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英文全称:International English Language Testing System 英文简称:IELTS
2)雅思考试的内容 分为4个板块: 口语(Speaking) 听力(Listening) 阅读(Reading) 写作(Writing) 3.2 八个数据说雅思阅读
1) 2类:A类&G类 2) 1小时
3) 5 篇文章(三个section,文章四短一长) 4) 500; 750-900字数/篇---上升趋势(1150) 5) 13--14---题目/篇 6) 40---总题量
7) 34-35---7分;阅读满分---9分。详见下表。
IELTS阅读评分标准(A类) 答对题数 39-40 37-38 35-36 33-34 30-32 27-29 23-26 20-22 16-19 13-15 10-12 6-9 4-5 3 2 1 得分 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1 IELTS阅读评分标准(G类) 答对题数 40 39 38 36-37 34-35 32-33 30-31 26-29 23-25 19-22 15-18 12-14 8-11 5-7 2-4 1 得分 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1
3.3 材料来源
1) Magazines(economics, national geographic etc.) 2) Journals学术期刊 3) Books
4) Newspapers (times)
3.4 文章类型
1) 记叙文Narrative (包括历史题材的时间脉络型)
2) 说明文Descriptive (说明型) 3) 议论文Argumentative (立论型)
3.5.1 Academic Reading
A类: the text are on topics of general interest. At least one text contains detailed logical argument. ? Economy ? Education
? Science and Technology ? Medicine ? Environment ? Culture ? Energy
? Animals and plants
Among the above, there are 6 frequently tested topics. They are: 1)自然科学:自然科学实验(报告):
test/experiment/subject(项目:project) 主题、主 语、受试者
Interview/survey/investigation(police)- Data/statistics-methodology-conclusion 3)动植物:ants(termite), reptile(land
tortoise/sea turtle), amphibian, dinosaur, dolphin, crustacean,willow(柳树),orchid(兰花),canation(康乃馨),sunflower(向日葵).
5)绿色环保:新能源 solar energy, wind energy, tide energy……
6)人物传记( biography、属于narrative) 举例:剑桥9 p.17 William Henry Perkin-the man who invented synthetic dyes 请重视这六大话题相关词汇的积累 多关注和涉猎相关话题的原版文章
3.5.2 General Training Reading
G类:The texts are taken from notices, advertisements, leaflets, newspapers, instruction, manuals, books and magazines.(contains texts relevant to basic linguistic survival)
? Notice
? Advertisements (recruitment advertising) ? Leaflets
? Newspapers (Renting Info.) ? Instruction Manuals ? Books ? Magazines
Discrimination (雅思逢场必考的特色题型,中国学生普遍存在F/NG总混淆) 4.2 配对题
? 传统matching(也叫?事物及其特征搭配?,细节考察)包括人物----理论、机构----发明、事物----特点(或所处年代)
? 变种matching (也叫?信息与其段落出处匹配题?,或?从属匹配?。因其考察细节和段意,故我给它取名叫?东北乱炖?)
4.3 语法填空
1)Complete the sentences/notes叫做?句子填空?或叫做?主观原文摘词填空?
2)Complete the sentences with the correct ending ?客观有选项补充句子?
3)Summary?摘要总结?(按照主客观出题方式可分为?客 观有选项的摘要?,比较难;以及?主观无选项摘要?,较简单。按照出题范围可以分为?某一段摘要?,?某几段摘要?,以及?全文摘要?)
summary with wordbank summary without wordbank Summary 某一段 某几段 全文 4.4 Multiple choice选择题
单选(四选一) 多选(多选多)
4.5 段落小标题匹配List of headings
4.6 简答题Short-answer questions
5. 六大阅读“神器”
5.1 第一大神器---阅读方式
? Reading with purpose ?带着目的去阅读?题目问什么 我们找什么 目标是得分-----先读题后读文 ? 认清不同的题型,如选择题、填空题和配对题等7大题型,并运用下面阅读技巧(如?略读?和?跳读?)来迅速定位答案。
When we skim a text we read very quickly. We just look at the headings and subheadings and the first lines of each section or paragraph. We also notice the key words throughout the text. Our purpose is to understand the gist-the general idea of the text.
----一连串的例子:一连串事例的前面通常为重点所在。 ----文章的结构:通常段落或文章的布局会向考生提示需要加以注意的重要信息,例如:标题、引言、图表和结论。
When we scan a text we are looking for a specific piece of information or specific words. We ignore information that is not relevant to our purpose. Scanning is a useful strategy to apply when the question ask for specific factual information. It is also a useful strategy to use to find the section of a text about which a question is asked 利用“跳读”技巧迅速捕捉以下项目以帮助寻找全文和各个段落的特定细节。
-------关键词:正文中与标题意思相同或相近的词汇。 -------数字、日期和名字:正文中任何表示数字、日期和人名的表达。
3)精读(Intensive reading) read carefully and thoroughly 主要适用于平时英语学习以及做完题分析总结,不适于考试。
5.2 第二大神器---定位神器(KEY WORDS)
1)Key words=关键词(定位词)
在题目和文章中遇到KWY WORDS 都需要予以标注,更有助于检索到题目的正确答案
顺序和乱序(orderly?or disorder?) 1)难易程度以及处理方式
除了matching 和heading 都是顺序题型即记住?两个ing为乱序?即可
判断题(顺序题型)第一题中的KEY WORDS 以及最后一题中的KEY WORDS 可以帮助我们定位到这一组题在原文大致的出题范围。
paraphrase(同义替换)也是所有雅思阅读考题的命题 规律。
题目KW Chinese 文章KW Chinese\\China
Pendulum clock FAA Pendulum clock Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) Dr. Broca Professor Pretty Dr. Paul Broca Professor Jules Pretty ※AA呈现是阅读定位的关键
“狡猾”的A----B呈现:词性变化 同、近义词
解释说明的句子或短语 小故事 题目KW dependent resemble farming 文章KW Dependence/depend on/reliant/rely on Like(常考) Agriculture/grow plants and herd animals People prefer to… people’s preferences a developed system a sophisticated number system of numbering elderly people who Feelings of loneliness may cause rises in felt emotionally isolated maintained higher levels of stress hormones In general, people The average person in the seventh century in seven-century Europe had poor counting ability. in Europe was not as familiar with numbers as we are today. In fact, to qualify as a witness in a court of law a man had to be able to count to nine!剑6 p.48 ※AB呈现考察的是理解力
levels of stress hormones 5.5第五大神器---‘but’其实很重要
?:?代表: ?-?代表: ???代表: ?‘ ’?代表: 黑体斜体粗体: 斜体:
6. 阅读考试必备六大素质
巧记词汇 快速高效 (词汇上) ?剥笋原理?抓大放小 (语法上)
例1 We may envy their achievements and fame, but we
should also recognize the price they may have paid in terms of perseverance, single-mindedness, dedication, restrictions on their personal lives, the demands upon their energies and time, and how often they had to display great courage to preserve their integrity or to make their way to the top. (摘自剑桥
真题8 P.71 )
例2 Sure enough, these amphibious species show up on the
triangular graph approximately half way between the ‘wet cluster’ of sea turtles and the ‘dry cluster’ of land tortoises.(摘自剑桥真题9 P.26 )
例3 The ease with which truly great ideas are accepted
and taken for granted fails to lessen their significance.(摘
自剑桥真题8 P.73 )
猜词七法 情况一: 情况二:
该法在考试中应用比较普遍,多用于描述一个新领域、新专业、新单词。而且在文章首段出现的频率最高,因为一般文章首段通常都是为文本话题或标题下定义的。高频短语:…is…; …is called…; …is named…
例1:Archaeology is partly the discovery of the treasures
of the past, partly the careful work of the scientific analyst, partly the exercise of the creative imagination. (‘The Nature And Aims of Archaeology’ 剑4P92 )
例2:The seasonal impact of day length on physiological
responses is called photoperiodism. (‘The effects of light on plant and animal species’ 剑5 P94)
无论是考试中还是剑桥系列,我们常发现某个单词或词组,乃至句子的前后常会出现一些特殊符号。譬如:破折号( — )、冒号(:)、小括号()、引号(‘ ’),这些符号
例1:Generally, the rates have been modest (lower than bank
rates). (‘Micro-Enterprise Credit for street youth’ 剑4 P65)
例2:In all cases, someone has to act as a source of language
data - an informant.
雅思阅读文章经常会在某个潜在生词后面,举出一系列的例子。此时,可根据例子,总结出共性。举例子的标志词:for example, for instance, such as, just like, e.g.
The market for tourism in remote areas is booming as never before. Countries all across the world are actively promoting their ‘wilderness’ regions — such as mountains, Arctic lands, deserts, small islands and wetlands. (‘The impact of Wilderness Tourism’ 剑5P86)
例1:International commerce was therefore dominated by
raw materials, such as wheat, wood and iron ore, or processed commodities, such as meat and steel. (?Delivering The Goods?
例2:For example, desert annual germinate, flower, and
seed whenever suitable rainfall occurs… (‘The effects of light on plant and animal species’ 剑5 P94)
例1:The earliest method of making fire was through
friction. European peasants would insert a wooden drill in a round hole and rotate it briskly between their palms. (‘How Fire Leapt to Life’)
例1:One of the most important new methodologies is
biomechanics, the study of the body in motion. (‘How much higher? How much faster’ 剑4 P88)
以‘-ology’为后缀表示某学科。例如:archaeology(考古学), physiology(生理学), psychology(心理学), zoology(动物学) 等。
6.2 谋篇布局的认识
1)文章3种类型与3种结构 顺承式-----线性结构(时间顺序)
骨-----文章的结构主体、段落主体、作者的主要观点。 肉-----把握细节信息,辨别信息真伪。定位、阅读、
理解。 血-----词汇量。
? Identify the writer’s overall purpose. ? Identify and follow key arguments in a text. ? Distinguish the main idea from supporting details.
? Group pieces of information in a text in accordance with salient criteria.
6.3 西方社会文化历史知识
G类文章: 建议:
A类考生注意多读篇幅较长的科普文章或学术性议论文,建议每天坚持半小时以上浏览 www.nature.com , www.nationalgrographic.com,
6.4 解题技巧
6.5 时间掌控
6.6 细心+执着+守规矩
看清指示: 字数要求 最后检查 答案誊写 数字书写
2)题型设臵 3)题型顺序 4)题型特点 5)难度系数 6)出题频率及地位 7)题型难点
7.2 技巧点拨(破题原则)
1)定位准确 2)判断准确
7.3 TRUE的命题规则
同义词 近义词 词性变化
3)三同法则 序号 1 2 3 同句: 同段: 同篇: 命题原则 约占所有相对TRUE题概率 难度 50% 45% 5% 低 中 高
题目是对原文中1句话的同义替换改写。 例1:剑桥7,P25,第21题 文章标题:Make every drop count 原文:Food production has kept pace with soaring
populations mainly because of the expansion of artificial irrigation systems that make possible the growth of 40% of the world’s food.
题目:Feeding increasing populations is possible due
primarily to improved irrigation systems.
文章标题:Makete Integrated Rural Transport Project 原文:Interesting facts regarding transport were found:
95% was on foot; 80% was within the locality; and 70% was related to the collection of water and firewood and travelling to grinding mills.
题目:The survey concluded that one-fifth or 20% of the
household transport requirement as outside the local area
文章标题:Why pagodas don’t fall down 原文:In a land swept by typhoons and shaken by earthquakes,
how have Japan’s tallest and seemingly flimsiest old buildings-500 or so wooden pagodas-remained standing for centuries? Records show that only two have collapsed during the past 1400 years.
题目:Only two Japanese pagodas have collapsed in 1400
文章标题:Sheet glass manufacture:the float process 原文:The float process for making flat glass was invented
by Alistair Pilkington . This process allows the manufacture of clear, tinted and coated glass for buildings, and clear and tinted glass for vehicles. Pikington had been experimenting with improving the melting process, and in 1952 he had the idea of using a bed of molten metal to form the flat glass, eliminating altogether the need for rolls within the float bath. The metal had to melt at a temperature less than the hardening point of glass (about 600℃), but could not boil at a temperature below the temperature of the molten glass (about 1500℃). The best metal for the job was tin.
题目:The metal used in the float process had to have
specific properties.
(3) 同篇法则
题目是对原文中不同自然段中信息的归纳总结。 例1:剑桥8,P25,第24题
文章标题:Air traffic control in the USA 原文
E段……in general, from 365m above the ground and higher,
the entire country is blanketed by controlled airspace. In certain areas, mainly near airports, controlled airspace extends down to 215m above the ground……
G段……Uncontrolled air space is designated Class F…… 题目:Class F airspace is airspace which is below 365 m
and not near airports
7.4 FALSE 的命题规则
举例:剑桥8 P25 第21题
文章标题:Air traffic control in the USA 原文:Rudimentary air traffic control (ATC) existed well
before the Grand Canyon disaster.
题目:Air traffic control started after the Grand Canyon
crash in 1956.
例1: 剑桥8 P96 第20题
文章标题:Biological Control of Pests 原文: … biological control, involving the selective use
of natural enemies of the pest population…
题目:Biological control entails using synthetic
chemicals to try and change the genetic make-up of the pests’ offspring.
例2: 剑7 P76 第28题
原文: Those confined to particular geographical areas,
such as countries bordering the Mediterranean or the Nordic countries therefore had to be discarded.
题目:Problems in Nordic countries were excluded because
they are outside the European Economic Community.
答案:No. 例3.
原文:Almost all the 200 fisheries monitored by the FAO
are fully exploited. One in three is depleted or heavily overexploited, almost all in the developed countries.
题目:Approximately one third of depleted fishing grounds
are in developing countries.
例4: 剑桥9 P19 第3题
文章标题:William Henry Perkin—the man who invented synthetic dyes 原文:At the time of Perkin’s enrolment, the Royal College
of Chemistry was headed by the noted German chemist August Wilhelm Hofmann. Perkin’s scientific gifts soon caught Hofmann’s attention, and within two years, he became Hofmann’s youngest assistant.
题目:Perkin employed August Wilhelm Hofmann as his
3)主客观不符(同前?辨析主客观?原则) 文:feel, think, believe……theory
assume (assumption)
题:evident, prove, object…… fact 例题
原文:During those years, most local people believed that
keeping butterflies could make a lot of money.
题目:Keeping butterflies were a way of making big money
原文:The internet was often criticized by the media as
a dangerous tool in the hands of young users.
题目:The internet was often regarded as a dangerous. 答案:FALSE.
5)绝对=不对(99%) ?可以蒙的FALSE?
一般情况下,当题目中包含有only, never, must, any, all, always 等绝对意义的词时,很有可能会选FALSE。
原文:Since the Winter Games began, 55 out of 56 gold medals
in the men’s Nordic skiing events have been won by competitors from Scandinavia or the former Soviet Union. (从冬季奥运会
开办以来, 在男子越野滑雪项目中,56块金牌中有55块是被北欧和前苏联的选手夺得的。)
题目:Only Scandinavians have won gold medals in the men’
s Nordic skiing events in the Winter Olympics. (只有北欧选
答案:FALSE。 反例 例1:剑7 P42 第1题
原文:Records show that only two have collapsed during
the past 1400 years.
题目:Only two Japanese pagodas have collapsed in 1400
例2 :剑4 P45 第13题
原文:So despite linguists’ best efforts, many languages
will disappear over the next century.
题目:The loss of linguistic diversity is inevitable. 答案:TRUE
例3: 剑4 P48 第23题
原文:In 1993, … published a survey of 289 Sydney people who attended …Those surveyed had experienced chronic illnesses…
题目:All the patients in the 1993 Sydney survey had long-term medical complaints
7.5 NOT GIVEN的命题规则
2)题中有比较级而原文中没有。 3)主客观不符
常见的表示目标、目的、愿望、誓言的词语有: ----Aim, object, objective, goal, aim at 目标 ----Purpose, motive, intention 目的 ----Hope, wish, desire, dream 愿望 ----Swear, pledge, vow, promise 誓言 例:
He vowed he would never come back. (说说而已) He never came back. (既定事实)
总结一下:区分FALSE 和NOT GIVEN 的关键在于:
7.6 判断题解题步骤
必须划出的考点 关键词列表:
步骤2:记忆前两题的关键词 Why?
步骤4:正确填写答案。 你肯定明白TRUE≠True≠YES。
7.7 贴心小提示
1)做题时一定要忠实于原文,抛开主观想法。 2) ?蒙?的哲学
1. 雅思文章写作结构综述
There is no denying that……
It is of the greatest importance to do /that…… Ect.
For example/instance, …… In a typical example, …… Not only……, but also…… A good case in point is…… Ect. 例1.
List of headings
i. Responsibilities of responding police officers ii. Perceived advantages of rapid response iii. Police response to public satisfaction
iv. Communicating response time to people requesting help v. When rapid response is and is not necessary vi. Role of technology in improving police response vii. Response time and success of response viii. Public demand for catching criminals
ix. Obstacles to quickly contacting the police
An important part of police strategy, rapid police response is seen by police officers and the public alike as offering tremendous benefits. The more obvious ones are the ability, of police to apply first-aid lifesaving techniques quickly and the greater likelihood of arresting people who may have participated in a crime. It aids in identifying those who witness an emergency or crime, as well as in collecting evidence. The overall reputation of a police department, too, is enhanced if rapid response is consistent, and this in itself promotes the prevention of crime. Needless to say, rapid response offers the public some degree of satisfaction in its police force.
List of headings
i. Responsibilities of responding police officers ii. Perceived advantages of rapid response iii. Police response to public satisfaction
iv. Communicating response time to people requesting help v. When rapid response is and is not necessary vi. Role of technology in improving police response vii. Response time and success of response viii. Public demand for catching criminals
ix. Obstacles to quickly contacting the police
The effectiveness of response also needs to be seen in light of the nature of the crime. For example, when someone rings the police after discovering their television set has been stolen from their home, there is little point, in terms of identifying those responsible for the crime, in ensuring a very rapid response. It is common in such burglary or theft cases that the victim discovers the crime hours, days, even weeks after it has occurred. when the victim is directly involved in the crime, however, as in the case of a robbery, rapid response , provided the victim was quickly able to contact the police , is more likely to be advantageous. Based on statistics comparing crimes that are discovered and those in which the victim is directly involved, Speiman and Brown (1981) suggest that three in four calls to police need not be met with rapid response.
List of headings
i. The effect of changing demographics on organizations ii. Future changes in the European workforce iii. The unstructured interview and its validity iv. The person-skills match approach to selection
v. The implications of a poor person-environment fit vi. Some poor selection decisions vii. The validity of selection procedures viii. The person-environment fit
ix. Past and future demographic changes in Europe
x. Adequate and inadequate explanations of organizational
Poor selection decisions are expensive. For example, the costs of training a police-man are about £20000(approx.US $30000).The costs of employing an unsuitable technician on an oil rig or in a nuclear plant could , in an emergency ,result in millions of pounds of damage or loss of life . The disharmony of a poor person-environment fit (PE-fit) is likely to result in low job satisfaction, lack of organization commitment and employee stress, which affect organizational outcome i. e. productivity, high labor turnover and absenteeism, and individual outcomes i. e. physical, psychological and mental well-being.
结构: “……”
If…… / when…… Etc.
This is …… Therefore/thus…… Etc.
List of headings
Ⅰ The effect of changing demographics on organizations Ⅱ Future changes in the European workforce Ⅲ The unstructured interview and its validity Ⅳ The person-skills match approach to selection Ⅴ The implications of a poor person-environment fit Ⅵ Some poor selection decision Ⅶ The validity of selection procedures Ⅷ The person-environment fit
Ⅸ Past and future demographic changes in Europe Ⅹ
organizational failures
An organization is only as good as the people it employs.
Selecting the right person for the job involves more than identifying the essential or desirable range of skills, educational and professional qualification necessary to perform the job and then recruiting the candidate who is most likely to possess these skills or at least is perceived to have the ability and predisposition to acquire them .This is a purely person /skill match approach to selection.
即前两类的组合。 例1.
List of headings i. 165 million year
ii. The body plan of archosarus iii. Dinosaurs-terrible lizards
iv. Classification according to pelvic anatomy v. Lizards and dinosaurs---two distinct super orders vi. The ouborders of Saurischia
vii. Unique body plan helps identify dinosaurs from other animals viii. Herbivore dinosaurs ix. Lepidosaurs x. Frills and shelves
xi. The origins of dinosaurs and lizards
xii. Bird-hipped dinosaurs
xiii. Skull bones distinguish dinosaurs from other archosaurs
All dinosaurs, whether large or small , quadrupedal or bipedal , fleet-footed
plan .Identification of this plan makes it possible to differentiate dinosaurs from any other types of animal , even other archosaurs(祖龙,古蜥) . Most significantly, in dinosaurs, the pelvis and femur had evolved so that the hind limbs were held vertically beneath the body, rather than sprawling out to the sides like the limbs of a lizard. The femur of a dinosaur had a sharply in-turned neck and a ball-shaped head, which slotted into a fully open acetabulum (吸盘,关节窝)or hip socket. A supra-ace-tabular crest helped prevent dislocation of the femur. The position of the knee joint, aligned below the acetabulum, made it possible for the whole hind limb to swing backwards and forwards. This unique combination of features gave dinosaurs what is known as a ‘fully improved gait’. Evolution of this highly efficient method of walking also developed in mammals, but among reptiles it occurred only in dinosaurs.
A……However, B…… A……, it is true, but B……
While /Although A……, more important is B…… Etc.
It is widely believed that because cats prey on native birds they could bring about their extermination. But predation seldom leads to extinction in such a simplistic way. If it did there would be no animals left in Africa, as those big cats called lions would have eaten them all up.
List of headings
i. Decrease in food yields
ii. Drop in yield affected by reduction in research iii. Pollution ruining crops
iv. World at risk due to predicted food shortage v. Lack of international interest vi. Bid to retain Asian farmers vii. Desperate situation for Asian
viii. Environmental degradation due to changed farming methods
ix. Need to increase soil fertility
x. Population explosion compounds Asian problems xi. International commerce threatens Asian agricultural xii. Food shortages have wide effects
From the mid 1960s when the Green Revolution began, Asian food production doubled through a combination of high-yielding crops, expanded farming area and greater intensification. From now on, growing enough food will depend almost entirely on increasing yield from the same, or smaller, area of land. However, a mysterious threat is emerging in the noticeably declining yield of rice from areas that have been most intensively famed. Unless scientists can unravel why this is so, food output in Asia may actually stagnate at a time when population will double.
List of headings
i. Responsibilities of responding police officers ii. Perceived advantages of rapid response iii. Police response to public satisfaction
iv. Communicating response time to people requesting help v. When rapid response is and is not necessary vi. Role of technology in improving police response vii. Response time and success of response viii. Public demand for catching criminals ix. Obstacles to quickly contacting the police
It becomes clear that the importance of response time in collecting evidence or catching criminals after a crime must be weighed against a variety of factors. Yet because police department officials assume the public strongly demands rapid response, they believe that every call to the police should be met with it. Studies have shown, however, that while the public wants quick response, more important is the information given by the police to the person asking for help. If a caller is told the police will arrive in five minutes but in fact it takes ten minutes or more. Waiting the extra time can be extremely frustrating. But if a caller is told he or she will have to wait 10 minutes and the police indeed arrive within that time. The caller is normally satisfied. Thus, rather than emphasizing rapid response, the focus of energies should be on establishing realistic expectations in the caller and making every attempt to meet them.
其他典例:剑6 P40
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