S1A Unit 4 测试题

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S1A Unit 4 测试题

第 I 卷 (共105分) I. 听力略

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 25. Young women are always interested in fashion _______. A. trends

B. styles

C. ways D. characters 26. Have you _______ been to Europe? A. hardly B. always C. still 27. I don’t _______ beer tonight.

A. feel like C. look like

D. ever

B. feel of D. sound like

D. proper

28. Is this _______ leather, or plastic?

A. true B. real C. right 29. Gold is _______ in colour to brass (黄铜). A. similar B. same

C. like D. as

30. Who is that girl _______ blond hair and dark eyes? A. from B. in C. on D. with

31. There was a little stream, with trees on _______ sides of it. A. every B. both C. neither D. each 32. Oh!Let me _______ you. This is my friend Eric. Mrs Gilby... Mr Gilby. A. speak B. think C. come D. introduce 33. There are _______ people who need new housing. A. hundreds B. hundred of C. hundreds of D. hundred 34. I managed to hit the dog _______ a stick. A. with B. in C. on D. from 35. _______ time went on, the truth had come to light. A. When B. With C. By D. As 36. It won’t be long _______ they arrive here. Don’t worry. A. after B. when C. before D. although 37. We had no idea about the traffic accident _______ you told us.

A. until B. as C. except D. if

38. Parents should take seriously their children’s requests for sunglasses _______ eye protection is necessary in sunny weather.

A. because B. though C. unless D. if

39. _______ you have seen both fighters, who do you think will win? A. When B. Since C. While D. Until 40. I recognised you _______ I saw you at the airport.

A. the moment B. while

C. after D. once 41. —Why didn’t you help the little boy?

—Oh sorry. He had struggled to his feet _______ I could run over to him. A. before B. after C. until

D. since

42. —Mum, can I go out to play football with Jessica?

—No, you can’t _______ you are working on your homework.

A. before B. until C. as D. when

43. Last night someone rang me up at midnight, but he hung up _______ I could answer the phone.

A. before B. as C. until D. after

44. He had to be called two or three times _______ he would come to his dinner. A. as III. Cloze

B. when C. until D. before

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. ■ ■■

“Why are you crying?” he asked his mom. “Because I’m _______45_______,” she told him. “I don’t understand,” he said. His mom just hugged him to her and said, “You never will.” Later the little boy asked his father why Mother _______46_______ to cry for no reason. “_______47_______ mothers cry for no reason,” was all his dad could say. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why mothers cry.

One night, he had a dream. In his dream, he called God on the telephone. When God came to the phone the man asked, “God, _______48_______ do mothers cry so easily?”

God answered him, “My son, you see, when I _______49_______ mothers, I knew they had to be _______50_______. I made their shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. I gave them a hardiness (耐性) that allows them to keep going when everyone else _______51_______, and to take care of their families. I gave them the sensitivity to love their children under all circumstances(情况), even when their child has _______52_______ them very badly. The same sensitivity helps them to make a child’s boo-boo feel better and helps them _______53_______ a teenager’s anxieties and fears. I gave them a tear and it’s only theirs to use whenever needed. It’s really their weakness, but it is a tear _______54_______ mankind.” 45. A. mother B. nurse C. teacher D. sister 46. A. tried B. offered 47. A. Some B. Many 48. A. when B. why

C. seemed D. pretended C. All D. Most C. how D. where

D. serious

49. A. knew B. invited C. brought D. made 50. A. strange B. special C. helpful 51. A. gives up 52. A. wound 53. A. enjoy 54. A. for ■ ■■

B. killed C. hurt

B. gives out C. gives in D. gives off D. share

D. stopped

B. receive C. learn B. to C. of D. against

Do You Have an Anchor?

Though I have never seen it, I’m told that the Niagara River has a couple of interesting signs upstream of the famous falls. There is one by the side of the _______55_______ visible to brave boaters that _______56_______, “Do you have an anchor (锚)?” Then just downstream there is a second _______57_______ that says, “Do you know how to use it?”

“Do you have an anchor?” I have found that a solid (结实的) anchor is _______58_______ to one who intends to live life fully. To have an anchor is to be _______59_______ and well-grounded. It is to have an important spiritual base.

“Do you know _______60_______ to use it?” The amount of faith is never enough if it is not used. We all come to what has been _______61_______ as the “Red Sea place” in our lives. That is the place where there is no way back and no way around. We have to go through.

Even a small ship can _______62_______ major storms if it has an anchor. But it is_______63_______ to move restlessly about and even sink if the anchor is not used. What will you do when you get to the _______64_______“Red Sea place” in your life? Do you have an anchor? Do you know how to use it? 55. A. lake B. road C. river 56. A. reads B. writes 57. A. anchor B. boat 58. A. interesting C. wonderful 59. A. carried

D. street

C. speaks D. promises

C. boater D. sign B. necessary

D. difficult

B. brought

C. centred D. connected 60. A. when B. where C. who D. how 61. A. regarded B. accepted C. changed D. explained 62. A. prevent B. avoid C. weather 63. A. safe B. likely C. useful

D. meet

D. scared

64. A. first B. last C. other D. next IV. Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read. ■ ■■

Manuel and Joe were traders with the Pawnee Indians. Each of them tried to get by trade as many furs as possible for himself, using whatever means possible and without showing pity towards the other. For that reason, they often quarrelled. In order to prevent such hot arguments they agreed that if a group of Indians arrived at their trading posts (商栈) for the purpose of exchange and trade, neither would attempt to take advantage of the other. Manuel, however, had no intention of trading on honourable terms for any length of time; once when both of them expected a group of Pawnee, he tried to fool Joe. While he ordered his post supplied in secret with supplies to exchange with the Pawnee, he went over to see Joe in order to put him off his guard, by his own presence there to hold back preparations and to see what was really going on in the other storehouse. Joe played the part of unsuspecting (不怀疑的) host just as well as his enemy played his part. He acted just as though he had allowed himself to be really fooled. He invited Manuel to

drink a glass of champagne to the success of future trade, but regretted that because of his bad back he was not able to bend down and therefore, would have to ask Manuel to fetch the container of wine from the underground room. The latter willingly raised the trapdoor(活门板) in the room and went down the steps; Joe let the door fall (放下), rolled a container upon it, with disrespectful words left his enemy locked up, then, went off to trade alone with the Pawnee. 65. Manuel went to Joe’s because _______.

A. he wanted to hold back Joe’s trading preparations B. he wanted to help Joe get his supplies prepared C. he wanted to start a quarrel D. he wanted to make an agreement

66. How did Joe feel about Manuel’s visit? A. He was completely fooled.

B. He knew the real reason for it.

C. He was angry with Manuel for coming to his house.

D. He was glad that Manuel had accepted his invitation for a drink.

67. According to the story, how did Manuel regard the agreement he made with Joe?

A. He took it seriously and planned to keep it.

B. He wanted to keep it but believed that Joe would not keep it. C. He planned to keep it only for a short length of time.

D. He never planned to keep it. ■■■■

I have had about enough of being treated like a second-class citizen, simply because I happen to be that put upon member of a society—a customer. The more I go into shops and hotels, banks and post offices, railway stations, airports and the like, the more I’m certain that things are being run only to suit the firm, the system, or the union. There seems to be a dangerous motto for so-called “service” organisations—Workers before Service.

How often, for example, have you queued for what seems like hours at the post office or the supermarket because there weren’t enough assistants on duty to serve all the service windows or checkout counters? Surely in these days of high unemployment it must be possible to employ cashiers and counter workers. Yet supermarkets, suggesting darkly higher prices, say that having all their cash registers (出纳机) work at any one time would increase costs. And the post office says we cannot expect all their service windows to be open “at times when demand is low”. It’s the same with hotels. Because waiters and kitchen cooks must finish when it suits them, dining rooms close earlier or fewer kinds of dishes are served. As for us guests, we just have to put up with it. Also so many friendly hotel night doorkeepers have been dismissed gradually and replaced by machines for so-called efficiency. Not to mention the gradual menace (威胁) of the tea-making things in your room in a hotel: a tea-pot with different kinds of teabags, plastic milk box and ready-made sugar. Who wants to be treated with uncooked tea? I don’t, especially when I’m paying for “service”.

Can this kind of service, this growing unfairness towards the customers be stopped? I eagerly hope so because it’s happening, sadly, in all walks of life. 68. The writer feels that nowadays a customer is _______. A. the receiver of privileged treatment

B. unworthy of proper consideration

C. classified by society as lower D. the sufferer of modern organisation

69. In the writer’s opinion, the quality of service is changing because _______. A. the customers’ demands have changed

B. the workers receive more consideration than the customers C. the customers’ needs have increased

D. the workers are less kind and understanding than their employers

70. According to the writer, long queues at counters in shops and post office are caused by _______.

A. difficulties in employing workers B. not enough workers and desire to save money C. workers being made unnecessarily extra D. lack of cooperation workers

71. Service organisations say that keeping checkout counters all in operation would lead to _______.

A. a rise in the price for providing services B. demands by cashiers for more money C. unimportant interests for the customers ■■

D. the need to buy expensive equipment

Robots frequently star in science fiction movies and books. But, that wasn’t enough and they began jumping off the screen and into reality recently. So if you have some things you’d like a robot to do, you’d better make a list right now. That’s because they may be here faster than you can snap your fingers.

In Hong Kong, for example, customers were once attracted to some restaurants not because of the food, but because of a robot waiter. The robot greeted customers and took their orders. The customers could give the names of the dishes they wanted by tapping on the robot’s screen to complete the order. Robot Waiter 1, as it’s known, can only take orders—it still can’t cook. But restaurant owners say they have plans to add a robot-chief to the staff in the near future. In October, hundreds of robots around the world showed up in Suzhou for the Robot Cup, a World Cup Soccer Game—for robots. And at the end of last month, a robot Albert Einstein was on display in New York. He not only gave physics classes but also identified different faces with a camera in his eyes. Although some people are afraid of the robot revolution—sci-fi (科幻小说) novelist Isaac Asimov described this in his work Robot Revolution, the Making of I, but more people want to enjoy the fascinating world that robots can bring us in the future. 72. Robots in the passage can do all the following things EXCEPT _______.

A. be the heroes in the science movies C. give physics classes

B. take orders in a restaurant

D. cook food in a restaurant

73. The examples in the second paragraph are given to show _______. A. how Chinese care about robots B. the new functions of some robots C. the dangers of a robot revolution

D. New York is advanced in making robots

74. What does the last sentence in the first paragraph mean? A. Robots will soon be available. B. Robots will move faster if you snap your fingers. C. Robots can move as fast as you snap your fingers.

D. It will take less than a minute for robots to enter our life.

75. What once attracted customers to some restaurants in Hong Kong? A. The food of some restaurants. B. A cook chief. C. A robot waiter. D. Some physics classes. ■■

People who live in the countryside generally live longer than those who live in the city. A number of reasons may help explain this point.

To start with, farmers are in close contact (接触) with nature. They breathe fresh air. They make friends with trees and stones, cows and dogs. They listen to the songs of birds. They fight with strong winds. This contact with nature is good for the health of both body and spirit.

Next, hard physical work keeps farmers fit and healthy. It is widely believed that farmers suffer from far less diseases than people in the city. There are many diseases that are common in the city, but not in the countryside. For example, near-sightedness(近视) is almost unknown to farmers. Besides, being free from urban pressure does good to the health of farmers.

Moreover, because there are less cars, motorcars and other kinds of vehicles (车辆), one can walk more freely without being afraid of accidents. The environment is better in the countryside, which makes the farmers live a quiet and peaceful life.

The farmers can also easily get fresh grain, vegetables, fruits and milk. They enjoy these advantages that people living in the city cannot. 76. What is mainly discussed in the passage? A. How to live a happy and peaceful life. B. Why life is longer in the countryside.

C. How people in the countryside live their life. D. Why country life is better than city life.

77. How many reasons does the writer give to support his point?

A. 1 . B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.

78. In the second paragraph, the writer suggests that ______________. A. trees and stones also have feelings

B. birds’ songs are helpful to people’s body building

C. everybody should have the experience of fighting against winds D. the closer you are to nature, the healthier you will be 79. According to the writer, ______________.

A. hard physical work can cure (治愈) near-sightedness B. eating fresh food is good for one’s health

C. no traffic accidents happen in the countryside

D. the environment in the countryside is getting better and better ■ ■■

Directions: Read the following article and choose the most suitable heading from A—F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading, which you do not need.

A. Some advertisements which giving little information about their goods are still successful. B. No one can escape the influence of advertising in the modern world. C. Because of competition companies manufacturing (制造) similar goods have to advertise their products.

D. People who are happy in the modern world often buy the products in the ads. E. Advertisements for all kinds of products can be seen everywhere.

F. Some advertisers take advantage of people’s irrationality (不理智的想法) to advertise pro ducts.

80. _______ Every time we open a magazine or newspaper, we find advertisements for various products. Every time we turn on a TV or radio, we find commercials for cars, toothpaste, washing machines, house paint, hair colour, jeans, and dozens of other products. In the modern world, there is no escape from advertising; it is everywhere.

81. _______ Why is advertising so essential (必要的) to people who manufacture and sell products? The main reason is competition. There are many, many companies which are producing items very similar to one another, and each company needs to succeed in order to stay in business. Advertising gives consumers information about a new product and allows them to compare the quality and price of several similar items before they choose which to buy.

82. _______ However, some modern advertising doesn’t give any information at all about the product except its name. Imagine a magazine ad for a certain brand of coffee. A man and a woman are sitting on a sofa. They look happy, friendly and relaxed. The woman has a cup of coffee in her hand, but the magazine reader might not even notice it. The name of the coffee company appears in the corner of the ad, but, again, there is no information about product.

83. _______ How can this advertising be successful if it doesn’t include information about the products? The answer is psychology; advertisers know that people often choose products for emotional reasons, not for rational(理性的) ones. Therefore, the goal of many advertising programmes is simply to make consumers feel good about themselves or to make them believe that they will be happier if they buy the products in the ads. Advertisers use their knowledge of human irrationality when they plan ads and commercials.

84. _______ Some people say, “Advertising doesn’t influence me. I don’t follow ads and commercials.” However, most of us cannot escape the influence of advertising at least some of the time; it influences us even when we don’t realise it. If you don’t believe this, go into your bedroom closet, bathroom, and kitchen. Look at the products that you have bought recently. Is every product really necessary in your life? Can you remember why you chose certain brands? The answers might surprise you! 第II卷(共45分) I. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 她想多了解一些身边的情况。(surround) 2. 什么都不能阻止我达到我的目标。(achieve) 3. 我们头顶上的天花板吊着一盏灯。(suspend)

4. 用录音机把谈话录下来。(record)

5. 我开始动手把花插在花瓶里。(arrange)

6. 他不再适合成为这个俱乐部的会员。(no longer)

II. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English short passage in no more than 100 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

某款手机更换电池 (battery pack) 说明:1. 如电池指示灯持续闪烁 (blink),则说明需要更换(replace) 电池;2. 按OFF键关闭电源,一定不要在开机状态下取出 (remove) 电池;3. 拉开手机电池盖;4. 取出用完的电池;5. 换上充满电的电池; 6. 关上电池盖; 7. 按ON键打开电源开机。



II. Grammar and Vocabulary 25. A。trend “倾向;趋势”;style “风格”;way “方法”;character “性格”。 26. D

27. A。feel like “想;愿意”,后可接名词或动名词。

28. B。true强调“符合事实的”;指质地、质量上是“真的,非模仿的”则只能用real。 29. A。be similar to“与??相似”。 30. D 31. B 32. D 33. C

34. A

35. D。 as引导时间状语从句,意为“随着??”。with虽然也可表示“随着??”,但它是介词,不能引导句子。 36. C 37. A

38. A

39. B。since在此处意为“既然”,表示大家都知道的情况等。 40. A

41. A。struggled to one’s feet “挣扎着站了起来”。

42. C

43. A。he hung up发生在I could answer the phone之前,故选before,意为“还未能??就??”。

44. D。“...be called two or three times”在“he would come to his dinner”之前,故用before,表示“??才??”。 注意与上题翻译的区别:必须叫他两三次,他才来吃饭。 III. Cloze 45. A 46. C 47. C 48. B

49. D。这里指上帝创造了妈妈。 50. 51. 52. 53.

B。此处指妈妈“爱哭”这个特殊的行为。 A

C。这里指孩子“伤害”了妈妈。wound是“刀(枪)伤”。 D。此处的情景是:让妈妈和孩子们“分担”忧愁和恐惧。

54. A。这里意为“这是为人类流的一滴泪”。 55. C。根据上文中的“the Niagara River”,我们可以推知是河边。

56. A。that reads是定语从句,意为“上面写着”。 57. D。联系上文中的“a couple of interesting signs”,说明这里提到的是第二个标识牌。 58. B。联系该句“who intends to live life fully”,说明生活中的anchor是必要的。 59. C。该句的意思是“拥有锚,可以确定重点、中心”,此处是比喻性用法。

60. D。联系下文的意思,结合上文中的“Do you know how to use it ”可以选出本题的正确答案。

61. A。be regarded as意为“被看作”。

62. C。weather这里用作动词,意为“经受住、平安度过”。 63. B。根据该句后面的条件句,说明“很可能会??”。

64. D。此处的语境是:当你下次遇到你生活中的“Red Sea place”时,你会怎么做? IV. Reading Comprehension 65. A。根据 “he went over to see Joe in order to put him off his guard, by his own presence there to hold back preparations....”可知答案。

66. B。由文中“He acted just as though he had allowed himself to be really fooled.”可知答案。 67. D。由第五句话可知答案。

68. D。由文中第一段可知,由于“service” organizations奉行Workers before Service,使顾客成为二等公民,故D为最佳答案。

69. B。由文章第一段最后一句话可知答案。

70. B。根据文章第二段可知,在柜台前排长队是由于缺乏足够的工作人员。 71. A。由文中第二段,“...having all their cash registers work at any one time would increase costs”可知答案。 72. D。根据第二段,“Robot Waiter 1, as it’s known, can only take orders—it still can’t cook.”可知D为正确选项。

73. B。第二段中所举的例子都是有关机器人的功能,因此答案为B。 74. A。这句话的意思是:机器人会在捻指之间出现在我们的生活中。 75. C 76. B 77. D 78. D 79. B

80—84 ECAFB 第II 卷 I. Translation

1. She wanted to know more about the conditions which surrounded her. 2. Nothing could stop me from achieving my ambition / goal. 3. A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us. 4. Record the conversation on a tape recorder.

5. I began to arrange the flowers in the vase. 6. He is no longer fit to be a member of this club. II. Guided Writing One possible version:

How to Replace the Cellphone Battery Pack

If the battery lamp remains blinking, it indicates that battery pack replacing is necessary. Please follow these instructions.

A. Press the OFF button to turn off the cellphone first. Never remove the battery pack while the cellphone is on, this may damage the unit. B. Carefully pull the battery pack cover open. C. Remove the worn-out battery pack.

D. Replace the battery pack with a fully charged one. E. Push the battery pack cover back in place. F. Press the ON button to turn on the cellphone.

