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- 杭电数据库张红娟第四章推荐度:
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/* 完成表中约束的定义 */ --创建course表
create table course (
cno char(1) primary key,
cname varchar(20) not null,
credit smallint check(credit>=1 and credit<=6) )
--创建class表 create table class (
clno char(5) primary key,
speciality varchar(20) not null,
inyear char(4) not null,
number integer check(number>1 and number<100), monitor char(7) )
--创建student表 create table student3 (
sno char(7) primary key, sname varchar(20) not null,
ssex char(2) not null default('男'), sage smallint check(sage>14 and sage<65),
clno char(5) not null references class(clno) on delete cascade on update cascade )
--为class表添加参照完整性 alter table class
add constraint fk_monitor foreign key (monitor) references student(sno) on delete no action
--创建grade表 create table grade (
sno char(7) not null references student(sno) on delete cascade on update cascade, cno char(1) not null references course(cno) on delete cascade on update cascade, gmark decimal(4,1) check(gmark>0 and gmark <100), primary key (sno,cno) )
/* 针对成绩管理数据库中的表,完成以下操作:*/ --(1)用户张勇对Student表和Course表有Select权力。 Grant select on student to 张勇 Grant select on course to 张勇
Grant insert,delete on student to 张三 with grant option
--(3)把查询Course表和修改属性Credit的权限授给用户李四。 Grant select,update(credit) on course to 李四
Grant all privilege on student to 李勇敏 with grant option
--(5)撤销(1)中对张勇所授予的所有权力。 Revoke select on student to 张勇 Revoke select on course to 张勇
或:Revoke select on student from 张勇 Revoke select on course from 张勇
--(6)撤销(2)中对张三所授予的所有权力。 revoke insert,delete on student to 张三cascade 或revoke insert,delete on student from 张三cascade
/* 为成绩管理数据库中的Student表创建一触发器:当向表中插入或删除记录时,修改Class表中相应班级的人数。*/
--创建insert触发器,适用于student表的单行数据的添加 create trigger stu_insert on student after insert as
update class
set number=number+1 from class,inserted
where class.clno = inserted.clno
--创建delete触发器,适用于student表的单行数据的删除 create trigger stu_delete on student after delete
update class
set number=number-1 from class,deleted
where class.clno = deleted.clno
--将insert和delete写入一个触发器内,适用于student表的单行数据的添加或删除 create trigger tri_stu on student after insert,delete as
if update(sno)
update class
set number=number+1
where clno = (select clno from inserted) else update class
set number=number-1
where clno = (select clno from deleted)
--验证触发器,添加数据 insert into student
values ('2222','tom','男',20,'00311') --验证触发器,删除数据 delete from student where sno='2222'
--假设向student表添加或删除的多行数据都来自同一个班级 create trigger tri_stu2 on student
after insert,delete as
if update(sno)
update class
set number=number+(select count(*) from inserted) where clno = (select clno from inserted) else update class
set number=number-(select count(*) from inserted) where clno = (select clno from deleted)
----适用于student表的多行数据的添加或删除(最靠谱解决方案) create trigger tri_stu2 on student
after insert,delete as begin
declare @sno char(7),@clno char(5)
if update(sno) begin
declare mycursor cursor for select sno,clno from inserted --声明游标 open mycursor --打开游标 fetch next from mycursor into @sno,@clno --获取数据
while(@@fetch_status =0 ) /* 0操作成功,-1 FETCH 语句失败或此行不在结果集中,-2 被提取的行不存在 */ begin
update class
set number=number+1 where clno = @clno
fetch next from mycursor into @sno,@clno
close mycursor --关闭游标 deallocate mycursor --释放游标 end else
declare mycursor cursor for select sno,clno from deleted open mycursor
fetch next from mycursor into @sno,@clno while(@@fetch_status = 0) begin
update class
set number = number -1
where clno=@clno
fetch next from mycursor into @sno,@clno end
close mycursor deallocate mycursor end end
--为class表再建一更新触发器:当更新班长学号时,检查新输入的学号是否为同一班级的学生学号,若不是,给出适当的提示信息。 create trigger stu_update on class after update as
if update(monitor)
if ( select monitor from inserted ) not in ( select sno from student
where clno = (select clno from deleted ) )
begin print 'there is not the new monitor in the class' rollback transaction end
--验证触发器执行 update class
set monitor = '2001104' where clno = '00312'
create table product
( pno char(6) primary key, pname varchar(20) not null, price decimal(7,2) )
create table warehouse
( whno char(3) primary key, whname varchar(20) not null, whaddress varchar(20) )
--创建库存商品表 create table whproduct
( whno char(3) references warehouse(whno) on delete no action on update cascade, pno char(6) references product(pno) on delete cascade on update cascade, number int )
--设计触发器,当新增商品时,自动生成该商品在所有仓库的库存记录,库存数量为0 create trigger tri_product on product after insert as begin
declare @pno char(3) select @pno=pno from inserted insert into whproduct select whno,@pno,0 from warehouse end
----设计触发器,当新增仓库时,自动生成该仓库在所有商品的库存记录,库存数量为0 create trigger tri_warehouse on warehouse after insert as begin
declare @whno char(6)
select @whno=whno from inserted insert into whproduct select @whno,pno,0 from product end
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