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世界大学生英语辩论赛辩题库(部分) 摘自:人人网 作者:Jade

WUDC Berlin 2013 Motions

Round 1 THW create public housing for the poor in wealthy areas Round 2 THBT Japan should acquire nuclear weapons Round 3 THW only imprison individuals who pose a direct and continuing threat to society

Round 4 THBT International development institutions (such as the World Bank) should not finance natural resource extraction projects in corrupt states

Round 5 THBT self described progressive males of dominant ethnicities are morally obliged to refrain from taking positions of responsibility where there is a qualified alternative candidate from a historically disadvantaged group who would otherwise receive the post

Round 6 THW legally permit soldiers to refuse to participate in military actions or missions on the basis of conscience

Round 7 THBT European Union nations should forgive Greece?s sovereign debt

Round 8 THBT countries with booming populations should allocate every adult a single tradable permit to have a child

Round 9 THW ban political parties and require all candidates for national public office to seek election as independents

EFL Quarter Finals THBT publicly funded universities should be required to reduce enrolment in degree programs within their university that have statistically poor employment outcomes EFL Semi Finals THBT policies that may have significant environmental consequences should be subject to a veto by a 'supreme court' of scientific experts

EFL Final This House welcomes the decline of the USA as the sole global super power.

ESL Quarter Finals THBT publicly funded universities should be required to reduce enrolment in degree programs within their university that have statistically poor employment outcomes ESL Semi Finals THBT the feminist movement should actively promote norms of stable monogamous relationships

ESL Grand Final THBT representative democracies with large numbers of foreigners living in their territory (on temporary or permanent basis) should create specific seats to represent them in


Partial Double Octo Finals THBT universities should never prohibit research or teaching on the grounds of sexist, racist or otherwise discriminatory implications

Octo Finals THBT the US should cut off military aid to Egypt Quarter Finals THW ban all advertising of consumer goods and services

Semi Finals TBHT the WTO should never allow nations to place export restrictions on food, rare-earth metals, and other non-oil commodities

Grand Final THW not allow religious communities to expel members on the basis of views or actions that contradict doctrinal teachings

Motions for WUDC 2012 Manila

Adjudication Test: This house would ban all reporting of individual hostage taking.

Round 1: This house would make fathers take paternity leave. Round 2:This house would prevent politicians from making fact claims, that, while not technically lies, are substantially misleading to voters.

Round 3: This house would force large companies who leave an area to pay the costs of any resulting structural unemployment. Round 4: This house would require individuals to use all their wealth beyond USD 5 million for philanthropic projects.

Round 5:This house would require deaf parents to send their children (deaf or hearing) to mainstream schools for their primary and secondary education.

Round 6: This house supports politicians who pass progressive legislation, even where this is contrary to the wishes of the democratic electorate.

Round 7: This house supports the free movement of labour worldwide.

Round 8: This house would exempt academic disputes from defamation law.

Octo-final: This house would not allow a single media company to own multiple TV channels or newspapers (whether in print or online).

Open Break Quarter-final: This house believes that “western” consultants advising dictatorships have a moral duty to sabotage them.

ESL Quarter-final: This house would limit government ministers? standard of living to that of someone on the current median wage. ESL Semi-final: In countries with few female politicians, this house believes it is good to have a politically active ?First Lady?.

EFL Semi-final: This house believes that when doctors discover that a patient has a sexually transmitted disease, they should reveal that information to the patient?s partner.

Master Round Grand-final: THBT countries in developing world should sell unoccupied land within their borders to companies, and let companies build cities on that land which will operate outside the laws of that state.

Open Break Semi-final: This house believes that images designed to even slightly sexually attract or arouse the viewer should be restricted to specialist adult shops or .xxx internet domains. EFL Grand-final: This house believes that public education system should raise the aspirations of children of disadvantaged backgrounds beyond that which is realistic to expect them to achieve.

ESL Grand Final: This house supports scientists who fabricate evidence exaggerating the certainty of man-made climate change

when there is a low likelihood of being caught.

Open Break Grand-final: This house supports Nationalism.

WUDC 2011 Gaborone Botswana motions

Rd1: This house believes that national sporting teams should reflect the diversity of the national population

Rd2: This house believes that all states have a right to nuclear weapons

Rd3: This house believes that governments should not provide benefits on the basis of marital status

Rd4: This house believes that central banks should set limits on government spending

Rd5: This wouse would prioritise asylum Seekers who have engaged in armed struggle against oppressive regimes

Rd6: This wouse would allow teachers unions the right to strike Rd7: This wouse would require individuals to reveal their actual identity when communicating on the internet

Rd8: This house believes that the southern african development community (SADC) should pursue political union

Rd9: This house believes that social movements should use the courts rather than the legislature to advance social change

Octo: This wouse would buy countries votes in nternational organizations

Qtr: This house believes that courts should not enforce wills that discriminate on the basis of race

Semi: This house opposes organised religion Final: This wouse would invade Zimbabwe

EFL Semi: This house supports a one state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

EFL Final: This wouse would give more votes to the poor

ESL Qtr: This house believes that domestic courts should try foreign nationals who commit war crimes abroad

ESL Semi: This wouse would prefer that the children of racial minorities be adopted by parents of that race

ESL Final: This house believes that the courts should break up consistently dominant political parties Masters Rd1: This wouse would buy local

Masters Final: This house prefers a philosopher King to a tyrannical democracy

