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- 被害人承诺刑法第几条推荐度:
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【英文摘要】The promise from the victim, means that the consent which Law benefit main body gives to other person who will have behavior of infringement to him.This theory is under a far-ranging discussion under the civil criminal law countries like Germany. Comparatively, Chinese civil criminal law
circles pay little attention to this issue.Although, compared with the whole system of criminal law, the issue of promise from the victim is a very small problem. But it is a issue which one change makes all changes. It is full of speculation itself. Its
nature and status determines that it is of great importance to formation and sentence of the crime.So, it is necessary to have a analysis about this issue!This thesis starts from the historical origin of the promise from the victim, and its current status in different countries and districts. Combine with various views from the theory circles, doing an analysis one by one of its concepts, nature and legality.By analyzing the substantive characters of the promise from the victim, realize again its nature and status in current criminal law system in our country. Link the theory with practice, analyzing the conditions of the promise from the victim, and to acquire a more specific understanding for its regulations. In the end, discuss some puzzling problems in current judicial
identification!Nature of the commitments on victims, “suit” and “consent “ of dualism, the subject negates the
constituent elements of a compliance and negates the law of monism monism the subject of three views.Dualism insists term negates the constituent elements of a compliance as “suit”, and terms negates the incidents of law as “consent”.For monism which emphasize negates the constituent elements of a compliance, it believes that the promise from the victim should be solved. On condition that it is effective, it has the effect
of compliance.On the contrary, for the monism which emphasize negates the incidents of law, is the beneficial party renounce the protection of law, then there is no necessary for the law to protect him. So, such kind of infringement can not be treated as illegal. I think that the dualistic view is reasonable. But in our system of four element s constitute the crime, the Victim is difficult to find a suitable location, only in accordance with regulations of the law negates the subject of super-treat. So, the theory of the promise from the victim introduced in our criminal law system, which recognize its the legal status, and it will be very useful for solving the contradiction between breaking the criminal and actual law, also the contradiction between law and emotion.About the legal basis of the promise from the victim, in Germany, it has legal act theory; benefit renouncing theory; law protection renouncing theory, and the theory of benefit measurement.In Japan, it has the theory of renouncing legal interests; social equity theory, and the theory of benefit measurement.This thesis start from the nature of criminal, the value of law, and the function of criminal law, to analysis legal basis of the promise from the victim.This thesis starts from the object of promise, subject and
subjective condition, the realization of promise, and the time
of making the promise. Using totally six points to analysis the requirements of the promise from the victim. In the end, it raises my own opinions and proposals towards:the exhortations to kill, euthanasia, medical and surgical acts, trafficking in women. Also the behavior of living organ transplants under the Criminal Law Amendment (eight), thirty-seven clauses.
【关键词】被害人承诺 正当化行为 阻却违法 阻却构成要件
【英文关键词】Commitment of the Victim Acts allowed by law Negates the law Negates the circumstances of a crime
11-14摘要1 被害人承诺的引言10-11历史来源和理论背景
121.1 大陆法系国家刑法中的被害1.2 英美法系国家刑法中的被害人承诺12-142 被害人承诺
2.2 1.3 我国刑法中的被害人承诺的本质特征14-23
论”172.1 被害人承诺的概念14-1515-202.2.1 区分”合意”与”承诺”2.2.2 阻却构成要件符合性事由的”一元2.2.3 阻却违法事由的”一元2.2.4 评述与总结17-202.3 被害人承诺的合
3.1 法性根据20-23
承诺的对象23-253 被害人承诺的成立条件23-313.1.1 则产权23-243.1.2 人身权
表示27-283.2 承诺的主体条件253.3.1 基于欺骗的承诺263.3.3 动机错误的承诺273.3 承诺的主观条件3.3.2 基于胁迫的承3.4 被害人承诺的3.6 承诺3.5 行为人对承诺的认识28-29
32-334 被害人承诺在我国司法认定中的疑难问4.1.1 相4.1 生命权承诺的相关问题31-354.1.2 受嘱托杀人324.1.3 帮助自杀4.1.4 安乐死33-354.2 身体健康权承诺的相关问题35-41
35-374.2.1 医疗手术行为与被害人承诺4.2.3 4.2.2 非法行医罪与被害人承诺37-38
41-424.2.4 活体器官移植与被4.3 其他人身权与被害人承诺4.3.1 先强奸后通奸行为与被害人承诺4.3.2 重婚罪与被害人承诺42-434.3.3 拐卖
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