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Ilikethemusicwhichcandance 九年级英语教案

unit six i like music that i can dance to.

i.teaching guide

aims 1. learn how to express preferences and causes.

2. write a review of a book, a movie or a cd.


structure 1. what kind of music do you like?

i like music that i can sing along with. what about you?

i prefer music that has great lyrics.

i love singers who write their own music.

2. carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. does xu fei like the moderns?

no, he doesn’t. he prefers…

3. what cd did you listen to recently?

that’s not really important to me.

i like movies that are sad / that have scary monsters.

vocabulary prefer, lyric, remind of, entertainment, feature, photography, photographer, exhibition, gallery, suggest, honest, expect, on display, suit, energy…

grammar attributive clause

tasks task 1. the kinds of friends you like.

task 2. the school uniforms you like.

task 3. all about music.

task 4. a book, a movie or a cd reviews.

ii.teaching procedures and tasks

word study

1. prefer v. 更喜爱,更喜欢choose sth rather than sth else ; like sth better.

1) prefer + n.

i prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs. 我更喜欢演唱轻柔音乐的组合

jennifer prefers musicians who write their own lyrics.

2) prefer sth to sth 比…更喜欢…

which would you prefer , coffee or milk ? 咖啡和牛奶,你喜欢哪一个?

i prefer milk to coffee. 与咖啡相比,我更喜欢牛奶。

i prefer walking to cycling. 我喜欢步行,不喜欢骑自行车。

3) prefer to do sth 宁愿做某事

she prefers to be alone at home. 她宁愿独自在家。

2. dance to the music 伴随着音乐跳舞

sing along with the music 和着音乐一起唱

3. remind sb of sb / sth 提醒,使…记起…

this music reminds me of my childhood. 这首曲子使我想起了我的童年。

4. lyrics 歌词rhythm 节奏韵律melody / tune曲调

5. feature: n. 面貌的一部分(眼,口,鼻等); 显著的或有特色的方面、品质或特点

a prominent or distinctive aspect, quality, or characteristic.

a feature of one's personality; a feature of the landscape人格特征;地形特点

6. photograph. n. 照片,相片

photography. n. 摄影, 摄影术

photographer. n. 摄影师

7. suggest: to bring or call to mind by logic or association; evoke:




8. suit: to meet the requirements of; fit. 适合,符合…的要求:

this candidate does not suit our qualifications.


9. expect vt. to look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of 期待

expecting a telephone call; expects rain on sunday. 等电话;等待星期天下雨

10. though

1) adv. 用于口语中,in spite of this; however; “尽管如此,然而”,放在句尾。

i expect you’re right-i’ll ask him, though.我认为你说得对-我去问问他也好。

she promised to phone. i heard nothing, though.


2) conj. although ; despite the fact that “虽然尽管”, 放在句首或句中不与but 连用

she won the first prize , though none of us had expected it.



(1) go over the new words and phrases.

(2) finish sb p49 1

period 1

task 1. the kinds of friends you like.

1. friends play a very important role in our daily life. what kind of friends do you prefer? make a list about the topic. pay attention to “who”.

e.g. outgoing, not silly, love sports, can keep secrets…

i prefer friends who are easygoing and generous.

i like friends who love sports because…

i don’t prefer friends who are…

2. write a small article about what kinds of friends you prefer.

e.g. friends play an important part in my life. i prefer friends who are easygoing and generous. and i lik e friends who love sports because i’m very good at sports. i don’t prefer friends who are shy or selfish. i like friends who i can tell my worries to, because i need help sometimes. i hope that i can make more friends.

3. note down all the sentences with t he word “who”.

task 2. the school uniforms you like.

1. in unit 3, we talked about the kind of clothes we wear. most of the classmates think we should be allowed to design our own school uniforms. can you tell me what kind of school uniform do you prefer? pay attention to “that”

e.g. original, not ugly, out of style…

i can’t stand clothes that are…

i don’t prefer clothes that are…

i prefer school uniforms that are…

2. write a small article about what kinds of school uniforms you prefer.

