SAE J1389-2001 腐蚀

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400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001SURFACEVEHICLERECOMMENDEDPRACTICEJ1389REAF.OCT20011982-05


Superseding J1389 MAY1993

Corrosion Test for Insulation Materials

Foreword—This Document has not changed other than to put it into the new SAE Technical Standards BoardFormat.

1.Scope—This SAE Recommended Practice applies to various insulation materials used in vehicles for control

of heat and noise and other applications.

Purpose—The purpose of this test is to provide a means to evaluate and compare the corrosiveness of

insulation materials. Three panelists compare a sample insulation material to a standard (inert fibrous

material). The rationale for the test is that the corrosion of steel should not be greater for the insulation

material than for an inert fibrous material.

References—There are no referenced publications specified herein.


Steel Test Plates—The plates shall be 2.5 cm (1.0 in) wide, 10 cm (4.0 in) long, and 0.05 cm (0.020 in) thick.

The steel shall be SAE grade number 1010, cold-rolled, strip steel. The steel shall have bright No. 2 finish and

No. 3 temper—quarter hard.

Wire Mesh—The wire mesh shall be type 304 stainless steel wire cloth with 1.25 cm (0.5 in) mesh. The mesh

should be cut to 3.8 cm (1.5 in) wide by 11.5 cm (4.5 in) long.

Humidity Chamber—The humidity chamber shall be clean and maintain a temperature of 49 °C ± 2 °C

(120°F ± 3 °F) and 95% ± 3% relative humidity.

Inert Fibrous Standard Material—Any fibrous material free from chemical contaminants is satisfactory as a

standard material. Two materials that have been shown to be satisfactory are:

a.Unbonded, unlubricated fibrous glass.

b.Sterile cotton, extracted in acetone for 48 h and vacuum dried at low heat. Because cotton has

variable amounts of oil on it, it must be extracted in solvent to obtain reproducible results.

3.5Rubber Bands—Rubber bands shall be No.

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Copyright 2001 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

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4.1Test Specimens and ConditioningTest specimens should be representative of the material being evaluated. Test specimens should be 3.8 cm

(1.5 in) wide by 11.5 cm (4.5 in) long by 1.3 cm (0.5 in) thick. Two specimens are required for each sample.Prior to the test, the specimens must be brought to room temperature.


Clean the steel plates until they are free of water breaks. Breaks are characterized by uneven cling or coatingon the surface of the metal. First, wash the plates with a laboratory-grade detergent and rinse with distilledwater. Then place the plates in a hot caustic (not boiling) of 15% potassium hydroxide.

CAUTION—Potassium hydroxide can cause severe burns and damage eyes. The caustic bath should be

done under a laboratory hood.

Rinse in distilled water and check for water breaks. If there are none, dry immediately with laboratory-typepaper wipe. Repeat procedure if necessary.


5.3Boil the No. 12 rubber bands in distilled water for 30 min to remove contamination.Place one steel panel between two specimens, per Figure 1. Both specimens must be cut from the same

sample. Place wire mesh on both sides of assembly and secure with two No. 12 rubber bands.

Prepare standard panel in same manner as in 5.2, except use inert fibrous standard material.

Suspend test assemblies vertically in the humidity chamber that has been preset to 49 °C ± 2 °C (120 °F ±3°F) and 95% ± 3% RH. The samples must be left in the humidity chamber for 96 h. (Since the test comparessample material to a standard, other test conditions may be chosen provided they produce acceptable rates ofcorrosion.)

Remove the samples and grade the test panels according to the scale in Figure 2 using the control panel forcomparison:

Surface blush or stain rust should be ignored. Heavy rust, flaking, and pitting should be weighed heavily in theratings.


5.8Repeat 5.6 for at least two other knowledgeable panelists.Report for each sample:



c.Median and all numerical ratings.Type of rust and description of pattern observed per description of sample insulation material including generic composition, manufacturing,

material identification, thickness, and weight.







Rationale—Not applicable.

Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.

Application—This SAE Recommended Practice applies to various insulation materials used in vehicles for

control of heat and noise and other applications.

Reference Section—There are no referenced publications specified herein.

Developed by the SAE Sound and Heat Committee

