Teaching plan英语教案设计

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Teaching plan

Material: Junior middle school final review data

Object: Class1, Grade3

Lecture teacher:Rodger(杨权,09英语2班)

Part 1 Analysis of some synonymous words and phrases

The main activities are to talk about the given words.

Ⅰ Teaching aims and demands

1. Read the given words two times

(1)above/on/over (2)in/into (3)agree with/agree to/agree on (4)pay/cost/spend/take (5)another/the other/others/the others

2.Review and check the word meaning between English and Chinese

3.Discuss the same points and different points among the given words.

4. Do exercise and make sentences by using the given words.

Ⅱ Teaching aids: Cards and blackboard Ⅲ Teaching method: Task based teaching method

Step 1 Importation (5mins)

By asking students some questions, then introduce the main lesson words and phrases.

T: Good afternoon, Class! S: Good afternoon, Mr. Yang

T: Were you in the classroom last night?

S1:Yes,I was./No, I wasn’t

T: Did you see an old lady going into the house at this time last night?

S2: No, I did not./Yes, I did.

T: Gould you give me the book?

S2: Yes, I can.

T: How about another one? S2: Here you are. T: Thanks.

T: How long did you spend doing your homework last night?

S3: I spent 2 hours doing my homework. T: What do you think of the internet? S4: ……

T:OK, now let’s analyze several words. Here are some cards with words. I will give you the cards and you need to discuss and analyze.

Step2 discussion (10mins)

Send the cards to the students, let the students discuss, analysis and answer. T: Could you tell me the words on your card? S1:The word on my cards are ……

T: You have discussed and analyzed, what’s your result of analysis? S1:Our result of analysis is ……

T: Could you make sentences by using the words? S: Yes.

Students’ sentences: ---

Step3 Presentation (15mins)

Through drawing and sentences to present the words and phrases.

1.above/on/over, the three words has a same meaning, but the ways to use are different.

(1) The 'above' if something is above or higher than something, not necessarily in the above. We say it is above


Egg: He lifted his hands above his head.

(2) The ’on’ if the two things are in contact with each other, one thing in the another thing, we say sth. is on the sth.

Egg: There is a book on the desk.

(3) Over says something is above, no contact, there is distance. Egg: There is a bridge over the river. 2.in/into.

(1)' in ' represents a static(egg: My family live in a castle outside the town.) (2)' into ' to express dynamic(An old lady is working into the house.)

3. agree with/ agree to/ agree on, (1) Agree on said in a thing agree (Egg: We agreed on making early start.)

(2) Agree to agreed in an action, claim or arrangement, followed by a noun or a ' to do ' (Egg: He agreed to help us .)

(3) Agree with said agree, behind generally followed people, but also can be connected with the opinion or view, but not\

.(Egg: I don’t agree with your idea/I don’t agree with you.)

4. cost/take/spend/pay All the words have the \

(1) Cost can only be used as the subject with matter or thing, rather Commonly used in the sth . Costs sb. .Some money / sth. costs some money structure

[Egg: The book costs me 50yuan. /The book costs 50yuan]

(2) ' spend ' by people as the subject, commonly used in structure of sb. Spend time /money on sth or sb. spend time/money (in) doing sth.

[Egg: He spent on the book./They spent 5 days (in) visiting the workers.]

(3) Take mainly refers to the\

[Egg: It took me 2hs to do my homework last night]

(4) The basic meaning of pay is\pay some money for sth,/pay sb./pay for sth

[Egg: He paid 10yuan for the shirt/You have to pay me 20yuan a week for your meals] . 5. another/the other/ others/the others

(1) \ Another\ refer to the same person or food indefinite number of\the other refers to two people or things in the \

[Egg1: Look at the difficulty in another way. ]

[ Egg2: I have 2 dogs, one is black, the other is white.]

(2) \Others\the and others mean left all included or\other people or things\

.[Egg1: A few of them are red, others are white.] [ Egg2: A few of them are red, the others are white.]

Step4 practice (10mins)

Through exercises, let the students grasp the teacher's spoken words and phrases.

Multiple choice questions

(1)He forty dollars on TV set last year.

A. paid B. took C. spent D. cost

(2) Today we are going to give the classroom a thorough cleaning, clean the windows and the desk and sweep the floor.

A. one; the other B. some students; others students C. some; the others D. some; another students

(3)It me to finish my work yesterday afternoon.

A. spent; sometimes B. cost; some time C. took ; some time D. paid; sometimes.

(4)The dictionary me 10 yuan.

A. spent B. cost C. paid D. take

(5)Five of the students passed the exam yesterday, and failed.

A. another B. the others C. the other D. others

(6)He them about the need for change.

A. agreed with B. agreed to C. agreed on D. agreed about

(7)There is a bridge the river.

A. on B. over C. above D. up

(8)An old lady is walking the house. A. in B. within C. at D. into

(9)There are a lot of books the bookshelf. A. on B. over C. above D. in

(10)Do you think he’ll their proposal?

A. agreed with B. agreed to C. agreed on

(11)My family live a castle outside the town.. A. in B. within C. at D. into

(12)He handed up his hands his head. A. on B. over C. above D. up

(13)Can we a date?

A. agreed with B. agreed to C. agreed on Step5 homework

1.Finish the exercise 1 from Part Two.

D. agreed about D. agreed about

