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Abandon—the abandoned baby/city 被抛弃的孩子/被废弃的城市

sb abandon doing sth 放弃做。。。

ability—a person with high ability ; have ability to do一个能力高强的人,有能力去做。。。

able—be able to do 有能力去做。。。

about—what/how about (doing)sth ; sb be about to do 做某事怎么样啊;某人正要做。。。 above—above all 最重要的是

abroad—go/study abroad 去国外 / 到国外留学

absent——sb be absent from school/work 某人不上班/课 absorb—sb be absorbed in (doing)sth 某人沉迷于做。。。。 P2

academic—academic achievement 学术上的成就

access—sb have/get access to spl 某人有机会接近/进入某处 accident—meet with an accident ;by accident 某人遇到事故 ; 意外地

accomplish – accomplish doing 完成做。。。 according --- according to sth 根据。。。

account—sth account for sth 某事解释了某事 accuse—accuse sb of sth 因为某事指责某人

accustom—sb be/get accustomed to doing 某人习惯于做。。。 P3

achieve—achieve success/nothing 取得成功/ 一事无成 achievement—make achievements 取得成就 acid—acid rain 酸雨 act --- act as 充当

action—take action to do; take an active part in 采取行动做。。。/ 积极参加。。。

add—add (sth) to spl ; add up to 把。。。加入。。。中 ; 总计达addition—in addition to 除。。。之外 P4

address—live at the address 住在。。。地址上 adjust—adjust sth to sth 调整。。。到。。。状态

admit—sb be admitted (in)to spl 某人被允许进入。。。 adopt—adopt my advice 采纳我的建议 advance—in advance ; advanced technology 事先 ; 先进的技术

advantage—take advantage of 利用 P5

advice—take one’s advice ; a piece advice 采纳某人的意见 ; 一条建议

advise—advise sb to do/doing that sb (should)do 建议某人做。。。/建议做。。。

afraid—sb be afraid of sth/to do sth 某人唯恐。。。/某人害怕做。。。

after—after all; be after; soon after 毕竟 ; 追逐 ; 在。。。之后不久

against—be against; lean against spl 反对。。。 ; 斜靠在。。。上

age—at the age of sth 在。。。的年纪时

agency—travel / news agency 旅行社/新闻社


agent -= travel agent 旅行代理人

agree—agree with sb ; agree to sth ; agree on sth ; agree to do sth ; agree that

同意/适合某人 同意某事 在某事上达成一致 同意做。。。 同意。。。 P6

ahead of—go ahead ; three days ahead 向前 ; 提前3天 aid—aid sb with sth; come/go to one’s aid; first aid 用。。帮助某人;来/去帮助某人 ; 急救 aim—aim at sth/to do sth 瞄准。。。/ 目的在于做。。。 air—on the air 在电台广播中 air-conditioner bus 空调车 alarm --alarm clock 闹钟 P7

alike – A & B look alike in C A 和B在C方面看上去很像 alive – a person alive 活着的人 all --- all the same 依然

all the time 一直 not all 不是所有的 all over 到处 first of all 首先 in all 总共 not …. at all 完全不 allow – allow sb to do 允许某人做。。allow doing 允许做。。。 almost --- almost no 几乎不。。。 alone ---- let alone sth 更不要说。。。 leave sb alone 把。。。独自留下

along --- get along well with sb 和。。。友好相处 go straight along 笔直向前走 aloud --- read sth aloud 朗读。。。

alternative --- sb have no alternative but to do sth 除了做。。。以外别无选择

P8 always --- sb be always doing sth 某人总是做。。。 amaze --- sb be amazed at sth / to do sth / that … 某人对。。。感到震惊

To one’s amazement , sb do sth 让某人震惊的是,。。。 amount --- a large amount of + un 大量的。。。 amuse --- amuse sb with sth 用某事逗笑某人

analysis --- from the above analysis 从以上的分析来看

ancient --- ancient buildings / people 古代建筑/ 古人 in ancient times 在古代 anger --- in anger 发怒地

P9 angry --- sb be angry at sb / about sth 某人对某人 / 某事生气

animal --- living / wild animals 生物 / 野生动物 annoy --- sb be annoyed with sb / about sth 某人对。。。很气恼 another --- one another 一个另一个 one after another 一个接一个

another 6 questions 再回答六个问题 answer – sb answer for sth 某人为。。。负责

anxious --- sb be anxious about sb 某人为某事焦虑 sb be anxious for sth 某人渴望某物

anything --- anything but A 除了A以外的任何东西(就是没有A) P10

Apologize --- apologize to sb for sth 因为某事向某人道歉 Apology --- sb make an apology to sb for sth 因为某事向某人道歉

Appeal --- appeal to sb for sth 呼吁某人做某事

Sth appeal to sb = sth attract sb 某事吸引某人 Appear --- sb appear + a. / to do sth 某人表现出。。。 It appear (a.) that …. 似乎。。。

Appearance --- judging from one’s appearance 从某人的外表来判断。。。

Appetite --- sb have / lose appetite for sth 某人拥有/ 丧失对。。。的胃口

Appliance --- electrical appliances 电器用品

Apply --- apply to sb for sth向某人申请某物 Apply A to B把A 应用(涂抹)到B 上

Application --- application form 申请表

Appreciate --- sb appreciate (one’s) doing sth 感激(某人) Sb make attempts to do sth 某人企图(尝试)做。。。

Attention --- ab pay close attention to (doing) sth 某人密切注意做。。。

Attitude ---- attitude toward sth 对待。。。的态度

Audience --- a large / small audience 大量/少量的观众 P14 Authority --- people in authority 当权的人 Available --- sth be available to sb 某人可以得到某物 Average --- on average 平均地 Avoid --- sb avoid doing 避免做。。。

Aware--- sb be aware of sth 某人意识到。。。 Sb be aware that 。。。

Away --- keep sb away from spl 使某人远离。。。 P15


Sb appreciate sth 某人欣赏某物 I’d appreciate it if you could do。。。 假如你能做。。。我将不胜感激 P11

Approach --- with the approach of sth 随着。。。的临近 Approve --- approve sb of sth 赞成某人某事

Argue --- argue with sb about sth 和某人争辩某事

Arm --- arm in arm 手挽手 Arm chair 扶手椅 Army --- join the army 参军

Around --- show sb around spl 带领某人参观。。。

Arrange --- arrange the wedding ceremony 筹备结婚典礼 Arrange for sb / sth to do sth 安排某人/某物去做。。。

Arrangement --- sb make arrangements for sth 安排某事 Arrest --- arrest sb for sth 因为某事逮捕某人 P12

Arrival --- on one’s arrival 当某人到达时

Arrive --- arrive at / in spl 到达 (in指大地方 ,at指小地方)

Artificial --- artificial leg /flower 假肢 / 仿真花 As --- as long as 只要 As soon as 一。。。就。。。

As far as I know / As far as I am concerned 据我所知 A as well as B 除了B以外A也。。。(谓语动词单复数看A)Aside --- sb set aside time / money to do sth 某人腾出时间/钱去做。。。

Put sth aside 把。。。放到一边

Ask --- ask for help / leave 寻求帮助 / 请假 Asleep --- sb fall asleep 某人睡着

Assist --- assist sb with sth 帮助某人某事

P13 Assistant --- shop / lab assistant 售货员 / 实验员 Associate --- associate A with B 把A和B联合在一起 Assure --- assure sb with sth / that … 使某人确信某事 Astonish --- sb be astonished at sth / to do sth / that …某人对。。。感到震惊

To one’s astonishment , sb do sth 让某人震惊的是, 。。。。

At --- at the meeting / conference 在会议上 Attack --- heart attacks 心脏病突发

Attempt --- sb attempt to do sth 某人企图/尝试做。。。


Back --- back and forth 来来回回 Look back to sth 回顾。。。

Badly--- sb need/want sth badly 某人非常想要/需要某物 Balance --- keep/break the balance of nature 保持/打破生态平衡

A balanced diet 均衡的膳食 Ban—ban sb from (doing) sth 禁止某人做。。。 A ban on smoking / drinking 禁烟令/禁酒令 P16

Bank --- on the bank 在岸上 Bar --- snack bar 快餐店

Barber --- the barber’s 理发店

Barely---sb had barely done when sb did sth 某人一做。。。就。。。

Bark --- sb bark at sb 对某人吠叫/大叫 Base --- sth be based on sth 在。。。基础上 Basin--- a wash basin 洗脸盆 P17

Basis--- on the basis of sth 在。。。基础上 Basketball---play basketball 打篮球 Bath---take / have a bath 洗淋浴 Bathing --- bathing suit 游泳衣 Beach--- on the beach 在海滨 Bear--- sb be born in spl

Sb bear sth in mind 某人牢牢记住。。。

Sb can’t bear doing sth 某人不能忍受做。。。 Beat--- sb beat sb in the game 在比赛中击败。 Heart beats 心跳 P18

Because---because of lack of sth 由于缺乏。。。

Before---before long 不久以后 Long before 很久以前 It won’t be (wasn’t) long before 不久以后。。。 Beg---beg sb for sth 祈求某人(做)某事 Beg sb to do sth Begin—to begin with 开始

Begin to do / doing sth 某人开始做。。。 Beginning---at the beginning of sth 在。。。的开端 Behave --- sb behave oneself 某人表现得当 Behind--- sb fall behind sb 某人落后。。。

Being --- human beings 人类 Sth come into being 某物出现

Believe--- believe it or not 信不信由你 Sb believe in

sth 某人相仰某事 P19

Sth belong to sb 某事属于某人 Belt--- safety belt 安全带

Beneficial --- sth be beneficial to sb 某事对某人有益

Benefit --- sth benefit sb 某事对某人有益 Sb benefit from sth 某人从。。。中获益

Sb gain benefits from sth 某人从某事中获益 Of benefit = beneficial

Besides sth = in addition to sth 除了。。。之外 Best--- do one’s best to do sth 尽力做。。。 The best seller Brain --- sb have good brains 某人头脑聪明 Break --- sb break a record 打破纪律

Break the balance of nature打破生态平衡

Break a promise 违背承诺 Sb break into spl某人强行闯入某处

Sb break away from sth某人摆脱某事 Sb break in 某人打断

Sth break down 某物发生故障(没有被动) Breath --- sb catch / hold one’s breath 某人屏住呼吸 Sb be out of breath 某人上气不接下气 Breathe --- sb breathe sth in 某人吸入。。。 畅销书

Make the best use of sth 最大程度的利用 Bet --- sb bet that 。。。某人打赌说。。。 Better --- no better than 和。。。一样差

Sb had better (not) do 最好做。。。

Sb know better than to do sth 某人明白事理不至于做。。。 P20

Beyond --- beyond one’s reach 某人伸手触不到的地方 Go beyond sth 飞跃。。。 Bible --- the Bible 圣经

Bill --- sb pay a bill 某人付账单

Bird--- kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟 Birth --- mother give birth to child 妈妈生孩子 Birthday --- on one’s birthday 在某人生日时

Bit --- a little bit tired 一点累 Not a bit tired 一点不累 Black --- beat sb black and blue 打得某人青一块紫一块 Blame --- blame sb for sth 因为某事责备某人

Blame sth on sb 把某事怪罪到某人身上 Sb be to blame for sth 某人对某事负责 P 21

Blind --- sb be blind in one’s eyes 某人眼睛瞎了

Sb be blind to sth 某人对某事视而不见 Sth blind sb in one’s eyes 某物使某人眼睛瞎了 Sth blind sb to sth 某事使某人对。。。视而不见

Blood --- blood type 血型 Blood pressure 血压 Board --- notice board 布告栏 On board 在船上

Body --- body language 肢体语言 Boil --- boiling water 沸水 P22

Bone --- lazy bone 懒骨头

Book --- book a ticket / a taxi / a table预定票、出租车、桌子 Booking office售票处

Bore --- sb be bored with sth某人对某事厌倦 Sb be bored to death某人无聊死了

Born --- sb be born in Shanghai某人出生在上海 A born model一个天生的模特

Borrow – borrow sth from sb 从某处借来某物 Bother --- Don’t bother me 别打搅我 Bottom ---- at the bottom of sth 在。。。的底部 P23

Bowling --- sb play bowling 某人打保龄球


Sb breathe sth out 某人呼出,,, P24

Brief --- in brief 简而言之

Sb give a brief introduction of sth to sb 向某人简单的介绍某物

Brigade --- fire brigade 消防队

Bright --- brightly-colored balloon 色彩鲜艳的气球 Bring --- sth bring about sth 某事引起某事 Sb bring sth to an end 某人结束某事 Sth bring sb back to life使。。。苏醒/恢复生气 Bring sb up抚养某人长大

Broadcast --- a live broadcast of sth 某事的现场直播 Browse --- sb browse through / over sth 某人浏览某物 P25

Build --- sb build up sth 某人建造/成立某物 Bump --- sb bump into sth 某人撞上/碰到某物

Bunch --- a bunch of flowers / keys 一串钥匙/一束花

Burden --- sb carry / bear a heavy burden 某人背负沉重的负担

Sth put a heavy burden on sb 某事使某人背上了沉重的负担

Burn --- a burning house 一所着火的房子

A piece of burnt wood 一段烧焦的木头 Burst ---sb burst in / out 某人闯入/冲出

Sb burst into / out of spl 某人闯入/冲出某处

Sb burst into tears / laughter 某人爆发出一阵大哭/大笑 Sb burst out crying / laughing某人爆发出一阵大哭/大笑 Bury --- sb be buried in (doing) sth 某人全神贯注于做。。。 Business --- on business 出差 Business hours 营业时间/办公时间

Busy --- sb be busy with sth / (in) doing 某人忙于做某事

But --- anything but A 没有A nothing but A 只有A but for sth 要不是某物

sb can’t but do / sb have no choice but to do / sb do nothing but do 某人只能做。。。 butcher --- at the butcher’s 在肉铺 P26

Buy --- sb buy sth for money 某人用钱购买某物

By --- by the way 顺便问一下 By the hour 按小时计算

By mistake 错误地 By the end of this month 到这个月为止

By means of 用。。。途径

Cable --- cable TV 有线电视 Cage --- put sth in a cage 把。。。关在笼子里

Call --- call on sb / at spl 拜访某人/ 参观某处 Call for sth 号召,呼吁。。。

Call off sth 取消。。。

Chance --- sb win / get a chance to do sth 某人赢得一个做。。。的机会

Chances are that 。。。 有可能。。。 By chance --- 偶然地

Change – change sth into sth 把。。。变成。。。 Change Calm --- sb keep / remain calm 某人保持安静 Calm down 安静下来

Camp --- go camping 去野营


Campaign --- sb campaign for sth 为了。。。而斗争 Sb campaign against sth 反对。。。而斗争 Sb campaign with sb 和某人一起斗争 Campus – on campus 在校园里 Can --- can’t 。。。 too 。。。再。。。也不为过 Can’t but do 不得不做。。。

Can’t help doing 情不自禁做。。。 Can’t help (to) do sth 不能帮忙做。。。

Cancel --- sb cancel doing 某人取消做。。。

Candle --- a(n) (un)lighted candle 一支(未)被点燃的蜡烛 Capable --- sb be capable of doing sth = sb be able to do 某人有能力做。。。

Carbon --- carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 Card --- sb play cards 某人打牌 P28

Care --- sb care for sth 某人照顾某物

Sb don’t care for sth 某人不喜欢某物 Sb care about sth 某人在乎某事

Career --- a career path 职业道路

Careful --- sb be careful of / about sth 某人对。。。很仔细 Carry --- sb carry out sth 某人执行,, Case --- in case of sth 以防。。 In case + clause 以防 In no case 决不 , 在任何情况下都不

Cat --- It rains cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 Curiosity kills a cat 好奇害死猫 P29

Catch --- sb catch up with sb 赶上某人 Catch one’s words 听到某人的话

Catch one’s eye吸引某人的注意力 Catch sb doing 抓住某人正在做。。。

Sb catch a cold 某人感冒

Cause --- cause and effect 因果 Sth cause sb to do sth 某事使某人做。。。

Celebrate --- celebrate National Day 庆祝国庆节

Ceremony --- the opening / closing / wedding ceremony 开幕/ 闭幕/ j结婚仪式

Certain --- sb be / make certain of /about sth 某人对。。。确定 Sb be / make certain that … 某人对。。。很确定 Chain --- chain stores 连锁店 Mountain chains 连绵的山脉

A chain of events 一系列事件 P30

Chalk --- brightly-colored chalk 彩色的粉笔


one’s mind 改变想法

Chapter --- Chapter two = the second chapter 第二章

Charge---sb be in charge of sth = sth be in the charge of sb某人主管某事/某事在…的主管下 Charge sb money 想某人要价 Free of charge 免费 Charity --- charity activities 慈善活动

Charming --- charming appearance 迷人的外表 P31

Chat--- chat with sb about sth 和某人关于某事聊天 Chat online 网上聊天

Cheat --- cheat in the exam 在考试中作弊

Check --- check in 登记入住 Cheick out 结账 Cheer--- cheer up 高兴起来

Chemical --- chemical substances 化学物品 Chemist --- a chemist’s shop 药店 Chess --- sb play chess 打牌 Chew --- chewing gum 口香糖 Chief --- a chief director 主管 P32

Choice --- sb have no choice but to do sth 某人除了做。。。以外别无选择

Choose --- choose A from B 从B中选择A Christmas--- at Christmas 在圣诞节

On Christmas Day / Eve 在圣诞节白天/夜

Church --- go to church 做礼拜 In church 做礼拜 Cigar – unlighted cigar 一支未被点燃的香烟 P33

Circle --- the art circle 艺术圈

Circumstance --- in no circumstances 在任何情况下都不 In this circumstance 在这种情况下

Civil--- the civil war 内战 the civil rights 公民的权利 claim--- sb claim to do sth 某人宣称做。。。 clap --- clap one’s hands 某人拍手

class --- the first / economy class 头等舱 / 经济舱 p34

clean --- keep sth clean 保持清洁 clear --- It clears up 天放晴

sb make it clear to do sth 某人弄明白。。。 clock --- sb set an alarm clock 某人设定闹钟 close --- close to sb / sth 靠近/接近于

at the closing ceremony 在毕业典礼上 sb pay close attention to sth 密切关注。。。 P35

Cloth --- a piece of cloth 一块布料 Clue --- clue to sth 。。。的线索 Coast --- on the coast 在海岸上 Coffee --- black coffee 黑咖啡

Coin --- Every coin has two sides 。 事物都是有两面性的。

Coincidence --- What a coincidence ! 真巧啊!

Cold --- sb have / take / catch a heavy cold 某人重感冒 Collar --- White collar workers 白领工人

Collect --- sb collect information / money 某人搜集信息/筹集钱款 P36

Color --- brightly-colored balloons 色彩鲜艳的气球 Combine --- combine A with B 把A和B结合在一起 Comfort --- sb live in comfort 某人过的舒适

Command --- sb have a good command of English 某人英语掌握良好

Sth be under one’s command 某事在某人的掌握中 P37

Comment --- sb comment on sth 某人关于某人发表评论 Commercial --- business commercials 商业广告

Commit --- sb commit a crime(theft / robbery / murder / suicide) 某人犯罪(偷窃/抢劫/谋杀/自杀) Common --- common sense / knowledge 常识

A and B have sth in common A和B在。。。方面有共同之处

Communicate --- sb communicate with sb 和某人交流

Sb communicate sth to sb 某人把某事传达给某人

Communication --- the communication tools 交流工具 Company --- company sb to spl 陪伴某人去某处 Compare --- compare A with B 把A和B比较 Compare A to B 把A比喻成B Comparison --- in comparison with sth 和。。。相比

Compete --- compete with sb in race 在比赛中和某人竞争 P38

Complain --- sb complain to sb about sth 向某人抱怨某事 Complaints --- sb make complaints to sb ab out sth 向某人抱怨某事

Complete --- sb complete doing sth 某恩完成做。。。

Compliment --- pay sb a compliment 某人恭维某人 Compliment sb on sth

Compose --- A be composed of B A是由B所组成的 P39

Conceal --- conceal sth from sb 把某物隐藏起来不让某人看见Concentrate --- sb concentrate on sth 某恩全神贯注于某事上 Concern --- sb be concerned about sth 某人关心某事

As far as I am concerned = As far as I know 据我所知

Conclusion --- sb draw a conclusion 某人得出结论 Condition --- on condition that = if 假如

in good / bad condition 状态好/不好 conference --- at the conference 在大会上 P40

Confess --- sb confess doing sth 某人承认。。。

Confidence --- because of lack of confidence 由于缺乏信心 Sb have confidence in sth 某人对于。。。有信心Confident --- sb be confident of sth 某人对。。。有信心 Confuse --- confuse A with B 把A和B弄混了


Congratulate --- congratulate sb on sth 祝贺某人某事 Connect --- connect A with B 把A和B连接在一起

Conscience --- sb have a clear / guilty conscience 某人问心无愧 / 问心有愧

Conscious --- sb be conscious of sth 某人意识到。。。 Considerate --- It is considerate of sb to do sth 某人做。。。真是考虑周到的

Consider --- sb consider doing sth 某人考虑做。。。 Sb consider sb to do sth 某人认为某人做。。。 Consist --- A consist of B A是由B组成的

Consult --- consult sb on / about sth 咨询某人某事 P41

Contact---keep / lose contact with sb和某人保持/失去联系 Contact lens隐形眼镜

Continent --- the Continent 欧洲大陆

Continue --- continue to do / doing 继续去做。。。/ 做。。。 Contrary --- on the contrary 正相反 Contrast --- in contrast to 和。。。相对比

Contribute --- A contribute to B A为B做了贡献 Contribution --- sb make contributions 某人做了贡献 P42

Control --- control oneself 控制自己 Lose control 失去控制

Sth be under one’s control某事在某人的控制下 Birth control 计划生育

Convenience --- at one’s convenience 在某人方便的时候 Convenient --- It’s convenient for sb to do sth 某人做。。。很方便

Convey --- convey sth to sb 把某物传给某人 Convince --- convince sb of sth 使某人相信某事 Cooperate --- cooperate with sb 和某人合作 Corner --- at / in / on the corner of spl 在。。。的角落 Correct --- correct mistakes 改正错误

Cost --- sth cost sb money 某人花费某人。。。钱 Sth cost sb chance 某事使某人丧失机会 at all costs 不惜一切代价 P43

Cough – sb have / get a cough 某人得了感冒 Cough mixture 咳嗽药水

Country --- the country 乡下 Country life / music 乡村生活/音乐

Couple --- a couple of 一对。。。 a young couple 一对年轻的夫妻 (v复数)

courage --- sb lose / keep up courage to do 某人失去/鼓起勇气去做。。。

course --- of course 当然 in the course of sth 在。。。的过程中

cover --- spl be covered with sth 某处被。。。所覆盖 never judge a book by its cover 不要以貌取人 crash --- air crash 空难 P44

Crazy --- sb be crazy about sth 某人对。。。疯狂 Cream --- ice cream 冰激凌 Create --- create jobs 创造工作

Credit --- credit card 信用卡

Crime---Crime--sb commit crimes/theft/robbery/murder某人犯罪/偷窃罪/抢劫罪/杀人罪

Crisis --- the global economic / financial crisis 全球金融危机 Criticize --- criticize sb for sth 因为某事批评某人

Cross --- cross the road 穿马路 Cross talk 相声 The Red Cross红十字会

Crossroads --- at the crossroads 在十字路口 P45

Crowd --- spl be crowded with sth 某处被。。。挤满了 Crowded --- a crowded bus 一辆拥挤的汽车

Cry---It’s no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收 Sb burst Decide --- sb decide on sth 某人在某事上作出决定 Decision --- sb make a decision 某人作出决定 Decline --- sb decline to answer 某人拒绝回答 Decorate --- sb decorate spl with sth 某人用。。。装饰某处 Decrease --- with the decrease of sth 随着。。。的下降 Deed --- sb do good deeds 某人做好事 Deep --- deep into night 深夜

Defeat --- sb defeat sb in the game 在比赛中击败某人 Delay --- sb delay doing sth 某人推迟做某事 P49

Delicious --- delicious food 美味的食物

Delight --- to one’s delight ,sb do sth 让某人高兴地是 , 某out crying某人突然大哭

Cure --- cure sb of a disease 治愈某人的疾病 Curious --- sb be curious about sth 某人对。。。好奇 Current --- current events 时事政治 Curtain --- draw the curtain 拉下窗帘

Custom --- social customs 社会习俗 the customs 海关 P46

Cut --- cut sth into pieces 把某物切成碎片 Cut down 砍倒

Cut off 割下 Sb have a haircut 剪头发 Daily --- in one’s daily life 在某人的日常生活中 Dairy --- dairy products 奶制品

Damage --- sth do damage to sb 某物对。。。有害处 Dance --- sb dance to music 某人随着音乐跳舞 Danger --- in / out of danger 处在/摆脱困难

Dangerous --- sth be dangerous to sb 某物对某人是很危险的 Dare --- sb daren’t do sth = sb don’t dare to do sth 某人不敢做。。。

Dark --- in dark 在黑暗中

Sb be in dark about sth = sb have no idea about sth 某人不知道某事 P47

Data --- database 数据库

Date --- sb have a date with sb 某人和某人约会 Out of date 过时的

Dawn --- at dawn 在黎明时

Day --- the other day = a few days ago 几天前

By the hour 按小时计算 All day long 终日 Daytime --- during / in the daytime 在白天 Dead --- the dead animals 死去的动物

Deaf --- sb be deaf in one’s ( left / right) ear 某人的左/右耳聋了

Sb be deaf to sth 某人对某事充耳不闻

Deal --- how to deal with sth 如何处理某事 A great/good deal of +un.大量的。。。 Dear --- dear products 昂贵的产品 Death --- fight to death 战斗到死

Debate --- debate with sb on sth 关于某事和某人争论 P48

Debt --- sb be in debt 某人负债 Decade --- decades ago 很多年前



Sb be delighted at sth / to do sth 某人高兴地做某事 Deliver --- deliver sth to sb 把某物送递给某人 Demand --- demand sth of sb 要求某人某事

Sb demand that sb (should)do sth 某人要求。。。 Meet one’s demands for sth 满足某人对。。。的要求 Demanding --- a demanding task 一个要求很高的工作 Dentist --- at the dentist’s 在牙医诊所

Deny --- sb deny doing sth 某人否认做某事

Depart --- depart from spl to spl 从某处离开去某处 Department – the department store 百货商店

Depend --- sb depend on sb to sth 某人依赖某人做。。。

Dependent --- sb be dependent on sb to do 某人依赖某人做。。。 P50

Description --- beyond the description 语言无法描述

Deserve --- sth deserve doing = sth deserve to be done 某事值得被做

Desire --- sb have a desire for sth 某人对。。。有渴望 Sb desire sth / to do sth 某人渴望某事 Despair --- in despair 绝望地

Despite --- in spite of = despite (doing ) sth 尽管某事 Destroy --- sth destroy one’s health 某事毁坏了某人的健康 Detail --- in detail 详细地

Detective --- detective story 侦探小说

Determine --- sb be determined to do sth 某人决定做某事 Develop --- the developed / developing countries 发达/发展中国家

Development --- with the development of sth 随着。。。的发展 P51

Devote --- devote oneself to (doing) sth 某人致力于做某事 Sb be devoted to (doing) sth Diary --- sb keep a diary 某人记日记

Dictionary --- sb look up sth in the dictionary Sb refer to the dictionary某人查字典

Die --- sb die from / of sth 某人因为。。。而死亡 A dying person 一个垂死的人 A dead person 一个死亡了的人 Deadly disease 致命的疾病

Differ --- A differ from B in C A和B在C方面不同 Difference --- sth make a difference 某物有影响/效果

Different --- A be different from B in C A和B在C上是不同的

Difficulty --- sb have (no) difficulty (in) doing sth 某人在做某事上有(无)困难

Digital --- digital camera 数码相机 P52

Dine --- sb dine out 某人外出就餐 Dinner --- sb have dinner 某人吃饭 Dioxide --- carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

Direct --- direct sb to do sth 指导某人做某事 Direction --- in the direction of 。。。在。。。方向上 Disabled --- the disabled + pl v. 残疾人

Disappoint --- sb be disappointed at sth / do do sth / that … 某人对。。。感到失望

Disappointment --- To one’s disappointment , sb do sth 让某人失望的是,。。。

Disapproval --- sb disapproval of sth 某人不赞成某事 P53

Disco --- sb dance to disco 某人随着disco跳舞

Discourage --- discourage sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 Discuss --- discuss sth with sb heatedly 和某人热烈地讨论某事

Discussion --- a heated discussion 热烈的讨论 Disease --- sb suffer from disease 某人患有疾病

Disorder --- brain disorder 大脑紊乱 Stomach disorder 胃部紊乱

Sth be in disorder 某物处于混乱中 Display --- sth be on display/ show 某物在展示中 Distance --- at a distance 在远处(相对较近)

In the distance 在远处(相对较远) From the distance 从远处

Distant---a distant village 一个遥远的村庄 A distant relative of。。 。。。的远亲 P54

Distinguished --- distinguished guests 贵宾 Dive --- sb dive into water 某人跳入水中 Divide --- sb divide sth into sth 某人把。。。分成。。。(整体分成个体)

Sb divide sth in half 某人把。。。一分为二 Dizzy --- sb feel dizzy 某人感觉头昏眼花 Do --- what to do with sth 如何处理某物

Do one’s best to do sth 某人尽力去做某事

Do gardening/washing/shopping 做园艺/洗衣服/ 购物 A have something / nothing to do with B A和B是有关的/无关的

Sb do nothing but do 某人除了做某事什么都做不了 Sb have nothing to do but do 同上

Dog – it rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 Dog – eared page 折页的那一页

Domestic --- domestic economy 国内经济 P55

Donate --- donate sth to sb 把某物捐献给某人

Doubt --- (There is ) no doubt (that) … 毫无疑问 Without any doubt 毫不怀疑

Down---sb be down with disease某人因为疾病病倒了 Up and down 上上下下


Downstairs --- go downstairs 下楼

Downtown --- in the downtown area 在市中心

Drain --- sth be adrain on money/energy 某事是对时间/精力的一种消耗 P56

Draw --- draw money from the bank 从银行取钱 A lucky draw 幸运抽奖

Dream --- sb dream of (doing ) sth 某人梦想做某事 Dress --- sb dress sb in clothes 给某人穿上。。。衣服 Sb be dressed in clothes某人穿着。。。衣服 Sb dress up 某人打扮起来

Drink --- sb be drunk 某人喝醉了

Drive --- sth drive sb mad 某事使某人发疯

Sth drive sb to do sth 某事驱使某人去做某事

Drop --- sb drop in on sb 某人拜访某人 Sb drop in at spl 某人参观某处

Drown --- sb be drowned 某人溺水 A drowning boy 一个溺水的男孩

A drowned boy 一个淹死的男孩 P57

Drug --- sb take drugs 某人吸毒 A drugstore 药店 Due --- sth be due to sth 某事是因为某事

Dull---All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作不游戏使jack成了一个傻孩子

Sb live a dull life 某人过着乏味的生活 Dumb --- the dumb and deaf 聋哑人

Dump --- dump sth into spl 把某物倾倒进某处

Duty – It is one’s duty to do sth 做某事是某人的职责

Sb feel it one’s duty to do sth 某人感觉做某事是某人的职责

Dynasty --- the Qin Dynasty 清朝 Each --- each other 相互

Eager---sb be eager for sth 某人渴望某物 Sb be eager to do sth 某人渴望做某事 P58

Early --- early in the morning / afternoon / evening 早上/下午/晚上早些时候

In early Spring / Summer / Autumn / Winter 在早春/夏/秋/冬

Earn --- sb earn a lot of money 某人赚大钱

Earth --- on earth 究竟 On the earth 在地球上 Ease --- sb feel at ease 某人感觉心安理得 East --- sb go east 某人向东走 Easy --- take it easy 放轻松

Eat --- the fish eats well 鱼吃起来很好吃

Economic --- the global economic crisis 全球金融危机 Economy --- economy class 经济舱 P59

Edge --- on the edge of sth 在。。。的边缘

Effect--sth have an effect on sb某事对某人产生影响 Sth be of no effect某事是有效的

Side effects 副作用 Sth take effect 某事生效

Effective --- sb take effective measures to do sth 采取有效措


Effort --- sb make efforts to do sth 某人努力做某事 Sb spare no efforts to do sth 某人不遗余力做。。。 Either --- either …or … 或者。。。或则。。。就近原则 Elderly --- elderly people = the old 老人 Elect --- elect sb monitor 选某人做班长 Electric --- electric light 电灯

Electrical --- electrical appliances、fault 电器设备 / 电路故障 P60

Electronic --- electronic products 电子产品

Else --- What else 其他什么 Sth else 其他某物 Embarrass --- sth embarrass sb 某事使某人尴尬

Sb be embarrassed with / by sth 某人对某事感到必须的

It is essential that sb (should) do sth 某人做某事是必须的

Estimate --- It is estimated that … 据估计,。。。 Eve --- on the Christmas Eve 在圣诞夜 P64

Even – even if / though 尽管/ 即使 Ever --- ever since 自从

Every --- every other line / day 每个一行/天 Evident --- sth be evident to sth 对。。。来说是显而易见的 Evolution --- the theory of evolution 进化论 Exact --- to be exact 确切的说

Example --- for example 例如 Set an example to sb 尴尬

To one’s embarrassment , sb do sth 让某人尴尬的是,。。。

Emphasis --- sb put/lay / place emphasis on sth 某人把重点放在某事上 P61.

Employ --- employ sb as sb 雇佣某人作为。。 Employ sb to do sth 雇佣某人做。。。

Employment --- sb be out of employment 某人失业 Empty --- empty words / promises 口头承诺 Enable --- enable sb to do sth 使某人有能力做。。。 Enclose --- enclosed cheque 随信附上的支票

Encourage --- encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做。。。 End --- sb end up with sth 以。。。而告终 Sb end up doing sth 以做。。。而告终

At the end of sth 在。。。最后 In the end 最终 Endure --- sb can’t endure (doing) sth 某人不能忍受做。。。 Energy --- sb be full of energy 某人充满活力

Engage --- sb be engaged in sth = sb be busy doing sth 某人忙于做。。。

Sb be engaged to sb 某人和某人订婚 P62

Enjoy --- sb enjoy (doing) sth 某人享受做。。。的乐趣 Enlarge --- enlarge one’s view 拓宽某人的视野

Enlarge one’s vocabulary 扩大某人的词汇量 Enough --- large enough Enough milk Enroll --- sb enroll in school 某人入学

Enter --- sb enter for sth 某人报名参加某事 Entertain --- entertainment sb with sth 用。。。款待某人 P63

Entrance --- at the entrance to spl 在。。。的入口处

Environment---protect the environment保护环境 Destroy the environment破坏环境

Equal --- A be equal to B in C A和B在C上是相等的

Sb be equal to (doing) sth 某人能胜任(做) 某事 The equal pay / rights 同酬 / 同等的权利 Equip --- spl be equipped with sth 某处装备有。。。 Error --- sb correct the error 某人改正错误 Escape---sb escape from spl某人从。。。逃脱 Sb escape doing sth某人逃避做。。。

Essential --- It is essential for sb to do sth 对某人来说做。。。是


为某人树立榜样 P65

Except --- do nothing except / but do 除了做。。以外什么都做不了

Have no choice except / but to do 除了做,,,以外别无选择

Have nothing to do except / but do 除了做。。。以外没有别的可做

Except for 除了(肯定整体否定局部)

Exchange --- sb exchange A for B 某人用A来交换B Culture exchange文化交流

Excited --- sb be excited at sth 某人为。。。而激动 Excitement --- to one’s excitement 让某人激动地是,。。。 Excuse---excuse sb for (doing) sth原谅某人做了。。。

Excuse one’s doing sth 原谅某人做了。。。

Exercise --- do morning exercise 做早操 Exhaust --- sb be exhausted 某人精疲力竭

Existence --- sth come into existence / being 某物开始存在 P66

Expect --- expect (sb) to do sth 期盼某人做。。。 As expected 正如期望的那样

Expense --- at the expense of sth以。。。为代价 Household expenses 家庭支出

Experience---because of lack of experience由于缺乏经验 Working experience工作经验

Experiment --- sb make an experiment on sth 某人在。。。上进行试验

Sb experiment on sth 某人在。。。上进行试验 Explain --- explain sth to sb 向某人解释某事

Explanation --- reasonable explanation 合理的解释

Sth be beyond one’s explanation 无法解释 Export --- export sth from spl to spl 把某物从某处出口至某处 Expose --- expose A to B 把A 暴露在B下

Expression --- a surprised expression 一副震惊的表情 P67

Extent --- to some extent 在一定程度上 Extinct --- extinct animals 灭绝的动物

Extra – extra money / time 额外的钱 / 时间

Eye --- sth catch one’s eye 某物吸引某人的注意

Sb fix / keep one’s eyes on sth 某人把眼睛盯着。。。上 Face --- face to face 面对面

Sb be faced with sth 某人面对。。。并积极解决 Sb face difficulties 某人面对困难 Fact---in fact = as a matter of fact 实际上

Despite / in spite of the fact that …尽管。。。 P68

Fail --- sb fail in sth 某人在。。。中失败 Sb fail to do sth 某人没能做成某事 Failing health 不断下降的健康

Faint --- faint light / voice 微弱的光线/ 声音 Sb faint 某人晕倒

Fall --- sb fall asleep 某人睡着 Sth fall into pieces 某物Figure ---- sb figure sth out 某人某人弄明白某事 Fill----spl be filled with things某处被…装满了

fill one’s requirements满足某人的要求 film ---- make a film 拍电影

final ---- draw a final decision 做最终的决定

financial – the global financial crisis 全球金融危机 find ---- sb find sth out 某人找出。。, find sb doing 发现某人正在做。。。 fine---sb pay a fine某人付罚款

sb fine sb for(doing)sth 因为。。。而罚某人的款 finish --- sb finish doing sth 某人完成做。。。 finish off 摔成碎片

Sb fall down 某人摔倒 Sb fall in love with sb 某人爱上某人

Familiar --- sb get familiar with sth 某人对。。。熟悉

Sth be familiar to sb 某物对某人来说很熟悉 Famous --- sb be famous for sth 某人因为。。。而闻名 Sb be famous as sb 某人作为。。。而闻名

Far --- by far 迄今为止 / 修饰比较级 As far as I know 据我所知

As far as I am concerned我认为

Sth be far from important某事根本不重要 P69

Farewell --- farewell party 告别晚会 Farm --- on the farm 在农场里

Fascinate --- sb be fascinated with sth 某人被。。。吸引

Fashion --- in fashion 正流行 Out of fashion 不流行了

Fashionable --- fashionable clothes 流行服饰 Fast --- fast asleep = sound asleep 熟睡

Father --- Father Christmas = Santa Claus 圣诞老人 Fault --- sb find faults with sth 某人找出。。。的错误/缺点 Favor --- do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙

Sb be in favor of sth 某人支持某人 Fear --- in fear of sth 处在对。。。的恐惧中 For fear that … 唯恐 P70

Fee --- reasonable fees 合理的费用 Feed --- feed sb on sth 喂某人吃某物 Feed sth to sb 喂某人吃某物 Sb feed on sth 某人以吃。。。为生 Feel ---sb feel like doing sth某人想要做。。。 Sb feel as if … 某人感觉就好像。。。 Festival --- the Spring Festival 春节 Fetch --- fetch sth from … 从。。。去取某物 Fever --- sb get a high fever 某人发高烧

Few – a few + Pl n. 一些 Quire a few 相当多的

Fiction --- science fiction 科幻小说 Non-fiction 纪实类小说

Field --- in the field of sth 在。。。领域中 Fierce --- a fierce dog 一条凶猛的狗

Fight ---- fight with sb for sth 和某人为了。。。而斗争 Fight with sb against sth 和某人反对。。。而斗争 P71



unfinished work / task 未完成的工作/任务 fire ---- catch fire着火(瞬间) make a fire 生火

spl be on fire 着火(延续) put out a fire 灭火 sb light(lit)a fire 点火 sb be fired 某人被解雇 P72

Fish – sb go fishing 某人去钓鱼 Fishing rod 钓鱼竿

Fit --- sb be fit to do sth 某人做某事很适合 Sth be fit for sb 某物适合某人

Sth fit sb 某物适合某人(大小尺寸) Sb keep fit / healthy 保持健康

Fix – sb fix one’s eyes on sth Flat --- flat tyre 漏气的轮胎

Flight --- a long –distance flight 长距离的飞行 Float --- float on spl 漂浮在。。。上

Flood --- flood – stricken areas 被洪水袭击的地方 Floor --- on the second floor 在二楼 P73

Fluent --- in fluent English 用流利的英语 Fly – flew – flown (过去时—过去分词)

Focus – sb focus (one’s attention / mind)on sth 某人关注某事

Fold --- folded chair 折叠椅 Folk --- folk song 乡村歌曲

Follow – follow one’s advice 听从某人的建议

in the following days在接下来的日子里 as follows如下所述

fond --- sb be fond of sth 某人喜欢某事 food --- food chain 食物链 P74

Foot --- on foot 步行

For --- sb be for sth 某人支持某事 for sale 待售 for example / instance 例如 But for sth 要不是某物

Forbid --- forbid sb to do sth 禁止某人做某事 Forbid doing sth 禁止做某事 Forbidden city 紫禁城

Force --- force sb to do sth 迫使某人做,,, by force 用武力

forecast --- weather forecast 天气预报

foresee --- foresaw --- foreseen (过去时—过去分词) forget --- sb forget to do 某人忘记要做。。。 sb forget doing 某人忘记做过。。。

forgive --- forgive sb for (doing) sth 原谅某人做了某事 form --- in the form of sth 以。。。样的形式 formal --- formal clothes 正装

former --- my former teacher 我过去的老师 P75

Forth --- back and forth 来来回回

Fortune --- sb make a fortune 某人发财

Forward --- sb look forward to (doing) sth 某人期盼某事 Sb put forward sth 某人提出某事 Found --- sth be founded 某物被成立

Frank --- to be frank 坦白的说 Frankly speaking 坦白的说

gather --- gather together 聚会 gaze --- sb gaze at sth 某人盯着。。。 P78

General --- generally speaking 一般而言

have a general /rough idea about sth 某人对。。。有大致的了解

generation --- generation gap 代沟

from generation to generation 一代一代 get --- sb get down to doing sth 某人着手做。。。 sb get ready for sth 某人为。。。做好准备 get across spl 横穿

sb get along (well)with sb 和。。。友好相处 sb Free --- sb be free of /from sth 某人远离某物 Sb be free to do sth 某人自由的去做。。。 set sb free 释放某人

free of charge = for free 免费地

in one’s free time 在某人空闲的时间

freeze --- sb freeze to death 某人冻死 freezing cold 极度寒冷

fresh --- fresh air/food 新鲜空气/食物 fresh water 淡水

friend --- sb make friends with sb 和某人交朋友

A friend in need is a friend indeed 。 患难见真情 Frighten --- sb be frightened of (doing ) sth 某人唯恐。。。 Sb be frightened to do sth 某人不敢做。。。 Frighten sb to death 吓死某人 P76

From --- from then on 从那时起

from now on 从现在起 from bad to worse 每况愈下

front – in front of 在。。。前方 in the front of 在。。。前端 front line 前线 frozen --- frozen meat 冻肉

fulfil --- fulfil one’s duties 履行某人的职责

fulfil one’s needs / requirements 满足某人的要求 full --- spl be full of things 某处充满了。。。

fun --- make fun of 取笑某人 for fun 为了取乐 furnish --- furnish spl with sth 为某处配备。。。 further --- further information 进一步的消息 P77

Future --- in future = from now on 从今往后 in the future 在将来

in the near / distant future 在不久的将来/在遥远的将来

gain --- no pains ,no gains 不劳而无获

sb gain weight 某人增肥 sb gain experience 某人获得经验

gallery --- art gallery 艺术馆 game --- video games 电子游戏

gang --- a gang of tough guys 一伙小流氓 gap --- generation gap 代沟

garden --- do gardening 做园艺工作 gas --- gas station 加油站

gate --- at the school gate 在校门口


get off 下车

sb get to spl 到达 get together 聚会 sb get up 起床 get rid of sth 去除。。。 P79

Gift --- sb have a gift for / of sth 某人对。。。有天赋 Give --- sb give birth to sb 某人生孩子

Sb give in 屈服 Sb give up sth 某人放弃。。。 Sb give a lecture / speech 某人发表演讲

Sb give sb advice on sth 某人关于某事给某人建议 Glad --- sb be glad to do 某人快乐做。。。

Glance --- sb glance at sth 某人瞥一眼某物 at first glance 乍一看

global --- global warming 全球变暖

the global economic / financial crisis 全球金融危机 go --- go ahead 继续 go down 下沉 sb go on doing 继续正在做的事

sb go on to do 继续做另外的事 sb go over sth 某人复习。。。

sb go round spl 某人参观某处 sb go up to spl 某人走上前去某处

sth go wrong 某物出了故障 sb go mad 某人发疯 sth go bad 某物变质 sb go deaf 某人聋了 P80

Gold --- silence is gold 沉默是金 Golden --- golden rule 金科玉律

Good --- sb be good at sth 某人擅长于。。。 Sb be good to sb 某人对某人好

Sth be good for sb 某物对某人有好处 Sth do good to sb 某物对某人有好处 It’s no good doing sth 做。。。没有好处

Goodness --- goodness gracious 天呢 Thank goodness 谢天谢地

Graduate --- sb graduate from school 某人从。。。毕业 P81

Graduation – graduation from spl 从。。。毕业 Grant --- sb take sth for granted 某人认为。。。是理所当然的 Sb take it for granted that。。。

Grasp – sb grasp a chance / opportunity 某人抓住一个机会 Grateful – sb be grateful to sb for sth 某人因为某事感激某人 Gratitude – express one’s gratitude to sb for sth 表达因为某事对某人的感激之情

Greedy – sb be greedy for sth 某人渴望某物

Green – greenhouse effect 温室效应 Greet – greet sb with sth 用。。。来问候某人 Greeting – greeting card 问候卡 P82

Grocery – grocery store 杂货店 Group – in group 以小组的形式

group discussion / sining小组讨论/唱

grow – sb grow up 某人长大 sb grow food 某人种粮食 a growing number 不断增加的数量 grown-up(s) 成年人

growth – with the growth of sth 随着。。。的增长 growth rate 增长率

guarantee – guarantee sth to sb 向某人保证某事 sb guarantee to do sth/ that保证做某事 guard – safety guard 保安

guide – guide sb to do sth 指导某人做某事

guilty – sb have a guilty conscience 某人问心有愧 sb be / feel guilty of sth 某人对。。很内疚 gum – chewing gum 口香糖 guy – tough guy(s) 小流氓 P83

Habit – eating habit 饮食习惯

Sb have / form a habit of sth 某人养成。。。的习惯 Sb break a habit of sth 某人改掉。。。的习惯 Hair – hair style 发型

a few white hairs 几根白头发 half – cut sth in half 把。。。一切为二 halfway – sb give up halfway 半途而废 hall – meeting hall 会议厅

hand – hand in / out sth 上交/分发。。。 hand sth to sb 把。。。递给某人 hand in hand 手拉手

on the one / other hand 在一/另一方面 give / lend sb a hand 帮助某人

handle – how to handle sth 如何处理某物 P84

Hang – sth hang on the wall 某人挂在墙上 Sb be hanged 某人被吊死

Happen – sth happen in spl 某处发生了某事 Sth happen to sb 某人发生了某事 Sb happen to do sth 某人碰巧做某事 It (so) happened that … 就是这么巧。。。

Happy --- sb be happy with sth = sb be satisfied with sth 某人对。。。满意

Hardly --- sb had hardly done 。。。when sb did 某人一。。。就。。。

Harm – sth do harm to sb 某事对某人有害的

Harmful – sth be harmful to sb 某事对某事有害的 Hate – sb hate to do sth 某人讨厌做某事(一次性)

Sb hate doing sth 某人讨厌做某事(习惯性/经常性) Have – sb have difficulty / trouble with sth / (in) doing sth 某人对。。。有困难

Sth have an effect / influence on sb 某事对某人产生影响


Sb have a good / terrible time (in) doing sth 某人做。。。过得很开心/不开心

A have something / nothing to do with B A 和B是有关系/没有关系

Sb have sb do / doing 某人让某人做。。。(一次性/反复做)

Sb have sth done 某人让某事被做 Sb have sth to do 某人有事自己做

Sb have sth to be done 某人有事让别人做 Head – sb head for spl 某人朝。。方向走去 P85

Health – sb be in good / bad health 某人健康良好/糟糕 health studio健康俱乐部

healthy – sb keep / stay healthy 某人保持健康 hear – sb hear of / about sth 某人听说某事 sb hear from sb 收到某人的来信

sb hear sb do / doing sth 听到某人做。。。(做完/正在做) sb hear sth done 听说某事被做 make sb heard 使某人被别人听到 heart – heart disease 心脏病 heart attack 心脏病突发 heart broken 心碎 lose heart 丧失信心

learn sth by heart 用心学。。。 heart and soul 全心全意

heat – heated discussion 热烈的讨论

heavy – a heavy drinker / smoker 酒鬼/烟鬼 heavy traffic 拥堵的交通 height – sb gain height 某人长个

A be 5 times the height of B A是B的五倍高 P86

Help – help sb with sth 帮助某人某事

help sb (to)do sth 帮助某人去做。。。 sb can’t help doing 某人情不自禁做。。

sb can’t help (to)do sth 某人不能帮忙做。。。 Help yourself !请自便 with one’s help 在某人的帮助下

sth be of (no) help to sb 某物对某人有/没有帮助 turn to sb for help 向某人寻求帮助

helpful – sth be helpful to sb = sth be of help to sb 某物对某人是有帮助的

here – here and there 到处

hesitate – sb hesitate to do sth 某人做。。犹豫不决 hesitation – without (any) hesitation 毫不犹豫 hide – hide sth from sb 把某物藏起来不让某人看见 hidden meaning 潜台词

high – at a high / low speed / price 以很快/慢的速度 / 以很高/低的价格

highly – think highly of sb 高度赞扬某人 speak highly of sb 高度赞扬某人 P87

Historic – historic events 历史事件

Historical – historical research 历史研究

History – in history 在历史上 history teacher 历史老

hit – hit sb in the face 打某人的脸 hold – hold on 坚持/ 别挂断(电话)

hold up sth 阻挡某事 hold out 提供

hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸 hold an evening party 举行晚会

holiday – sb be on holiday 某人在度假 home – sb feel at home 某人感觉宾至如归

homesick – sb be homesick for spl 某人思念某处。。。 P88

Honest – to be honest 老实说

think/speak ill of sb 看不起某人/说某人坏话 illness – sb suffer from illness 某人患有疾病

illustrate – illustrate sth with sth 用某物来说明某事 P91

Imagine – imagine doing sth 想象做某事

Imagination – beyond one’s imagination 超越想象

Immigrate – immigrate from spl to spl 从某处移民去某处 Impact – sth have an impact on sb 某事对某人产生影响 Impatient – sb be impatient with sb / about sth 某人对某人/某事不耐烦

Import – import sth from 。。。to 。。。 把某物从。。。进口到。。。 Honestly – honestly speaking 老实说

Honor – in honor of sb 为了对某人表示敬意

It is my honor to do sth 做某事是我的荣幸 honor sb with sth 用某物对某人表示敬意 hope – sb hope for sth 某人渴望某物 sb hope to do sth / that 。。。某人希望。。。

I hope so 我希望这样 I hope not 我希望不是 Horizon – sth broaden one’s horizon 某物拓展某人的视野 Horror – horror film 恐怖片 in horror 恐惧地 hospital – sb be in hospital 某人住院 host – a host nation for sth 。。。的主办国 P89

Hostess – air hostess 空姐 Hot – hot line 热线

Hour – by the hour 以小时来计算 office / working hours 工作时间

household – household expenses 家庭开销 how – how much / many 多少

how to deal with / cope with / handle sth 如何处理某事 huge – huge losses in sth 在。。。上巨大的损失 huge success 巨大的成功

humor – sense of humor 幽默感

hungry–sb go hungry 某人忍饥挨饿 sb be hungry for sth某人渴望某物

hunt – sb hunt for sth 某人搜寻某物 hurry – in a hurry 匆忙地

sb hurry to do sth 某人匆忙地去做。。 Hurry up !快一点! P90

Hurt – sb get / be hurt 某人心灵受伤 Ice – ice cream 冰激凌

icy ground 结冰的地面

idea – sb have / get a general / rough idea about sth 某人对某事有个大概的了解

sb have no idea about sth 某人完全不知道某事 ideal – ideal university 理想的大学

realize one’s ideal 实现某人的理想 if – even if / though 尽管/即使 If only。。。但愿。。。 only if 。。。只有当。。。 as if / though 就好像

ignorant – sb be ignorant of sth 某人对。。。很无知 ill – sb be ill 某人生病 ill weather 糟糕的天气


Importance – sth be of importance = sb be important 某事很重要

Important – It is important for sb to do sth 某人做某事很重要 It is important that sb (should) do sth 某人做某事很重要

Impossible – It is impossible for sb to do sth 某人做某事是不可能的

Impress – sth impress sb with sth 某物用。。。给某人留下了印象

Sth impress sth on sb P92

Impression – sth leave a deep impression on sb 某事给某人留下了深刻的印象

In – in one’s fifties 在某人五十几岁的时候 In the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代 in color / clothes 穿着。。颜色/衣服

inaccessible – spl be (in)accessible to sb 某人(不)可进入某处

include --- sb do sth , including sth / sth included 某人。。。,包括某事

inconvenient – It is (in)convenient for sb to do sth 某人做某事(不)方便

increase – with the increase in sth 随着。。。的增加 sth be on the increase 某物在不断地增加 independence – Independence Day 独立日

independent – sb be independent of sth 某人不依赖于某物 sb be dependent on sth 某人依赖于某物 P93

Infer – sb infer sth from 。。。某人从。。。中推断出。。。 Inferior – sb be inferior to sb 某人低某人一等

One’s inferiors / seniors某人的下级/上级 Influence – sth influence sb 某事影响某人

Sth have an influence on sb 某事在某人身上产生影响

Influential – an influential leader 一位有影响力的领导 Inform – inform sb of / about sth 通知某人某事 Inform sb to do sth 通知某人做某事

Keep sb informed of 使某人不断被告知某事 Inherit – inherit sth from sb 从某人那里继承。。。 P94 Injure – sb be/get injured 某人受伤 Inner – inner beauty 内在美

Inquire – sb inquire of / about sth 某人询问某事 Inquiry – sb make inquiries about sth 某人询问某事

Insist – sb insist on doing sth 某人坚持做某事

Sb insist that sb (should)do 某人要求做某事 Sb insist that sb do sth 某人强调某事 Inspire – inspire sb to do sth 鼓励某人做。。。 P99

Just – just to do sth 仅仅为了做。。。 Just a minute 等一下 Justice – a sense of justice 公正感

Keen – sb be keen on sth 某人热衷于。。。 a keen sense of Instant – instant noodle 速食面

The instant = the moment = as soon as 一。。。就。。。 Instead – instead of 代替。。。

P95 Instruct – instruct sb to do sth 教授某人做。。 Instruction – follow the instructions 听从指令 Instrument – musical instruments 乐器

Insure – insure sb against fire / theft 保火灾/盗窃险 Intend – sb intend to do sth 某人打算做。。。

Sth be intended for sb 某物为某人而设计的 Intention – sb have no intention to do sth 某人无意图做。。。 Interest – sb be interested in sth 某人对。。感兴趣 Sb show /lose interest in 某人对。。。显示/失去兴趣 Interest-free loan 无息贷款

P96 Interview – job interview 工作面试 Introduce – introduce sb to sb 介绍某人给某人

Sth be introduced into spl 某物被引进某处 Invitation – an invitation letter 请帖

Accept / decline one’s invitation 接受/拒绝某人的要求

Invite – invite sb to spl 要求某人去某处 Invite sb to do sth 邀请某人去做。。。 Involve – sth involving doing sth 某事涉及到做事

Sb be / get involved in doing sth 某人被卷入某事 Isolate – isolate sb from sb 把某人从。。。隔离开 P97 Issue – the main issue 主要的问题

Item – an item of news = a news item 一条新闻

Jail – in jail 在监狱 Sb be put in jail 某人被关进监狱 Jam – traffic jam 交通堵塞

Jazz – dance to jazz 随着爵士乐跳舞

Jealous – sb be jealous of / about sth 某人羡慕/嫉妒某事 Job – a full-time job 全职工作 A part-time job 临时工作 Sb be out of job 某人失业(延续性) Jog – sb go jogging 某人慢跑

Join – sb join the club 某人加入俱乐部

Sb join in the game / activity 某人参加运动 P98

Joint – joint venture 合资企业 take joint action 采取联合行动

joke – sb play a practical joke on sb 在某人身上恶作剧 you are joking 你开玩笑

journey – sb make a long journey to spl 某人去某处长途旅行 joy – to one’s great 让某人大为高兴的是

judge – Never judge a person by / from his appearance 不要以貌取人

Never judge a book by its cover 不要以貌取人 Judging from / by sth , sb do sth 从。。。来判断,某人做。。。

Judgment – sb make a judgment on sth 某人在某事上作出判断Jump – high jump 跳高 Long jump 跳远 Junior – sb be junior to sth 某人比某人年龄小


smell 敏锐的嗅觉

keep – sb keep doing sth 连续不断做。。。

keep sb from sth 阻止某人做某事 keep to your promise 遵守承诺

keep up with sb 赶上某人

keep sb away from sth 使某人远离。。。 keep sb informed of sth 使某人不断被告知 keep one’s promise / word 遵守承诺 key – A be the key to B A 是B的关键

sth play a key role in sb 在某人身上起着关键的作用 kidnap – a kidnapped boy 一个被绑架的男孩

kill – kill time 消磨时间 kill 2 birds with one stone 一石二鸟 P100

Kind – It’s kind of sb to do sth 某人做某事是很好的 Would you be so kind as to do sth 。。。请问您能做。。。吗?

Knock – knock sth down 拆毁/撞到 Knock at the door 敲门

Know – sb be known as sb / for sth 某人以。。。而闻名 Sb know sth by heart 某人牢记某事

A well-known scientist 一个知名的科学家

Sb have a good knowledge of English 某人很好的掌握了英语 P101

Lab – in the language lab 在实验室 Labour – Labour’s Day 劳动节

Lack – because of / for lack of sth 由于缺乏某物 Sb lack sth 某人缺乏某物

Sb be lacking in sth 某人缺乏某物

Land – on land 在陆地上 By land 由陆路 Lane --- the fast / slow lane 快/慢车道

Language --- in the English language 用英语 Last --- last but not least 最后担不是最不重要的

At last 最后 Sth last (for) some time 某事持续多长时间

Late – sb be late for school / work 某人上学/班迟到 In late spring 在暮春 P102

Later – later on 以后 2 years later 两年后 latest – the latest news 最新的消息

latter – the latter / the former 后者 / 前者 laugh – sb laugh at sb 嘲笑某人

sb burst out laughing 爆发出大笑

laughter – sb burst into laughter = sb roar with laughter 大笑起来

launch – sb launch a man-made satellite 发射一颗人造卫星 laundry – do the laundry 洗衣服 law – law and order 法治

sb be against / bread the law 某人犯法

lawn – mow the lawn 修剪草坪 lay – lay –laid –laid

lay the table 摆好餐具准备吃饭 lay an egg 下蛋

lay emphasis on sth 把重点放在。。。上 lead – A lead to B A导致了B

lead sb to do sth 带领/导致某人去做某事

lead a happy life 过着快乐的生活 lead the way 带路

leadership – under one’s leadership 在。。。的领导下 P103

Leak – sb leak sth out 某人透露某事 Lean – sb lean against spl 某人斜靠在。。上 Learn – sb learn sth by heart 某人把。。。牢记于心 Sb learn from sb 向某人学习

Sb learn a good lesson 得到深刻的教训

Sb learn to do sth 某人学会做某事 (强调结果) Sb learn doing sth 某人学习做某事 (强调过程) Least – at least 至少

Last but not least 最后但不是最不重要的 (常用于写作)

Leather – leather shoes 皮鞋

Leave – sb leave for spl 某人出发去。。。

Leave sb alone 把某人独自留下 Leave sb behind 把某人落在后面

Leave sb doing sth 留下某人做某事 Sb ask for leave 某人请假

Lecture – sb give a lecture on sth 某人关于。。。做演讲 Sb have a lecture on sth 某人关于。。。听演讲 Left – on one’s left 在某人的左边

Turn to the left 专向左边 a left-handed person 一个左撇子 P104

Leg – sb be injured in the leg 某人腿部受伤

Leisure – in one’s leisure time 在某人空闲的时间里

Lend – lend sth to sb 借给某人某物 Lend sb a hand 帮助某人

Length – sb go to great lengths to do sth 某人不遗余力地做某事

At length 最后

A be three times the length of B A是B的三倍长 Lesson – teach sb a lesson 给某人一个教训 Let – sb let sth out 某人放出某物

Let alone 更不要说 Let sb down 让某人失望 Let’s do sth , shall we ? Let us do sth , will you ? Liberty – the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像 Licence – a driving licence 驾照

Lie – lie – lay – lain ( lied – lied) Sth lie in sth 某事是在于。。。

Sb tell a lie 某人撒谎 Sb lie to sb 某人向某人撒谎 P105

Life – for the rest / most of one’s life 在某人剩余的/绝大部分生命中


In one’s daily life 在某人日常生活中 Lead a happy life 过着快乐的生活 Bring sth back to life 使。。。恢复生机 Sb come to life 某人苏醒 Lift – sb ask for a lift 某人要求搭车 Light – light color / blue 浅色/浅蓝色 Light sth up 照亮某处

(un)lighted cigar (未)被点燃的雪茄 sth throw a light on sth 阐明

like – sb look / be (un)like sb 某人看上去(不)像 a (dis)like of sth (不)喜欢某人 (名词词性)

likely – sb be (un)likely to do sth 某人(不)可能做某事 It is (un)likely that sb do sth

Limit – limit A to B 把A限制在B的范围里 Line – in line 协调/成一直线

Link – link A with B 把A和B联系起来 Lip – the upper / lower lip 上/下嘴唇 Stretch one’s lips 拉长嘴唇 List – a shopping list 购物清单 P106

Listen – listen to sb 听某人

Litter – a litter bin 垃圾桶 No litter 不准乱扔垃圾 Little – a little + un./ a 一些+不可数名词/形容词 Not a little tired = tired very much 非常疲劳 Little do sb do (倒装句) 某人很少做。。。 Live – live broadcast / show 现场广播/表演

Sb live a happy life 某人过着快乐的生活 Load – a loaf of bread 一条面包 Loan – interest-free loan 无息贷款

Local – local people / government 当地人/政府 Locate– sth be located+prep spl某物坐落于。。。 Locate sth / sb找出。。。的位置 P107

Lock – keep sth under lock and key 把某物锁起来 Lonely – sb feel lonely 某人感觉孤独

Long – sb long for sth / to do sth 某人渴望某物/做某事

Long time no see 好长时间不见 Before long 不久以后

It wasn’t / won’t be long before … 不久以后。。。 Look – sb have / take a close look at sth 某人仔细看。。 Sb look after sb 某人照顾某人 Sb look around 某人关顾四周 Sb look back to sth 某人回顾。。。 Sb look down on sb 某人看不起某人 Sb look for sth 某人寻找某物

Sb look forward to (doing) sth 某人期盼( 做)某事 Sb look into sth 某人调查某事 Sb look out 某人小心/注意 Sb look out of spl 某人从。。。往外看 Sb look over spl 某人查看。。。 Sb look through sth 某人浏览。。。 Sb look upon sb as sb 某人把。。看做。。 Sb look to sth 某人指望某物 Sb look up sth in spl 某人在。。。查找。。。


Loose – a loose plug 一个松了的插头 Lose – sb lose a game 某人输了比赛

Sb lose heart / confidence 某人丧失信心 Sb lose one’s interest in sth 某人丧失在。。。的兴趣 Sb be lost in thought 某人陷入沉思 Loss – a huge loss in sth 在。。上巨大的损失

Sb be at a loss (at sth) 某人(对某事)茫然不知所措 Lot – a lot of + un/ pl n 大量的+(不)可数名词 Lots of + un / pl n

loud – sb say sth in a loud voice 某人大声说。。。

love – sb would / should love / like to do sth 某人想要做。。。 sb fall in love with sb 某人爱上某人 lover – art lovers 艺术爱好者 loyal – sb be loyal to sb 某人对。。。忠诚 luck – sb try one’s luck 某人碰运气

It’s lucky for sb to do sth 某人做某事很幸运 Lucky – lucky draw 抽奖

A lucky dog 一个幸运的家伙 Luggage – a piece of luggage Lunch – have lunch P109

Mad – sb go mad 某人发疯 Sth drive sb mad 某事驱使某人发疯

Sb be mad / crazy about sth 某人对。。。很疯狂 Magic – the magic moment 不可思议的一刻

Mail – by air/ordinary mail 通过航空/平信 Mail sth to sb 把某事寄给某人

Mainland – on the mainland 在大陆

Maintain – sth need maintaining / to be maintained / maintenance 某物需要维护

Major – sb major in sth 某人主修。。。 An English major 一个英语主修生

Majority – a / the majority of students 绝大部分的学生 P110

Make – sb make for spl 某人走向。。。 Sb make off with sth 某人带着。。。逃离

Sb make sth out 某人辨认出某物 Sb make up for sth 某人弥补某事

Sth be made of / from sth 某物由。。。所制造(看得见材料/看不见材料)

Make sb do sth →sb be made to do sth 使某人做某事 / 某人被迫做。。。

Sb make the best of sth = sb make full use of sth 某人充分利用。。。

Sb make progress 某人取得成功

Sb make efforts to do sth 某人努力去做。。。 Sb make a living with sth 某人靠。。。为生

Sb make sure of sth 某人确信某事 Make sb manager 选某人为经理

Man – men-scientists 男性科学家

Manage – sb manage to do sth 某人成功地做某事 Sb manage a company 某人经营一家公司

Man-made – launch a man-made satellite 发射一颗人造卫星


Manner – sb have good manners ,某人举止良好 Many – many students + 谓语复数 很多学生 many a student + 谓语单数 很多学生 P111

Mark – give sb a good / poor mark 给某人一个好/差分数 Give sb full marks 给某人满分

Market – on the market 在市场上 The stock market 股市

Marriage – one’s marriage with sb 和某人的婚姻 Marry – sb marry sb (瞬间) 某人和某人结婚

Sb be married to sb (延续) 某人和某人结婚 Mask – sb wear a mask 某人带着面具/口罩 Mass – mass media 大众传媒

Master – master’s degree 硕士学位

Match – A match B = A go with B A和B很相配 Material – reading materials 阅读材料 P112

Matter – What’s the matter with you ? 你怎么了?

As a matter of fact 实际上 It doesn’t matter . 没关系

To make matters worse 更糟的是

It matters that sb do sth 某人做某事是很重要的 What matters is that sb do sth 重要的是某人做某事 May – May you succeed 祝你成功

Sb may as well dos th = sb had better do sth 某人最好做某事

Meal – sb have a meal 某人吃饭

Mean – sb mean doing sth 意味着做某事

Sb mean to do sth 某人打算/存心做。。。 What do you mean by doing sth 做。。。你什么意思啊? A mean rich businessman 一个吝啬的有钱人 Means – by means of sth 通过。。。途径 By no means 决不

Meantime – in the meantime 于此同时 P113

Measure – effective measures have been taken to do sth 已经采取有效的措施做。。。 Medal – gold medal 金牌

Medical – medical care / team /service医疗护理/小组/服务 Media – multi-media 多媒体

Meet – meet one’s demands / requirements / needs for sth 满足某人对。。。的要求/需求

Sb meet with difficulties 某人遇到困难 Meeting – at the meeting 在会议上 Melt – melting ice 正在融化的冰 P114

Memory – in memory of sb 为了纪念某人

Sb have a good / bad memory 某人记忆力好/差 Mental – mental (physical) health / diseases / hospital 精神(生理)健康/疾病/医院

Mention – sb mention doing sth 某人提到做某事 Not to mention (doing) sth 更不要说。。。 Merry – Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐 Mess – in a mess 一片混乱

Message -- send / give sb a message 给某人带个口信 Leave sb a message 给某人留个口信 Method – in the method of sth 用。。。的方法 Midday – at midday 在中午

Middle – in the middle of sth 在。。。的中间 Middle age / class 中年/中产阶级 P115

Midnight – at midnight 在午夜

Might – sb might /may as well do sth = sb had better do sth 某人最好做。。。

Sb might(not) have done sth 某人也许(没有)做过。。。 Monthly – monthly meeting 每月一次的会议

Mood – sb be in a good / bad mood for sth / to do sth 某人做。。。有好/坏心情

Moon – a new / full moon 一轮新/满月 Moonlight – in the moonlight 在月光下 More – more or less 或多或少

More than = not only 不仅仅 No more -= not …any more 不再 Not more than 不比。。。多 No more than 至多 What’s more 此外 More and more 越来越。。。 The more , the better 越多越好 Mile – 10 miles’ walk / ride / drive 10英里步行/骑车/开车的距离

Military – military training / service / expenses 军训/兵役/军费

Milk – Never cry over spilt milk . 覆水难收/木已成舟 Million – millions of things 成百万的。。。 Mind – change one’s mind 改变主意

Make up one’s mind to do 下定决心做。。。 Keep / bear sth in mind 把。。。牢记于心 Keep / bear it in mind that …

Absent-minded person 心不在焉的人 Sb mind doing sth 某人介意做。。

Would you mind (my) doing sth ? --- No , I don’t . 你介意(我)做。。。吗?不我不介意

Mineral – mineral water 矿泉水 Mini – a mini skirt 迷你裙

Minor – A be minor to B A比 B 次要 P116

Minute – in a minute 立刻/马上

The minute = the moment = the instant 一。。。就。。。 5 minutes’ walk / ride / drive 五分钟散步/骑车/开车的路程

mirror --- look in the mirror 照镜子

miss – miss the bus 错过了公共汽车 sb miss doing sth 某人错过做。。。

missing – a missing boy = a lost boy 一个失踪的男孩 mistake – sb make a big mistake 某人犯了一个大错

by mistake 错误地 mistake A for B 把A误认为B

misunderstand --- sth make sb misunderstood 某事使某人被误解

mix – mix A with B 把A和B混合在一起

sb have the mixed feeling 某人有一种复杂的情感 mixture – cough mixture 咳嗽药水 mobile – mobile phone 手机 P117

Modern- -- modern civilization 现代文明 Modest – sb be modest about sth ,某人对。。。 某事很谦虚 Moment – the moment = the minute = the instant 一。。。就。。。 For the moment 暂时 At that moment 在那时

Monitor –make / elect sb monitor 选举某人为班长 Money – sb make big money 某人赚大钱



Moreover = furthermore = what’s more 此外 Morning – in the morning 在早上

Most – the most important appointment 最重要的约会

A most important appointment 一次非常重要的约会 Mountainous – in the mountainous areas 在山区 Mouse – click the mouse 点击鼠标 Move – sb be moved by sth 某人被。。。感动

Sth move sth to tears 某事使某人感动到哭 A moving film 一部令人电影 P119

Mow – mow the lawn 割草坪

Much – not think much of sth / sb 不太重视。。 Too much + n 太多。。。 Much too + adj / adv 太。。。

Muddy – a muddy path 泥泞的小路 Murder – commit murder 犯谋杀罪

Muscle – strengthen one’s muscles 强化肌肉 Music – dance to music 随着音乐跳舞 Must – sb must have done 某人一定做过。。。 Sb mustn’t do sth 某人不准做。。。 P120

Mysterious – a mysterious land 一个神秘的大陆

Mystery – It remains a mystery whether sb do 某人做。。。仍然是个迷

Name – sth be named after sb 某物是以。。。而命名的 Nap – sb take / have a nap 某人打盹 Narrow – a narrow escape 九死一生

Sb narrowly escape / missing (doing) sth 某人差一点就。。。

National – the national flag 国旗

Native – native language = mother tongue 母语 Native people 当地人

Natural – natural disaster / resources 自然灾难/ 资源 It’s natural that sb (should) do sth 某人做。。。是很自然的

Nature – in nature 在大自然中 By nature 天生地 Keep / break the balance of nature 保持/破坏生态平衡 Naughty – a naughty boy 一个顽皮的男孩 Navy – navy blue 深蓝

Near – in the near / distant future 在不久的将来 P121

Nearly – not nearly +a / adv 完全不。。。

Neat – neat and tidy 干净又整洁

Necessary – It is necessary for sb to do sth 某人做。。。很有必要 It is necessary that sb (should) do sth 某人做。。。很有必要

Need – sb needn’t do某人不需要做。。。 Sb need(s/ed) to do sth某人需要做。。。

Sb needn’t have done 某人本没有必要做。。。

Sb don’t / doesn’t / didn’t need to do 某人不需要做。。。 Sth need(s/ed) doing / to be done 某事需要(被)做。。。 the number of + pln singlv 。。。的数量

nursing – nursing home 养老院

obey – obey the traffic rules / law 遵守交通法规

object–sb object to (doing) sth某人反对(做)某事 sb object that …某人反对。。。

objection – one’s objection to (doing) sth 某人对。。。的反对意见

oblige – sb be obliged to do sth 某人被迫去做。。。 observe – observe sb do / doing sth 观察某人做/正在做 There is no need for sb to do sth 对某人来说做。。。是没有必要的

Meet / satisfy one’s needs for sth 满足某人对。。。的需求

Neglect – neglect one’s duty 玩忽职守

Neighborhood – in the neighborhood 在小区/附近

Neither --- neither A nor B v就近原则 既不是A也不是B Neither do I 我也没有 Neither I do 我就是没有

Nervous --- sb be nervous about sth 某人对某事很紧张 P122

Neutral— sb remain neutral 某人保持中立

Never – Never (before) have sb done … 某人从来没有做过。。。 Newcomer – a newcomer in Chemistry 化学新生 Next – sb live / stand next to spl 某人紧邻。。。住/站

No – no parking / smoking 不准停车/吸烟 No more than = only 仅仅

No other than = just 正是

There is no doubt that … 毫无疑问

There’s no denying that … 不可否认的是 There is no need for sb to do 对某人来说做。。。是没有必要的 There is no possibility that … 某人做。。。没有可能性 There is no point in doing sth 做某人是没有意义的 Nod – sb nod at sb 朝某人点头

Noise --- sb make loud noise 某人发出噪音

None–none of the students没有一个学生 None other than = no other than = just正是 P123

Nonstop – nonstop train 直达列车 Noon – at noon 在中午

Northeast – sb go / fly northeast 去/飞向东北

Note – sb take notes 记笔记 Sb note that … 某人注意到。。。

Nothing – nothing more than = no more than = only 仅仅 Nothing but (except)A 除了A以外什么也没有 Notice–sb take notice of sth留意到 notice sb do/doing sth注意到某人做/正在做。。。

Now – now that = since 既然 By now = up till (to) now 迄今为止(现在完成时)

Nowhere – Nowhere did sb do 某人在任何地方都不做。。。 P124

Nuclear – nuclear weapons / expenses 核武器/经费

a nuclear war / power station 一场核战争/一个核电站

number – a number of +pln plv 大量的。。。


observe the traffic rules/law遵守交通法规 observe one’s birthday庆祝生日

obstacle – obstacle to success 成功的障碍 obvious – It is obvious / clear that … 。。。是显而易见的 P125

Occasion – on such occasion 在这样的场合

Occupy – sb be occupied (in) / with (doing) sth 某人忙于做。。。Occur – a bring idea occur to her 某人想到一个好主意

It never occurred to sb that … 某人从来没有想到。。。 Offer – offer sb sth 提供某人某物

Offer sth to sb 提供某物给某人 Sb offer to do sth 某人自告奋勇做。。。 Official – government officials 政府官员 Oil – oil painting 油画

Olympic – the Olympic Games = the Olympics 奥运会 P126

Once – at once 立刻

Once a day / once every four weeks 每天一次/每四星期一次

Once again 再一次 Once in a while 偶尔

Once more 再次 Once upon a time 很久很久以前

Online – chat online 网上聊天 Only – only too + a / adv 太。。。

Open – sb be open / opened to the public 向公众开放(延续/瞬间)

With the door open / closed 门开着/关着 In the open air 在户外

Opening – at the opening / closing ceremony 在开幕/闭幕典礼上

Opera – the Opera House 歌剧院

Operate – the doctor operate on the patient for sth 医生因为。。。给病人开刀

Operate the machine / computer 操作机器/电脑 P127

Opinion – in one’s opinion on sth 以某人对。。。的观点而言 Oppose – sb be opposed to (doing) sth 某人反对(做)某事 Opportunity -- sb take / miss the opportunity to do sth 某人抓住/错过做某事的机会

Oral – oral English / test 英语口语/口语考试 Order – order sb to do sth 命令某人做某事

Order that sb 9should) do sth 命令某人做某事 Keep sth in good order 使。。。保持很好的状态 Sth be out of / in order 某物出故障/井然有序 Ordinary – ordinary people 普通人

Origin – the origin of species / civilization 物种/文明的起源 P128 Other—other than = except 除此以外 In other words 换而言之 The other day 几天前 Ought – sb ought (not) to have done 本(不)该做。。。 Outdoor – outdoor sports 户外运动 Outdoors – sb camp outdoors 某人住在户外露营 Outer – in outer space 在外太空 Outlook – world outlook 世界观 Outstanding – outstanding scientists 杰出的科学家 P129 Over – over and over 一再地 Sth be over 某事结束 Overcome – sb overcome the difficulties 某人克服困难 Overseas – overseas Chinese / students 海外华人/留学生 Owe – sb owe success to hard work 某人把成功归功于努力 Owing – owing to sth = because of sth = due to sth = on account of sth 因为 Oxygen – carbon dioxide / atmosphere / ozone layer 氧气/二氧化碳 / 大气层 / 臭氧层 P130 Pace – keep pace with sb和某人保持一致 At a rapid / slow pace以很快/慢的速度 Pacific—the Pacific / Atlantic 太平洋/ 大西洋 Packet – red packet 红包 Pain – no pains , no gains 不劳而无获 Pain and suffering 痛苦与折磨 Painful – painful experience / memory 痛苦的经历/回忆 Painting – oil painting油画 Chinese painting国画 Cave painting壁画 Pair – a pair of trousers 一条裤子 in pairs 成双成对地 P131 Palace – the Summer Palace 颐和园 Pale – sb go pale 某人脸色苍白 Panic – sb be in panic 某人处在惊恐中 Pardon – sb pardon / excuse one’s doing sth 原谅某人做某事 Sb pardon / excuse sb for doing sth 原谅某人某事 Parking – no parking 禁止停车 Parking lot 停车场 Part – sth play a part / role in sth 在。。。中起着作用/扮演着角色 Sb do one’s part to do sth 尽自己的责任去做。。。。 On one’s part 就某人而言 Sb take an active part in sth 某人积极参加。。。 P132 Participate – sb participate in sth/join in / take part in 某人参加。。。 Particular – sb be particular about sth 某人对。。。很挑剔 Pass – sb pass by 某人经过 Sb pass away 某人去世 Sb pass on sth to sb 把某人传递给某人 Past – in the past 在过去 (时态为过去时) in / during the past / last few years 在过去的几年里 (时态为现完) P133 Patient – sb be patient with sb 对某人很耐心 18

Sb be patient at sth对某事很有耐心 a patient with heart disease心脏病病人 pay – sb pay (sb money ) for sth 某人为。。付。。给某人 peaceful – sb lead a peaceful life 过着安宁的生活 pearl – a pearl necklace 一条珍珠项链 pen – sb write sth in pen / pencil / ink 用钢笔/铅笔/墨水写。。。 P134 Perfect– sb be perfect in cooking某人精通烹饪 Practice makes perfect熟能生巧 Permission – ask for one’s permission 请求某人的允许 Permit – sb permit / allow sb to do sth 允许某人去做。。。 Sb permit / allow doing sth 允许做。。。 Time / Weather permitting , sb do sth 时间/天气允许的话,。。。 Persevere – sb persevere in (doing) sth 某人坚持不懈做。。。 Persist – sb persist in (doing) sth 某人坚持做。。。 Person – sb do sth in person 某人亲自做。。。 Personal – personal life / doctor / information 个人生活/医生/信息 Persuade – persuade sb to do sth / persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做。。。 Pet – sb raise pets 某人饲养宠物 P135 Phone – sb make s phone call 某人打电话 Photo – sb take photos 某人拍照 Physical –physical health / disease 身体健康/疾病 Mental / psychological health / disease 心理健康/疾病 Pick – sb pick up sth 某人捡起/学会/接。。。 Sb pick sth out 某人挑选出。。。 Piano – sb play the piano 弹钢琴 Picnic – sb go on a picnic 某人去野餐 Picture – sb have a clear / rough picture of sth 某人对。。。有清晰/大致的了解 Sb give a vivid picture of sth 某人对。。。有一个生动的描述 Piece – sb cut / break sth into pieces 把。。切/砸成碎片 Sth smash into pieces 某物变成碎片 a piece of 一片 。。。 P136 Pile – a pile of reference books 一堆参考书 Pity – It’s a pity that sh (should) do 某人做。。。很遗憾 What a pity !多么遗憾 Place – sth take place 某事发生 A take the place of B A取代B Sb place sth on spl 某人把。。。放置在。。。 Plan – sb plan for sth / to do sth / that …某人计划。。。 Sb make a plan for sth / to do / that … 某人制定一个。。。。计划 as planned / scheduled 正如计划的那样 P137 Plant – a power plant 一家发电厂 plant trees 种树 plastic – a plastic bag 一个塑料袋

platform – on the platform 在月台上

play -- sb play with sb 和某人玩 children at play 正在玩的孩子

sb play a role / part in sth 在。。。起着作用/扮演着角色 Sb prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做。。。不愿做。。。 Sb prefer doing to doing 比起做。。。更愿意做。。。 Sb prefer that sb (should) do… 某人更喜欢。。。 P141

sb plsy s practical joke on sb 对某人恶作剧 please – sth please sb 某事使某人高兴/满意 sb be pleased with sth / that … 某人对。。。满意 pleasure – with pleasure 我很乐意

It’ my pleasure to do sth 做。。。是我的荣幸 Plenty – plenty of + un 大量的。。。

Plunge – sb plunge intospl 某人纵身跳入/投入。。。 Pocket – pocket money 零花钱 P138

Point – There is no point in doing sth 做某事是没有意义的 One’s point of view on sth 在。。。上某人的观点 Sb point at sb 某人指着某人

Sb point sth out to sb 某人向某人指出某物 Poisonous – a poisonous snake 一条毒蛇 Pole – the South/ North Pole 南/北极 Police – the police 警方 (v复数) Policy – sb make a policy 制定一项政策

Reform and Open-door policy 改革开放政策 Polite – It’s polite of sb to do sth 某人做。。。很有礼貌 Polite behaviors 礼貌的行为

Pollute – polluted water / air / food 受污染的水/空气/食物 Pollution – light / air / water pollution 光/空气/水污染

Poor – a poor girl 一个可怜的女孩 the poor 穷人 (v复数)

pop – pop music 流行音乐

P139 Popular – sth be popular with sb 某物受到某人的欢迎

Population – What’s the population of …? 。。。的人口是多少? A large / small population / audience / vocabulary 大量的人口/观众/词汇

Portable – portable dictionary 便携式词典

Possibility – There’s no possibility of sth / that … 某事是没有可能性的

Possible – It’s possible for sb to do sth 某人做。。。是有可能的 as soon as as possible 尽快

post – post cards 明信片 post office 邮局

postage – What’s the postage of sth ? …的邮费是多少? P140

Postpone – sb postpone doing sth until sometime 某人推迟做。。。到。。。

Potential – one’s potential ability 某人的潜能 Pour – sb pour sth into spl 某人把。。。倾倒入。。。 Practical – practical experience 时间经验 play a practical joke on sb 在。。。身上恶作剧 practise – sb practise doing sth 某人反复操练做。。。

practice–Practice makes perfect熟能生巧 Theory comes from practice实践出真知

Praise – praise sb for (doing )sth 因为。。。表扬某人 Pray – pray to sb for sth 向某人祈祷某事 Prefer – sb prefer A to B 比起B更喜欢A


Preparation – make preparations for sth 为。。。做好准备 Prepare – sb prepare for sth 为。。。做准备 Presence – in one’s presence 某人在场的时候 Present – the present president 现在的总统

People present (at the meeting)出席会议的人 Sb be present at the conference 某人出席会议

At present 现在 Present film to audience 把电影呈献给观众

Preserve – the preserved eggs 皮蛋 Press – press the button 按下按钮

Pressure – blood pressure 血压 relieve one’s pressure 舒缓某人的压力

Pretend – pretend to be doing homework 假装正在做作业 Pretty – pretty good 非常好

Prevent – prevent sb from (doing)sth 阻止某人做。。。 Price – at the price of 以。。。价格 Pride – take pride in 为。。。骄傲 Primary – primary school 小学 P142

Pricinple—in principle 原则上 Print – printed materials 打印的材料

Prison – put sb in prison 把某人关进监狱 Sb be in prison 某人被关在监狱中

Private – private / public schools 私立/公立学校 Private affairs 私事

Prize – award sb the first prize 授予某人第一名 Sb win the first prize 某人获得第一名

Probable --- It is probable that sb do sth某人做某事是有可能的Proceed – sb proceed to the desk 某人走向桌前

Process --- the discussion be in process 讨论正在进行中 Productive --- a productive writer 一个多产的作家 P143

Profit – sb make profits from sth 某人从。。。中获利 Profitable – the profitable bargain 有利可图的交易

Progress—sb make great progress in study 在学习上取得很大的进步

The discussion is in progress/ process 讨论正在进行中

Prohibit – prohibit/ ban sb from doing sth 禁止某人做某事 Promise—sb promise to do sth / that … 某人承诺。。。

Sb make / keep / carry out / break a promise 某人许下/遵守/兑现/违背承诺

a promising young pianist 一位有前途的年轻的钢琴家

promote – sb be promoted to sales / general manager 某人被提升为部门/总经理

promote the sales / prosperity / peace 促销/促进繁荣/促进和平

proof – Proofs show that … 证据显示。。。

bullet-proof vest 防弹背心 water-proof watch 防


proper – It is proper for sb to do sth 某人做某事很恰当

proposal – sb make a proposal that sb (should) do sth 提出一个建议某人该做某事

My proposal is that sb (should) do sth 我的建议就是某人该做某事

Propose – sb propose (one’s) doing sth 某人建议(某人)做某事

Sb propose that sb (should) do sth 某人。。。 P144

Protect – protect sb from/ against (doing) sth 保护某人免受。。。 have a quarrel with sb about sth 和某人关于。。。吵

question – sb raise a question 某人提出一个问题 queue – sb queue (up) for sth / to do sth 某人为。。。而排队/某人排队做。。。

sb stand in a queue for sth / to do sth某人为。。。而排队/某人排队做。。。

sb jump the queue 某人插队

quiet – sb keep quiet / calm / silent / still 保持安静/ 镇定 / 沉默 / 静止

Quote – quote a proverb from the novel 从小说中引用一句谚Proud—sb be /feel proud of sth / that … 某人对。。。感到骄傲 Prove – the method proved (to be) effective 这个方法被证明是有效的

It is proved that … 据证明。。。

Proverb – As a proverb goes , to see is to believe . 俗话说,眼见为实

Provide – provide victims with shelter / shelter for victims 提供灾民庇护所

Provided / providing that …= if 假如 Psychological – psychological health 心理健康

Public – in public 在公共场合/ 当众地 Public health 公共卫生

Sth be open / opened to the public 向公众开放(延续性/瞬间) P145

Punish – punish sb for (doing) sth 因为(做)某事而惩罚某人 Purchase – purchase furniture with credit card 用信用卡购买家具

Purchase a house by loan 通过贷款买房 Pure – pure water 纯净水

Purpose – for the purpose of (doing) sth 为了。。。目的 on purpose 故意地

put – put away the books 把书收好 put down your notes 记笔记

put forward your suggestion 提出建议 put off the light 关灯

put on your coat / the light / the drama 脱下外套/ 开灯 / 上演戏剧

put out the fire 灭火 put up the stage 搭建舞台 sb can’t put up with (doing) sth 不能忍受(做)某事 puzzle – sb be puzzled sbout sth 某人对。。。困惑不解 sth puzzle sb 某事使某人困惑 P146

Qualify – sb be qualified as a mechanic 某人胜任机械师 Sb be qualified for the position 某人胜任这个职位 a qualified engineer 一位合格的工程师

quality – the products with high quality and low price 物美价廉的产品

quantity – a large quantity of food / materials + 单数的谓语 大量的食物/材料

large quantities of food / materials + 复数的谓语 大量的食物/材料

quarrel – quarrel with sb about sth 和某人关于。。。吵架


语 P147

Reference – reference books / materials 参考书/资料 With reference to the commercials 关于广告

Reflect – his diligence reflect on his scores 他的勤奋反映在他的成绩上

Refuse – sb refuse to do sth 拒绝做。。。

Regard – regard sb as sb Best regards to your family 祝福你的家人

Regarding – regarding the commercials = with reference to commercials 关于广告

Regardless – regardless of our refusal 不管不顾我们的拒绝 Regret – sb regret to tell you that … 遗憾的告诉你

Sb regret not going to the exhibition hall 后悔没有去展览馆

Regular – pay a regular visit to spl 定期参观/拜访。。。 Regular visitors 常客

Reject – reject my proposal 拒绝我的建议

Related – his failure is related to his laziness 他的失败是和他的懒惰有关的 P148

Rare – rare animals / plants 珍稀动物/植物 Rate – breathing rate 呼吸频率

Rather – sb would rather sleep than work 宁愿睡觉不愿工作 Sb prefer to sleep rather than work宁愿睡觉不愿工作 A rather than B A而不是B Reach – reach an agreement 达成协议

React – sb react to my criticism 回应我的责备 Read – sb read the passage aloud 朗读课文 Ready – sb get ready for sth / to do sth 为。。。做好准备/做好准备去做。。。

Reality – in reality = in fact 实际上

Sth come into reality = sth come true 某事成真 Realize one’s ideal 实现某人的理想 P149

Rear – at the rear of the ship 在船的后部

Reason – The reason why sb do sth is that … 某人做某事的原因是。。。

Sb reason with sb about sth 和某人关于某事而理论 at the reasonable price 以合理的价格

Recent—in the recent / llast years 在最近的几年(句子现完) Recommend – recommend the learning method to the students 向学生推荐学习方法

A recommendation letter 一封推荐信 Recover – sb recover from illness 从疾病中恢复健康 Sb recover one’s health 某人恢复健康 Refer – sb refer(red) to the dictionary 某人参考字典

Sb refer to what happened yesterday 提到昨天发生的事情 P150

Race – discrimination against race / racial discrimination 种族歧视

Rain – It rains cats and dogs 雨下得很大 Sb be caught in reports 科学报告

Republic – the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国 Reputation – sb enjoy / win a high reputation 某人享有/ 获得很高的名誉

Request – sb request that sb (should) do sth 某人请求某人做。。。

Require – require sth of sb 要求某人某事

require sb to do sth 要求某人去做某事 require that sb (should) do 要求某人做。。。

It is required that sb (should) do 某人被要求去。。。 the rain 某人淋到雨了

Raise – raise a fat finger 举起一根胖手指 Raise pets / plants 饲养宠物/植物

Raise funds 筹集资金 Raise a question 提出问题

Range – a wide range of food in the convenience store 在便利店中各种各样的食物 P151

Relative – distant / close relatives 远亲/近亲 Relativity – the theory of relativity 相对论

Release – the government released the news 政府发布了消息 The plants release oxygen 植物释放出氧气

Relevant – Success is relevant to diligence 成功是和勤奋相关的

Relief – sb feel relief 某人感觉宽慰

Relieve – doing exercise can relieve your stress 做运动可以缓解压力

Religion – discrimination against religion 宗教歧视 Religious – religious discrimination 宗教歧视

Reluctant – sb be reluctant to do sth 某人不情愿去做。。。 Rely – sb rely on st / sth to do sth 依赖某人/某物去做。。。 Remain – the task remain unfinished 任务仍然未完成

the problem remains to be solved 问题仍然有待于解决

we remain friends 我们仍然是朋友 remark – sb remark on sth 某人对。。。发表评论 the critic’s remarks on sth 评论家关于。。。的评论 remarkable – sb make remarkable achievements 某人取得了令人瞩目的成就

remember – sb remember to do sth 记得要去做。。。 sb remember doing sth 记得做过。。。

remind – remind sb of sth / to do sth / that … 提醒某人。。。 remote – in the remote areas 在遥远的地方

remove – remove the plates from the table 把盘子从桌子上拿开 P152

Repair – sth need repair / repairing / to be repaired 某物需要修理

Replace – replace manual labor with machines 用机器代替人力

Reply – sb reply to my request 某人回答我的请求

My reply to your request 我对于你请求的回答 Report – It is reported that sb do sth 据报道。。。

Sb be reported to do sth 据报道 Scientific


Sth require repair / repairing / to be repaired 某物需要修理

Requirement – meet / satisfy / fulfill one’s requirements for sth 满足某人对于。。。的需求

Rescue – rescue sb from the big fire 把某人从大火中救出来 Sb come / go one’s rescue 某人来/去营救某人 Research – scientific research 科学研究 P153

Resist – sb can’t resist doing 某人不能抵制做某事

Sb can’t resist the temptation to do sth 某人不能抵制做某事的诱惑

Resistant – sth be resistant to water / electricity / fire 某物是防水/电/火

Resource – human / natural resources 人力/自然资源 Respect – in all respects 在所有的方面

Respond – sb respond to my request 某人对于我请求的回应 Response – one’s response to your request 对于你的请求的回应

Responsible – sb be responsible for sth 某人为。。。负责 Responsibility – sb take responsibility for sth 某人承担起。。。的责任

It’s one’s responsibility to do sth 做某事是某人的责任

Rest – the rest of the students / milk 剩余的学生/牛奶 Sb have a rest / break 某人休息一下 for the rest of one’s life 在某人的余生

result – success result from diligence 成功来自于勤奋 diligence result in success 勤奋导致成功 as a result (of sth) 结果。。。

retire – a retired engineer 一位退休了的工程师 sb retire from work 某人从工作中退休 P154

Return – return sth to sb 把某物还给某人

in return for my parents’ love 回报我的父母的爱 a return ticket 回程票

reunite – reunited couples 重新团聚的夫妻 reveal – reveal the truth 揭示真相 reverse – reverse the process 倒转过程

reward – a rewarding job 一个很有回报的工作 rich – fruits are rich in vitamins 水果富含有维生素

the land rich in natural resources 有丰富自然资源的土地rid – sb get rid of bad habits 戒掉坏习惯 ride – 5 minutes’ ride 5分钟开车的路程

sb ride a horse / bike / speedboat 某人骑马/自行车/快

艇、 对。。。很满意 right – It is one’s right to do sth 做某事是某人的权利 satisfy one’s needs / requirements for sth 满足某人对 sb have the right to do sth 某人有权利去做。。。 于。。。的需求/要求 on one’s right 在某人的右边 right now 立刻/马P159 上 all right 好的 Save –sb save money / time / one’s life 节约金钱/时间/挽救生P155 命 ring – sb hear the door bell ring 听到门铃响了 Sb save sb from the accident 把某人从事故中救出来 rise – early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy , Say – It is said that sb do sth 据说。。。 Sb be said to do sth wealthy and wise 早睡早起使人健康、富足又聪明 据说。。。 the rise in price 价格的上升 As a saying goes , 俗话说, That’s to say = in other risk – sb risk doing sth 冒险做。。。 sb run a risk of (doing) words 换而言之 sth 冒险做。。。 roar – sb roar at sb 向着某人大吼 rob – rob sb of sth (sleep) 抢走某人某物(睡眠) robbery – commit robbery 犯抢劫罪 P156 Role – play a role in sth 对。。起着重要的作用 roof – under the roof 在屋檐下 room – make space / room for sb 为某人腾出空间 rough – get a rough idea of the passage 对文章有一个大概的了解 round – round-the-clock convenience store 24小时便利店 be round the corner 在转角处/即将到来 rude – sb be rude to sb 对某人很粗鲁 rude behavior 粗鲁的行为 P157 rule – as a rule 原则上 run – sb run a risk of doing sth 某人冒险做。。。 sb run a family / a company 某人经营家庭/公司 sb run after sb 某人追赶/跟踪某人 sth run out 某物耗尽(无被动) rural – in the rural areas 在乡村地区 rush – the rush hours 高峰时刻 in a rush 匆忙地 rush sb to spl 把某人立刻送到。。。 safe – sb return home , safe and sound 某人平安回家 safety – take sb to safety 把某人带到安全地带 safety belt 安全带 sail – sb sail for spl 某人航行去。。。 P158 sake – for one’s own sake 为了某人自己的利益 sale – on sale 减价出售 for sale 出售 sales manager 销售经理 charity sales 慈善义卖 promote sales 促销 same – all the same 仍然;完全一样 the same …as .. 和。。。一样 in the same way as sb do 用和某人做。。。同样的方法 satellite – man-made satellite 人造卫星 satisfaction – to one’s satisfaction , sb do sth 让某人满足的是,。。。 satisfactory – sth be far from satisfactory 某事是远远不能令人满意的 satisfy – sth satisfy sb 某事使某人满意/满足 sb be satisfied with sth / to do sth / that … 某人22

Scarcely – sb had scarcely / hardly done when sb did 某人一。。。就。。。 Scarcely / Hardly had sb done when sb did Scare – sb be scared 某人害怕 Scene – on the scene 在现场 Schedule – on schedule 准时 Scholarship – sb win scholarship 某人获得奖学金 Sb be awarded scholarship 某人被授予奖学金 Science – science and technology 科技 Scientific – scientific research / report 科学研究/报告 P160 Scold – scold sb for (doing) sth 因为。。。而责骂某人 Score – the team win a score 队伍得了一分 Screen – on the screen 在屏幕上 Search – sb search (the forest) for the missing boy 在整个森林里搜寻失踪的男孩 in search of the missing boy 为了搜寻失踪的男孩 seaside – at the seaside 在海边 season – fruits in / out of season 当季/过季的水果 seat – seat belt 安全带 offer a seat to sb 给某人让座 sb be seated in the hall 某人做在大厅里 the hall can seat 5000 audience 大厅可以容纳5000名观众 P161 Second – sb be second to none in maths 某人数学第一名 Secondary – the secondary school 中学 Secret – keep sth a secret 对某事严守秘密 in secret 秘密地 secure – sb be / feel (in)secure about sth 某人对某事很不安 security – a sense of security 安全感 see – see sb off at the airport 在机场送别某人 see through your words 看穿了你的话 see to it that … 务必。。。 see sb do / doing / sth done 看见某人做(全过程/瞬间)/ 某事被做 seek – sb seek (sought / sought) for sth = sb hunt for sth = sb look for sth 某人寻找。。。 seem – sb seems warm-hearted 某人似乎很热心 It seems that sb do sth = sb seem to do sth 似乎某人做某事 It seems as if … 就好像。。。 Select – select sth from … 从。。。中挑选某物 Natural

selection 物竞天择

Sell – the book sells well 这本书很畅销 the best-seller 畅销书

the sales manager / the salesman 销售经理/销售员 on / for sale 减价销售/供出售

send – send a doctor to the flood-stricken area 派医生去洪水泛滥的地区 P162

Senior – sb be senior to sb 比。。。年纪大/职位高 the seniors 老年人

sense – sth make no sense 某事没有意义

There is no sense / point (in) doing sth 做某事是没有意义的

a sense of humor / beauty / smell / responsibility / security / direction 。。。感

sensible – sb make a sensible decision 某人做一个明智的决定 sensitive – sb be sensitive to seafood 某人对海鲜过敏

sentence – the judge sentenced the criminal to death 法官宣判罪犯死刑

separate – separate A from B 把A和B隔离开

the twins have separate bedrooms .双胞胎有独立的卧室

series – a series of consequences 一系列的后果 TV series 电视连续剧

Serve – sb serve people 为人民服务

The restaurant serves food to customers 餐厅为顾客提供食物

Sb serve as a chauffeur 某人充当司机

An example can serve to illustrate my point 事例可以有助于阐述我的观点

Service – my service to students 为学生的服务 Set – sb set about doing sth 某人着手做。。。

Sb set aside money / time for sth (to do sth) 某人腾出时间/钱做。。。

Sb set off = sb set out 出发

Sb set out to do sth 开始/着手做。。。 Sb set the alarm clock 设置闹钟 163

settle – sb settle (down) in the New World 在新世界定居下来 sb settle the difficulties 解决难题 sex – discrimination against sex 性别歧视 shake – shake hands with sb 和。。。握手

shall – you shall be asked to leave the classroom if you keeps talking 如果你继续讲话你会被赶出教室(表警告). shame – What a shame ! 真遗憾

sb feel shame at lying to parents 对向父母撒谎感到羞愧

shape – the plan is taking shape 计划正在成形

sb be in shape = sb be healthy 某人是健康的 share – share sth with sb 和。。。分享。。。 sharp – a sharp sense of smell 敏锐的嗅觉 sharpen a pencil 削铅笔 P164

Sheet – answer sheet 答题纸


Shock – sth shock sb / sb be shocked at sth (to do sth / that …) 某事使。。。震惊/某人对。。。震惊

To one’s shock , sb do sth 让某人震惊的是, 。。。。 Shoot – ( shot / shot ) sb shoot at the enemy 向着敌人开枪 Shopping – do shopping 购物 Make a shopping list 列一张购物清单

Shore – on the shore 在海滨

Short – sb be short of money = sb be lacking in money 缺钱 P165

Shortcoming – strengths and shortcomings 长处和短处 Shorten – shorten my trousers 改短我的裤子 Shortly – shortly after sb do sth 在某人做。。。之后不久 Should – sb should have done 本该做。。。 Sb shouldn’t have done 本不该做。。。

Shoulder – pat sb on the shoulder 在某人的肩上拍一下 Shout – shout at sb 对某人大叫 Show – sb show up 某人出现 Sb show off 某人炫耀

Sb show sb around (spl) 带领某人参观某处

Sth be on show = be on display = be exhibited 某物被展出

Shower – sb take a shower 某人洗淋浴

Sb be caught in a shower 某人淋到阵雨

Shut – shut up 闭嘴 The store is shut down 商店关门 Sick – sb be / feel sick of the insects 对昆虫感到恶心 Side – every coin has two sides 事物都是有两面性的 On each / either side of the road 在马路的每一边 Sight – at first sight 乍一看

Sth be within / beyond one’s sight 某物在视野内/外 P166

Sightseeing – sb go sightseeing 某人观光旅游

Sign – sign your names on the application form 在申请表上签名

Significance – the meeting of significance / importance = significant / important meeting 重要的会议 Silence – silence is gold 沉默是金 Silent – keep silent 保持沉默

Similar – A be similar to B in C A和B在C方面很相似的 Simplify – simplified classic novels 简化的经典小说 Since – It is 5 years since sb did sth 自从某人做。。已经有5年了

Sb have done sth since sb did sth P167

Sit – sitting room 起居室

Site – on the construction site 在建筑工地

Situation – in the difficult situation 处在一个艰难的境地 Size – A be 3 times the size of B A 是B的3倍大小 Skate – sb go skating 某人去滑雪

Skip – sb skip classes / work / breakfast 某人翘班/课 /不吃早饭

Slang – as the slang / a saying goes 俗话说 Sleepy == sb feel sleepy 某人感觉困倦 P168

Slim – sb keep slim 保持苗条

Slipper – a pair of slippers 一双拖鞋 钱)… Slope – on the gentle / steep slope 在平缓/陡峭的斜坡上 Spirit--- in high/great/low/ poor spirits 心情好/不好 Smash – the flower pot smashed into pieces 花盆砸成了碎片 Spite ---in spite of 尽管,不顾,不管 Smell – the flowers smell fragrant 花闻起来很芬芳 P173 The dog smells well 狗狗的嗅觉很好 Sport---field sports田赛 Individual sports 个人运动 Smoking – sb quit / give up smoking 某人戒烟 (non) smoking section (无烟)/吸烟区 P169 Smooth – everything goes smoothly 一切顺利 Snack – a snack bar / stand 小吃摊 Snow – sb be caught in the heavy snow 被大雪淋到了 So – 5 years or so 大约5年 so as (not)to do = in order (not) to do 为了(不)做。。。 so light as to be lift / so light that it can be lifted 如此的重以至于被拎起 and so on 等等 sociable – a sociable person 一个爱交际的人 social – social development/ economy 社会发展/社会经济 society – in the society 在社会上 solar – solar energy 太阳能 P170 Solution –the solution ot the difficulty 困难的解决方法 Soon–as soon as一。。。就。。。 as soon as possible尽快 sooner or later迟早 sb had no sooner done than sb did一。。。就。。。 sb had hardly / scarcely done when sb did 一。。。就。。。sorry – sb feel sorry for sth 为。。。感到抱歉 sort – a sort of washing machine 一种洗衣机 sort sth out the reference materials 整理参考资料 soul – serve people heart and soul 全心全意为人民服务 sound – sb return home , sound and safe 平安的回到家 have a sound sleep 酣睡 the project sounds impractical 这个项目听上去不实际P 171 Sour---go / turn sour 变酸 Source---a source of information消息来源 The source of knowledge知识的源泉 South --- the south pole Sow--- As a man sows, so he shall reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。Space---walk in space 太空行走 Spare--- in one’s spare time 在…业余时间里 Spare no effort to do/in doing 尽力/不遗余力做… Spare sb. a few minutes腾出几分钟给某人 Spare the rod and spoil the child.惜了棍棒害了儿。 Speak---English-speaking countries说英语的国家 So to speak可以说 Speak highly of 评价高 Speak ill of 说…坏话 Speech---make /deliver a speech 发表演讲 Welcoming speech P 172 Speed---at a speed of以…的速度 Speed up 加速 More haste, less speed 欲速则不达 Spend---spend (time or money) on sth./in doing sth.花(时间//24

Team sports 团体运动 Spot---on the spot 当场,在现场 Spread---spread news 传播消息 Spread butter on bread 在面包上涂黄油 Spring---spring up 涌现 Squeeze ---squeeze …from/out of 从…挤取 Stage--- on the stage 在舞台上 P 174 Stand--- stand for 代表 Stand out 突出,显眼 Stand up for 支持,维护 Stand up to 经得起…考验 Standard---living standard 生活水准 Stare ---stare at 盯着看 Start---start off/out 出发 Start on a journey 启程 To start with 首先 Starve---starve to death 饿死 Stay---stay healthy/young 保持健康/年轻 Stay up (late) 熬夜,开夜车

P175 Steal---steal sth. from sb.从某处偷东西 Step--- keep step with 与…保持步调一致 Step by step 逐步的 Mind one’s step当心脚下 Take steps to do 采取措施做 Stick---stick to one’s opinion 固执己见 Stock---in stock 有存货 Out of stock 缺货 Stock market 股市 Stone---within a stone’s throw of 离。。。只有一箭之遥 Stop---come to a stop 停止 Store---keep /have sth in store 储存某物 P176 Strand---be stranded in被困在 Stress---be under stress 在压力下 Lay/put stress on 强调 Stretch---stretch one’s legs散步,放松筋骨 Strict---be strict in对某事严格 Be strict with对某人严格 Strike---be on strike在罢工 Be struck by 被打动 It struck me that…我忽然想到。。。 P177 Strive---strive for 争取,努力得到 Strive to do拼搏做某事 Struggle---a life-and-death struggle生死存亡的斗争 Stuff---know one’s stuff精通自己的业务 Subject---be subject to服从于,受制于,易患。。。的 Substitute---A substitute for B A代替B Substitute A for B 用A代替B Succeed---succeed in doing 成功做了某事

Success--- have had 3 successes 获得3次成功 P178

Sudden---all of a sudden 突然

Suffer--- suffer from 患有,遭受 suffer great losses遭到巨大损失

suggest---suggest doing建议做 suggest that sb. (should) do建议某人做

suggestion--- adopt one’s suggestion采纳建议

make/ put forward one’s suggestion提出建议 suitable---be suitable for适合

sum---a large sum of money一大笔钱 sum up 总结 人;欺骗某人

take sth. in 吸入某物;把(衣服)改瘦;理解某事 take up 开始从事;把……继续下去,占去(地方、时间、注意力等) P182

tale – a fairy tale 神话故事 talent—a talent fair 人才市场

discover new talents 挖掘新的人才 have a talent for music 有音乐天赋

have much talent多才多艺 there must be a use for my talent.天生我才必有用。

sunlight--- in the sunlight在阳光下 p179

superior---A is superior to B A优于B

supply---supply sb. with sth. 向某人提供某物 support---support a family养家

suppose---be supposed to do sth被指望、理应、应当做某事 suppose/supposing (that)…假定 sure---be sure of sth. 坚信、确信

be sure that…确信 for sure 肯定、确定

make sure of /that…弄清、确保(从句不用将来时) Be sure to do sth.(你)一定要、务必做某事 Surprise---be surprised at/about…对…吃惊

To one’s surprise,…令某人惊讶的是 In surprise惊奇地

Surround---be surrounded with 有…围着 P180

Survey---make/do/conduct/carry out a survey of Survive---survive a disaster Suspend---suspension bridge Swallow---swallow up

Swim---never offer to teach fish to swim. Switch---switch off关掉开关

Switch on 打开开关 Switch to 转向


table –at a table 坐在餐桌旁

at table 在用餐;在吃饭;吃饭时

book a table for 4 (people) at 6:00 订一张六点钟四人用餐的桌子

(have) good table manners 餐桌礼仪 lay/ set the table 摆饭桌

table tennis 乒乓 tailor—tailor A to B 使A适合B

The tailor makes the man . 人靠衣装

take—take a walk/bus/rest/train/boat 散步/乘公共汽车/休息/乘火车/乘船

take down 拿下;记下;降下 take in 接纳;吸入;理解

take… into account把……考虑在内 take off (飞机)起飞;脱下

take on 呈现;承担;雇佣 take sth. seriously 郑重对待;认真对待

take over接收;接管;接任 take sb. in 收留某


talk-- give sb. a talk on 为某人坐了题为……的演讲 talk about 谈到,谈论 talk away 喋喋不休

talk of = speak of谈到;说到 talk sb. into doing劝说/劝服某人做某事

talk show 脱口秀 talk to sb. 与某人谈话

taste—to one’s taste 合某人的喜好

tea – black / green tea 红茶/ 绿茶 tea ceremony 茶道

teach—teach oneself sth. = learn sth by oneself 自学某事 teach sb. a lesson 给某人一个教训

teaching plan 教学计划 teaching principles 教学原则

teacher—Teachers’ Day 教师节

team —our school basketball team 我校篮球队

tear—tear apart 拆散;使分离 tear down 拆卸;诋毁 tear sth. into pieces 把某物四成碎片 tears come into one’s eyes 流泪 P183

technique— acquire a technique 学到技术

adopt advanced technique采用先进技术 writing techniques写作技巧

apply/ develop/ master a technique 运用/开发/掌握技术

telephone— make a telephone call 打电话 televise—televise sth. alive 用电视直播某事

tell – tell a lie/ story 说谎/讲故事 tell one’s fortune 算命

tell right from wrong 辨别是非 tell the truth 说实话

temper—be in good / bad temper 心情好/ 不好 temperature—take one’s temperature 量体温 tempt – tempt sb. to do 引诱/诱惑某人做某事

tempt sb into doing sth.诱惑某人做某事 temptation n.引诱;诱惑

tend—tend to do sth. 易于/倾向于做某事 P184

tendency—have a tendency to do sth. 有做某事的倾向;容易做某事

tennis – on the tennis court 在网球场

term— a two-year term 为期/任期两年的一届 in terms of = in … terms 依据;用……的话说;就……


terrific—a terrific actor最好的/最有经验的一位演员

drive at a terrific speed以极高的速度开车 think oneself terrific自以为了不起

territory–defend one’s territory保卫自己的领土/领地/地盘 mountainous territory山区

test—put sth. to the test把某事检验/测验一下 stand the think highly of 重视;对…… 评价很高 think of想到;考虑

think of … as = consider…as; regard…as;look upon…as ; treat…as; view…as把….看成

think over = consider carefully仔细考虑 think through彻底地全面思考

what do you think of。。。? 你认为… 怎么样? test of经得住…的考验

than—better than 比……好 more than不只是;不止;多于;大于

other than 除了……以外 rather than而不;与其说… 倒不如

thank – thank sb. for sth. 因某事而感谢某人

Thanks to … = owing to; on account of ; because of 多亏…, 由于…, 全靠…

theatre—the Globe Theatre 环球剧院 P185

theme—the theme for sth. 。。。 的主题

theme park 主题公园 theme song 主题曲;主题音乐

then – from then on 从那时起 just then 正在那时 theory—accept a theory 接受一种理论 adopt a theory 采用一种理论

apply a theory to practice 把理论应用于实际 combine theory with practice 把理论和实践结合起来

Einstein’s theory of relativity 爱因斯坦的相对论 in theory 理论上 <反义> in practice

Newton’s theory of gravitation 牛顿的万有引力学说

set up/ put forward/ establish a theory 提出/ 创立一种理论

there—There is no need to do sth. 不需要/ 不必做某事

There can be… 可能有 There happens to be … 碰巧存在…

There have/ has been… 已有… There is evidence that… 显然…

There is likely to be… 好像有… There appears to be… 好像有

There is no denying the fact that… … 这是无可否认的

There is no sense in doing sth. 做某事是无意义/ 无道理的。

There may be… 可能有… There must be… 一定有…

There seems to be … 好像有…. There should be … 应该有…

There should have been … 当时本该有…

There ought to be… 应该有… There will be… 将有…

thing—for one thing 其一; 首先 for another thing 其二

think—think about 考虑 think back to 回想起;追溯



though— as though = as if 好像 thought—at the thought that… 想到…

on second thoughts= after thinking it over 经再三考虑之后

read one’s thoughts = 了解某人的想法 with no thought for 不为… 着想 thoughtful—be thoughtful of sb. 关心某人 thread – thread a needle 穿针引线

threaten – be threatened with extinction 有灭绝的危险 threaten sb. with sth. 用某物危险某人 threaten to do sth. 扬言要做某事

through—break through突破 get through使通过

go through 通过.经历.仔细查看 see through 看透,看穿

throw—throw at/ to 对…… 扔 throw away 扔掉;浪费

tidy—neat and tidy 又整齐,又干净

tidy oneself up before going out 外出前整理仪容 tidy up a room 收拾房间

tie—be tied down to / by sth. 因某事忙分不开身 P187

till—till next week 直到。。。为止(不在句首;until 可在句首) time—ahead of time提前

all the time一直,始终 at a time一次;依次;每次;逐一

at one time 一度 The first time… 头一回… 头一次…

by the time到……的时候 There are times when…有时常会…

for a time 在一段时间内;暂时 from time to time 有时;不时地

have a bad time日子过得不愉快 have a good time (祝你) 过/玩得愉快

have a hard /easy time日子过得很艰难/舒坦

high time 应该立刻做某事的时候 at the same time同时

in ancient / modern times 在古代/现代 in no time = very quickly立刻

in time = not late; early or soon enough及时 every time每当

on time = at the right time 准时 once upon a time从前

take time to do sth. 花费时间做某事 take your time 慢慢来

the New York Times 纽约时报

three times the size/ height/ length/ width/ weight 三倍之大/高/ 长/ 宽/ 重 At no time。。。 决不… 在任何时候都不(在句首,句子倒装)

It’s about / high time that… 应该立刻做某事的时候(用虚拟语气)

tip – from tip to toe 从头到尾;彻头彻尾;完完全全

offer / give sb a tip= tip sb. 赏某人小费

on the tip of one’s tongue 话到嘴边,却说不出来 take one’s tip 照某人的话去做; 听某人劝告 tire—tire sb. out 使某人筋疲力尽;累极了 P188

tired—be/ grow tired of 对……厌倦 feel tired of因…而疲惫不堪

be/ feel tired out 累极了/ 感到十分疲劳

tissue—nervous tissue 神经组织 tissue paper 薄棉纸;卫生纸

She used up a box of tissues for her cold. 她因感冒.用光了一盒纸巾。

to – to the east/ south/ west/ north of

toe—on one’s toe 踮着脚尖走得;提高警惕的

step on ones toes 踩到某人的脚尖;得罪某人 together—together with 和…… 一起

tone—speak in an angry tone 说话带着怒气

too—cannot …… too 无论怎样也不会过分;越… 越好 far too太… only too + a非常 too much过分;过于

tooth – false teeth 假牙 pull out the wrong tooth 拔错了牙 P189

top—at the top of 在。。。顶上 (反义)at the bottom of ; at the foot of

at the top of one’s voice高声地敢叫;尽力地喊 on top of在… 的上面

on top of the world = be very happy 高兴得不得了;非常满意

top student 优等生;尖子学生 total – in total 总计

touch—a touching/ moving poem 一首动人的诗 be in touch with sb. 与某人接触/联系 get in touch with sb. 和某人取得联系

lose/ be out of touch with sb. 与某人失去联系

tour—go on a tour漫游;巡回;周游 make a tour of the world周游世界

tourist—tourist attraction 旅游胜地

town – go to town 进城 in town 在城里 track—keep track of 熟知(某事); 追踪;知道……的消息 lose track of 忘记;失去联系

track and field events 田径项目 track sports 径赛 P190

trade—free trade 自由贸易 make a trade of a for b 用a换b

trade at a certain shop在某商店买东西


trade union工会 trade with 与…做买卖

tradition—by tradition 按传统

traffic – fast/slow traffic lane 快/慢车道

heavy traffic交通繁忙 traffic accidents交通事故

traffic jam交通堵塞 traffic lights交通指示灯

traffic policeman交通警察 traffic regulations/ rules交通规则

traffic safety交通安全 traffic signal 交通信号

train—a quarter –past –seven train 一次七点一刻的列车 change train at 在(某地)换车

express / slow train快/慢车 get on/ off a train上/下火车

ordinary train普通列车 The train is due at…火车在(某时)到达

transfer—be transferred to 被转移到…

transfer from a to b 从a处调动/调任/转移到b 处 transfer property to a person 转让财产给某人 translate – translate … into 把… 译成

transportation—railroad transportation 铁路运输

water and land transportation水陆运输 trap – be caught in a trap 落入陷阱

be trapped in 陷入 get out of a trap逃离陷阱

lay a trap for对…设下圈套 trap sb. into doing sth.引诱某人做某事 P191

travel---travel around the world周游世界

treat---be badly/well treated受虐待、善待 Be treated as被看做

treatment---be under treatment在治疗中 trend---set a/the trend 带领新潮流

trick---play a trick on sb. 对某人使用诡计

Trick sb. into doing sth 用计诱使某人做… trip---make a trip to spl.到…去旅行

A thousand mile trip begins with one step.千里之行始于足下

trouble---ask/look for trouble自找麻烦 get into trouble 遇到、陷入麻烦

have trouble in doing sth.做某事有困难 take the trouble to do sth.不辞辛劳做某事

be in trouble 处于困境中 make trouble制造麻烦

true---come true(希望/理想)实现,达到 P192

trunk---trunk call长途电话 trunk line 主干线 trust---have trust in 信任 try---try doing

try to do try on try out turn---be turned into被改变成 turn over移交;翻转过来

do sth. by turns轮流做 in one’s turn 轮到某人做

in turn依次,轮流 turn against背叛 turn down调低(音量).拒绝 turn up调高(音量),出现

turn out to be证明是 turn to 转到;求助于 in a low/high voice低声地 with one voice异口同声的

volunteer---volunteer to do 自愿做某事 p199

vote---vote for/against 投票支持/反对 voyage---go on a voyage 水上航行

turn off 关掉 turn on打开(灯) P193

twice--- think twice before you leap. 三思而后行 typical---typical character 典型性格

it is typical of sb. to do sth.某人做某事是他的特征 unable---be unable to 不能做某事

unconscious---be unconscious of没有意识到… P194

under---a bridge under construction正在建的桥

Children below/under the age of ten 未满十岁的小孩 undergo---undergo great hardship遭受巨大苦难 understand---make oneself understood使自己被明白 undertake---undertake to do承担做某事 uniform---wear a school uniform穿校服 union---the Students’ Union学生会

Union is strength团结就是力量 unite---unite to do联合起来做 united---the United Nations(单数) P195

unusual---it is unusual for sb. to do sth.某人做某事是非同寻常的

up---be up to sb. to do 由某人负责做某事

get up 起床 up to now/ then直到现在、那时 up to…达到。。。(数量) It’s up to you.取决于你

use---come into use 开始使用 in use 在使用中 make use of 利用 put sth. into use使…利用起来 use up用完 It is no use doing sth.做某事没用(徒然)

P196 used---used to be 过去是 used to do 过去常做 useful--- be useful for sb. 对….有用 usual---as usual 像往常一样

vacation---on the vacation 在度假

value---sth. is of great value to sb. 某物对某人很有价值 variety---a variety of 各种各样的、种种 p197

victim---three days’ mourning for earthquake victims三天哀悼地震受难者

view---have a bird’s eye view of …鸟瞰,俯视

come into view进入视野 hold the view that …有…的想法

point of view观点 to get a better view of …为了更好地看清

vigor---with vigor精力充沛的

p198 visible---sth. is visible to sb.某人能看见某物 visit---pay a visit to…访问

vital--- be vital to…对…极其重要 voice---at the top of one’s voice高声地


wait---can’t wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事

wait for sb. to do等待某人做某事 wait on sb. 服侍/招待某人

wake---wake suddenly with a start突然惊醒 wake up醒来

walk---all walks of life各阶层/各行各业 have a walk散步 walk a dog 遛狗

wall--- Walls have ears.隔墙有耳

want---want sb. to do想要某人做某事 want to do想要做某事

be wanted on the phone …有电话叫 be wanted被通缉 p200

warn---warn sb. against (doing) sth.警告某人提防

warn sb. not to do警告某人不要做某事 warn sb. of danger警告某人有危险

wash---wash…away/off冲洗掉 wash well(衣料等)耐洗,经洗

wash hands often/regularly/frequently勤洗手 waste---waste/lose time (in) doing sth.浪费时间做某事 waste time on …浪费/滥用时间

watch---keep a close watch on …密切注意 watch one’s step 走路小心

watch out 当心,留心 watch the time留意时间 way---all the way 一路上/特地 be on the way 即将到来

be under way 在进行中 by the way 顺便讲一下

fight one’s way 打开一条出路 get in the way 妨碍/挡道

give way to 让位于/让步 in a way 在某种程度上

in no way 决不,一点也不 in many ways 在许多方面

in the same way 以同样的方式 lose one’s way 迷路

make way for 给…让路 on the (one’s )way to 再去。。。的路上 P201

weak – be weak in …较弱/不擅长 wealth – a wealth of 大量的

wear—sb. be worn out 某人筋疲力尽

wear a … look流露出… 的神态/表情 wear and tear损耗

wear sb. out 使某人筋疲力尽 wear sth. out耗尽/用坏/穿坏某物

weather—in all weathers 在各种天气下 web – web words 网络流行词

wedding—wedding ring 结婚戒指

wedding cake 婚礼大蛋糕 wedding card 婚礼/ 宴请帖

wedding ceremony结婚典礼 wedding day 结婚之日

wedding dress 结婚礼服 wedding march 结婚进行曲

week—week by week 每一星期 weekday—on weekdays 在工作日

weekend—at/on weekends 在周末 over the weekend will—against one’s will 不情愿地;违心地

at will任意;随意 with a will果断地;有力地

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 willing – be willing to do sth. 乐于做某事 win—win a championship 拿冠军

win a match/war/battle/victory 赢得比赛/战争/战役/胜利

win a prize/ scholarship获得奖金/奖学金 win a reputation获得名声


weep—weep at the sad news 因听到悲痛的消息哭起来 weigh—weigh one’s words 斟酌字句 weigh the evidence 考虑证据(的价值) P202

weight—gain / put on weight 发胖

over/ under weight过重/ 过轻 short weight 重量不足

welcome—be given a warm welcome by … 受到…的热烈欢迎

be welcome to sth./ do sth 可随意用某物/做某事 You’re welcome. 不用谢。/ 不客气。 well—as well 也; 又

as well as除…之外也 may/ might as well do sth. 不妨做某事

wet—be wet through 湿透了 what – what about。。。?…怎么样? what if …? 如果…又怎么样?

wheel—at the wheel驾驶;主持工作 the wheel方向盘 take the wheel负责管理 P203

while – after a while 过了一会儿;不久

for a while= for a moment—片刻;暂时;一会儿 for quite a while 相当长时间 in a while 一会儿

in a short while = in a little while; soon 不久 once in a while 有时;偶尔;每个一些时候 whip – whip against + n. (风雨等)猛打… whisper—in a whisper = in whispers 低声地

whisper ( a word) to sb.向某人低语 whisper in/into one’s ear与某人耳语

whisper to sb. That…向某人低声说 it was whispered that…传闻说…

whole—as a whole 整体上;作为整体 on the whole总的说来;大体上

wide – open one’s eyes wide睁大眼睛 travel far and wide到处旅游 P204

width-- … km in width …公里宽

wild—be wild about sb. 迷上了某人 be wild with joy 欣喜若狂

be wild to get a holiday abroad 急切地盼望去国外度假 be wild with sb. for因… 对某人生气 in the wild 在荒无人烟的地区


win a wide support 得到广泛的支持 win fame and fortune名利双收

win sb. th 为某人赢得某物 win the election赢得选举

win the first place赢得第一 win the gold/silver/bronze medal赢得金/银/铜牌

wind—a gentle/light wind 微风 a heavy/high/strong wind 强风

window—window dressing 橱窗装饰 window shopping 逛街看橱窗

wipe – wipe off = remove by wiping 擦去;擦到 wipe out 擦去;除去;彻底消灭

wish—wish for 希望;要求;想要 wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事

wish to do sth. 希望做某事 wish that… 希望… (从句中用虚拟语气)

withdraw—withdraw all one’s money from the bank 把所有的存款从银行里里了出来

withdraw from the election/race推出选举/比赛 withdraw the troops撤军

withdraw 500 yuan from a band account 从银行提取500元 P205

within – with call 在叫得到的地方

within hearing distance 在能听得见的地方

we must to live within our income. 我们生活应该量入为出。

without – without delay 不延迟 without difficulty 毫无困难

without doubt 无疑地 without exception毫无例外

witness – bear witness to 为… 作证;作……的证人

woman—Women’s Federation妇联 woman teacher (pl. women teachers)女教师

wonder – be lost in wonder 惊奇地出神 wonder at 对…… 感到惊讶

no wonder (that…) 难怪;不足为奇

wonder about (关于某事)想知道如何;感到疑惑 work—at work 在工作;在起作用

in work有工作 out of work失业 work as充当

work cooperatively / with combined efforts 齐心协力 work hard at努力学习;在… 上下功夫 work of art工艺品

work on从事(某工作);创作;撰写;设计;致力于 work out做出;算出;制定出;解决 P206

wool – a suit made of wool 一套毛料西装

word – get in a word 插话 Word comes that… 有消息传来说…

give sb. one’s word that… = promise sb. that…向某人保证

have a few words with sb.和某人说几句话

have a word with sb.和某人说一两句话 in a in the wrong (way ) 不正确地;错误地

there is sth. wrong with …= sth. is wrong with … 坏了

X-ray—have one’s lungs X-rayed 用x光检查肺 year – all the year round 一年到头

every four years = every fourth year 每四年一次 in the past few years 在过去的几年里

in the years to come在以后的几年里 new year’s day元旦

throughout the year贯穿整个年头 year by word= in short总而言之

in one’s own words 用某人自己的话 in other words换句话说

keep one’s word遵守诺言;守约 put … into words用文字来(表达)

word for word逐字地;原原本本的;一五一十地 world—all over the world = around the world; the world over; throughout the world 遍及全世界

in the world 在世界上;到底(用于加强疑问语气) worm—The early bird gets/ catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。/捷足者先登。

worn – be worn out 累坏了

worry—be worried about/ with 为… 担心 worry about 为… 担心

worse—even worse更糟的是

make things worse使情况更糟的是 What is/ was worse,…更糟的是,…

worth—be (well) worth doing (很)值得一做

be worth notice 值得注意 be worth the trouble 麻烦一点也值得

be worth + 钱数 值(多少)钱 2 dollars worth of sth. 2美元的。。。

thousands of pounds’ worth of (goods/damage)价值数千镑的(货物/损失)

sth. is worth one’s while某事值得某人花时间精力 worthwhile – a worthwhile job 值得做的工作

worthy – be worthy of being done/ to be done (某事)值得一做 be worthy of sth.值得… 的

would – would like to do sth. 想要某人做某事

would like sth. 想要某物 would like/love to do想要做某事

would rather stay at home than go out 宁可呆在家里,不想出去

wrap—be wrapped in sth. 全神贯注/ 埋头于某事;被某人迷住

wrap sth. /sth. (up) in 用… 来包裹某人/某物 P207

write—write down 写下,记下 write for 为…… 撰稿 write out写出 write to sb. 写信给某人

wrong—be wrong with 有毛病; 不舒服;出故障 do wrong做错事;做坏事

go wrong 发生故障;走错了路;(计划等)失败;出毛病



yet -- … and yet… 然而;却 not yet 尚未;还没

young—to stay young 保持/维持年轻 P208

zero—above/below zero degrees centigrade (摄氏) 零度以上/ 一下

zero hour 零时 zero weather 零度气候

zone—a business/ residence zones 商业/住宅区

industrial zones 工业区 parking zone停车场

North / South Temperate Zone 北/南温带 zoo—the London Zoo

