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2009 National English Contest for College Students (Level C - Preliminary)

Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 30 marks) Section A (5 marks) In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. After each conversation, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

1. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. In an engine room.

B. In a car.

C. In a factory.

2. Who is the man talking to?

A. A lifeguard.

B. A travel agent.

C. A gymnasium manager.

3. How will the correct price be determined?

A.By calling the company.

B.By asking the sales representative.

C.By looking at the price list.

4. Why is Sue upset according to the conversation?

A.Someone broke into her car.

B.She had to pay too much for parking.

C.She was given a ticket.

5. What do the two speakers probably do for a living?

A. Office clerks.

B. Printers.

C. Architects.

Section B (10 marks)

In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. After each conversation, there will be a one -minute pause. During the pause, read the five questions, each with the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

6. Why did the man watch the video?

A.It was required by Professor Stephen.

B.He wanted to learn about heart attacks.

C.He had to take part in a discussion.

7. In the man's opinion, what is the video about?

A. Men's health.

B. Stress.

C. Health care for women.

8. What did the man learn from the video?

A.Women are under more stress than men.

B.Women have more heart attacks than men.

C.Women who have heart attacks get less care than men.

9. At what ages are women most likely to have a heart attack?

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A. 40 to 45.

B. 60 to 65.

C. 45 to 60.

10. What does the woman think about the video?

A.It sounds puzzling.

B.It sounds very interesting.

C.It sounds very dull.

Conversation Two

11. How long did the man wait before his call was answered?

A.Twenty minutes.

B.Twelve minutes.

C.Twenty-four minutes.

12. Why did the man phone Interserve Customer Service?

A.He wanted to know what the recorded message means.

B.He didn't know which button to choose.

C.He wanted to know if he can use his e-mail address while overseas.

13. What does the man think about the menu of options?

A.Its meaning isn't ambiguous.

B.It is far from clear.

C.It is satisfactory.

14. Which department would the man have spoken to if he had chosen button two?

A.Accounts and Billing.

B.General Enquiries.

C. Accounts and Service

15. What will the operator do next?

A.Make an official complaint.

B.Improve the menu of options.

C.Make a note of the man's complaint.

Section C (5 marks)

In this section, you will hear jive short news items. Each item will be read only once. After each item, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, Band C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

16. How does rotational grazing reduce the need for pesticide treatments?

A.By increasing the use of natural fertilizer.

B.By limiting the need for chemical fertilizers.

C.e. By reducing the growth of weeds.

17. Which news agency votes for the top ten news stories?

A. Reuters.

B. The Associated Press.

C. United Press International.

18. Which countries spent billions of dollars to develop new oil fields?

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A.Syria, Brazil and Russia.

B.Brazil, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

C..Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Russia.

19. Why has the number of camels in India been decreasing in recent years?

A.Because they are dying from travelling too far.

B.Because they are short of food.

C. Because they are infected with a disease.

20. What is a symptom of multiple sclerosis?

A.Loss of the ability to hear.

B.Loss of the ability to see well.

C.Loss of the ability to speak clearly.

Section D (10 marks)

In this section, you will hear a short passage which will be read only once. There are 10 missing words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear on the tape. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

The fourth component of the Swedish social system is that its politics ensure full employment and increase the mobility of labour - that is, the ability to change jobs without (21) ________ income. Swedes have a strong work ethic. This, combined with state -funded programmes that (22)________unemployment, results in a policy of subsidised employment, which Sweden prefers to high unemployment rates and large welfare (23)_____ So, there are a large number of (24) ________ training programmes that employers pay for (25)_______to workers in jobs that have become unnecessary. There are also subsidies for workers who must change jobs because of changes in the labour market.

Sweden introduced the fifth and final component of its social system at the end of the 20th century. This component corrects some of the problems created by the four (26) __________mentioned components. It includes new rules that are designed to improve job stability, such as training programmes to help employees learn new skills as their jobs change and become more (27)_______. Also, the government has reduced social (28) and welfare payments.

So, in conclusion, the Swedes are happy with their system. Sweden has achieved more in terms of social equality, economic (29)________ than many other economies. As a result, most Swedes aren't interested in any more reform of the economic system. However, because it is (30)________in international markets, Sweden must continue to manage its social policies so that it remains competitive in the international marketplace.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (10 minutes, 15 marks)

There are 15 incomplete sentences in this part. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence, and then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

31. The businessmen discussed the contract _________but never actually signed anything.

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A. at length

B. at sea

C. at random

D. at will

32.Accustomed to the coffee from Columbia, _________Governor John said that ______should always be strong.

A. /; a

B. the; a

C. a; a

D. /; /

33. ________a well-balanced diet, _________adequate sleep, is needed for good health.

A. Alongside; with

B. Not only; but

C. Attached; to

D. Due to; so

34.___________ very familiar with inspection reports, I realised that some pages of this one were missing.

A. To be

B. That was

C. Being

D. So was

35. If you have not signed a contract, you are under no________ to pay them any money.

A. responsibility

B. liability

C. circumstance

D. obligation

36.As the market was _________ goods, the economy became more balanced, and inflation went down.

A. speculated on

B. subscribed for

C. saturated with

D. submitted to

37.Surveys show that the majority of passengers are pleased that an agreement has been reached to forbid smoking on _______ flights within the continental United States.

A. economical

B. commercial

C. global

D. internal

38.The new CEO asked that all inter-office communications _______in writing rather than in person, _________possible.

A. have been made; whoever

B. would be made; whichever

C. be made; whenever

D. were made;. whatever

39.Written to be performed on a__________, Thornton Wilder's play Our Town depicts life in a small New England community.

A. stage scenery of bare

B. bare of stage scenery

C. scenery bare of stage

D. stage bare of scenery

40._________school policy, the students had a holiday between .Christmas and the New Year.

A. On behalf of

B. With regard to

C. In line with

D. In case of

41. To sell the house, we made a __________ to the buyer by agreeing to put a new roof on it.

A. consideration

B. commission

C. concession

D. confirmation

42. Never before______ available for quick and easy access in so many different fields of study.

A.so much free information were

B.has so much free information been

C.were so much free information

D.so much free information has been

43. The computer company announced that the new software_______ in the first half of next year.

A. be released B . will have released

C. would have released

D. was going to be released

44.Tina: A group of us are going bowling on Tuesday night. Would you like to join us?

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Joe: I really would, but unfortunately I have a tennis lesson.

Tina: Oh, that's too bad._______

Joe: Yes, for sure. Thanks for the offer.

A.How do you deal with that?

B.Maybe another time then?

C.When will you come back?

D.Don’t you really like bowling?

45. George: Hey, Agnes. How did the Human Resources meeting go? I couldn't make it because I was

out at a sales conference.

Agnes: Oh, George. _________ It turned into a major argument.

George: Really?

A.Glad you're back now.

B.You're lucky to have missed it.

C.Nice to see you again.

D.You're just on time.

Part III Reading Comprehension (20 minutes, 35 marks)

Section A (5 marks)

In this section, there is one passage followed by five questions. For each question, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice, and then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

When e-mail first came into general use about fifteen years ago, there was a lot of talk about the imminent arrival of the paperless office. However, it seems that e-mail has yet to revolutionise office communication. According to communications analyst Richard Metcalf, some offices have actually seen an increase in paper as a result of e -mail. "Information in the form of e-mail messages now floods our computer screens. These messages can be sent so quickly that memos tend to be distributed in the hundreds. For those secretaries whose bosses ask them to print out all their e -mails and leave them in their in-trays, this means using up a great deal of paper every month," Metcalf says.

Metcalf has found that because some e-mails get lost in cyberspace, PAs are increasingly likely to be asked by clients and colleagues to send all important documents both bye-mail and by fax or "snail mail" - through the post. This highlights a further potential problem with e-mail in today's offices - it is taking up time rather than saving it.

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"With e-mail, communication is much easier, but there is also more room for misunderstandings," says psychologist Dr David Lewis. Generally, much less care is taken with e -mails than with letters or faxes and the sender will probably print the document and reread it before putting it in an envelope or sending it by fax.

More worrying is still the increasing misuse of e-mail for sending "flame-mail" - abusive or inappropriate e-mail messages. Recent research in several companies suggests that aggressive communications like this are on the increase. E-mail has become the perfect medium for expressing workplace frustration because it is so instant.

E-mail can also be a problem in other ways. Staff all too often make the mistake of thinking that the contents of an e-mail, like things said over the phone, are private and not permanent. But it is not only possible for an employer to read all your e-mails, it is also perfectly legal. E-mail messages can be traced back to their origin for a period of at least two years, so you might want to rethink e -mailing your frustrations about your job to your friends. The advice is to keep personal e-mails out of the office.

It goes without saying that e-mail exists to make life easier, and if used correctly, it is an invaluable tool for businesses of all sizes. But perhaps, for the time being, the fact that in the business world 70 percent of all documents are still in paper form is not such a bad thing after all.

46. Why has the promise of the paperless office not come true in many offices?

A.People write more memos than they used to.

B.Many secretaries keep paper copies of everything their bosses send and receive.

C.Many managers prefer to read their messages on paper.

D.Staff leave messages lying around their offices.

47. What does Richard Metcalf say about e-mail in Paragraph Two?

A.It is not an appropriate channel for sending important information.

B.It increases the amount of paperwork done in offices.

C.It is not popular with many secretaries.

D.It is a less efficient channel than fax.

48. How does David Lewis feel about e-mail messages?

A. Many of them are not well written.

B. Many of them are too long.

C. Many of them are not printed out.

D. Many of them are never read.

49. Why should employees not use company e-mail systems for personal messages?

A.Because company e-mail systems are not easy to use.

B.Because the people the messages are sent to can't respond immediately.

C.Because they allow people to express their anger immediately.

D.Because e-mail is not a private means of communication.

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D. 50; What does the writer conclude about e-mail in the last paragraph?

A. It has already made life a lot easier for many businesses.

B. It is not being used enough in business today.

C. It will never replace written communication.

D. It is really useful when people use it properly.

Section B (10 marks)

In this section, there is one passage followed by five incomplete sentences. Read the passage carefully, and then complete the sentences in a maximum of three words for each blank. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet .

Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

It is well known that some cultures prefer sons to daughters. In contrast, surveys have revealed that

some people would rather have a daughter

than a son. Apparently, each of these

preferences has its explanation in the local


Around the world, people who prefer

sons have similar reasons. In many

countries, sons are valued because they can

work and contribute to the family income.

Also, sons will be able to support their

parents when the parents are old. In some

cultures, sons are important also because

they enable the family name to continue for

another generation. This is because the

wife in these cultures takes her husband's

family name, and more or less "belongs" to

the husband's family. In addition, having a

daughter can sometimes cause difficulty for a family. In India, for example, having a daughter can be a burden because the family has to pay a dowry when the girl gets married.

Generally, people think traditional cultures are the ones in which boys are preferred. Research seems to support this belief However, according to a survey conducted in 2000, people in the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Portugal, and the Caribbean prefer to have daughters. The researchers said that parents in these societies do not have the same economic situation that exists in other countries, so they do not need to have a son to help make money. Instead, families in these countries want daughters for emotional reasons. Many mothers think they will have a better relationship with a daughter than a son, for example. In addition, they think daughters will take better care of them when they are old.

In Japan, a similar trend has emerged. This might come as a surprise to some, because only one generation ago, the Japanese favoured sons. In 1982, over half of Japanese· couples surveyed would want a boy if they could have only one child. A survey done in 1997, on the other hand, found that 75 percent wanted a girl!

Some Japanese couples say they want to have daughters because they think daughters are cuter and easier to raise. Japanese couples also worry about being taken care of when they are old. If they have to live with their children when they are very old, many Japanese parents would want to live with a daughter. "A son's wife would be like a stranger and harder to ask for help," one Japanese mother said.

Critics warn that preference for a daughter is just as bad as preference for a son. "Instead of valuing children for the social roles they are expected to fill, parents must learn to value children as inpiduals," critics say. When that is the case, parents will be equally pleased with a son or daughter.


51. The reasons that parents prefer to have sons are to continue ______________________ , to help earn I

money for the family, and to support the parents in their old age. I

52. Japan's preference for daughters now is quite ______________ because not long ago the

preference was for sons.

53. In some developing countries, parents value boys more than girls mainly for ___________________________

54. In India, parents receive __________ w hen their sons get married. I

55. Critics maintain that children should be treated by their parents as _______________________ Section C (10 marks)

In this section, there is one passage followed by five questions. Read the passage carefully, and then answer each of the questions in a maximum of 10words. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.

At least 600,000 jobs could disappear in the UK this year, according to a report by a personnel managers' professional body. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development says even those who escape redundancy will face pay freezes. It says that while total unemployment will not hit three million, the time between New Year and Easter will be the worst for job losses since 1991.

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were 1.86 million people out of work in

the UK in October, 2008. This figure

was the highest since 1997, taking the

overall unemployment rate to 6 percent.

David Frost of the British Chamber of

Commerce says, "It is the worst year.

Companies are in survival mode."

The CIPD, which represents

managers and personnel staff, issued its

gloomy forecast a day after children's

retailer Adams joined a growing list of well-known chains applying for bankruptcy protection. Chief economist John Philpott said, "In the face of some scepticism, the CIPD warned that 2008 would be the UK's worst year for jobs in a decade. It was, but in retrospect it will be seen as merely the slow -motion prelude to what will be the worst year for jobs in almost two decades. The CIPD's annual barometer forecast is that the UK economy will shed at least 600,000 jobs in 2009. Overall, the 18 -month period from the start of the recession in mid - 2008 until the end of 2009 will witness the loss of around three quarters of a million jobs, equivalent to the total net rise in employment in the preceding three years." Mr Philpott said job losses were likely to continue into 2010, taking the final toll to about one million.

The CIPD also surveyed 2,600 workers and found that more than one in four did not expect a pay rise next year, while others feared wage cuts.

The institute's reward adviser, Charles Cotton, said, "Employees are realistic about their pay prospects. Against this backdrop, employers will need to work hard to find new ways to motivate their employees to perform."

"Financial incentives and targeted investment in training and development could be effective ways to do this," he added.

"More than ever, this is a time where organisations need to engage m an open and straightforward communication with their staff, clearly explaining the reasons for any difficult measures that will affect them," he said. "This will help preserve staff loyalty and engagement even during times when unpopular decisions need to be made."


56.A ccording to the passage, which year will be the worst for job losses in the UK?

57.W hat kind of organisation is the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development?

58.W hat are many British companies now struggling for?

59.W hat does the CIPD advise British employers to do under the present circumstances?

60.W hy does Charles Cotton suggest that employers communicate with their staff straight-


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Section D (10 marks)

In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. Read the passage carefully, and then complete the summary below by choosing a maximum of three words from the passage to fill in each of the blanks. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.

Everyone knows about pollution in the environment. Water, air, and land are all polluted. This means that pollution is everywhere. Now,

scientists are looking inside our bodies to

find out about internal pollution.

In 2003, the Environmental

Working Group studied nine people to

measure the chemicals in their bodies.

These nine people had an average of 53

cancer -causing chemicals m their bodies.

They also had an average of 62

c hemicals that can damage the brain, an

d P

55 that can harm babies in pregnant

women. Even though a lot of chemicals were found in human bodies, the chemicals were found in small amounts. The amounts were small enough that they were probably not hurting the people. However, scientists are worried because most of these chemicals were created by humans. Most of these chemicals did not exist 75 years ago. This proves that we have not only polluted the world - we have polluted our own bodies!

How does this pollution get into our bodies? We come into contact with many chemicals every day. For example, everyone uses soap, skin lotion, and shampoo. However, few people know that these products contain harmful chemicals, some of which may cause memory loss. Chemicals known as DEA (diethanolamine) and TEA (triethanolamine) may seep into the skin and stop us from absorbing a helpful nutrient called "choline". Choline is a nutrient that plays a crucial role in the memory cell making process in the developing brain. Some people worry that every time we wash our hair, we are decreasing our memories.

Everyone knows they should brush their teeth regularly, but recent research has shown that some toothpastes can cause cancer. Fluoride is a key ingredient in many toothpastes. However, studies show that fluoride does not really protect our teeth. In fact, fluoride has been connected with bone cancer and other diseases. While we are trying to save our smiles, we could be damaging our health.

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Women are probably exposed to more chemicals than men because they use more beauty products. Recently, harmful chemicals have been found in nail polish, hair spray, deodorant, and perfume. The chemicals are called "phthalates". Studies on animals have shown that phthalates can damage the liver, the kidneys, and the lungs. Cosmetic companies say the amounts of phthalates in their products are safe, but consumer protection groups disagree. They say some women use so many products that the levels are actually high. So, the more women try to look beautiful, the more they could be harming their health.

In a futuristic story by Ray Bradbury, a man found a pristine stream on a new planet. When he drank from the stream, he died! Why? His body was so polluted that pure water was a poison to him! Perhaps that is only science fiction, but it reminds us to take care of our bodies. We must find ways to reduce the pollution we absorb. Summary:

Like our polluted environment, our bodies are no longer pollution -free. Scientists now know that there is pollution in our bodies. On (61) ____________ , we have 53 cancer-

causing chemicals in our bodies. Even fluoride (62) __ with bone cancer and other diseases. Some common cosmetics contain small amounts of chemicals, which seep into

our (63) _________ when we use these products. They prevent us from absorbing the (64) ________ our bodies need. So, it is (65) __________ that we find ways to reduce the

amount of chemicals in our bodies. We should remind our friends and families to take care of

their bodies.

Part IV Cloze (15 minutes, 15 marks)

Read the passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the given word, or by using the given letters of the word. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.

According to a group called the Voices Foundation, everyone has a singing voice as well as a

(66) _______ (speak) voice somewhere inside them. This, they say, should be (67) enc____ from an early age because it provides the best, and

(68)_________ (cheap), basis on which

to build an understanding of music.

The teachings of the Hungarian

(69)______(compose) Zoltan Kodaly

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H. are responsible for this idea. He observed that songs can become a key part of the relationship

(70) _______ a mother and her child almost from birth. This is (71) es __________ true of traditional s ocieties, (72) __________ t hose of West Africa, where some small children are able to sing literally

(73) hun____ of songs, all of which have been learnt by heart. However, many modem

c hildren first come to an understanding of music (74) ____________ they learn to play an instrument,

(75) __________ although some teaching of the theory of music is usually a part of this, their relationship with the music on the page is often a mechanical one.

The (76) ___________ (believe) of the Voices Foundation is that a natural feeling for rhythm, harmony and musical structure, the very qualities we appreciate in the greatest musicians, can only b e achieved through the (77) _________ (explore) of the music of the voice from the beginning of a p erson's life. The foundation has, therefore, set itself the task of (78) _____________ a singing-centred m usical education (79) pro ________ that could benefit junior pupils all (80) _________ the world. Part V Translation (15 minutes, 20 arks) Section A (10 marks)

Translate the underlined sentences of the following passage into Chinese. Remember to write the

answers on the answer sheet.

Embroidery (刺绣) is a brilliant pearl in Chinese art. (81) From the magnificent Dragon Robes worn ---.!:>y emperors to today's fashions, embroidery adds a great deal of pleasure to our culture and our lives.

The oldest embroidery on record in China dates from the Shang Dynasty. Embroidery in this period symbolised social status. (82) ~t was not until later on, as the national economy developed, that embroidery entered the lives of the common people.

After the Zhou Dynasty, the Han Dynasty witnessed a leap in both techniques and styles of embroidery. Embroidered objects ranged from the sun, the moon, stars, mountains, dragons, and phoenixes to tigers, flowers and grasses, clouds and geometric patterns. Auspicious words were also fashionable. Both historic records and products of

the time prove this.

(83) The cultural relics__found_in the

Mawangdui Tomb _ are_the best eyidence of this

unprecedented development in embroidery. In

a ddition, embroidery unearthed from the Mogao

Caves in Dunhuang, the ancient tombs in Turpan

and northern Inner Mongolia, further strengthen this observation.

(84) The Chinese word for embroidery is "xiu", a picture or embroidery in five colours. It implies beautiful and magnificent things.

Embroidery was an elegant task for ladies who were forbidden to go out of their homes. (85) It was a good pastime to which they could devote their intelligence and passion. Imagine a beautiful young lady embroidering a dainty pouch. Stitch by stitch, she embroiders a pair of love birds for her lover. It's a cold winter day and the room is filled with the aroma of incense. What a touching and beautiful picture!

Section B (10 marks)

Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or structures required in the brackets. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.



88.对于一个公司来说,能跟上市场的发展变化是很重要的。(keep pace with)



Part VI IQ Test (5 minutes, 5 marks)

There are five IQ questions in this part. Write the answers on the answer sheet.

91.If all the letters of the alphabet were written out backwards, which would be the next but one letter

after the third vowel?



92.The top two scales are III perfect


How many spades ( 黑桃) will

be needed to balance the

bottom set?

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93. If FRTZZ is the code for ESSA Y, what is the code for PAPER?

94. A , B, C, D, E and F are six seaside resorts. A, C and F have promenades, but the others do not.

B, D and F have a fun fair and a caravan park, whereas C has a caravan park only. The others have neither. There are amusements at all the resorts except Band C.

Which resort without a caravan park has amusements but no promenade?

95. On the left are some shapes and the codes that go with them. You must decide how the code letters go

with the shapes. Which code should replace the question mark on the right?

Part VII Writing (30 minutes, 30

marks) Task I (10 marks)

You must organise a two-day debating contest which will take place on May 1-2. Write an e-mail to your classmate Tom:

★informing him that you're working on a schedule for the

contest and that you will send it by e-mail tomorrow

★asking him to get in touch with some teachers to act as

judges - you need to know their names by Friday

★asking him to come up with some ideas by tomorrow


You should write no fewer than 80 words on the answer sheet




Task II (20 marks)

You have received this letter from an English-speaking penfriend. Read the letter aru1 write your report about fashion industries. Array

You should write no fewer than 1 words on the answer sheet.

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