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1. topsoil ['t?ps?il] 表层土和积土层 2.earth surface [?:θ] ['s?:fis] 地表 3. loess ['l?uis] 黄土

4. drift sand [drift] [s?nd] 流砂层 5. sand bed [s?nd] [bed] 砂层 6. silt bed 粉砂层 7. clay 粘土;

8. clayey sand 粘土质砂; 9. kaoline ['kei?lin] 高岭土 10. pebble ['pebl] 中砾; 砾石

11. igneous(火成的) gravel ['iɡni?s] ['ɡr?v?l] 火成砾岩 12. surface interval ['s?:fis] ['int?v?l] 地表井段 13. gravel ['ɡr?v?l] 砾; 砾石层; 砂砾

14. limestone gravel ['laim,st?un] ['ɡr?v?l] 灰岩砾岩 15. limestone gravel bed 灰岩砾石层

16. siliceous gravel [si'li??s] ['ɡr?v?l] 硅质砾岩 17. basaltic gravel ['b?s?:ltik] ['ɡr?v?l] 玄武质砾岩 18. gravel bed 砾石层 19. breccia ['bret??] 角砾

20. sandy gravel ['s?ndi] ['ɡr?v?l] 砂砾(砂质砾岩) 21. calcigravel


22. blocky limestone calcigravel 灰岩块钙砾

23. gypsum gravel ['d?ips?m] ['ɡr?v?l] 石膏砾 24. conglomerate sand 含砾砂层 25. sandy gravel bed 砂砾层

26. gravel-bearing siltstone 粉砂岩含砾 27. mud pebble [m?d] ['pebl] 泥砾 28. silty gravel ['silti] ['ɡr?v?l] 粉砂砾岩 29. clayey gravel 泥砾

30. pebbled sandy chalk 砂质白垩土含砾石 31. limy gravel bearing claystone 泥岩含灰砾 32. sand ginger 33. coarse sand 粗砂 34. medium sand 中砂 35. friable sand 散砂 36. drifting sand 流沙 37. fine sand 细砂 38. silt 粉砂 39. argillaceous 40. clay sand 粘质砂土 41. clayey silt 粘土质粉砂 42. sandy clay 砂质粘土 43. silty clay 粉砂质粘土 44. plant accumulative

formation 植物堆积层

silt 泥质粉砂


45. humus 46. land accretion

layer 腐植土层


47. boulderstone 巨砾岩 48. chat 49. basaltic 50. lava


conglomerate 玄武质砾石 breccia


粗砾岩 中砾岩 砾岩

51. cobblestone 52. pebblestone 53. conglomerate

54. oil cut conglomerate 油浸砾岩 55. microconglomerate 细砾岩 56. small congl 小砾岩 57. gompholite 泥砾岩

58. andesitic breccia 安山质角砾岩 59. andesitic glutenite 60. feldspar breccia

安山质砂砾岩 长石角砾岩

61. limy conglomerate 灰质砾岩 62. lapillistone 火山砾岩

63. lime-runbble rock 灰质角砾岩 64. siliceous breccia 矽质角砾岩 65. ferruginous

conglomerate 铁质砾岩

66. silico-rudite 硅质砾岩

67. tuffaceous conglomerate 凝灰质砾岩

68. conglomeratic tuffaceous sandstone 凝灰质砂岩砂含砾 69. tuffaceous breccia 凝灰质角砾岩 70. tuffaceous glutenite


71. tuffaceous debris glutenite 凝灰质岩屑砂砾岩 72. glutenite


73. basal conglomerate 底砾岩 74. dolomitic glutenite 白云质砂砾岩 75. igneous

(火成的)gravel bearing glutenite砂砾


76. basalt bearing glutenite 含玄武岩砂砾岩 77. sandy small conglomerate 砂质小砾岩

78. sandy inequigranular small-conglomerate 砂质不等粒小砾岩

79. argillaceous small-conglomerate 泥质小砾岩

80. clayey heterogranular small-conglomerate泥质不等粒小砾岩

81. psephitic sandstone 砾状砂岩 82. gritsandstone 粗砂岩 83. medium sandstone 中砂岩 84. sandstone 砂岩

85. medium-grained sandstone 中粒砂岩

86. fine-medium sandstone 细、中砂岩 87. fine sandstone 细砂岩 88. silty fine sandstone 粉细砂岩 89. mud pebble sandstone 泥砾砂岩 90. silt-fine sandstone 粉-细砂岩 91. siltstone 粉砂岩

92. blastoaleuritic 变余粉砂岩 93. argilliferous siltstone 含泥粉砂岩 94. chalky siltstone 白垩土质粉砂岩 95. fine siltstone 细粉砂岩

96. inequigranular sandstone 不等粒砂岩 97. fine-medium-coarse sandstone 细、中、粗砂岩 98. finegranular gritstone 含细粒粗砂岩 99. clastizoic sandstone 含生物砂岩

100. gravel-bearing inequigranular sandstone 含砾不等粒


101. gravel-bearing calcareous gritstone 含钙含砾粗砂岩 102. pebbled sandstone 含砾砂岩

103. gravel-bearing fine-coarse sandstone细-粗砂岩(含砾) 104. argillaceous inequigranular sandstone泥质不等粒砂岩 105. gravel-bearing argillaceous sandstone 含砾泥质砂岩 106. argilliferous sandstone 含泥砂岩

107. tuffaceous pebbled sandstone凝灰质含砾砂岩 108. calciferous

sandstone 含钙砂岩

109. chalky argillaceous sandstone 含白垩泥质砂岩 110. blaize 硬砂岩

111. glauconite sandstone 海绿石砂岩 112. quartz sandstone 石英砂岩 113. spiral-shell bearing sandstone 含螺砂岩

114. spiral-shell and gravel bearing sandstone含螺含砾砂岩 115. oolite

bearing sandstone 含鲕砂岩

116. oolite bearing calcareous sandstone 含鲕钙质砂岩 117. wacke


118.kaoline sandstone高岭土质砂岩 119. kaoline siltstone 高岭土质粉砂岩 120. kaoline fine sandstone 高岭土质细砂岩 121. gypsum sandstone 石膏质砂岩 122. bertholite 硅质砂岩

123. dolomitic sandstone 白云质砂岩

124. gravel-bearing dolomitic sandstone 白云质含砾砂岩 125. dolomitic fine sandstone 白云质细砂岩 126. dolomitic siltstone 白云质粉砂岩 127. chalky sandstone 白垩土质砂岩

128. igneous gravel bearing sandstone 含火成岩砾砂岩

129. limy siltstone 灰质粉砂岩 130. calciferous siltstone 含钙粉砂岩

131. calciferous silty fine sandstone含钙粉细砂岩 132. calciferous pebbled sandstone 含钙含砾砂岩 133. calciferous argillaceous sandstone含钙泥质砂岩 134. limy sandstone 灰质砂岩

135. inequigranular calciferous gritstone 不等粒含钙粗砂岩 136. ostracode bearing calcareous sandstone含介形虫之钙质


137. calcareous sandstone钙质砂岩

138. bioclast calcareous sandstone 生物碎屑钙质砂岩 139. spiral-shell bearing limy sandstone含螺灰质砂岩 140. bituminous


141. tuffaceous sandstone 凝灰质砂岩

142. gravel-bearing tuffaceous sandstone凝灰质砂岩(含砾) 143. ferrite


144. carbonaceous pyritic sandstone碳质黄铁质砂岩 145. argillaceous sandstone泥质砂岩 146. argillaceous siltstone 泥质粉砂岩 147. phosphoric sandstone 含磷砂岩 148. breccia bearing sandstone含角砾砂岩 149. carbonaceous siltstone 碳质粉砂岩

150. carbonic sandstone 碳质砂岩 151. ferruginous siltstone 铁质粉砂岩 152. ostracode sandstone 介形虫砂岩 153. wormhole 154. shale 页岩 155. oil shale 油页岩 156. inferior shale劣质页岩 157. ampelite 沥青质页岩 158. inferior oil shale 劣质油页岩 159. calcareous oil shale 钙质油页岩 160. claystone 泥岩 161. argillutyte 粘土岩

162. kaoline argillutyte 高岭土粘土岩 163. mud-making claystone 造浆泥岩 164. soft mudstone 软泥岩

165. clayey brindle claystone 具泥质斑纹泥岩 166. ostracode claystone 介形虫泥岩 167. sandy shale 砂质页岩 168. sand shale 砂页岩

169. gravel-bearing sandy claystone 砂质泥岩(含砾) 170. calciferous sandy claystone 砂质泥岩(含砾) 171. ostracode sandy claystone 含钙砂质泥岩



172. arenaceous shale 砂质页岩

173. silty claystone 粉砂质泥岩 174. silt-bearing claystone 含粉砂泥岩 175. gerollton

176. conglomeratic claystone 含砾泥岩 177. gravel-bearing claystone 泥岩中含砾石 178. gravel-bearing silty claystone 含砾粉砂质泥岩 179. calcareous claystone 钙质泥岩 180. limy soft claystone 灰质软泥岩 181. carbargilite 碳质泥岩 182. inferior carbargilite劣碳质泥岩 183.battie 碳质页岩

184. dolomitic claystone 白云质泥岩 185. gypseous calystone 石膏质泥岩 186. gypsum calystone 膏泥岩 187. halopelite 盐质泥岩

188. chalk-bearing claystone 含白垩质泥岩 189. sesame-caky claystone 芝麻并泥岩 190. glauberite claystone 钙芒硝泥岩 191. bitum claystone 沥青质泥岩 192. siliceous claystone 硅质泥岩 193. siliceous shale 硅质页岩

194. limy shale 灰质页岩 195. calcareous shale 钙质页岩 196. clayey gypsolyte 泥膏岩 197. gypsiferous claystone 含膏泥岩 198. tuffaceous claystone 凝灰质泥岩

199. tuffaceous vitreous claystone 凝灰玻璃质泥岩 200. bauxitic claystone 铝土质泥岩 201. bauxitic shale 铝土质页岩 202. basaltic claystone 玄武质泥岩

203. interlaminated sand shale 砂泥岩薄互层 204. oolite bearing claystone 含鲕泥岩 205. limestone 石灰岩 206. oily limestone 灰岩含油 207. calclithite 碎屑灰岩

208. aphanitic limestone 隐晶质灰岩 209. oil-cut limestone 油浸灰岩 210. lime 灰岩

211. argillaceous limestone 泥质灰岩 212. granophyric limestone 花斑灰岩 213. silicious limestone 硅质灰岩 214. lamprophyric limestone 煌斑灰岩 215. tubulous limestone block 管状灰岩块

216. dolomitic limestone 白云质灰岩 217. wormhole limestone 虫孔灰岩 218. dolomitic cavern

limestone 白云质孔洞灰岩

219. oil-patch dolomitic limestone 油斑白云质灰岩 220. sandy dolomitic limestone 含砂白云质灰岩 221. dolomitic arenaceous limestone 白云质砂状灰岩 222. bioclast bearing dolomitic limestone 含生物碎屑白云质


223. argilliferous dolomitic limestone 含泥白云质灰岩 224. dolomite bearing limestone 含白云石灰岩 225. dolomite 白云岩

226. oil-cut dolomite 油浸白云岩

227. argilliferous silicious dolomite含泥硅质白云岩 228. sandy silicious dolomite含砂硅质白云岩

229. gravel-bearing argillaceous dolomitic含砾泥质白云岩 230. spiral shell bearing dolomitic 含螺化石白云岩 231. limy dolomite 灰质白云岩

232. dolomitic leopard limestone 白云质豹皮灰岩

233. bioclast bearing limy dolomite 含生物碎屑灰质白云岩 234. lime bearing dolomitic 含灰白云岩 235. argilliferous limestone 含泥灰岩 236. marl 泥灰岩

237. limestone gravel and spiral shell bearing malm含灰岩

砾石含螺泥灰岩 238. nodule



239. spiral shell bearing malm 含介形虫泥灰岩 240. bitumen malm 沥青质泥灰岩 241. silty malm 粉砂质泥灰岩 242. argilliferous dolomite 含泥白云岩 243. argillaceous dolomite 泥质白云岩 244. shaly limestome页状灰岩 245. biolithite 生物灰岩

246. oil-cut biolithite 油浸生物灰岩 247. biologic sandy limestone 生物砂质灰岩 248. bioclastic bearing limestone(含)生物碎屑灰岩 249. sand bearing calclithite 含砂碎屑灰岩 250. argilliferous biolithite 含泥质生物灰岩 251. sand bearing biolithite 含砂生物灰岩 252. arenaceous biolithite 砂质生物灰岩 253. shelly limestone 介壳灰岩

254. spiral shell bearing limestone 含螺灰岩 255. spiral-shell limestone 螺灰岩 256. ostracode limestone 介形虫灰岩 257. breccioid limestone 角砾状灰岩

258. brecciola limestone 角砾石灰岩 259. laminated limestone 薄层状灰岩 260. cavern limestone 溶洞灰岩 261. vuggy limestone 孔洞灰岩 262. cavernous limestone 孔状灰岩 263.wormkalk


264. edgewise dolomite 竹叶状白云岩 265. pinhole limestone 针孔状灰岩 266. pinhole dolomite 针孔状白云岩 267. leopard limestone 豹皮灰岩 268. chert zebra limestone 燧石条带灰岩 269. chert zebra dolomite 燧石条带白云岩 270. chert nodule limestone 燧石结核灰岩 271. chert nodule dolomite 燧石结核白云岩

272. chert nodule siliceous dolomite 燧石结核硅质白云岩 273. siliceous limestone 硅质灰岩 274. siliceous dolomite 硅质白云岩 275. oolitic limestone 鲕状灰岩

276. arenaceous oolitic limestone 砂质鲕状灰岩 277. ooid-bearing limestone 含鲕灰岩

278. oolitic arenaceous limestone 鲕状砂质灰岩 279. oolitic debris limestone 鲕屑灰岩

280. oolitic dolomite 鲕状白云岩 281. pseudo-oolitic limestone 假鲕状灰岩 282. dolomite breccia 角砾状白云岩 283. sandy limestone 砂质灰岩

284. bioclast sandy limestone 生物碎屑砂质灰岩 285. arenaceous dolomite砂质白云岩 286. gypseous limestone 石膏质灰岩 287. gypseous dolomite 石膏质白云岩

288. anhydrite bearing dolomitie 含硬石膏质白云岩 289. argillaceous zebra limestone 泥质条带灰岩 290. argillaceous zebra dolomite 泥质条带白云岩 291. ampelitic limestone 碳质灰岩 292. crystalline limestone 结晶灰岩 293. limmer 沥青质灰岩 294. knollenkalk 瘤状灰岩

295. chalk bearing limestone 含白垩灰岩 296. algal limestone 藻灰岩 297. algal dolomite 藻云岩 298. silicalite 硅质岩 299. phosphorite 磷块岩 300. bauxitite 铝土岩

301. gravel-bearing bauxitite 含砾铝土岩

302. manganese ore layer 锰矿层 303. pyrite layer 黄铁矿层

304. pyrite crystal class 黄铁矿晶族 305. iron-bed 铁矿层 306. siderite layer 菱铁矿层 307. hematite layer 赤铁矿层 308. coal bed/interbeb 煤层及夹层 309. coal streak 煤线 310. brown coal 褐煤 311. charcoal


312. coal debris 煤碳碎屑 313. boron bed 硼层 314. barite 重晶石 315. gypsum layer石膏层 316. gypsum 石膏 317. halite 318. sylvite

岩盐 钾岩

319. magniferous halite 含镁岩盐 320. gypsiferous halite 含膏岩盐 321. gypsous salt bed 膏盐层 322. glauberite 钙芒硝岩 323. mamanite 杂卤石

324. chert bed 燧石层 325. chalk soil 白垩土 326. chalkstone


327. limestone weathering crust chalk soil 灰岩风化壳白垩土 328. basal surface chalk soil 风化面白垩土 329. arenaceous

chalk 砂质白垩

330. bentonite 膨润土坩子土 331. fault clay 断层泥 332. fault rubble


333. chert breccia 燧石角砾岩 334. ostracode bed 介形虫层 335. ostracode biolith 介形虫生物岩 336. tuff 凝灰岩 337. acidic


rock 酸性侵入岩

338. ganite 花岗岩

339. neutral irruptive rock 中性侵入岩 340. basis irruptive rock 基性侵入岩 341. diorite 闪长岩 342. syenite 343. gabbro 344. norite 苏长岩 345. plagioclasite 斜长岩



346. pyroxenite

347. amphibolite 角闪岩 348. peridotite 349. ophite




350. dioritic porphyry 351. lamprophyre 352. minette 云煌岩 353. pegmatite 354. volcanic 355. felsite 356. igneous



伟晶岩 rock


霏细岩 rock


357. volcanoclastic rock 火山碎屑岩

358. volcaniclastic sandstone 火成岩风化成的砂岩 359. acidic 360. neutral


effusive rock

rock 酸性喷发岩


361. basis effusive rock 基性喷发岩 362. rhyolite


363. rhyolite porphyry 364..dacite 英安岩


365. dacite porphyry 英安斑岩 366. trachite 粗面岩 367. andesite


368. basalt 玄武岩

369. stomatic basalt 玄武岩(带气孔) 370. compacted basalt 玄武岩致密

371. basalt and claystone composite rock玄武岩与泥岩复合岩

372. basaltic debris 玄武岩砾岩 373. dolerite


374. effusive gravel 喷发岩砾 375. decayed

andesite 风化安山岩

376. metamorphite 变质岩 377. slate 378. phyllite 379. schist




380. quartzite 石英岩 381. marble


382. granite gneiss花岗片麻岩 383. gneiss 384. chlorite


slate 绿泥石板岩

