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Unit 10 It’s important to have a healthy lifestyle.

教学目标1.Reading 展示 2.Practice

掌握讲学稿reading单词 单词 掌握讲学稿

truth perform chance effect without trouble amount

n.事实 事实 v.表演,演奏 执行 表演, 表演 演奏;执行 n.机会 机会 n.效果,作用 效果, 效果 prep.无;没有 无 n. 麻烦,困难 麻烦, n.数量 数量

掌握讲学稿词组 1.be told 被告知 2.agree on 在…取得一致意见 取得一致意见 3.a ten-minute nap 小憩10分钟 小憩 分钟 4.allow sb to do 允许某人做… 允许某人做 5.have serious effects on 对…有重要影响 有重要影响 6. have problems with 做… 有麻烦 7.have trouble doing 做….. 遇到麻烦 8.the amount of …..的数量 的数量

It’s important to get enough sleep. We are often told that it’s important to get enough sleep,but do we know why?The truth is,even scientists can’t agree on why we need to sleep. However,it’s clear that the les we sleep,the worse we perform in everyday life.

Have you ever felt tired in the middle of the day,especially after lunch?Acyually,this is quite normal.Researchers have found that it may be healthier to sleep twice a day---a long sleep at night,and a nap in the afternoon.

Even a ten-minute nap at lunchtime can allow us to work better in the afternoon. And if we really can’t find a chance to nap,we Should get a longer sleep at night so we don’t feel tired after lunch.

Not getting enough sleep has serious effects on our brain’s ability to work.If you go without sleep,you might have problems with your memory or with your concentration. In order to concentrate at school or perform well in tests,we really need to get a good night’s sleep.

Some people have trouble sleeping,especially if they are nervous or stressed about something.Sleep experts say that it’s better not try hard to get to sleep,and certainly not to keep looking at the time.To have good sleeping habits,it’s better at regular times,and to sleep in a dark and quiet envirment.It’s also good not to sleep too soon after eating,or after drinking too much water.

The amount of sleep we need is different from person to person,though the average seems to be just under eight hours.Jim Steed,a sleep researcher,has a simpler way of looking at it.”Forget about facts and figures.If we feel tired in the daytime,it means we need to get more sleep.”

Choose the best answer. 1. My brother is too young ___ the road by himself. A. not to cross C. crossing A. for B. to B. to cross D. for crossing C. with D. in

2. Loud music is bad ___ our hearing.

3. Exercising helps us to stay ___ . A. health B. healthy C. healthily D. unhealthy 4. It’s important ___ you___ harder. A. of; study B. for; study C. for; to study D. of; to study 5. It’s nice____ you ___ so. A. of; say B. of; to say C. for; to say D. for; say

6. Our teacher doesn’t let the boy____ TV too much. A. to watch B. watch C. watching D

. watches 7. I would rather drink water ____ coffee. A. to B. by C. for D. than

翻译下列句子。 翻译下列句子。 1. 你认为学英语有用吗? 你认为学英语有用吗?it’s useful__ to Do you think ___ ___ __study English?

2. 为了健康,青少年需要得到足够的睡眠。 为了健康,青少年需要得到足够的睡眠。 In order to ______be healthy, teenagers ______ need to get enough sleep. 3. 老师告诉我们不要在马路上踢足球。 老师告诉我们不要在马路上踢足球。 not _ _ The teacher told us _ to play football on the road.

4. 改正坏习惯永远不会晚。 改正坏习惯永远不会晚。 It is never too _ to change bad habits. _ _ late _ 5. 告诉孩子们不要吃太多的垃圾食品。 告诉孩子们不要吃太多的垃圾食品。too __ Tell children not to eat __ much junk food. 6. 为了健康,我们必须得到足够的睡眠。 为了健康,我们必须得到足够的睡眠。 be healthy In order to__ __ we must get __ __, enough sleep.

7. 你应该注意你的英语口语。 你应该注意你的英语口语。 pay ___ You should _ attention your spoken ___to English. 8. 你认为有必要戒烟吗? 你认为有必要戒烟吗? necessary to _ Do you think it is __ __ give up_ smoking? 9. 我在尽力帮助他脱离困境。 我在尽力帮助他脱离困境。 I’m trying to __ __him __ __. 10. 我需要帮我父母干家务活。 我需要帮我父母干家务活。 I __ __ __help my parents with the housework.

根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。 1. -Do you know the way to the bank? tranger - Sorry, I am a s _______ here. 2. - Can you lend me your bike? ertainly - C________! Here you are! rust 3. Don’t t ____ anyone else! typical 4. Du Fei and Wang Lei are two _______ (典型的 teenagers. 典型的) 典型的 5. If our friends have difficulties, we should share 分享 ______ (分享 with them. 分享)

6. Can you tell me the t______? ruth 7. It will have serious ________ (影响 on 影响) 影响 effects our brains if we don’t get enough sleep. 8. The river is 12 meters d_____. eep 9. The a _______of sleep we need is mount different from person to person. 10. The ground is covered 覆盖 with _______(覆盖 覆盖) snow in winter.

Choose the best answer. 1. You’d better ___ smoking. A. give out B. give in C. give up D. give off 2. You have made so ___ mistakes. You need to do your homework more ___. A. much; careful B. many; carefully C. many; careful D. much; carefully

3. Mom told Lucy to ___ the cake ___ her sister Lily. A. share; with B. share; to C. divide; into D. divide; with 4. Her parents often told her not to watch ___ TV. A. too many C. much too B. many too D. too much

