末法时期最伟大的成就者--觉囊46代法王俱德根本上师云登桑布 - 图文

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H·H·Yundun Zangpo Rinpoche His Holiness Yundun Zangpo Rinpoche is the spiritual head of the Jonang Lineage and Abbot of Zang Chen Monastery. Born in 1928 to Doza Sonam Dorje and Horza Demoki, he was recognized at a very young age by Nawang Choni Gyatso, as having immense potential to benefit the Buddhist teachings. So saying, Nawang Choni Gyatso gave his own clothing to this special child as a blessing. At the age of eight, His Holiness began reading and writing Tibetan language. At age 12, he went to Zang Chen Monastery to receive many empowerments and practices including the entire Kalachakra system of Maha and Anu Yoga, from the Vajrayana Masters Ngawang Dempa Saki and Rinpa Ngawang Dorje Zangpo. When he was 16, His Holiness received many teachings from Ngawang Lodro Drapa, uncluding the Prajnaparamita, Abidharma, Vinaya Pitsaka, and Madyamika. His Holiness also composed many important Buddhist treatises. He later studied the complete Vajrayana teachings and empowerments with Vajra Masters Ngawang Kongcho Dargyas, Droge Tulku, Sinang Lama, and SeLama.

In 1982, His Holiness was officially installed as the Abbot of Zang Chen Monastery. He then began a comprehensive process to restore and rebuild the dilapidated temples, monastic quarters, retreat facilities, and main ceremonial temple at Zang Chen Gompa. He also founded the Jonang Lineage Institute of Buddhist Studies.

His Holiness personally carved wooden blocks to print the Buddhist writings of famous teachers such as Kunkyen Dolpopa, Kunkyen Nyawanpa, Taranatha, Kunga Drocho, and Thudun Gele. He further composed many detailed explanations of Buddhist practice and on the history of Jonang Lineage. He has spread the Dharma throughout Tibet, giving the Kalachakra, Khandro and Dharmapala teachings and special empowerments. His Holiness has given teachings to members of traditions other than his own. In 1991, he bestowed the Kalachakra empowerment on His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, renowned Master of the Nyingma Lineage. Historically, the Kalachakra system within the Karma Kagyu Lineage originated from a famous master of the Jonang Lineage, Kunky

