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Unit 6 Section A(1a—2d) 学习目标:

1.通过大声朗读认知记忆词和短语以及了解句子结构。 2.能够熟读page 42,并能够掌握课文总体意思。 3.巩固被动语态的构成及用法。 重难点:被动语态句子翻译;短文理解

Learn English by reading aloud 词汇:

1.please v. 使人高兴 pleased adj. 高兴的;pleasant adj. 令人愉快的

pleasure n. 高兴;愉快

2.day n白天;天 daily adj. 每日的;日常的 短语:

1.shoes with special heels 带特殊鞋跟的鞋子

a house with a big garden 带有一个大花园的房子 2.My pleasure. \\ With pleasure. \\ It’s a pleasure. 十分乐意 3.Let me think. = let me see . 让我想想

4.such a great invention 一项如此伟大的发明 5.how often 多久一次 (对频率提问) 6.in our daily lives 在我们日常生活中 7.have a point 有道理 8.Of course = certainly. 当然

9.at that time 在那时 (用过去进行时态) 句子:(翻译为汉语)

1.I think the TV was invented after the car.

2.When was the telephone invented ?

3.What was they used for ?

4.Think about how often it’s used in our daily lives.

5.The pioneers of different inventions were listed there.

6.For example , it mentioned that zipper was invented by Whitcomb Judson in 1893.

7.But at that time it wasn’t used widely.




1.heel ________2.scoop_________3.electricity________4.zipper__________ 5.样式;款式____________6.项目;工程_______________

7.高兴;愉快___________;____________(高兴的)_________(令人愉快的) 9.每日的;日常的__________:___________(白天) 10.网站_____________

11.先锋;先驱_____________12.列清单;名单_________13.提到;说道________ (二)词汇反馈: 选词填空

use ; please ; mention ; day ; invite 1.-------Can you help me look after my cat today ? --------With __________________.

2.-------__________you __________to Linda’s birthday party ? -------No, I wasn’t.

3.Now electricity is widely used in our _____________life.

4.What do you think is ___________________invention of all ? 5.Don’t _____________it. Doing that is easy for me. (三)背写下列短语

1._______________________ 带特殊鞋跟的鞋子

_______________________________ 带有一个大花园的房子 2.__________________________________ 十分乐意 3._____________________________. 让我想想

4.____________________________ 一项如此伟大的发明

5.___________________________ 多久一次 (对频率提问) 6._______________________________ 在我们日常生活中 7._______________________________ 有道理 8._________________________________ 当然

9.______________________________ 在那时 (用过去进行时态) (四)熟读并翻译2d (五)达标测评

( )1.They are used for __________.

A keep warm B keep warmly C keeping warm D keeping warmly ( )2.It is really _________.

A so a beaurifil city B such a beautiful city

C so beautiful city D such beautiful city ( )3.I like to ______ shoes ____special heels.

A wear ; has B wear ; with C put on ; has D put on ; with ( )4.A new supermarket _______in our town last year.

A built B was built C builds D is built

( )5.The leaves in the water produced a ________smell. A pleased B pleasure C pleasant D please ( )6.The monkey was seen ________off the tall tree.

A jump B jumps C jumped D to jump


Untit 6 Section A (3a-3c) 学习目标:

1.通过大声朗读认知记忆词和短语以及了解句子结构。 2.能够熟读page 43,并能够掌握课文总体意思。 3.巩固被动语态的构成及用法。 重难点:被动语态句子翻译;短文理解

Learn English by reading aloud 单词:

1.drink----drank---drunk (喝;饮) ; 2. say----said-----said(说); 3. fall----fell---fallen (落下) ;4.believe---believed----believed(相信); 5.bring---brought---brought (带来) ; 6. trade—traded—traded (做买卖) 7. smell----smelt----smelt (闻到;发出—气味) 8. accident (事故n)-----accidental (意外地adj.) 9. rule (规则n.)----ruler (统治者;支配者;尺子)

10.nation (国家;民族n)----national (国家的;民族的 adj.)

11.popular (受欢迎的;流行的adj)---popularity (受欢迎;普及 n.) 短语:

1.by accident 偶然地;意外 by mistake 无意中

2. It is said that----据说 It is believed that 大家相信

3. a Chinese ruler called \\ named Shen Nong 一个叫做神农的中国统治者 4. the first to discover 第一个发现的人 5.over an open fire 在露天火堆上 6.fall into = drop into 掉入 6.for some time 一段时间

7.one of + 形容词的最高级 + 可数名词复数:----之一 (谓语动词用单数) 8. a few thousand years later 几千年以后 (用一般过去时态) 9.not -----until --- 直到---才---- (引导时间状语从句,遵循主将从句的规则) 10.less than 不足 more than = over 超过

11.take place = happen 发生 (没有被动语态) 12.the popularity of tea 茶的普及程度 13.without doubt 毫不怀疑 ; 无疑 句子:(熟读并翻译为汉语)

1.Did you know that tea , the most popular drink in the world (after water ) , was invented by accident ?

____________________________________________________________. 2.Many people believed that tea was first drunk about 5,000 years ago. _____________________________________________________________.

3. It’s said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink.

________________________________________________________________. 4.It was quite delicious , and so , one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented. _________________________________________________________________. 5.It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used.___________________________________________________


6.It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.

__________________________________________________________________. 7.Even though many people now know about tea culture , the Chinese are without doubt the ones who beat understand the nature of tea.

___________________________________________________________________. 导学过程:


1.几乎;差不多____________2.统治者;支配者________3.煮沸;烧开_________ 4.保持不变;剩余________5.闻到________;_______(过去式)_____(过去分词) 6.国家的;民族的__________;________(名词)7贸易;做买卖___________ 8.疑问;疑惑_________9.accidental___________10.saint_________ (二)选词填空《课时练》 P81----达标测评 (三)背写短语

1.___________________偶然地;意外__________________ 无意中 2.___________________--据说 ______________________ 大家相信

3. a Chinese ruler ______________Shen Nong 一个叫做神农的中国统治者 4._____________________ 第一个发现的人

5.over an open fire ________________________ 6.__________________ = drop into 掉入 6.___________________ 一段时间

7.________ + 形容词的__________ + 可数名词_________:----之一(谓语动词用单数)

8. a few thousand years later ________________(用一般过去时态) 9.not -----until ---_____________ (引导时间状语从句,遵循主将从句的规则) 10.______________不足 more than = over 超过

11._________________ = happen 发生 (没有被动语态) 12.the popularity of tea ___________________

13.__________________ 毫不怀疑 ; 无疑 (四)任务型阅读

1.When was tea first drunk?

________________________________________________. 2.Who is “the saint of tea”?


3._____________from China to Western countries took place in the 19th century. 4.When did tea become the national drink in England?


5.This helped to spread the popularity of tea plant to more places around the world._____________________________________________________________ (五)完成3c


Untit 6 Section B (1a-2e)


1.通过大声朗读认知记忆词和短语以及了解句子结构。 2.能够依据2b,做任务型阅读。 3.巩固被动语态的构成及用法。 重难点:被动语态句子翻译;短文理解

Learn English by reading aloud 单词:

1.Canada n. 加拿大 Canadian n. 加拿大人 Canadians (复数) 2.popular adj. 受欢迎的 popularity n. 受欢迎;普及 3.hero n. 英雄 heroes (复数)

4.profession n. 职业 professional adj. 专业的 professor n. 教授 短语:

1.in the end = at last = finally 最后 ; 最终 2.for fun and exercise 为了消遣和锻炼 3.divide----into ----把----分为

4.teach them to play this game 教他们玩这种游戏 5.at the same time 在同时

6.stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 7.dream of 梦想 8.see people playing basketball 看见人们在打篮球

9.not only -----but also----不但---而且 (谓语动词就近)

10.the number of + 可数名词复数 --的数量 (谓语动词用单数) a number of + 可数名词复数 许多的; 大量的 11.more and more players 越来越多的运动员 12.look up to 钦佩; 仰慕

13.encourage young people to work hard 鼓励年轻人努力学习 14.decide on 判断 15.come up with 想起

16.someone else 其他人 17.ask us not to run 要求我们不要跑 18. take back 取回;拿回; 收回 句子:(熟读并翻译)

1.Basketball is a much-loved and active sport that is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise.

____________________________________________________________________ 2.It’s believed that the first basketball game in history was played on December 21,1891.

____________________________________________________________________. 3.When he was a college teacher , he was asked to think of a game that could be played in the winter.

__________________________________________________________________. 4.At the same time , they need to stop the competing team from getting the ball into their own basket.

__________________________________________________________________. 5.Today , the popularity of basketball has risen around the world , with many young people dreaming of becoming famous players.


6.The number of foreign players , including Chinese players , in the NBA has increased.

_________________________________________________________________. 导学过程:


1.加拿大的;加拿大人___________2.分开;分散_______3.篮;筐____________ 4.英雄____________;_______________(复数)5.the Olympics______________ 6.popularity_________;______________(流行的;受欢迎的) 7.professional_____ (二) 《课时练》 Page 85-----达标测评 第一题 (三)背写下列短语

1.________________________ = at last = finally 最后 ; 最终 2.___________________ and exercise 为了消遣和锻炼 3.__________________________--把----分为

4.teach them _____________________ 教他们玩这种游戏 5.at the same time_______________________

6._____________________ 阻止某人做某事 7._____________ 梦想 8.see people____________________ 看见人们在打篮球

9.______________________---不但---而且 (谓语动词就近)

10._______________+ 可数名词复数 --的数量 (谓语动词用单数) a number of + 可数名词复数 _______________________ 11._______________________ players 越来越多的运动员 12.________________________ 钦佩; 仰慕

13.encourage young people _______________ 鼓励年轻人努力学习 14.___________________ 判断 15.________________ 想起

16.__________________ 其他人 17._______________ 要求我们不要跑 18. ___________________ 取回;拿回; 收回 (四)阅读课文,并回答问题

1.When was the first basketball game in history played ?

________________________________________________________. 2.Why were the Berlin Olympics important for basketball ?

_________________________________________________________. 3.Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play but also


4.These stars encourage young people to work hard to achieve their dream(译) ____________________________________________________________. 5.本文的主题句:

___________________________________________________________________. (五)《课时练》 Page 86 -----_-达标检测-----单选;完成句子 巩固提升----单选


