
更新时间:2023-09-20 15:40:01 阅读量: 医药卫生 文档下载




This is a book whose cover is blue/the cover of which is blue. 这是一本封皮是蓝色的书。 When do you think he will come? 你觉得他什么时候回来。

Only when you realized the importance of English can you learn it well. 只有你意识到英语重要性的时候,你才能学好它。

Mary was always speaking highly of her role in the play, Which ,of course,  made the others unhappy.


The professor gave us another wonderful talk, which I think is of great  importance to our English study.


The telephone had been ringing for two minutes before it was answered. 电话一直响了两分钟才被接。

My sister wants to work in the power plant which is still being built. 我妹妹想在这家正在被建的发电厂工作。

My car broke down last week and I still haven’t had it repaired. 我的轿车上周坏了,我仍然还没有修好它。

I was washing my face when suddenly someone knocked at the door. 我正在洗脸这时突然有人敲门。

I will have finished my work by the end of next week. 下周末为止我就完成我的工作了。

Tom ought not to have told me your secret, but he meant no harm. 汤姆本不该告诉我你的秘密,但是他没有恶意。

We offered him our congratulations on his passing the college entrance  exams.


His father sent him to study law, but instead he developed his love for the  theater.


With two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. 由于担心两场考试,我这周必须努力学习。

Not having received a reply, he decided to write again. 没有得到回复,他决定再写一封信。

I’m so sorry that he should be so careless. 我很抱歉他竟然如此粗心。

Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted. 直到开始工作,我才意识到我浪费了多少时间。

While you are reading, it is a good idea to make a mark where  necessary.


Father advised me not to say anything until asked at the meeting. 爸爸建议我在会议上让说话再说话。

The film brought the hours back to me when I was taken good care of in that  far away village.

这部电影把我带回了在那个遥远的山村被好好照顾的时光。 If the dictionary is not yours, who else’s can it be? 如果这本词典不是你的,它会是谁的呢?

We thought of selling this old furniture, but we have decided to hold on to  it. It might be valuable.

我们本想卖掉这件旧家具的,但是我们已经决定留下它了。它可能是有价值的。 Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, one I  will always treasure.


News reports say peace talks between the two countries have broken down  with no agreement reached.


To enjoy the scenery, she would rather spend long hours on the train than  travel by air.


It is the ability to do the job that matters not where you come from or  what you are.


My name is Robert, but most of my friends call me Bob for short. 我叫罗伯特,但是我的大多数朋友都简称我鲍勃。

E-mail, as well as telephones, is playing an important part in daily  communication.


As we joined the big crowd I got separated from my friends. 当我们加入人群的时候,我和我的朋友走散了。

The car accident was similar to the one that happened in 1973. 这场车祸和1973年发生的那场相似。

Everyone was surprised to see the buildings finished so soon. 大家看到这些建筑物这么快的被建成都感到很惊奇。 They were happy to hear the work already done. 听到工作已经被完成了,他们感到很高兴。

I prefer staying at home watching TV to going shopping  out.我更喜欢待在家里看电视而不是出去购物。

The film reminded him of what he had seen in Paris. 这部电影提醒我他在巴黎的所见所闻。

They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the  young generation.

他们意识到把它们记录下来教给年轻的一代很重要。 The doctor advised me to take more exercise. 医生建议我多做锻炼。

Work harder and you will find it not difficult to learn.

更努力的学习你就会发现学习并不难。 You can’t stop him doing what he wants. 你不能阻止他做自己想做的事情。

Faced with a difficult situation, Tom decided to ask his boss for  advice.


Accustomed to climbing the steep mountains, he had no difficulty reaching  the top.


The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, not to make it more  difficult.


When first introduced to the market, these products enjoyed great  success.


Alice returned from the manager’s office telling me that the boss wanted to  see me at once.


My teacher encouraged me to take a summer course to improve my writing  skills.


Having waited in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he  had left his wallet at home.

排队等了半个小时以后,汤姆突然意识到他把钱包落在了家里。 You will succeed in the end unless you give up half way. 除非你中途放弃,否则你最后一定会成功。

someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up before I  could answer the phone.

有人在午夜给我打电话,但是我还没来得及接就挂了。 She found her calculator where she lost it.


I know nothing about the young lady except that she is from Beijing. 除了她来自北京,我对这个年轻的女士一无所知。

As far as I know, they live in the same neighborhood. 据我所知,他们住在相同的小区。

On top of the books is the photo album you’re looking for. 在书的顶部是你正在找的相册。

Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else can you find such a  beautiful place.

你可能去过很多的国家,但是你不可能在其它任何地方发现像这样一个漂亮的地方。 I failed in the final examination last term and only then did I realize the  importance of studies.


The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once have they  quarreled with each other.


Only when your identity has been checked will you be allowed in. 只有你的身份被检查以后你才可以进去。

Not only is the teacher himself interested in football but all his students  are beginning to show an interest in it.


So difficult did I feel it to live in an English-speaking country that I  determined to learn English.

我感觉在说英语的国家生活如此的难以至于我决定学英语。 Not a single song did she sing at yesterday’s party. 她在昨天的聚会上唱了不只一首歌。

I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life had I felt so  happy!


Don’t be discouraged. Take things as they are and you will enjoy every

day  of your life.


When Mark opened the door, he saw a woman standing there. He had never seen  her before.


I’ve phoned my sister three times today but her line was always busy. 我今天给我妹妹打了三次电话,但是她的手机一直占线。

Telephone messages for the manager were left on her desk but she didn’t  notice them.


day  of your life.


When Mark opened the door, he saw a woman standing there. He had never seen  her before.


I’ve phoned my sister three times today but her line was always busy. 我今天给我妹妹打了三次电话,但是她的手机一直占线。

Telephone messages for the manager were left on her desk but she didn’t  notice them.


