湖南省2018年中考英语总复习训练试题(66份) 人教版25

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( )1.[2017·渝北改编] Although they feel tired, ________ they still go on working. A.and B.but C./

( )2.[2017·广安改编]—________ nice weather! Let's go swimming in our swimming pool. —Good idea!

A.What a B.How C.What

( )3.[2017·云南改编]—Jack, how was your summer vacation? —Just so-so, I decided to go ________ for my next vacation. A.something wonderful B.wonderful somewhere C.somewhere wonderful

( )4.[2017·上海改编] Alex believes he will soon be able to play chess as ________ as the computer. A.well B.better C.the best

( )5.[2017·德阳改编] I didn't read ________ interesting in today's newspaper. A.something B.nothing C.anything ( )6.[2017·德阳改编] My mother is hard-working. ________ she does for my family, ________ she feels. A.More; happier B.The much; the happy C.The more; the happier

( )7.[2017·丹东改编]—The weather is too bad!

—So it is. It's reported that it will be even ________ later on. A.bad B.worst C.worse

( )8.[2017·沈阳] We had fun and learnt ________ new as well. We had a good time. A.something B.anything C.nothing

( )9.[2017·长春改编] Nothing is ________ than keeping trying if you want to achieve your dream. A.very important B.more important C.the most important

( )10.[2018·原创]—How was the football game last week?

—Bad luck! We ________ them in the last game and ________ the second prize. A.beat; won B.were beaten by; won C.won; beat


“Today I will give you a special test,” said the English teacher with a smile on his face.

All the students sat up straight and __11__ for the test to begin. The teacher began to __12__ the test papers to all the students. __13__ he finished handing out the test papers, he asked them to begin.

The students were very __14__ to see that there was not a question but a black dot(圆点) in the center of the paper. The teacher __15__ the students' surprise and said, “I want you to __16__ about what you see there.”

At the end of the class, the teacher took all the students' answer sheets(答题纸) and read the answers. All of them described the black dot. After reading all the answers, the teacher said, “Here everyone only paid attention to the black dot, but no one wrote about the white paper.” The whole class listened __17__, because they were afraid to fail in the exam.

Then the teacher said, “Don't worry about your __18__ for this test. I just want you to think about our life. The white paper is like our whole life and the black dot in the center of the paper stands for problems in our daily life.”

Our life is a __19__ given to us by God(上帝), with love and care. Still, we just pay attention to the problems like illnesses and poverty(贫穷), and never see that these problems are very __20__ compared to

everything else we have in our life.

So we should try to take our eye off our problems and enjoy each moment life gives us. ( )11.A.searched B.looked C.waited ( )12.A.e-mail B.sell C.give ( )13.A.After B.Before C.Until

( )14.A.happy B.surprised C.excited ( )15.A.forgot B.remembered C.noticed ( )16.A.talk B.write C.hear

( )17.A.silently B.angrily C.happily ( )18.A.presents B.marks C.suggestions ( )19.A.problem B.gift C.moment ( )20.A.serious B.big C.small Ⅲ.阅读图表[2017·湘潭]

注:venue集合地点 registration注册 ( )21.When will the walk begin?

A.At 10:00 a.m. B.At 10:30 a.m. C.At 11:00 a.m.

( )22.From this text, we know that ________. A.the walk is 5 kilometers B.the walk lasts for a month C.children don't need to pay Ⅳ.阅读回答问题

A Smile, by Choice!

“I want this report before Sunday! Your deadline!” Robin, my boss, shouted at me as usual. On a Friday evening, that meant my weekend plan would be destroyed. “Sir, I may need some more time. I will try my best for earlier, but Tuesday for sure, sir.” Though it was useless, I tried to express my unwillingness to work on the weekend.

I was disappointed and upset. I came to my desk, but I couldn't go on with my work. I decided to leave for the day and come early to work on Saturday morning. What was worse, I couldn't get my car going. So I decided to take a taxi. As I got close to the road, I became more disappointed. It was raining heavily. I ran to take cover under a tree. Getting wet was adding to my unhappiness big time. Why always me? I could not stop pitying myself. I had no reason to smile or be happy.

While I was waiting, I saw a little girl in a dirty and dusty shirt under a tiny roof(屋檐) nearby. Her hair looked untidy. She was playing with a puppy on her lap. Puppy was a street dog just like the girl. Both of them appeared happy with each other. The girl took out a piece of bread from her bag. She held the bread's corner in her mouth inviting the dog to catch the bread. When the dog managed to get the bread, the girl laughed and hugged the puppy tight. Her laughter was carefree. I had not realized; my eyes were moist(湿润的) with tears.

I had not thought about my office, my disappointment, my unhappiness even for a moment since watching this little girl. She did not want what I wanted. She had nothing that I had. However, she had what I lacked(缺乏)—the spirit to be happy, the ability to find a reason to smile.

She had unknowingly taught me a priceless lesson. Happiness does not depend on what you have; it depends on what you think of what you have. If she could laugh in the situation she was in, who was stopping me? Me, myself!

With a new understanding of life, I started walking in the rain. Yes, I was smiling. I had learnt stealing a smile, by choice, from little moments of life.

23.When did the story happen?

________________________________________________________________________ 24.How did the writer feel when he came to his desk?

________________________________________________________________________ 25.Was the girl playing with a dog or a cat?

________________________________________________________________________ 26.Compared with the girl, what did the writer lack?

________________________________________________________________________ 27.What does the writer learn from the girl?

________________________________________________________________________ Ⅴ.书面表达[2017·岳阳联考]



(1)晚上学习太晚,想多睡一会儿而不吃早饭; (2)家长太忙无法照顾,直接给钱让孩子自己解决;

(3)一些男生把钱拿去玩游戏,一些女生想保持苗条不吃早饭。 后果:

(1)上课无精打采,成绩下降; (2)身体越来越差……

你的建议?(至少写出一条建议并说明原因) 注意:

(1)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名; (2)短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

A survey shows that about 20% of the students have a bad habit of not having breakfast.


Ⅰ.1—5 CCCAC 6—10 CCABB

Ⅱ.【主旨大意】 本文介绍了英语老师举行的一次特别的考试。通过试卷中白纸和中心黑点的对比说明了人生中生活和问题的比例关系,启发学生更多的关注我们生活中的每一刻,不要把目光只放在疾病和贫穷上。

11—15 CCABC 16—20 BABBC

Ⅲ.【主旨大意】 本文是一篇应用文。它介绍了年度慈善步行的一则海报,交代了时间、地点、注册步行的费用等相关信息。

21—22 BA

Ⅳ.【主旨大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了“我”的老板让“我”周末加班完成报告,但是“我”不愿意周末加班,想要离开去透透气。不幸的是汽车出故障,只能坐的士出行,可还没上车天就下起了大雨。在一个屋檐下躲雨的时候,“我”碰到了一个处境很不好,但是积极乐观的女孩,她天真烂漫的笑脸感动了“我”,使“我”忘记了自己的失望、不幸,转而积极乐观地面对生活的故事。

23.On a Friday evening. 24.Disappointed and upset. 25.She was playing with a dog.

26.The spirit to be happy and the ability to find a reason to smile.

27.Happiness does not depend on what you have; it depends on what you think of what you have. Ⅴ.One possible version:

A survey shows that about 20% of the students have a bad habit of not having breakfast.

There are many reasons for this. First, the students stay up late at night, and they would like to sleep more instead of having breakfast. Second, some of their parents are too busy to make breakfast for them, so they have to buy breakfast with the money their parents give them. Third, some boys save the money for computer games while some girls don't eat breakfast for keeping slim. As a result, they're weaker and weaker. Sometimes they even feel sleepy in class, so they cannot get good grades.

In my opinion, it's necessary for teenagers to have a healthy breakfast. So maybe we can provide them

with a healthy breakfast at school every day.

