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L C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B & A 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. A

15. C 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. C


(TeXt 1)

W: Are you going out?

M: Yes, in a Iittle While .I'm going to buy SOme milk. Il WOn ,t be IOng ?

W: COUld you take OUt the garbage On your Way out?

M: SUre? LeaVe it by the doo匚

(TeXt 2)

W: Γm thinking Of going bowling tonight. Are you interested in COnling along? We Can meet at my house and then go together.

M: Sorry, Γm Planning On Staying at home tonight to StUdy for my SCienCe exam.

(TeXt 3)

M: EXCUSe me. Can I buy tickets here?

W: No, tickets are On Sale OVer there, at the ticket OffiCe?

M: OK, is there a discount for SeniOr CitiZens?

W: Γm not SUre? FOr more information ask at the ticket OffiCe?

(TeXt 4)

M: I have a SOre throat and a ninny nose? I think I have a COld?

W: OK. Let me examine you. OVer here? PleaSe? OPen your mouth, PleaSe? OK. You,ve CaIlght the flu and I think you'd better ask for SiCk IeaVe from WOrk and have a rest at home?

(TeXt 5)

M: What Will Greg do When he finishes his SPaniSh course?

W: He Said he WOUld go to COlOnlbia for a While?

M: That,s a g∞d idea. He,ll be able to PraCtiCe the IangUage?

W: Yes. he WOlft have anyone to help him SO he Will have to SPeak SPaniSh?

(TeXt 6)

M: LO Ok at those boats! Γm thinking Of buying One?

W: What? YOU don't need a boat. Its a WaSte Of money!

M: No, it isn,t? Think Of all the SUmmerS We Can SPend On it!

W: BUt IOOk at the price!

M: I WaS getting to that. With a Iittle help from a friend, I COUld buy it. I just need to borrow $1,000. W: You,re kidding, right?

M: No, and I PrOmiSe to Pay you back Very soon. Please!

W: Sorry, BilIy .I'm broke ? Anyway, I WOUIdlvt Iend you money for a boat!

(TeXt 7)

M: Hello. Mike SPeaking. What Can I do for you?

W: Hello. ThiS is Ella CamPbCIL and Γm Calling from Bright LightS Radio. COUld I SPeak to your

PR manager, please?

M: Can I ask What your Call is concerning?

W: Yes, Γm CalIing about the new hotel your COmPany is building near the beach in BrightOn.

M: OK. The PR Inanager is Mr. Nash. Fm afraid Mr. NaSh is not available right now. Can I take a message? W: Yes, COUld you ask him to Call me? It's quite urgent. WC Want to interview him On OUr radio ShOw. M: TO be honest With you. Ms. CamPbelh the best Way to get in touch With Mr. NaSh is to Send him an e-mail.

W: An e-mail? IS it not POSSible to Send him a text message?

M: Γm afraid not. BUt he does reply to all e-mails.

(TeXt 8)

W: GOOd morning, sb. What Can I do for you?

M: Hi. I just bought this Camera a few days ago, but When I took it OUt Of the PaCking r I noticed that there WaS SOmething WrOng With the Ωash. When I try to PhOtOgraPh. the flash doesn,t go off. W: Γm SOrry you had a PrOblem With OUr product. DO you Still have the receipt?

M: My receipt is right here along With the Original box.

W: We don,t have that PrOdUCt at the moment, but We Can exchange it for a Camera Of the Same PriCe.

Or, I Can ask the technician to fix it, Or I Can give your money back?

M: I think Γd Iike to get a new Camera today ins tead Of asking my InOney back?

W: It IOOkS Iike everything is in order. Why don't you take a IOOk around and See if there,s another model you like?

(TeXt 9)

W: George, how are you finding IiVing in this Side Of the city?

M: Well, I have a job that is ChaIlenging and Very interesting. I IOVe it. BUt Γm a bit lonely. AIthOUgh I have been IiVing in the City for almost 30 years, my family, my friends and ClaSSmateS are all in the OPPOSite Side Of the city. I don,t really know anyone here CXCePt you and TOm in the OffiCe?

W: Yes, it's tough moving to a new PlaCe Where you don't know many people, but you donhave to be lonely. There are IOtS Of amazing PeOPle WhO IiVe in this area? YOU ShOUld COmC and have dinner With us. I Can introduce you to my neighbors WhO Will absolutely IOVe you!

M: DO you think so? Γd IOVe to meet SOnIe PeOPle WhO are fun to be with.

W: WelL Why don't you COme OVer to my house next Saturday? Γll invite a group Of friends WhO I think you,Il find both interesting and great fun. DOeS that SOUnd OK?

M: That SOUndS great. Thanks!

(TeXt 10)

W: DO you Want to WOrk for the trendiestcafe Chain in Europe? FrOIn LOndOn to WarSaW and from OSlO to Bucharest, CVCryonC is getting to know OUr name nowadays .If you Want to WOrk in a PlaCe SerVing great CUStOmerSJOining EUrO Cafe COUld be just the right move for you. COme to the EUrO Cafe JOb Fair On Friday, JUne 7. from 9 a.m. to 5 Or On SatUrday, JUne & from 10 a.m?to 4 p.m? ThiS event is being held in CitieS all across EUrOPe. SO CheCk for POSitiOnS in your area ?

At EUrO Cafe, OUr Staff PerfOrm a Variety Of roles. We,re IOOking for PeOPle WhO Can act as SOft drink servers, StOrerOOm CIerkS and Cleaning CreW as needed? EUrO Cafe Staff WOrk in a

fast-paced CnVirOnment to keep OUr CUStOmerS happy and COming back?

EmPlOyeeS WhO WOrk hard Can expect to advance rapidly Within OUr COmPany?APPliCantS

ShOUld have good COmmUniCatiOn and SerViCe SkilIS?YOU Can Sign UP for the fair at WwW?emocuf^.net∕iobfuh? anvlimc before JUnC 1? FOr additional information CalI 999-239-0107 Or fax an enquiry to 999-284? 1702? If you CannOt attend you may also ViSit One Of OIIr human resources OffiCeS at any Iime?


PaSSage A.本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了Long-distance πιnner GiannakOS帮助身体残疾的TOrSiOn登上了希腊奥林匹斯的最髙峰,从而实现她的梦想。

21. D.考査细节理解。根据第二段最后一句 BefOre HiS IateSt effort, he z d already SUCCeSSfUIly admired (taken in) the VieW from atop MOUnt Olympus' highest Peak 50 times 可知Giannakos 共登顶51次。可知答案为D.

22. B 考査词义猜测。根据第三段When GiannakOS met and befriended 22-year-old biology StUdent TOrSiOn and Iearned Of her dream to experience the SUmmit herself, it SeeIned Only natural that he WaS more than ready to rise to the OCCaSiOn可知她的目标是登上顶U触可知答案为B。

23. A.考查细巧理解。根据第四段When they reached 2,400 meters, the Party StOPPed to rest. 可知他们露营的目的是休息。答案应选A。

PaSSage B.本文是一篇说明文。讲述了美国黑人青少年女孩勇敢讲岀他们没来的种族霸凌。

24.C?考査细节理解。根据第一段"Gabrielle, a 15-year-old teenager, knows the Pain Of microaggressions all too well."我们可知答案为CO

25. D 考查态度观点。根据第二段"We're Pretty for black girls/' SaId other black teenagers, describing Inicroaggressions they have faced?八That We act white. That we,re OUtSPOken to be black-可知,他们能坦率的面对自己的肤色。我们可以得出D项正确。

26. A.考査细i'j理解。根据第四段Walker's advice for yoιιng BIaCk girls is to botlι take a deep breath and also try to CdUCate Other people, When possible.可知D 项正确。

27. B.考査主旨标题。本文讲述了讲述了美国黑人青少年女孩勇敢讲出他们面临的种族霸凌。故B项为最佳答案。


28. C.考查细节理解。第一段就说研究人员可能已经找到了尼安徳特人的食人行为的原因:全球变暧。然后详细讲了该研究的相关情况。所以该研究主要研究安徳特人的食人行为的原因。29. B.考查细节理解。从第三段the Change from COld z dry Climate to a Warmer One happened quickly可知B项为正确答案。

30. B.考查推理判断,既然该研究的结论是气候变化导致了尼安徳特人的食人行为,这就是该研究的作者的观点,所以选B。

第二节本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了LaUraDCWCyBridgman, —位被红热病剥夺了听力和视力的孩子,在Dr. HOWe的帮助下学习读书和写字的故事。

31.答案:A 前文提至IJ u Today. PeOPle λvlιo are deaf and blind Call IeCen W e a Stalldard education.,, 后文提到“At one Umueducators…“有转折关系,A项符合上下文语境。

32.答案:C 前文提到U SCarlet fever destroyed both her hearmg and her SIght at age t?vo∕?后

文提到M Only her SenSe Of touch WaS IlOt affected."都是在讲感官?C项符合上下文语境°

33.答案:B 上一段结尾提到'4Aprofessor ...and??τote a newspaper article about Lalira.,?空格后提到八He WaS head Of the PerklnS SCllOOl for die Blmd in Boston.、'结合后文可知"Hc”捋"Dr.



35.答案:F前文提到LaUra学习认读单词之后,继续学习字母表和数字,F项中H亡ep a journal of her thoughts and expressions''表明了她在学习上取得的进一步成绩,符合上下文语境。第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分45分)


36. D.根据因为疫情毕业典礼取消。A项意为“安排” :B项意为“庆祝” ;C项意为“延迟” :D项意为“取消”。所以B项符合语境。

37. A.根据下文可知女儿不知道此事。A项意为“知逍”;B项意为“争论”:C项意为“考虑” :D项意为“在乎”。故C项符合语境。

3&B.根据语境可知,女儿很伤心难过。A项意为“被宠坏的” ;B项意为“难过的” :C 项意为“害怕的” :D项意为“被搞糊涂的”。故B项符合语境。

39. C.根据语境可知,父亲不忍心看到他女儿伤心。A项意为“相信” :B项意为“意识到” :C项意为“忍受” :D项意为“分享”。故D项符合语境。

40. A.根据语境可知父亲决心为女儿举办毕业典礼。A项意为“决心”;B项意为“承诺”;C项意为“犹豫” :D项意为“更喜欢”。故C项符合语境。

41. D.根据下文可知毕业典礼在家里进行。故D项符合语境。

42. B.根据语境,可知女儿一直不知道,说明父亲保密成功。A项意为“声称” :B项意为“设法做成” ;C项意为“试图” :D项意为“失败”。故B项符合语境。

43. C.根据语境可知,之前女儿不知道,这给了他惊喜。A项意为“使失望”;B项意为“被困

扰” ;C项意为“使惊讶” :D项意为“使恼怒”。故C项符合语境。

44. A.根据语境这是很棒的一天。A项意为“盛大的”:B项意为“忙碌的”:C项意为“最后的” :D 项意为“平常的”。故A项符合语境。

45. D.根据语境有许多人来捧场。A项意为“主持” :B项意为“期待” :C项意为“赞美” :D项意为“出席”。故D项符合语境。

46? B.根据语境可知所有在场者都遵守防疫规泄。A项意为“礼服” :B项意为“ 口罩”;C项意为“制服” :D项意为“化妆”。故B项符合语境。

47. C.根据上下文语境可知,女儿接过毕业证书。A项意为“蛋糕”:B项意为“奖学金”;C项意为“证书” :D项意为“帮忙”。故C项符合语境。


49. D.根据语境,父亲一下子说不出话。A项意为“焦虑的” :B项意为“谨慎的” ;C 项意为“无助的” :D项意为“无言的”。故D项符合语境。

50. B.根据语境B项符合正确。

51. C.根据语境可知,街上的人都驻足观看。A项意为“旅行” :B项意为“志愿” ;C 项意为“停下” :D项意为“等待”。故C项符合语境。

52. A.根据语境,父亲看到这样的情景夫复何求。A项意为“请求” :B项意为“赠送”;C项意为“同意” :D项意为“解出”。故A项符合语境。

53. D.根据语境D项正确。

54. B.根据语境可知,父亲为女儿办了一个。A项意为“注册” :B项意为“创造” ;C项意为“参加” :D项意为“接受”。故B项符合语境。

55. C.根据语境大家都开心可知,父亲非常自豪。故C项符合语境。



57.fattest.此处考查形容词的最髙级。故填fattest o

58.to dcteπnine.此处考査动词不定式作目的状语。故填to determine a

59.Where ?此处考查圧语从句,先行词为Web Page a故填Where

60.The .此处考宦冠词。故填Theo

61.WaS founded.此处考被动语态。故填WaS foundedo






Dear Peter,

HOW is everything going? Fm λvritiιιg to express my gratitude for your genuine COnCern and inform you Of how OUr family Celebrated NatiOnal Day.

ThiS golden Week OUr family Went to WUhan by high-speed railway. On arrival, We ViSited WUhan HOSPital Where medical Staff COnIbated COVid-19 in MarCh? DUring OUr stay, We toured around the heroic City and tasted IOCal CUiSine? On the IaSt day, my ParentS accompanied me to WUhan University, Iny dream university, WhiCh is known for blossoming SaklIraS?It is a PreCiOUS memoιy we 41 treasure fbreλ^er.

BeSt WiSheS and PleaSe take Care ClUnng the PandemiC?

YOUrS sincerely, Li HUa 参考范文(二)Dear Peter: ThalIk you for your Ilealtfelt COnCenl about our PreSent SitUatiOn and Fm Writing to Share how We SPent OUr national holiday With you.

DUring the golden week, OUr family took a brief trip to Shanghai. We Went to SOme attractive tourist destinations and had a bite Of SOme IOCal food. My ParentS also accompanied me to the Disneyland, Where We had great fun. The epidemic has been effectively COntained in China, PeOPle Stin Wear masks When going to PUbliC PIaCeS? Britain is also going through a hard time now and PIeaSe take good care!

BeSt wishes!

SincereIy5 Li




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The ZoO keeper quietly qot UP Cmd decided to inVeStiqClte What VVQS qoinq。门in the zoo. He knew he had to be CarefUl because He WaS UnSUre Of What these PeOPle Were doing. The ZoO keeper began to WGigh his options, he COUld Set Off the alarm but that WOUld alert the burglars, Or he COUld COnfrOnt them but that COUld POten廿ally PUt him in danger. He turned the COrner but made SUre not to be Seen SO that he COUld See WhO Had entered the zoo.

The ZoO keeper SaVV two PeOPIe in front Of a bird CQqg tryinq to break the lock. BOth Of the burglars IOOked UP at the ZOO keeper in ShOCk? The bird tried to get away and bit OnG Of the burglars ? The ZOO keeper triggered the alarm WhiCh turned On all Of the IightS in the zoo. The ZOO keeper recognized the burglars to be two Of the new interns. When the POliCe arrived, the ZOO keeper explained What had HaPPened during the night? The burglar WhO had been bit by the bird WaS badly injured and required medical treatment and the Other WaS arrested for breaking into the zoo.








































