商务沟通英文论文 优酷土豆合并分析 Youku Tudou’s merger analysis

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Youku Tudou’s merger analysis

1. A simple greeting and explain my own views

2. Cause analysis

(1)The video industry is highly competitive, and only their merger can seek a way out

(2)Domestic video sites increase, Youku and Tudou gradually lost core competitiveness

(3) Merger stables video market to resist the invasion of rich second generation

(4) The two giants of the video industry merger to reduce cost

(5) Video search engine Soku role will show

3. Effects analysis

(1) Market share is larger, increase competitiveness

(2) The copyright purchased price will be reduced

(3) Increase advertising revenue, enhance bargaining power with vendors

4. Development proposals

(1) Shared resources to obtain a competitive advantage

(2) Establish a new cultural concept to seek joint development of both sides

(3) There are some problems should be noted in the integration process

5. Summary


FROM: Xue Chaolong

TO: Youku Tudou Inc

SUBJECT: opinions on Youku Tudou’s merger

Dear Sir,

I’m the stakeholder of Youku before, I was surprised to hear the news that Youku and Tudou had merged, joining together to become the leading company in China’s online video industry.

From my point of view, the two companies’ merger is a good idea. People often say that no permanent enemies and no permanent friends, in the market that likes a battlefield without smoke of gunpowder is even so, cooperation is the best way to defeat a competitor. Youku and Tudou give us a very good interpretation. The merger was an unexpected thing but imperative for both sides, Youku and Tudou were known for their intense battles, both on the Webs and in the courtroom, which made the news come too suddenly. Despite the intense competition, there has been cooperation, most notably last year, when the firms began sharing content to fend off rivals. That move led to speculation of a merger and, more than a year later, that rumors proved to be correct. I’m optimistic about the merger. Although their merger now has no cause actual qualitative change, but the two sides to cooperate to bring the quantitative, and the quantity change will produce a qualitative change.

On March 11th, Youku and Tudou signed the final agreement that will with the 100% convertible way to merge, the new company calls Youku Tudou Inc. Tudou will withdraw from the market. This marks China's network video website pattern is facing the new changes.

Cause analysis

The video industry is highly competitive, and only their merger can seek a way out

There are many video sites in video industry such as , Ten cent video, and Letv and so on, these sites provide a variety of resources to meet the needs of users, although their homogeneity degree is very high, but has been able to basically meet the needs of customers, with the copyright expenditure is more and more huge, the video industry competition is more and more intense. In this case, two big giants choose to merge is wise. Over the past few years, Youku and Tudou struggled


fiercely, both want to defeat the opponent at all costs, but the two sides have not been able to provide each other with substantial blow. At the same time, the two companies have also spent most of the reserve fund. At this time the parties select merger can steady the status, and at the same time can guarantee the interests of both parties. Both sides of the merger opened up a video industry merger boom, in the future there will be more video websites will be merged or acquired, video industry real war will be staged.

Domestic video sites increase, Youku and Tudou gradually lost core competitiveness

At present, the number of online video sites is many. Youku and Tudou are all traditional video online website, their core competitiveness gradually weaken. They are hoping to change the modern pattern, thus merger becomes a very good way. Through the merger not only can attract the attention of more users but also both users will be shared and the competitiveness can be significantly improved.

Merger stables video market to resist the invasion of rich second generation

The merger of Youku and Tudou is imperative, Shanda acquired Ku6, Renren acquired 56, the NetEase cooperates with Letv, Sohu has Sohu Video, Ten cent has Ten cent Videos, Baidu owns Qiyi, these video websites catching up with Youku Tudou have strong backers, the video is just their branch business. For Youku and Tudou, the video is their life. Youku and Tudou are the two giants of the video industry, they are unlikely acquisition of other sites, in order to keep the leading position in the video industry, and the two sides’ merger is one of the most secure roads.

The two giants of the video industry merger to reduce cost

In the past two years, Youku and Tudou have been in contention for the title of the first. The two sides cost a total loss of $ 9.3 billion. Sohu Video, Ten cent video and other video websites


gradually invest a lot of money to compete for the video market. In the case of the other video sites join in the video market, they are gradually narrow the gap between Youku and Tudou, and catch up with the momentum. In this case, if the two giants continue to struggle, they will sooner or later be caught up on by the rich second generation video enterprises. After the merger, the video market structure will be temporarily stabilize, thus both retaining its leading position.

Video search engine Soku role will show

When Youku launched the video search engine-Soku, Tudou took the lead shielding Soku. However, after the merger, Tudou will support the Soku. Youku Tudou Inc occupies a large amount of market share after the merger, so with the cooperation opportunity Soku will be actively developed. Youku and Tudou together to promote Soku video search, Soku may therefore generate Matthew Effect and via the opportunity to develop.

Effects analysis

The newly merged company plans to keep and as distinct players to target different kinds of users, after the merger, the new company will have even more impressive scale and powerful revenue conversion capabilities to achieve long term growth.

After the merger Youku is still Youku, Tudou still is Tudou; the platform will not change, so now it seems not much impact user. Both sides will focus on optimizing the resource integration. Market share is larger, increase competitiveness

The fourth quarter of 2011, the income share of Chinese online video market Youku owns 21.8%, followed by 13.7% of Tudou, the third Sohu13.3%, the rest in the median proportion of each share markets. This, combined Youku and Tudou become the industry, of course, the boss, nearly 36%.


The copyright purchased price will be reduced

Copyright purchase for video sites has been a lot of input, especially films that need to be imported from Europe and the United States, the films do have high ornamental value, but at the same time the cost of their copyright is particularly expensive, and this is why foreign films resources on our country video sites are so scarce. For the high video copyright fee, non-exclusive television drama set to several thousand yuan, exclusive is as high as several hundred thousand yuan set. In the face of high price of copyright, the combined Youku Tudou Inc has obvious price advantage. Before the merger of the two, buy two copyright spent two price, after the merger, only takes a price but two platforms can be broadcast. Previous and as opposing two companies were functioning, this took a lot of money to buy the copyright and them competitive for film resources, now the two companies merge, this can reduce the cost of capital, to meet the needs of users with

less cost. It is extremely beneficial for both sides.


Increase advertising revenue, enhance bargaining power with vendors

The major profitable source of video sites is advertising revenue, advertisers and advertising agents said, affected by the international financial crisis, the majority of enterprises at home and abroad in recent years the business situation is not ideal, Therefore, from the beginning of 2011, some companies began to slash in the traditional media advertising such as newspapers, magazines and TV advertising in favor of an increase of Internet advertising investment whose cost is relatively low. Youku Tudou Inc has two brand sites as a whole , these two sites each has a large number of customer groups, and thus will has strong bargaining power when it is negotiating with the vendors, when the company increases advertising revenue. The pace of its profits will be significantly accelerated. This is what both industry and capital markets want to see.

Development proposals

Shared resources to obtain a competitive advantage

Youku and Tudou previously as two independent video sites, their operating methods and philosophy are different, after the merger the two companies become one company, they must not like before in order to acquire the film and television copyright to attack each other, they have not been each other's competitor, and to maximize the interests both sides should integrate resources .The two interoperable website accounts to enhance user coverage is a good resource sharing approach, will bring a better experience for video users, provide more optional content and personalized service. After the merger, the two companies’ copyright can be shared, so that the most immediate benefit is to reduce the purchase price of the video copyright .Moreover, after the merger the TV drama market copyright price of the two companies also drops, price may is slowly return to rationality.

Establish a new cultural concept to seek joint development of both sides

The common cultural idea is an important factor in facilitating mergers, but the main reason for the failure resulting in the merger. Successful cultural integration can enhance the cohesion of the new organization, new shared vision to create sustainable competitive advantage. In short, only to realize the integration of corporate culture, integration of enterprises can achieve 1 +1> 2 synergies and achieve economies of scale.


Establish necessary rules and regulations, so that the new company's values, ethics, code of conduct for employees salary reward system. In the system, rules and regulations, documents should be reflected, more conducive to the new enterprise culture establishment.

There are some problems should be noted in the integration process

Primary Youku employees may have a strong culture of psychology, the new company should pay attention to the balance of two company employees jobs in the new company, the staff is convinced that the presence of opportunity and fairness, and to establish the trust of the new leader.

Cultural integration should be innovative, not only has the training about ideological education, but also has evening entertainment activities, emphasis on the participation of employees in order to achieve the best integration. Attention to the time of implementation, only started as soon as possible in the post-merger integration has the best effect, avoid acts of procrastination.

Merger is a foregone conclusion, there is still a long way to go for the future development of the two sides, and through this merger the two sides have a great harvest. We can see the different cultural and operational characteristics of Youku and Tudou, the merger makes both sides learn a lot in the integration of resources, which is helpful for the development of the company. Between the future video sites are the competition of copyright, and the competition of capital triggered by copyright competition, which video company can get more original plays will also occupy a larger market share. The future pattern of network video will be more standardized. With the number of Internet users continues to increase at the same time, network video click rate will be higher, advertising revenue is not the only source of income alone video sites.

Above is my views and suggestions on the merger, I believe that the company will have a good prospect under the guidance of the new development strategy and I'm glad I chose Youku; I believe she will not let me despair. I wish Youku Tudou Inc will achieve greater development.

Sincerely yours,

Xue Chaolong



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