. What he said,__,was that he can't support our actions and will resign.(D.in essence) Test 9 21. Significant changes have taken place in the international situation. (A. Important) 22. The election results do not always reflect back the views of the voters. (A. Express ) 23. As the service charge is included in the bill, any further tipping is unnecessary.

(D. additional money ) 24. I, on behalf of my family, am obliged to you and your wife for your great help. (A.

grateful ) 25. The trade-mark is registered on the book of the Patent office. (A. recorded ) 26. The driver's report o the accident was verified by eye-witnesses.(C. Confirmed) 27. The local people like to use more durable material to build their houses. (A.long-lasting ) 28. They don't attach any importance to his statement.(C. connect) 29. The function of ears in hearing is to convert the sound waves to nerve impulse. (B. Change)

30. The soldiers cut trees down to make a block across the road. ( C. obstacle )

31. The door's ___;we'll have to get through the window.(D.stuck)

32. You shouldn't wash that sweater in the washing machine-it will ___.(A.shrink)

33. Our government encourages technological ___in industry.(C.innovations)

34. He is a famous writer who shows great ___into human nature.(D.insight)

35. The island is __only boat.(A.accessible)

36. There is a close_____ between climate and crops. ( D. correlation )

37. To repair or improve the appearance of something is to fix it ________. ( A. out )

38. These desks and seats can be ________ to the height of any child.( B. adjusted )

39. Women are considered to be ________ to the suffering of animals. (B. sensitive )

40. We couldn't ________ the old lady to travel by air.(C. induce )

Test 10 21. We must arouse them to fight for their own security. (A. stimulate ) 22. The driver tried to prevent the accident by bringing the car to a sudden stop.(B. hold back ) 23. He said he had arrived on the preceding night. (C. previous ) 24. All the members of the committee are opposed to our views about the matter. (B. opinions ) 25. At first the disease affected only his foot but now it has spread to his leg.( D. extended) 26. He was urgent in his demands. (D. pressing ) 27. Professor Lee is well-known for his research in the behaviors of the cats. ( C. study )


28. The simple plan evolved into a complicated scheme. (A. Developed) 29. It was difficult to guess what her reaction to the decision would be. (C. response) 30. He is full of admiration for her bravery. (B. respect )

31. Their greatest weakness ________ itself during the discussion.( B. revealed )

32. After the revolution, the ________ of the country remained tense. (A. climate ) 33. I'll always stand ________ you whatever happens.(B. by )

34. 34. It was a difficult time for her, but she __through beautifully. (B. weathered )

35. The teacher_____ him for his neglect of duty. ( A. Recognized)

36. There is an ___lack of food in that area.(C.acute)

37. Take your ___to the hospital pharmacist's and they'll make up for you.(C.prescription)

38. He ___to me that he had once been in prison.(A.confined)

39. His hands were covering his face, but i could see him ___through his fingers.(D.peeping)

40. To be quiet ___, I think you've made an awful mess of things.(D.blunt)

