Rita-新概念英语教案 - 第二册 - 6

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2010-04-17/18 初三、初四


Lesson 6 - Percy Buttons


1、词汇:名词的限定词(冠词、不定代词或短语)。 2、词汇:动词短语(与不同介词搭配而导致意义不同)。 二、教学步骤 【第一节课】


引入话题: 2、听一遍音频,掌握大意。3’

First, answer me a question. Have ① Who knocked at the writer’s door yesterday?

you seen a beggar? 你见过乞丐 ② What did this man ask for?

么?Yes, me too. What do you ③ What did he do to thank the writer?

think about them? Do your feel 3、生词解读,纠正发音。5’

sympathy for them? 你会同情他4、提问:Who is Percy Buttons?


He is so cool, right? So, not all the 5、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。20’

beggars are pathetic. 并不是每一6、再听一遍音频,逐句跟读。2’



不一样的世界观。Ok, today, we 1、做35页的两道选择理解题。5’

will learn a story about a bagger 2、朗读接龙,一起朗读。10’

called Percy Buttons. How is he? 3、找出课文中表达时间顺序的词。3’

What kind of baggers is he? 他是4、表示数量的不定代词或短语(详见下文)。10’

怎样一种乞丐呢?Let’s listen to 5、做33页的练习题。10’

the audio and try to understand the 6、做34页的造句练习。5’

main idea of the story. 7、读绕口令游戏。7’


1、难点:34页的动词短语。15’ 2、听写单词,记忆法指点。5’ 3、听一首英文歌曲。8’ 4、看图背课文比赛。20’


6、布置作业:摘要写作,35页的选择题,背课文和单词。1’ 三、精讲课文

1、move to 移动→搬家。例句:My uncle’s family will move to America next week. 2、beggar 乞丐 → beg:乞求。beg for>ask for【回顾】I beg your pardon? 3、knock at one’s door 敲某人的门。

动词:There is someone knocking at my door. 名词:Did you hear the knock at the door?

knock是不及物动词,可与下列介词连用表示不同含义,详见34页练习。 4、ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物。例句:You can ask him for help.

4、in return for... 作为对?的回报(介词短语)=(不定式)to return the favour


例句:I will give you one thousand in return for your help.

5、stand on one’s head 倒立,拿大顶。例句:-Can you stand on your head? stand on one’s hands 用手撑地。例句:-No, but I can stand on my hands. (stand) on one’s knees 跪下。lie on one’s back 仰面躺着。 6、give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 双宾语【回顾Lesson 3】。

7、put...in/into... 把?放进?里。反义:take...out of... 把?从?里拿出来

8、tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事。例句:Can you tell me something about your family? 9、Everybody knows him. 每一个人都知道他。every强调大家都,但谓语动词要用单数。 11、call sb. = ring sb. = call sb. up = ring sb. up 给某人打电话。例句:I will call you. call on sb. 拜访(某人)。例句:I will call on you.

call at = call in 拜访,光顾(某人家)。例句:I will call at/in your home. call by (at) 顺便光顾(某地)。例句:I will call by at the shops on my way home. 12、in the street [英] = on the street [美]

13、once a month 每月一次。扩展:twice a month, once every two months, three weeks a week 注意a/an的用法:seventy-five beats a minute, five kilometers an hour 四、总结与练习 1、文化背景:

学完这篇课文,大家对乞丐的印象是不是多少有些改变呢?课文中的这个乞丐挺招人喜欢的,他用自己的绝活来换取食物。绝活、杂技:stunt。他们见到你,或许会说:Spare some change. 给些零钱吧。关于乞丐,还有一句英国谚语:Baggers can’t be choosers. 乞丐没的选择。其实呢,如果你去西方国家旅游,经常能看到在街头卖艺的人,这些人有些确实是生活比较困难的,但是还有一些仅仅是在自娱自乐,甚至是学艺术的学生。他们有着不太一样的生活观念。 2、表达时间顺序的词:

① then 然后,接着。文中:Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. ② later 后来,过会儿之后。文中:Later a neighbour told me about him. 3、表示数量的不定代词或短语: (1)用在可数名词前的: ① a/an:a meal, an apple

② some:some books, some men ③ a few:a few words, a few women ④ many:many pictures, many children ⑤ a great many:a great many places

⑥ a great number of:a great number of students ⑦ a lot of = lots of:a lot of people, lots of things (2)用在不可数名词前:

① 绝对不能用a/an,但是可以用the ② some:some meat ③ a little:a little money ④ much:much information

⑤ a great deal of:a great deal of food

⑥ a great amount of:a great amount of rain ⑦ a lot of:a lot of water

⑧ a glass of beer, a piece of cheese, two bags of flour, a bar of soap, a cup of tea, a set of furniture


