Unit 7
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Unit 7
Text I Letter to a B Student 一、 文化连接
1. Grading System in the US 美国的评分制度
Most colleges and universities in US evaluate the academic performance of students using the Letter grade system: grades are generally assigned by a letter— A excellent), B (above average), C (average), D (usually the minimum passing grade), and F (failing). Undergraduates are expected to complete their courses with C average or better while graduates require no less than a B average before starting advanced courses. Some schools also offer intermediary grades,by adding + or -to the grade. In recent years some schools have begun using a P for Passing, an S for satisfactory and an N for failing grades, presumably to represent NO CREDIT. Most schools will calculate a student's grade point average (GPA) by assigning each letter grade a number and using a mathematical formula to come up with a numerical representation of a student's work. The grading systems used are mostly on a four-point scale as the table shows. The formula is: The final GPA = letter grade value * credit hours/ credit hours. For example:
If you take course 1 with 3 credit hours, and receive an \;course 4 with 2 credit hours and receive a \3)+( 3×2) =18] / (3+2=5)= 3.6.
大多数学校会计算学生的总平均成绩(GPA),即把学生每门课的字母分数换算成数字计算出来。通常,GPA采用4分制。计算公式为:总平均分=字母分值×学分课时÷学分课时。例如:如果你修3学分课时的课程得了 “A”,即是4×3,所修2学分课时的课程得了“B”,即是3×2,那么你的总平均分为[(4×3)+( 3×2) =18] / (3+2=5)= 3.6。
Grade GPA Undergraduate Graduate A B C D F
4.0 Excellent 3.0 Good 2.0 Average 1.0 Passing 0.0 Failing
Excellent Good/Average Passing Failing Failing
2. A Zero Sum Game零和游戏
A zero sum game is a term used in game theory to describe both real games, and situations of all kinds in which a participant's gain or loss is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the other participant(s). If the total gains of the participants are added up, and the total losses are subtracted, they will sum to zero. For instance, if you play a single game of chess with someone, one person will lose and one person will win. The win (+1) added to the loss (-1) equals zero. In contrast, non-zero-sum describes a situation in which the interacting parties’ aggregate gains and losses is either less than or more than zero. Zero sum games are also called strictly competitive.
“零和游戏” 又称零和博弈,是博弈论的一个概念,即可指真正的游戏,也指参与博弈的双方,一方的收益与另一方的损失完全平衡,相互抵消的各种情况。在零和博弈中各方的收益和损失相加总和永远为“零”。比如,你与某人下一盘象棋,一个会赢一个会输,赢一局(+1)+ 输一局(-1)=0。与零和博弈相对,非零和博弈的情况下,双方盈利和损失的总合或小于零,或大于零。零和游戏又叫做绝对竞争。
二、 篇章分析 1. 篇章结构
The text can be divided into 4 parts.
Part 1 (Para. 1): It introduces the topic of the letter—students may feel
disappointed about their grade B.
Part2(Paras.2-5): The author is trying to put students’ disappointment in
perspective by justifying that grades do not mean anything.
Part3(Paras. 6-8): It argues that students should be viewed both as performers
and human beings, and getting a B in class does not mean he will be a B performer in life.
Part 4(Paras. 9-10): The author tells students that in a complex society like ours,
labels are necessary but they should be kept in perspective.
2. 课文赏析
文章是一位大学教授写给得B 学生的一封信,这封信从与众不同的角度探讨分数的意义,对B等分数提出了更客观、更理智、更深刻的解读。虽然课文只是信的一部分,但结构完整,主体论述部分以关键词为开头,层次清晰。本文主题鲜明,逻辑清晰,文辞严谨,运用了多种修辞手法,如暗喻,排比,夸张,增强了表现力。还运用了较多倒装句和结构较复杂的长句,但大量省略句的运用起到了简化作用。文章的主题很有现实意义,对学生正确
三、 语法要点
1. Relative clause 关系从句
关系从句,是由who, whom, whose, which, that等关系代词和when, where, why等关系副词引导的从句,其作用是作定语修饰主句的某个名词性成分,故也叫定语从句。关系从句分为限制性(restrictive) 和非限制性(non-restrictive) 从句两种。
限制性关系从句和它的先行项的所指意义有不可分割的关系,缺少了它,作为先行项的名词成分就不能明确表示所指对象。限制性关系从句在口语中没有停顿,在书写中也不与主句分开。所有引导词都可引起限制性关系从句,通常which代表事物,who, whom 代表人,that即可代表事物也可代表人,它们在从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略关系词, whose 表示所有格。 关系副词when, where和why用来引导表示时间,地点和原因的关系从句。如:
Far superior to the “Gentleman’s C” that served as the norm a couple of generations ago. (Para. 1, Lines2-3)
比几十年前及格标准的皆大欢喜的C 优秀多了。
Your B is a price tag on a garment that is quite separated form the living, breathing human being underneath. (Para. 2, Lines8-9)
…there is never enough of it to go round in a zero-sum game where one person’s winging must be offset by another’s losing, one person’s joy offset by another’s disappointment. (Para. 2, Lines2-5)
I’m certain that nothing I can say will remove that feeling of disappointment, particularly in a climate where grades determine eligibility for graduate school and special programs. (Para. 1, Lines5-7)
我相信无论我做何解释,都难以消除你的失落情绪,尤其是在当前分数决定你能否有资格从学校顺利毕业和参与某些项目的环境下。 非限制性关系从句
非限制性关系从句和它的先行项之间的联系较松散,不是先行项不可缺少的组成部分,只是对其进行补充说明。非限制性关系从句在口语中有停顿,在书写中用逗号与主句分开。一般不用that引导, 而用who, whom代表人,用which
代表事物,when , where 也可以引导非限制性关系从句。
His brother, who is now a doctor, always encourages him to go to college. 他的哥哥是当医生的,常鼓励他要考上大学。
China, which was founded in 1949, is becoming more and more powerful. 建立于1949年的新中国正越来越强大。 几点特殊用法
①在there be 句型中;在不定代词anything,everything,something, nothing, the one, all, much, few, any, little等作先行词时;先行词有the only,the very修饰时;先行词为序数词、数词、形容词最高级时以及先行词既有人,又有物时只用that引导,that 可省略。
In a different society, your disappointment might be something you could shrug away. (Para. 2, Lines8-9)
如果社会不同,你也许可以将失望看作小事一桩。 All that is needed is a supply of oil. 所需的只是供油问题。
Finally,the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police. 那贼最终把偷的全部东西交给了警察。
The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben. 他们在伦敦参观的第一个地方是大本钟。
This is the best film that I have seen. 这是我看过的最好的电影。
A test on which he usually flunked about half of them. (Para. 7, Lines8-9) 通常有一半的学生在测试中不及格。
The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous. =The school in which he once studied is very famous. 他曾经上过的那所学校很有名。
The man with whom you talked is my friend. 你所交谈的那人是我的朋友。 …and far more so than those whose identities are measured only by little marks on a piece of paper. (Para. 5, Lines5-6)…并且你说受到的重视将比那些仅靠试卷上的分数来衡量的人受到的重视多得多。
Great changes have taken place in the city in which I was born. = Great changes have taken place in the city where I was born. 我出生的城市发生了巨大变化。 ④先行词为the way 时,通常省略关系词;表示时间“time”一词的定语从句通常不用任何关系词,此点请参考unit 10 语法点3。
…either in the way we look at others or in the way we look at ourselves. (Para. 9,
2. The Use of “wh-ever” “ wh-ever” 词的用法
英语中的“wh-ever” 词包括whatever, whichever, whoever, whenever, wherever, however。 其用法可归纳如下:
①What/ who/ which ever可引导名词性从句,相当于anything that或anyone who. 如:
1) Whoever works hard will succeed. (whoever = anyone who) 任何人只要努力工作就会成功。
2) It is generally considered unwise to give a child whatever he or she wants.
(whatever= anything that)
②what/ who/ which/ when/ where/ how ever可引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what/ who/ which/ when/ where/ how. However引导让步状语从句时常与形容词或副词连用,从句语序为however adj./ adv. 主 谓。如:
1)However late he is, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together. (however = no matter how)
2) Wherever you go, I'll follow you. (wherever = no matter where) 不管你去哪里,我都会跟着你。
③when/ where ever还可引导时间或地点状语从句,相当于every time, everywhere。如:
1) Whenever we see Mr. Lee we say hello to him. (whenever = every time) 我们每次看到李先生都要和他打招呼。
2) He may go wherever he wants. (wherever = anywhere) 他可以去任何想去的地方。
④what/ who/ which/ when/ where/ how ever也可用于疑问句中,比what/ who/ which/when/ where/ how语气更强,意思是“究竟是……?” 如: 1) Whoever did such a foolish thing? 到底是谁做了这么一件蠢事? 2) Whatever do you think you are doing? 你以为你究竟在干什么? 四、 生词双解
respectable /????????????/ a. [infml] quite good; enough in amount or quality 相当好的,(数量、质量)足够的
recall /???????/ v. to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past 回想,回忆起
norm ?????/ n. level of achievement most students are expected to reach; what
is considered as standard标准, 规范
shift /????/ v. to move or change from one position or direction to another 改变(位置或方向),变换,转移,移动
remove /??????? / v. to take away 移走,移开,去掉,去除,脱掉 eligibility /?????????????? / n. the qualifications or abilities required for doing sth. 资格,必要的条件,资格的具备
eligible /??????????/ a. 具备必要条件的,有资格?的
graduate school /????????????????/ n. [AmE] a college or university where you can study for a master’ degree or a doctorate after receiving your first degree, or the period of time when you study for these degrees 研究生院 program /?????????/ n. [AmE] a course of study 课程
inadequacy /???????????/ n. being too low in quality or too small in amount不充分,不足,不完备
repute /????????/ n. reputation 名誉,名声
essence /??????/ n. the most basic and important quality of sth. 本质,实质,要素
go round to be enough for everyone 满足人人的需要,足够分配 offset /??????/ v. to counterbalance or compensate for 抵消、补偿 go under to fail; to be overwhelmed 失败,垮掉,倒闭,破产 go broke to become penniless; to go bankrupt 破产,没钱 deadly /??????/ a. likely to cause death 致死的,致命的 deadly sin /??????????/ n. a moral sin 死罪,弥天大罪
prosperity /???????????/ n. good fortune and success, esp. in money
matters 发达,兴隆,昌盛,繁荣
shrug … away/off to treat sth. as unimportant 对?不屑一顾,不予理会 perspective /??????????? n. a way of regarding a situations, facts, etc. 观点, 看法, 观点
put … in perspective to judge the real importance of sth. by considering it in relation to other things 客观地看待
propose /????????/ v. [fml] to intend to do sth. 打算做,计划做
take … at face value to accept sth. for what it appears to be从表面看,表面地认为,认为?如其显示的那样
be apt to to have the tendency to倾向于
transcript /???????????/ n. /AmE/ an official record of a student’s school progress and achievements 学生成绩告单
at … level reaching a particular standard of skill or ability, for example in education or sport 达到?水平的
proficiency /???????????/ n. skill; ability 精通,熟练
conventional /????????????/ a. that has been used for a long time and
is considered the usual type; following accepted customs and standards, sometimes too closely and without originality 常规的,按惯例的,因袭的,传统的,保守的
correspond /???????????/ v. to be in agreement; be consistent; not to contradict sth. or each other 相符合,相一致
correspond with/to… to be in agreement with… 与?相符,与?相一致 retain /??????/ v. to keep; to continue to have 保持,保留,保有
interpret /??????????/ v. to understand the likely meaning of (a statement, action, etc.); place a particular meaning on 把?理解为,解释,阐明
assumption ????????????n. what is thought to be true or will happen,
without any real proof假定, 设想
fuzzy /?????/ a. not clear 模糊的,不清楚的
mastery /?????????/ n. great skill or knowledge in a particular subject or activity 熟练,精通
humor /???????/ n. a person’s state of mind; temper; disposition, temperament 性情,心境,脾气
species /?????????/ n. a class of plants or animals whose members have the same main characteristics and are able to breed with each other 物种,种类 curriculum /???????????/ n. [pl.: curricula / curriculums] a course of study offered in a school, college, etc. 课程
price tag /?????????/ n. a piece of paper with a price on it that is attached to something in a shop 价格标签;[fig] cost of sth. [比喻]价值,费用 garment /????????/ n. [fml] a piece of clothing (一件)衣服
service /???????/ n. [often pl.] (duty in) any of the armed forces 军种,服役 be/grow/become impatient with… be annoyed by… 对?不耐烦
ritual /????????/ n. fixed ways of doing things 固定方式,例行习惯 academic /?????????/ a. relating to education, especially at college or
university level; used to describe things that relate to the work done in schools, colleges, and universities, esp. work which involves studying and reasoning rather than practical or technical skills 大学的,(大专院校)教学(上)的 in particular especially 尤其,特别
make a point of doing sth. to take particular care to do sth.; to do sth. deliberately,
even when it involves making a special effort 特别注意,重视,总是要做某事 frequent /????????/ v. /fml/ to visit frequently; to go to a particular place
often 常去,时常出入于
swap /????/ v. to give sth. to sb. and get sth. in return 交换
sergeant /?????????/ n. a military rank. Sergeants usu. have three V-shaped marks on the upper arm of the uniform 军士,中士
corporal /?????????/ n. a low rank in the army, air force etc. 下士 captain /???????/ n. a rank in the navy, army, or US air force (英国)陆军上尉,海军上校,(美国)空军上校
lieutenant /??????????; [AmE] ?????????? / n. army officer next
below a captain 陆军中尉;navy officer next below a lieutenant-commander 海军上尉
major /???????/ n. army officer ranking between a captain and a
lieutenant-colonel; an officer of middle rank in the British or US army or marines or the US air force (英国、美国陆军,海军陆站队或美国空军的)少校
colonel /???????/ n. an army or air force rank (陆军或空军)上校 company /????????/ n. [U] being together with another or others; when
you are with other people and not alone; the presence of another person; companionship 陪伴,交往
flunk /?????/ v. to fail an exam, a course or a student 给(某人的考试)打
oddly/strangely/curiously… enough used to say that a fact or sth. that happens is
strange or surprising 奇怪的是,真够稀奇的
resent /???????/ v. to feel bitter or indignant at愤恨, 怨恨
gear /???/ n. the machinery in a a vehicle that turns power from the engine into movement (车的)排挡,齿轮传动装置
coercive /?????????/ a. using force to persuade people to do what they are unwilling to do 强迫的,强制的,高压的
semester /????????/ n. one of the two periods of time that a year at high
schools and universities is divided into, especially in the US (尤指美国大学的)一学期,半学年
end up to be in a particular situation, state, or place after a series of events, esp. when you did not plan it (经过一长过程)最终成为,处于某状态
make/draw a distinction to say what the difference is between two or more similar persons or things 区别,区分,分辨
label /???????/ v. to use a word or phrase to describe sb. or sth., but often
unfairly or incorrectly 描述,将?归类
hew /????/ v. to shape or carve from some material 把?砍成,把?劈成(某种形状)
knit /???/ v. to make things such as clothes by using two long needles to connect wool or other kinds of thread into joined row编织,针织
coordinate n. /???????????/ [usu. pl.] one of a pair of numbers and/or letters that show the exact position of a point on a map or graph 坐标
irrelevant /??????????/ a. not useful or not relating to a particular
situation, and therefore not important 不相干的,不相关的
in … terms / in terms of… with regard to…; from the point of view of… 至于,关于,从?观点来看
aware /?????/ a. having knowledge or understanding 知道的,明白的,意识
define /???????/ v. to show the edge or shape of 标明?的界线或轮廓 highway /???????/ n. [esp. AmE] main public road; a wide main road that joins one town to another 公路,交通要道
map /???/ v. to make a map of a particular area 绘制某地区的地图 rolling /???????/ a. (of land) rising and falling in a long gentle slopes 绵延起伏的
compared to/with… used when considering the size, quality, or amount of sth. in relation to sth. similar 与?相比
encounter /?????????/ v. [fml] to meet or have to deal with (sth. bad, esp.
a danger or a difficulty); be faced with 遇到,遭遇
locate /????????/ v. to find the position of 找到?的位置
in a fog [infml] in a confused and uncertain state of mind 困惑不解的,迷惘的 hamper /??????/ v. to cause difficulty in activity 妨碍,阻碍,牵制
五、 核心词汇与短语 1.核心词汇
shift / ???? / v. 改变(位置或方向),变换,转移,移动n.(位置、方向、性格等的)改变,转换,转移
The wind shifted and blew the mist away. 风转变了方向把雾吹散了。
The White House hopes to shift the media’s attention away from foreign policy issues.白宫想转移媒体对外交问题的注意力。
There has been a big shift in attitudes towards sex during the past 50 years. 过去五十年里人们对性的态度发生了很大转变。
【近义】 switch v. 转换, 转变transform v. 转换, 改造, 使...变形
remove / ??????? / v. ①移走,移开,去掉,脱掉 ②去除, 排除 ③开除,把…解聘 ④迁移,移居
【联想】re(回,再)+move(移动, 离开, 运行, 迁移, 搬家)→移走,移开, 迁移,
Reference books are not to be removed from the library. 参考书不准带离图书馆。 The doctors decided to operate on him immediately to remove the tumor on his liver.医生决定立即为他做手术切除肝上的肿瘤。
We are removing from London to the country. 我们正从伦敦迁往乡下。 【搭配】remove from去除
【派生】removal n. 移动,搬动,迁移 removable可去除的 offset / ?????? / v. 抵消、补偿
Cuts in prices for milk, butter, and cheese will be offset by direct payments to farmers. 牛奶,黄油和奶酪价格的下降可由直接向农民支付而抵消。 The pay raise will be offset by inflation. 增加的工资会被通货膨胀所抵消。 prosperity / ??????????? / n. 发达,兴隆,昌盛,繁荣
The increase in the country's prosperity was due to the discovery of oil. 由于发现了石油,该国经济日趋繁荣。
He wished the young couple a life of happiness and prosperity. 他祝这对年轻人生活幸福美满。
【派生】prosperous a. 成功的,繁荣的,昌盛的
correspond / ??????????? / v. ①相符合,相一致②相当, 相应③通信 【联想】cor(=con 一起,共同)+respond(回答,回应)→对应,通信
The problem is that what he says doesn’t correspond with what he does. 问题是他言行不一。
The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament. 美国的国会相当于英国的议会。
We've corresponded (with each other) for years but I've never actually met him. 我们已(互相)通信多年了, 可是我从未见过他本人。
【搭配】correspond with/to…与?相符,与?相一致,correspond to…与?相当,与?相似correspond with…与?通信
【派生】correspondence n. 相符; 通信, 信件corresponding adj. 相符的; 相当的; 通信的
interpret / ?????????? / v. ①把?理解为,解释,阐明②表明或体现(人物、 作品等)的内涵③口译
Freud attempted to interpret the meaning of dreams. 弗洛伊德试图解释梦的含义。 Poetry helps us to interpret life. 诗歌有助于我们阐发人生的意义。
I don’t speak Russian; will you interpret (what he says) for me? 我不会讲俄语,你能给我翻译他说的话吗?
【辨析】translate v. 翻译, 强调笔译,翻译书写的东西;interpret强调口头的翻译
【派生】interpretation n. 解释,阐明interpreter n. 口译者 swap / ???? / v.交换 n. 以物换物
I'll swap (you) my Michael Jackson tape for your Bruce Springsteen album. 我想用迈克尔.杰克逊的录音带交换你的布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷唱片集。
As you like my dress and I like yours, shall we do a swap? 既然你喜欢我的连衣裙而我也喜欢你的, 咱们交换好吗?
company / ???????? / n. [U] ①陪伴,交往②客人; 来宾③公司; 商行④ 文艺团体
You may know a man by the company he keeps. 观其友则知其人。
I hate going out alone,so I take my daughter for company. 我不愿独自一人出门, 带女儿作个伴。
We're expecting company next week. 我们下星期有客来访。 The Royal Shakespeare’s Company 皇家莎士比亚剧团
【搭配】 keep sb. company 陪伴某人,与某人做伴in company 当着别人的面in company with sb和某人一起
【派生】accompany v.陪伴,陪同companion [C]n. 同伴, 共事者
flunk / ????? / v.给(某人的考试)打不及格的分数,(使)通不过考试,(使)不及格
He was flunked in chemistry. 他化学不及格。
I flunked, and had to do the test again. 我不及格,所以要补考。 【搭配】flunk out(因考试不及格)除名,退学
coercive / ????????? / a. 强迫的,强制的,高压的
The police may have used coercive tactics to get confessions. 警察可能使用了强制策略逼供。
The husband had coercive powers to govern most aspects of a woman’s life, particularly through his control of money. 过去丈夫通过强制,尤其是通过对钱的控制,掌控妇女生活的大部分。
【派生】coerce v. 迫使,强迫,胁迫,强制coercion n. 强迫,强制
label / ??????? / v. ①贴标签于 ② 描述,将?归类n. 用以描述(人或事物)的用语、称号等
Picasso is usually labelled (as) an Impressionist. 人们通常把毕加索称为印象派艺术家。
A reviewer called her first novel “supper-romantic” and the label has stuck. 有个评论家把她的处女作称为“超级浪漫小说”, 这个美称就叫开了。
aware / ????? / a. having knowledge or understanding 知道的,明白的,意识到的
The children are aware of the danger of taking drugs. 孩子们明白吸毒的危险。
The staff were well aware that the company was losing money. 员工很明白公司正在亏钱。
【搭配】be aware of… / that…知道 【派生】awareness n.意识,认识,了解
encounter / ????????? / v. ①遇到,遭遇 ②偶然碰到,邂逅n.遭遇, 遭遇战
【联想】en(使?)+ counter(反击,反向移动,反对)→遇到,遭遇,邂逅 The government has encountered strong opposition to its plans to raise income tax. 就提高收入所得税的计划,政府遇到了强烈的反对意见。
He encountered an old friend when studying at Cambridge. 在剑桥大学读书时,他邂逅了一位老友。
I had a close encounter with a poisonous snake. 我曾意外地碰到过一条毒蛇。 locate / ???????? / v. ① 找到?的位置 ② 定位, 位于
Whales use low-frequency calls to locate each other. 鲸鱼通过低频叫声来确定彼此的位置。
The information office is located in the city centre. 咨询处设在市中心。 【派生】location n. 位置, 场所, 特定区域,<美>[电影]外景拍摄场地 【用法】作“定位, 位于 ”用,通常用被动式
go round 满足人人的需要,足够分配
If there aren’t enough chairs to go round, some people will have to stand. 如果没有足够的椅子分给每个人坐,那么一些人将不得不站着了。 go under失败,垮掉,倒闭,破产
More than 7000 businesses have gone under in the last three months. 在过去的三个月里有7000多家公司破产。
When the company went under, some of our workers found positions with Ford. 当那家公司破产后,我们中的有些工人在福特公司找到了工作。 go broke 破产,没钱
A lot of small businesses went broke in the recession. 在这次危机中许多小企业破产了。
Once you have so many farmers going broke, the ripple effect starts. 一旦有那么多农业主破产,那么其连锁反应就会开始。 shrug … away/off 对?不屑一顾,不予理会
This is a serious problem and it can’t just be shrugged off as if it didn’t exist. 这是一个严重的问题,不能不理不睬,就好想其不存在似的。 Ingrid Bergman just shrugs off the pain and gets on with the job.
英格丽·褒曼对那疼痛不予理会,继续工作。 put/get/keep … in perspective 客观地看待
I understand your disappointment, but we must put the matter in perspective. 我理解你的失望情绪,但我们必须客观地看待此事。
The overall effect of this encounter was dramatic, because it was reassuring and put things in perspective. 由于重振了信心和客观处理事态,所以事故的总体效果是戏剧性的。
The company’s results need to be looked at in perspective; our profits have fallen but it’s been a difficult year for our competitors. 必须客观评价公司的绩效,我们的利润是有下滑,但对我们的竞争者而言这也是萧条的一年。
take … at face value 从表面看,表面地认为,认为?如其显示的那样
You shouldn’t always take his remarks at face value. 你不应该总是从表面看待他的评价。
The newspapers have taken this propaganda at face value, without questioning it. 这些报纸认为事实如宣传的那样,未加怀疑。 end up(经过一长过程)最终成为,处于某状态
That artist wondered where the pictures would end up after the auction. 那位艺术家想知道拍卖会后,这些名画最终将花落谁家。
Most slimmers end up putting weight back on. 大多数瘦身者以体重反弹而告终。 If he carries on driving like that, he’ll end up dead. 如果他继续如此驾驶,那他将以死告终。
He could end up as President. 他可能最终当选为总统。 make/draw a distinction区别,区分,分辨
Most societies make a distinction between the status of an unmarried woman and a married one. 大多数社会对女性已婚和未婚的身份作了区分。
The Act makes no distinction between children and adults (=it treats them as if they were the same). 该法案未将儿童和成人区分对待。
It’s important to draw a distinction between the policies of the leaders and the views of their supporters. 把领导人的政策与他们支持者的想法区分开来是重要的。 in … terms / in terms of…至于,关于,从?观点来看
The book has been well reviewed, but in terms of actual sales / in sales terms it hasn’t been very successful. 这本书获得了好评,但是从实际销售情况来看,它并不太成功。
In business terms the project is not really viable, but it would add to the prestige of the company. 从生意角度来看,该项目并不真正合算,但它会提高公司的声誉。 We’re thinking in terms of (=considering) moving to the South, as there are so few jobs in the North. 我们正考虑搬到南方去,因为北方就业的机会太少了。
It sounds like a good suggestion, but I wonder what it will mean in practical terms. (=in actual fact) 这听起来像是个好建议,但就实际情况而言,我不知道它会意味着什么。
compared to/with…与?相比
Compared to our small flat, Bill’s house seemed like a palace. 与我们的小公寓相比,贝尔的房子就像宫殿。
Statistics show a 20% reduction in burglary compared with last year. 统计数据表明入室抢劫案比去年下降了20%。 in a fog [infml]困惑不解的,迷惘的
My son’s in a complete fog about his science lesson; he has no idea at all what it means. 我儿子对科学课如堕五里雾中,竟然一无所知。 My mind was in a fog. 我一头雾水。
六、 难句解析
1. Whatever our norm is, it has shifted upwards, with the result that you are probably disappointed at not doing better. (Para. 1, Lines 3-6)
【改写】No matter what our norm is, it has getting higher and higher. As a result of
this, you are likely to feel disappointed for you are not doing better enough.
【解析】句中 whatever 相当于no matter what, that引导名词从句,作the result
2. But the assumption, as we both know, is questionable; it may well be that you’ve actually gotten much more out of the course than your grade indicates—or less. (Para.4, Lines 6-8)
【改写】But your performance may not correspond to what you have learned as it is
assumed to be. You have actually learned the course very well, but your grade may be quite low; instead, though you have not acquired much from the course, you may get a high grade.
【解析】as 引导方式状语从句,可看作一个插入成分。句子的主干内容可简化为
the assumption may be that…。that 引导表语从句,or less处用了省略,完整应为that you’ve actually gotten much more out of the course than your grade indicates,or you’ve actually gotten much less out of the course than your grade indicates。
3. If you value these characteristics in yourself, you will be valued—and far more so than those whose identities are measured only by little marks on a piece of paper. (Para.5, Lines 4-6)
【改写】If you value these characteristics you possess by yourself, you will be valued
by others in turn, and even you may be far more valued than those whose capability, strength and personality can only measured by the scores they have achieved in studies.
you will be far more valued than…;far more so than为比较级前有修饰语far, 相当于much, those后接了whose引导的关系从句,其后也省略了谓语部分。
4. The student as performer, the students as human being. (Para.6, Line1) 【译文】学生是课堂表演者,也是一个完整的人。
【改写】The students are performers, at the same time they are human being, too. 【解析】此句为省略句,省略了谓语动词。 5.They enjoyed his company greatly, as he theirs.
【改写】They enjoyed his company very much, as he enjoyed their company. 【解析】此句为省略句,as 引导的方式状语从句为避免重复省略了谓语动词
enjoyed及其宾语their company。
6.Nor did they resent him for shifting suddenly from a friendly gear to a coercive one.
(Para.8, Lines 1-2)
【译文】他们也不因为他突然从友善的伙伴转变为严厉的老师而心怀不满。 【改写】They did not hate him for he changed suddenly from a friendly company into
a strict teacher.
7. It is important to recognize that human beings despite differences in class and
educational labeling, are fundamentally hewn from the same material and knit together by common bonds of fear and joy, suffering and achievement. (Para.9, Lines 1-3)
【改写】Everyone is similarly built in biology and will experience their own fear and
joy, suffering and achievement, though they are different in social class and education.
【解析】此句子的主干结构为it is important to recognize that…, 其中it 为形式主
语,真正的主语是to recognize that…, that 引导名词从句作recognize的宾语。 that 宾语从句中又包含几个结构,其中主干结构为human beings are hewn from the same material and knit together by …,despite differences in class and educational labeling 作让步状语, fear and joy, suffering and achievement 作of 的并列宾语。
8. But these distinctions should never be taken seriously in human terms, either in
the way we look at others or in the way we look at ourselves. (Para.9,Lines 9-10) 【译文】但是从人的角度出发,在我们看待自己或别人时,我们不应该过分在意
【改写】From the point of view of human beings, we should not take these
distinctions too seriously, whenever we look at others or ourselves.
【解析】句中either…or…表示两者都不,in the way we look at others or in the way
we look at ourselves,是先行词为the way 的表方式的关系从句,关系词that通常省略。
七、 参考译文
你的本门课程的最后成绩是B。B也是很不错的成绩。比几十年前及格标准的皆大欢喜的C 优秀多了。但是在那些年代,A是少有的,根据我的记忆25个学生中也就有2人得A。无论评价标准如何,它已经被提高了,其结果就是你可能对自己做的不够出色而感到失望。我相信无论我做何解释,都难以消除你的失落情绪,尤其是在当前分数决定你能否有资格进入研究生院和参与某些项目的环境下。
但在我看来,一位教师对付我们的做法非常聪明。 一到周日晚上,他就会特意在当地一家退役军人学生经常光顾的酒吧逗留一会。在那里落座后,他便开始喝酒、打趣和他班上的学生侃大山。他们也是不久前刚刚脱掉军装成为普通人的。他们曾经是下士、中士、轰炸机飞行员、中尉、上尉、指挥官、少校甚至中校。他们喜欢和他在一起,他也喜欢和他们在一起。但是第二天上午他会走进教室,对同一帮人进行考试。很难的考试。通常有一半的学生不及格。
人划分得格外清楚。这是一个很好的界定。能让你客观全面地看待你的分数B, 以及你的失望。
甚至从成就上来讲,现在的成绩B也不意味着将来你的成就永远只是B的水平。我深知得B 的同学将来还是会容易得B,就像得A 的同学更容易得A一样。但学术学习是一条非常狭窄的被清楚界定的高速公路。而你毕业后所要面对的世界却像是绵延起伏的田野,充满了未知的事情。你所学的知识能让你知道开始的时候怎么走,但以后你就不得不自己调整方向,你需要在阻碍我们所有人向未来前进的迷雾中锁定目标,把握机遇。 八、 练习答案 Text comprehension
I. Decide which of the following best states author’s purpose of writing. B
II. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.
1. T Refer to Para.1. A couple of generations ago, C was the norm, and the norm has
shifted upward. This means most students got C instead of B.
2. T Refer to Para.3. On the one hand, the author says grades can be dangerously
misleading; on the other hand, he thinks they are important. 3. F Refer to Para.3. The first sentence makes it clear. 4. F Refer to the first sentence Para.10. III. Answer the following questions.
1. The answer to this question is mainly based on Paragraph 2, in which the author
implies that the cause of the student’s disappointment is to a large extent social. In the society the importance of winning is overemphasized; it is considered shameful to be a loser. What’s more, to prosper in this society ensures one’s salvation in the future. In this general social climate, therefore, a B student will
naturally feel disappointed.
2. Refer to Paragraph 4. A grade is just a symbol, which is supposed to reflect the
level of a student’s performance. A student’s performance is assumed to correspond to his knowledge. But the student may have acquired more or less knowledge out of the course than the grade indicates. Therefore a grade may be misleading.
3. His attitude toward the current school curriculum is critical. Refer to Paragraph 5,
in which he mentions a number of important characteristics for us humans such as courage, kindness, wisdom, and good humor. The current school curriculum has obviously neglected the aspect of character building on the part of the students. 4. The technique the instructor used was to make a clear distinction between the
student as a classroom performer and the student as a human being. A poor grade, at best, indicates that the student is a poor classroom performer, but it has little to say about the ability and personality of the students as a human being. By making such a distinction, the instructor encouraged, rather than discouraged, those who were not doing well in class. As a result they all worked harder at his course. (Paragraphs 7-8)
5. Social labels, including grades, in the author’s opinion, are basically irrelevant
and misleading. But on the other hand, they are necessary, because human society is complex and diversified, thus distinctions among its members have to be made, and such distinctions must e indicated by various labels.(Paragraph 9) IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken form the text. 1. Being unsuccessful in one’s life and career and financially disadvantaged is
regarded as shameful or even sinful because in this world people tend to think that only those who are successful now can be saved from evil in the future. 2. It is important to see the fact that although they differ in their class status and
educational background, human beings are essentially the same. First of all, they are, biologically speaking, constructed in the same way, and then they all share the feelings of fear and joy, and also the common experience of suffering and achieving. All of them will regard wars, diseases, and disasters, both private and public, as unfortunate big events in their lifetime.
Structural analysis of the text 参见《篇章分析》部分 Vocabulary exercises
Ⅰ. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1. inner pressure; indispensable quality; the important part
2. The phrase specifically refers to “the seven deadly sins”: pride, covetousness,
lust, anger, gluttony, envy and sloth 3. making you think or act wrongly 4. tasks traditionally required of students 5. far from enough
II. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each sentence without changing its original meaning.
1. B译文:此报道说桑拿只是减掉少量的体内水分,而健康农场只相当于一种昂
2. B译文:让他们大为沮丧的是,他们工资的增长被通货膨胀带来的物价上涨给
3. C 译文:这位历史学家声称他有与负责苏联安全的某位官员的视频采访的文
4. C译文:可怜的唐纳森没有经营生意的头脑,不久就破产了。
5. B译文:对于电话号码注册入一套新的分格式网络系统不用保留国家号码的决
III. Choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences. 1.C译文:当地面开始摇晃,房屋向前倾斜时,计算机将会迫使建筑物朝相反的
2. A译文:公司深陷困境,但最近的拯救计划少有支持者。
解析: salivation救助,拯救;protection保护;preservation保护,保存,保
3.B 译文:根据招聘广告所言,应聘空缺岗位者要求至少熟练掌握两门语言。 解析:efficiency效率,功效,效能;proficiency流利,熟练;experience
4. C 译文:不要依据她给你提供的信息——那纯粹只是她的臆断。
5. A 译文:一个政党所享有的权力应该与其所获得的选票比例一致。
解析:correspond to一致;conform to符合,遵守,依照;adhere to追从,
依附;submit to使服从,呈送,提交。
IV. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken form the box in its appropriate form.
1. define 译文:我们因此可以把外向的性格定义为这种性格主要感兴趣的
解析:define …as…给(词语等)下定义。
2. irrelevant 译文:承认这一点也就是承认社会标签基本上是不相关的和误导
解析:irrelevant不相关; 无关系; 不切题
3. correspond to 译文:人们普遍认为你的表现与你所学的并能牢记的知识基本一
解析:correspond to相应, 符合,一致
4. flunked 译文:奇怪的是,那些被他打不及格的学生并不怀恨在心。 解析:flunk sb. 给某人打不及格分
5. rather 译文:卡耐基认为对社会有利的财富分配决不应该是以自由慈善
解析:rather 更正确, 更合适
V. Write in each space one word that has the same prefix as underlined in each given word.
1. international 2.transmit 3.circumscribe 4. misunderstand 5. confine 6.anti-nuclear Grammar exercises
I. Identify the relative clauses used in the following sentences and note how they are connected to the main clauses. (略)
II. Define the following nouns after the examples.
1. A vacuum cleaner is a machine that cleans floors by sucking up the dirt from them. 2. A jockey is a person who rides horses in races.
3. A chauffer is someone whose job is to drive a car for someone else.
4.A umbrella is a circular folding frame covered in cloth that you hold above you when it is raining.
5. A thermometer is a piece of equipment that measures the temperature of the air or your body.
6. A caretaker is someone whose job is to look after a building esp. a school. (BrE) A caretaker is someone whose job is to look after a house or land while the person who owns it is not there. (AmE)
7. A refrigerator is a special cupboard kept cool by electricity, in which food and drinks are stored.
8. A teetotaler is someone who never drinks alcohol.
III. Fill in each bland with a proper relative word. Use “preposition + relative word” if necessary.
1. which, when, on which 2. on which 3. that 4. who 5. who 6.where 7. for whom 8. which
IV. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate words in the box. 1. However 2. Whatever 3. whatever 4. Wherever 5. whichever 6. whoever 7. However 8. whenever, whenever
V. Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the underlined parts in your sentences.
1. …winning is not the most important thing—it’s the only thing.
e.g. For some parents, sending their children to the best universities is not the most important thing—it’s the only thing. For anyone who wants to find a position in this joint venture, a good command
of English, both oral and written, is not the most important thing—it’s the only thing. 2. Oddly enough, the men whom he flunked did not resent it. Nor did they resent him…Rather, they loved him, worked harder and harder. e.g. Strangely enough, he does not like such fast food like KFC and
hamburgers as most teenagers do. Nor does he like meat dishes. Rather, he prefers fish and vegetables.
Surprisingly enough, he has never been aboard. Nor has he ever had a
teacher who is a native speaker. Rather, he has acquired his native-like accent all by imitating those speakers on tapes.
Translation exercises
Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets.
1. He was hospitalized with acute appendicitis, with the result that he missed the final examination.
2. As many more people came to the lecture than expected, there were not enough handouts to go round.
3. No matter what a long day he may have, he makes a point of checking his e-mail box before going to bed.
4. Unemployment is found in all countries in the world, but the governments vary in their way to handle the problem.
5. Anyone who has come to a foreign country for the first time is apt to find
everything around him both strange and interesting.
6. The football fans were very disappointed at the performance of the players of both teams.
7. Never take what he says at face value. Think it over yourself. 8. The doctor’s words removed his fears about the operation. Exercises for integrated skills I. Dictation.
Professors may establish social relationship with students outside of the classroom, / but in the classroom they maintain the instructor’s role. / A professor may have coffee one day with students / but the next day expect them to meet a deadline / for the submission of a paper or to be prepared for a discussion or an exam. / The professor may give extra attention outside of class / to a student in need of help / but probably will not treat him or her differently / when it comes to evaluating school work. /Professors have several roles in relation to students; / they may be counselors and friends as well as teachers. / Students must realize / that when a teacher’s role changes, / they must appropriately adapt their behavior and attitudes.
II. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE word you think appropriate. 1. for 2. familiar 3. adding 4. confusing 5. little 6. what 7. accustomed 8. foreign 9.forbidden 10. obey 11.remain 12.others 13. contradict 14.easy
Writing practice
It is reported that a schoolboy in China was criticized by his teacher for breaking away from the conventional way of looking at spring by saying a lot of negative things about this season. The negative side of spring mentioned in his composition includes the changeable weather, too much rainfall and quick spreading of diseases such as flu. You are required to write a letter of about 200 words to a newspaper editor and in your letter first describe what has happened and then express your opinion about it.
Mr. Editor,
I’ m writing to comment on the report I recently read. It says that a schoolboy in China was criticized by his teacher for breaking away from the conventional way of looking at spring in his composition by saying a lot of negative things about this season, such as the changeable weather, too much rainfall and quick spreading of diseases.
I was surprised at the report because in my opinion having different ideas and
individual thinking is what a teacher should try to motivate. I think a teacher should see his students as individuals and acknowledge their differences. He must know how to encourage the self-development and growth of each of his students. Most people consider spring a good season whose the description is mostly stereotyped. But the boy doesn’t want to follow the majority. Instead, He tries to be initiative and perceives something different about it, which is the most important thing. What’s more, his perception on spring is quite reasonable and true, too. Why give him such a criticism? Apparently the boy’s creativity was not appreciated or recognized. His self-respect was hurt. As a result, he will lose the confidence and courage in writing and dare not express his creative ideas in the future. That is definitely not the goal of education.
So if I were the teacher I would give him praise rather than a bitter criticism.
Text II College Pressures 一、 文化链接
Yale University耶鲁大学
Yale University is a private university in New Haven, Connecticut. Founded in 1701 as the Collegiate School, Yale is the third-oldest institution of higher education in the United States and is a member of the Ivy League. Yale ranked as one of the best universities in world in the 2008 THES-QS (The Times Higher Education Supplement and Quacquarelli Symonds) World University Rankings. Yale is also widely regarded as one of the leading and most prestigious universities in the world, partially because it has produced a number of successful U.S. presidents and foreign heads of state. Particularly well-known are its Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; the undergraduate school, Yale College; and the Yale Law School. Also notable is the Yale School of Drama, which has produced many prominent Hollywood and Broadway actors and writers.
耶鲁大学是一所坐落于美国康乃狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学,始创于1701年,初名“大学学院”,是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,今为长青藤联盟的成员之一。 在2008泰晤士报增刊的世界大学排名中,耶鲁大学被列为世界最好的大学之一。耶鲁大学还被看作是最重要最负盛名的大学之一,一部分是因为它曾培养了许多杰出的美国总统和外国首脑。耶鲁大学的人文科学研究生院,耶鲁学院即大学本科部以及耶鲁法学院最为著名。另外,耶鲁戏剧学院因造就了许多杰出的好莱坞和百老汇的演员和作家也很引人注目。
induce ?????????? v. to bring about or stimulate the occurrence of; cause引起, 激发;导致
villain ?????????n. something said to be the cause of particular trouble or an evil祸首
intangible ????????????? a. incapable of being realized or defined难以认识或确定的
sample ???????? v. try out or examine (sth) by taking a sample or by experiencing it抽样检查(某物); 取(某物)样; 试用,尝试
anthropology ???????????????? n. the scientific study of the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of human beings人类学
exhilarate ????????????? v. make (sb) feel very happy or lively 使(某人)愉快或活跃
deficit ?????????? n. The amount by which a sum of money falls short of the required or expected amount; a shortage赤字, 不足额
premium ?????????? n. The amount paid or payable, often in installments, for an insurance policy额外费用, 奖金, 奖赏, 保险费
pauper /????????n. one who is extremely poor贫民, 极度贫困的人?tenacity ??????????? n. the state or quality of being tenacious坚韧 synthesize ???????????? v. to combine so as to form a new, complex product综合
symptomatic ????????????????a. of, relating to, or based on symptoms症状的、有关症状的或根据症状的
ante ????????n. the stake that each poker player must put into the pool before receiving a hand or before receiving new cards <美>(打扑克牌发牌前下的)赌注?
overexert ?????????????? v. to exert (oneself) too much; overtax使(自己)用力过度;使负担过重
jolt ???????? v. to make suddenly active or effective激起,唤起; 使?突然活跃或有力 四、 难句解析
1. They’re trying to find an edge—the intangible something that will look better on paper if two students are about equal. (Para.2, Lines 5-7)
【改写】They are trying to find an advantage over others, that is they try to have
higher marks on the transcript so that they will appear to be academically superior, especially when two students are more or less the same.
【解析】此句中the intangible something是非常规用法,一般情况下,形容词修
饰不定代词something, anything,nothing 等时,须后置,此处作者把intangible前置起强调作用。
2. The pressure is almost as heavy on students who just want to graduate and get a job.
(Para.4, Lines 1-2)
【改写】Students who just want to graduate from the school and find a job face the
same pressure, too.
【解析】此句暗含比较,与上文谈到的期望值较高的学生相比:The pressure is
almost as heavy on students who just want to graduate and get a job as on those who are more ambitious.
3. Long gone are the days of the “Gentlemen’s C”, when students journeyed through
college with a certain relaxation, sampling a wide variety of courses—music, art, philosophy, classics, anthropology, poetry, religion—that send them out as liberally educated men and women. (Para.4, Lines 2-5)
【译文】得到C 而皆大欢喜的日子早已经远去了,在那些年代,大学生在校园里
【改写】In the past, the grade students got most was C, and students usually walk
around the campus leisurely and tried a large number of different courses such as music, art, philosophy, classics, anthropology, poetry, religion. These experiences would give them a start to be persons of wide knowledge and open mind at time they leave school.
【解析】此句为完全倒装句, 正常语序应为the days of the “Gentlemen’s C,” when
students journeyed through college with a certain relaxation, sampling a
wide variety of courses—music, art, philosophy, classics, anthropology, poetry, religion—that send them out as liberally educated men and women are gone long, 谓语为are gone long,其余都是主语部分。英语中如果主语较长或结构较复杂时,而且修饰语较长时,为避免头重脚轻,常把主谓语倒装。此句中主语较复杂,中心词为the days,其后面接了两个修饰语:of 短语和when 引导的表时间的非限定定语从句,而这个定语从句中又包含了一个表伴随的分词短语sampling a wide variety of courses,而这个分词短语中又接了一个that 引导的courses做先行词的定语从句。破折号中间的部分说明courses的具体内容。
4. Heating oil is up. Insurance is up. Postage is up. Healthy-premium costs are up.
Everything is up. Deficits are up. (Para.5, Lines 4-5)
【改写】Expenses for heating oil, insurance, post, and healthy-premium are all
increasing, it seems that everything is at a higher price, even the deficits are rising.
5. The intellectual faculties developed by studying subjects like history and classics
— an ability to synthesize and relate, to weigh cause and effect, to see events in perspective — are just the faculties that make creative leader in business or almost any general field. (Para.12, Lines 6-9)
【改写】Studying humanity subjects such as history and classics can help you to
develop the ability to combine things together to analyze their relations, to think over cause and its consequence, to perceive events objectively. This ability will be needed to be a creative leader in business or almost every field.
【解析】此句的主干结构为The intellectual faculties are just the faculties,
developed by studying subjects like history and classics是过去分词短语作后置定语,破折号里面是解释说明the intellectual faculties, that引导定语从句。
五、 参考译文
一位老院长告诉我:“在20世纪60年代末,学生向我提出的典型问题是‘世界为何如此多灾多难?’或‘我能够做些什么贡献?’;而今问题是‘我如果选择历史和政治的双学位,或者只修其中一门课,您觉得哪种选择更容易进入法学院?’” 其他几位院长也肯定了这种思维模式。其中一位院长说:“他们在试图表现出微弱优势——如果两个学生水平相当的话,这种难以琢磨的东西在纸面上就会看起来更好。”
“我想是吧”,他们不是很确信地回答,或者回答“不是很想去。” “那又为什么要去呢?”
可怜的学生,可悲的家长。他们陷入了一个最古老的网,一个由爱、责任和内疚编织的网。父母的意图是好的,他们试图把孩子们引向一个有保障的未来。但是孩子们却想主攻历史、古典艺术、哲学等——这些在父母看来是没有“实用”价值的学科。学习这些人文学科有什么好处呢?说服充满慈爱之心的父母人文学科实际上可以获得回报不是件容易的事。 事实上, 学习历史和古典艺术可以获得智能——一种统筹、联系,考察因果、权衡利弊,全面客观看待事物的能力——这些才能都是成为商界或者几乎所有领域有创造力的领导者所需要的。然而,许多家长还是愿意把钱花在能让孩子获得某种具体职业的课程上。
最终,学生还是要靠自己打破他们所陷入的圈套。学生们还太年轻,不应成为父母梦想和同学梦魇的囚徒。我们必须唤醒他们,让他们相信自己才是能够打造自己的未来的独一无二的男人和女人。 六、 练习答案
Key to questions for discussion
1. No one is really to blame for the pressures working on college students, not the
colleges, or the professors, or the parents, or the students themselves. In fact they (the colleges, the professors, the parents and the students) are all victims. 2. The students in the late 1960s seemed to be more concerned with what was
happening in the world as a whole, and what they could do to make our world a better place to live. The college students of the time when the article was written were more concerned about their own future and career, and they seemed to be more egoistic.
3. To both of them, a good transcript will serve as a passport to security. They want
to look better so that they can be either enrolled by a graduate school or find a good job.
4. Most parents want their sons and daughters to take courses that would lead them
to occupations with good payoff such as law and medicine. But Zinsser would rather that they took a wide range of courses in the humanities, such as philosophy, history, music and religion, so that they would become liberally well-educated men and women.
5. The mentality that underlies peer pressure and self-induced pressure is the fear to
be outshone by one’s fellow students, the fear to appear inferior to others. 6. Open to discussion.
I. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.
put/ … in perspective prosperity correspond with shrug …off company swap encounter aware coercive flunk label 1. Does the name on the envelope ______ the name on the letter inside? 2. I understand your disappointment, but we must ______the matter ______. 3. They ______ stories about their army days. 4. It's bad manners to whisper in ______.
5. I admire the way she is able to ______ unfair criticism. 6. She is usually ______as an Impressionist.
7. The salesgirl had a brief ______with an angry client. 8. She hadn’t done the work so the teacher ______ her
9. It is the middle class that can truly make a nation ______ and strong. 10. The defendant claimed he had been ______ into making a confession.
II. Rewrite the sentences or link the two sentences into one according to the given requirements. 改写成关系从句
1. The school is very famous. He once studied in it.
2. They visited the Big Ben in London. It was the first place of their visit. 3. His brother is now a doctor. He always encourages him to go to college. 用wh-ever词改写
4. No matter how late he is, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together. 5. Each time we see Mr. Lee we say hello to him.
III. Explain each of the following sentences in your own words.
1. I’m well aware that B students tend to get B’s in the courses they take later on, just as A students tend to get A’s. 2. Perspective.
3. But the assumption, as we both know, is questionable; it may well be that you’ve actually gotten much more out of the course than your grade indicates—or less. 4. Nor did they resent him for shifting suddenly from a friendly gear to a coercive one.
5. But these distinctions should never be taken seriously in human terms, either in the way we look at others or in the way we look at ourselves.
IV. Identify the error in each of the following sentences and correct it.
1. The man with who you talked is my friend.
2. Finally,the thief handed everything which he had stolen to the police. 3. This cloth is superior over that. 4. They enjoyed his company, as he their.
5. It was told in newspaper yesterday that the students had done was praised by the factory. 答案与解析 I.
1. correspond with 译文:信封上的名字与里面信上的名字是否相同? 2. put in perspective 译文:我理解你的失望之情,但我们必须客观地看待此事。 3. swapped 译文:他们互相讲述了他们在军队中的经历。 4. company 译文:当着别人窃窃私语是不礼貌的行为。 5. shrug off 译文:我很佩服她能对错误的批评意见不予理会。 6. labeled 译文:人们通常把她称为印象派艺术家。
7. encounter 译文:售货员与一个生气的顾客一时发生了冲突。 8. flunked 译文:她没有做作业,因此老师给她不及格。 9. prosperous 译文:使国家繁荣富强的正是中产阶级。 10. coerced 译文:被告声称是被迫认罪的。 II.
1. The school in which he once studied is very famous./ The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous.
2. The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben.
3. His brother, who is now a doctor, always encourages him to go to college. 4. However late he is, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.
5. Whenever we see Mr. Lee we say hello to him. III.
1. I know that it is quite likely that B students to go on getting B’s in their late studies, and A students continue getting A’s.
2. Put the grade B and your disappointment in perspective.
3. But your performance may not correspond to what you have learned as it is assumed to be. You have actually learned the course very well, but your grade may be quite low; instead, though you have not acquired much from the course, you may get a high grade.
4. They did not hate him for he changed suddenly from a friendly company into a strict teacher.
5. From the point of view of human beings, we should not take these distinctions too
seriously, whenever we look at others or ourselves.
1. who→whom
解析:whom不仅是关系代词引导定语从句,还作介词with的宾语,因此要用宾格。 2. that →which
解析: 先行词为不定代词everything,关系从句只用that引导。 3. over →to
解析:固定搭配be superior to sth./sb. (比某人 [某事物])好的、 强的、高的
4. their→theirs
解析: 此处为省略句,完整应为as he enjoyed their company,所以用名词性物主代词theirs 代替their company。 5. that→what
解析:引导名词从句的that是连词,在句中无成份,无意义,而what是连接代词,在句中作主语或宾语的成分,what=the thing(s) that。此处the students had done后应该有宾语因此应该用what, 而主句It was told in newspaper yesterday后省略了that, 完整起来是It was told in newspaper yesterday that what the students had done was praised by the factory。 It 是形式主语,真正主语是that 引导的名词从句即that what the students had done was praised by the factory。
Choose a word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. 1. The government has promised to do ______ lies in its power to ease the hardships of the victims in the flood-stricken area. (TEM-4, 2004) A. however
B. whichever
C. whatever
D. wherever
2. I enjoyed myself so much _____ I visited my friends in Paris last year.
(TEM-4, 2008)
A. when
B. which
C. that
D. where
3. Psychologists have done extensive studies on how well patients ____ with doctors’ orders. (CET-6,2006.1) A. comply B. correspond C. interfere D. interact
4. Above the trees are the hills, ______ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on
the surface. (TEM-4, 2003) A. where B. of whose
C. whose
D. which
5. She expressed her strong determination that nothing could ____ her to give up her career as a teacher. (CET-6,2005.1) A. induce B. deduce C. reduce D. attract
6. One of the attractive features of the course was the way the practical work had been ____ with the theoretical aspects of the subject. (CET-6,2005.1) A. embedded B. embraced C. integrated D. synthesized
7. You needn’t worry ______ regards the cost of the operation. (TEM-4, 2001) A. with
B. which
C. as
D. about
8. I have my eyes tested and the report says that my ____ is perfect. (CET-6,2003.1) A. outlook B. vision C. horizon D. perspective
9. Shoes of this kind are ____ to slip on wet ground. (CET-6,2002.1) A. feasible B. appropriate C. apt D. fitting 10. Body paint or face paint is used mostly by men in pre-literate societies in order to attract good health or to ____ disease. (CET-6,2001.1) A. set aside B. ward off C. shrug off D. give away 答案与译文
1. C 译文:政府承诺竭尽所能减轻洪灾地区的灾民所遭受的灾害。 2. A 译文:去年我去巴黎看望了朋友,玩得很开心。 3. A 译文:心理学家已经广泛地研究了病人遵从医嘱的情况。 4. C 译文:树丛之上是巍峨的群山,倒映在水面之上清晰可见。
5. A译文:她表达了她坚定的决心,任何事情都不会使她放弃教师这一职业。 6. C 译文:这门课程的吸引人的特色之一是实践工作和学科的理论方面结合在
7. C 译文: 你不必担心手术的费用问题。
8. B译文:我测了双眼的视力,报告单上写着我的视力很好。 9. C译文:这种鞋在湿地上容易打滑。
10. B译文:原始社会里,人们在身体上或脸上涂上油彩以保持健康,祛除疾病。
Unit 705-15
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