
更新时间:2023-03-08 06:08:13 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



Personal Background

! b5 W- T\) Q\My name is 。。。. Translated this literally means ' to research the natural science'. My parents, both of whom are professors in a China’s university, hope me to be a scientist. Raised by such a family, I became conscious early of my strong interest and natural gift on science. In order to acquire high quality education in this field, I went to Japan and began my collegiate study in 。。。 four and a half years ago.

: O1 ]* r# `! ?My hunger for knowledge provided me with the necessary energy to become a student with outstanding academic performance. My overall GPA ranks second in the Division of Applied Chemistry. And my undergraduate research is totally satisfactory. These achievements bring me a number of honors and scholarships.

The most precious thing I obtained at the university, however, was not the honors, but a passion that I vow to earnestly pursue the rest of my life. I want to be a scientist. I hope that my knowledge and hard work will help many people lead a long and healthy life. I am focused on the curative effects of natural products. The chemistry of these products will become more important to pharmaceutical research. If my work on this field leads to the discovery of the cure of some incurable disease, the smile of the sufferers will present me with supreme satisfaction.

9 j- k5 L0 U1 L' sWhy USA? Why University of 。。。?

In order to realize my goals, I desire a doctorate in the United States. The innovative ideas and challenges in an American top level school, which are relatively insufficient in Japan’s academic institution, will be indispensable to me. As a result, I accepted the offer of admission to the Ph.D program in the Department of Chemistry, University of 。。。. I know that this school is very famous in the area of natural product synthesis. Several faculty members’ research, such as those of Prof. Jeffery W. Bode, Prof. Amos B. Smith, Prof. Jeffery D. Winkler, strongly capture my interests. I believe that the education in this school could help me approach my dream to be a scientist. Furthermore, the doctorate from an ivy college could give me a more favorable position in a China’s top university after my graduation.

Study Plan

A total synthesis of natural product is the complete chemical synthesis of complex organic molecules (natural product) from simple, commercially available compounds. It is a very complicated art so that the researcher should have solid and wide knowledge on organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry and chemical biology. Fortunately, ...’s chemistry department has broad-based expertise in traditional areas and contemporary topics of chemistry. In the first academic year, I will assimilate that expertise by taking a minimum of six one-semester lecture courses. I would also like to take some courses from other departments, such as Department of Biology and School of Medicine, because the interdisciplinary knowledge

$ }1 ~2 D8 h1 K* w. ?* ]' @\- e2 `is important to my future research. In addition to the course study, I also have the chance to take part in some seminars, in which distinguished scientists visit the Chemistry Department. At 。。。, there are weekly departmental research seminars which offer opportunities to hear from premier chemists. Furthermore, I will serve as a teaching assistant in the first academic year. My responsibility is to supervise laboratory sections or conduct recitation classes under the guidance of a faculty member. Not only will this work provide me with a fellowship providing stipend and tuition remission, but also could develop my ability of communication and organization.

; B5 ^# x, |7 g$ b* t, _7 hIn the fall of the second academic year, I will begin my research project leading to the thesis under the supervision of a particular professor. This is the major portion of the work towards a Ph.D degree. I would like to enter a research group whose interest is natural product synthesis, such as J.Bode group and A. Smith group. It would be such exciting experience for me to have the chance to research with a number of brilliant researchers from all over the world. I believe I can acquire the innovative ideas, proficient experimental skills, a penetrating intellect and the ability of communication during this process. And those virtues are essential for me to realize my dream. The average time to complete the Chemistry Ph.D degree is five and a half years. I will do my best to complete it within five years.

Z; G! l6 S6 T4 W- @. p- W/ ICareer Plan

' ?/ g E7 N/ N# S) |6 rAfter my graduation, I would like to pursue a career in academia in a China’s top university. With the rapid economic development, China`s government and academic society would like to provide a large amount of fund to the research of natural science. And compared with the United States, China lacks promising young scientists in my field. Because of this, I will probably get a favorable position and abundant research fund in China. Furthermore, as the only child of my parents, who cannot speak English and will not leave the place they have lived for sixty years, I would like to work in China so that I could have more time to be with my parents after their retirement. I will do my best to be a first level scientist and devote all my energy to the development of human society.

看了论坛里面超多人在讨论如何撰写研究计划,小弟也在此贡献一下自己的研究计划模板 。说是说模板,但我写的时候,也没有什么具体到像TOFEL,雅思作文的模板。只是把我的研究计划中比较共性的部分给写出来,供大家参考。

















