2016-2017学年度江汉区秋季英语期末考试 - 图文

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听力部分 (25分)




26. / ?u / A.October B.old C.orange 27./ ? / A.ten B.her C.first 28. / u: / A.school B.book C.good 29./ e / A.breakfast B.eat C.sweater 30./ ^ / A.but B.come C.watch 31./ aI / A.why B.busy C.like 32./ s / A.desks B.bags C.maps 33./ θ / A.brother B.thing C.twelfth 34./ j / A.yes B.yellow C.party 35./ t? / A.shoe B.chair C.question


从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项来完成各个小题。 36. -- ________ is your favorite day?

--Wednesday.Because we have P.E. and art on that day. A. Why A. lets

B. Who

C. How

D. What D. has

37. --I don’t like salad,but my mother _________me to eat it every day.

B. wants C.likes

38. --What a nice day!Let’s go to play soccer together! --It sounds ______.I like ping-pong. A. difficult A.on;or

B. fun B. on;but

C. easy D. relax C. in;and

D. in;but

39. --We play basketball _______ Sunday afternoon.It’s difficult ________ interesting. 40. --What’s that in the ________picture on Page ________? --It’s a pair of shoes. A. ninth;Third -- _______.

B. nine;Three C. ninth;Three D. nine;Third

41. -- Is today really August 2nd ? Oh,It’s my twelfth birthday.


A.Really? Why? B. Happy Birthday!

C. What’s wrong? -- ______.

D. How’s your first day of school?

42. --We’ll have a book sale in our school library this weekend.

A. Have a good time! B. Here you are. C. Sports are good for you. D. That’s for sure. 43. --Would you like________ice-cream? --Yes,please.

A. many B. a lot 44. --Mom,can I eat some pears now?

--Sorry,you can’t.But you can ________ one with you. A. buy

B. finish C. take D. sell

45. --There is a ______ store near my home.

--Oh,good.I want to buy tennis balls,volleyballs and footballs in it. A. fruit B. sports 46. --_____?

--Yes,please.I want a sweater for my son. A. Can I ask you some questions

C. Can I help you

B. How about that green sweater D. Can you help me

C. clothes D.vegetable C. some D. any

47. -- You are busy.I can help you_______ your baby. -- It’s very nice of you,thanks. A. watch

B. see

C. look D. meet

48. --I’ll have an English test in the morning,and I’ll go shopping,and I’ll... --_______you’re busy today.You have no time to go with me. A. But B. So C. Or 49. --It’s very difficult.I can’t do it. --John is good at it.Let ______ help you. A. me -- Wednesday,I think.

A. sale B. term C. day D. number

四、从II栏中找出与I栏句子相对应的答语(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) I II

50. Let’s play basketball. A.Yes,great. 51. Welcome to my birthday party! B.看不见 52. How much are the shorts? C.On September 10th. 53. What’s your favorite subject? D.Science. 54. When is Teacher’s Day? E.15 dollars. 五、完形填空(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

D. Because

B.him C. her D. them

50. --I want to know your favorite_____?


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项使短文意思完整。 Dear Jenny,

I’m very busy on Friday. At 8: 00 I have math. It is not fun. The teacher says it is 56 , but I think it is difficult. Then at 9: 00 I have science. It is difficult but 57 . At 10: 00 I have history. 58 ,I have P. E. at 11: 00. It’s easy and fun. Lunch is from 12: 00 to 1: 00, and after that we have Chinese. It is my 59 subject. Our Chinese teacher, Mr. Wang, is great fun. My classes 60 at 1: 50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours. It is really relaxing! How about you? When are your classes? What is your favourite subject?

Your friend,

Yu Mei

51. A. useful 52. A. boringl 53. A. Before this 54. A. good

B. difficult B. easy B. After that B. favorite

C. boring C. interesting C. Behind that C. best

D. dear D. old D. Behind this D. nice D. finish

55. A. begin B. play C. come

六、阅读理解 (共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容完成后面的各个小题。

Mr.Green is a doctor.He is busy in the hospital every day.Sometimes he has no time to go home to have dinner with his wife(妻子).Today he is busy, too.But he thinks it is his wife’s birthday today.He wants to buy her a gift.

There is a big store near his hospital.It sells many things.From the store,you can buy some food and some clothes.

After work,Mr. Green goes to the store.He wants to buy a birthday cake for his wife.In the store,there are many cakes with different fruits on them.Because his wife doesn’t like strawberries,he buy a cake with apples and oranges.He gets home and says.”Happy birthday , dear.It’s October 24th today.I don’t forget (忘记 )your birthday.”Mrs.Green looks at him and says,”Thank you but my birthday is yesterday.You always forget!I don’t want to eat it.” 61. Why doesn’t Mr.Green have dinner with his wife sometimes? A. Because he is a doctor. B. Because he is busy.

C. Because he doesn’t love his wife. D. Because he knows his wife’s birthday. 62. What does Mr. Green buy for his wife?

A. Some food. B. Some clothes. C. A birthday cake. D. Some fruit. 63. When is Mrs.Green’s birthday?

A. October 22th . B. October 23th . C. October 24th D. October 25th . 64. Mrs.Green doesn’t like_______.


A. srrawberries B. apples C. oranges D. cakes 65. From the passage,we can know___________.

A. a small store sells food and clothes near Mr.Green ‘s hospital. B. Mrs.Green dislikes apples or oranges.

C. Mr.Green doesn’t forget the date of his wife’s birth. D. Mrs. Green is very unhappy about Mr.Green.



address / Wednesday / April / want / fifth / dinner / take / needs / healthy / December / think

66. I ________ it’s in your grandparents’ room . 67. Do you have an e-mail ________.

68. I don’t want to be fat.I want to be ________ .

69. We have an English party on________31th after Christmas Day. 70. I want to meet you on__________ afternoon. 71. What color do you _________? 72. I’ll ______ these green shoes.

73. Jim’s birthday _________is next week. 74. He ______ white sweaters.

75. The ________ month of a year is May.


请将所给单词按照横线后提供的标点组成一个意思完整的句子。注意句首字母大写。 76. very,am,Thursdays,busy,I,on

______________________________________. 77. your,you,with,do,sports,friends,play ______________________________________? 78. a,busy,is,this,term,really

______________________________________. 79. trip,your,is,when,school

______________________________________? 80. you,what,have,do,lunch,for,vegetables _______________________________________?

九、句型转换(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据要求改写句子,每空填一个单词。 81. That girl likes hamburgers. (变否定句) That girl______ ______ hamburgers.

82. She can help him with his English. (变一般疑问句) ______ she______ him with his English?

83. She does sports on Saturdays. (就划线部分提问)


______ does she______ sports?

84. My English teacher is Mr.Liu. (就划线部分提问) ______ ______ your English teacher?

85. They like English because it is interesting. (就划线部分提问) ______ ______ they like English?




I have a lovely daughter,Jane.She is only 6 years old.Jane likes Minions a lot.If there is anything she loves to do,it is to draw her Minions.

Her cousin Tom isn’t well these 86 ,so we go to the hospital to see him.This is Jane’s 87 time seeing so many

sick kids.She goes to a little boy and gives her Minions to him,but the nurse(护士)says they 88 be clean and good for sick kids.

After we leave the hospital,we go to the park to meet 89 children.Soon I find Jane talking to a lot of children about her drawings.She asks them to draw Minions and 90 them to the park here next week.

On the following Thesday,we are in the park again.When I am talking with others,Jane comes to me 91 lots of drawings in her hands. “OK,Mom! Now we can go !” “Go? 92 ,honey?”

I 93 a few of the drawings.There are many different Minions,all with words like” 94 well together!”on them.Ithink I see. “Are these all for Tom?”

“No,Mommy!These are all the children in the hospital, 95 they can’t have real Minions.And every kid needs Minions!”

86. A. months B. days C. years D. weeks 87. A. next B. first C. one D. last 88. A. may not B. mustn’t C. can’t D. need not 89. A. others B. the others C.another D. other 90. A. bring B. take C. have D. get 91. A. with B. in C. on D. at 92. A. How B. When C. Where D. Who 93. A. think about B.think of C. look for D. look at 94. A. Want B. Get C. Call D. Sound 95. A. so B.because C. if D. after

十一、阅读理解(共10小题; 每小题2分,满分20分)



