Final m chapter 1-14 s罗宾斯管理学练习题

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Managers and Management

Chapter 2: The Management Environment

Chapter 3: Foundations of Planning

Chapter 4: Foundations of Decision Making

Chapter 5: Basic Organization Design

Chapter 6: Staffing and Human Resource Management.............................................................

Career Module: Building Your Career

Chapter 7: Managing Change, Stress, and Innovation ...............................................................

Chapter 8: Foundations of Individual and Group Behavior

Chapter 9: Understanding Work Teams

Chapter 10: Motivating and Rewarding Employees ..................................................................

Chapter 11: Leadership and Trust

Chapter 12: Communication and Interpersonal Skills................................................................

Chapter 13: Foundations of Control

Chapter 14: Operations Management


Building Your Career


For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.

Searching for a Job

It is the summer before Heather's senior year at college. Her parents and friends have been talking about how difficult the job market is for students majoring in economics, and she is very concerned about her potential opportunities for employment. She has thought about different opportunities that are open for her with an economics major, and believes that her liberal arts background will actually be helpful in her job search. Heather has visited the career center for help with her résumé. She has been to practice interviews and has even gotten advice about how she should dress for her interview. And now the hunt begins!

1. Heather has identified her skills and interests and tried to match them with career fields.

She has also talked to people who are in the fields she is considering. These are steps in __________________________. a. networking b. interviewing c. mentoring d. career planning

2. The best ________ for Heather is whatever offers the best match between what she wants

out of life and what she needs. a. job b. life c. dream d. career

3. An advisor at the career center encouraged Heather to ___________________ so that her

chances for an interview would not be immediately reduced. a. omit volunteer experience from her résumé b. carefully proofread her résumé

c. use original descriptions of her work experience d. create a Websume

4. Heather has secured her first interview with a potential employer. To prepare for the

interview, she should _____________________________ .

a. write a thank-you note to the recruiter conducting the interview b. research the organization with which she is interviewing

c. cram the night before to prepare responses to frequently asked questions

d. avoid reviewing frequently asked questions in order to preserve a sense of

spontaneity during the actual interview




For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.

Managerial Basic Training (Scenario)

Imagine that your marketing company has just merged with a manufacturing

organization. You have been asked to help provide some ―basic‖ managerial training to the engineers in the research and development unit of the new sister company. To make sure you are covering the necessary issues, your boss has asked to see an overview of materials that you will be providing the engineers.

1. Now that both companies are merged and are a systematic arrangement of people set to accomplish a specific purpose, they could be described as a(n) _____________. a. business unit

b. multinational company c. organization

d. holding company

2. One of the first things the engineers need to learn is that _____________ are the people who direct the activities of others in an organization. a. directors b. managers c. subordinates d. line workers

3. Another fact that engineers need to learn is that supervisors may frequently be referred to as _____________. a. middle managers b. top managers c. project leaders d. first-line managers

4. Many of the engineers in the group are unclear about what managers actually do. Your training materials explain that a manager’s job focuses on _____________. a. the performance of clerical duties b. personal achievement

c. helping others accomplish their work goals

d. supervising groups rather than individual employees

The Customer Meeting (Scenario)


Kelly, a production supervisor, is responsible for 10 employees who assemble

components into a finished product that is sold to distributors. Kelly reports to Ben, a production manager, who in turn reports to Dan, a general manager, who reports to McKenna, a vice president of operations. Recently, McKenna asked Dan to have a meeting with Kelly and Ben regarding some customer concerns in the production area. The focus of the meeting was to judge the validity of the customer concerns, and to develop a specific plan to address these concerns.

5. What is the commonality among Kelly, Ben, Dan, and McKenna? a. They all produce the same product. b. They all have the same job content. c. They all are managers.

d. They all have the same vision.

6. Kelly is considered to be what level of management? a. top manager

b. superintendent of assembly c. middle manager d. first-line manager

7. Ben and Dan are considered to be what level of management? a. top managers b. middle managers

c. superintendents of assembly d. first-line managers

8. McKenna is considered to be what level of management? a. top manager

b. superintendent of assembly c. middle manager d. first-line manager

The Perfect Manager (Scenario)

Brenda Kraft has proven herself to be an able manager. Her section has a high project completion rate with the highest-quality product and the lowest defects in her division. In addition, she accomplishes this with fewer full-time people than other managers. Some say that the secret of her success is in her ability to delegate responsibility and her understanding of the basic ―management processes.‖

9. Brenda’s ability to complete activities efficiently and effectively with and through other people is known as _____________. a. management b. leadership


c. d. coercion delegation

10. Brenda’s ability to produce the same amount of product with fewer personnel is a reflection of her ___________. a. effectiveness b. process skills c. leadership d. efficiency

11. The fact that Brenda completes her projects is an indication of her _____________ as a manager. a. leadership b. effectiveness c. efficiency

d. attention to detail

12. If Brenda accomplished her projects on time with high-quality results, but she took more time than other managers in the process, you could say that as a manager she was ____________. a. efficient, but not effective

b. a leader, but not a top manager c. project oriented, but not effective d. effective, but not efficient

13. The ―management processes‖ exemplified by Brenda include all but which of the following? a. planning b. controlling c. organizing d. calibrating

Joe the Manager (Scenario)

As a production supervisor, Joe decides on Friday afternoon how many units of output his employees will be able to produce and on which days certain products will be run in his department. He also decides which of his employees are going to be responsible for operating which machines within the department next week, as his employees are multi-skilled assemblers. On Monday, he informs his employees of their assignments to specific machines by handing out assignment sheets. He tells the employees that the schedule is going to be difficult this week due to the increased number of units. He goes on to tell them that he is sure they can fulfill the schedule because they are such good and skilled employees. Each day during the week, Joe checks the amount


of output that the employees have completed and the number of units that have been rejected.

14. When Joe decides how many units of output his employees will be able to produce and on which days certain products will be run, he is performing which of the management processes? a. controlling b. leading c. planning d. organizing

15. When Joe checks the amount of output that the employees have completed and the number of units that have been rejected, he is performing which of the management processes? a. controlling b. leading c. planning d. organizing

16. When Joe tells the employees that he is sure they can fulfill the schedule because they are such good and skilled employees, he is performing which of the management processes? a. controlling b. leading c. planning d. organizing

The Busy Day (Scenario)

Don Eskew, plant manager at Control Systems, Inc., sighed as he sipped his first cup of coffee at 5 A.M. and read his agenda for the day. He is giving two company tours in the morning: the first to a newspaper reporter who is writing a story on the new plant expansion, and the second to a group of Control Systems managers from the east coast. Don then has a meeting with the unit manager, Phil Johnson, to discuss Phil’s recent drop in performance (a task Don always hates). Next, Don is spending a couple of hours reviewing the trade journals he receives from his high-tech association and writing up a brief synopsis for his presentation next week to the division president. Finally, in the late afternoon, he will be reviewing the new equipment malfunction and deciding whether to bring in extra people to get the equipment running as soon as possible. Whew! Just another day in the glamorous life of a manager.

17. Together, all of the functions that Don performs during his busy day correspond to the management roles discovered in the late 1960s by which one of the following management researchers?


a. b. c. d. Herzberg Skinner Mintzberg Fayol

18. When Don conducts the tour for the east coast managers, he will be operating in which of the management roles? a. leader b. liaison c. monitor d. figurehead

19. When Don meets with Phil to discuss Phil’s performance issues, Don will be operating in which management role? a. leader b. figurehead c. monitor

d. disturbance handler

20. What role will Don be performing when he gives the plant tour to the newspaper reporter? a. monitor b. figurehead c. disseminator d. spokesperson

21. When Don reviews the new equipment malfunction, what management role will he play when deciding whether to bring in extra people? a. monitor b. disseminator

c. resource allocator d. disturbance handler

The General Manager (Scenario)

Michael is the general manager of a production facility. In a routine day, Michael might meet with city officials or civic leaders about environmental issues due to the plant’s presence in the community. After these meetings, he will then meet with the plant’s functional managers to discuss the concerns expressed by the city

representatives. Other times, Michael might meet with the production manager, Betty, and the human resource manager, Joyce, to discuss a complaint filed by one of the employees in a production department. Michael might also spend time on the Internet looking for new technologies that can be used in the production processes of his plant.


22. When Michael gains information from city officials or civic leaders to learn how the plant’s operations may be affecting the environment, he is performing which management role? a. leader

b. resource allocator c. entrepreneur d. monitor

23. When Michael meets with Betty and Joyce to discuss a complaint filed by one of the employees in a production department, he is performing which management role?

a. resource allocator b. disturbance handler c. liaison d. figurehead

24. When Michael meets with the functional managers to share with them the results of the meeting with city officials or civic leaders, he is performing which management role? a. disseminator b. liaison

c. disturbance handler d. negotiator

25. When Michael spends time on the Internet looking for new technologies that can be used in the production processes of his plant, he is performing which management role? a. leader

b. entrepreneur c. spokesperson

d. disturbance handler

26. Michael’s search for new technologies that can be used in the production processes of his plant is an example of which type of management role? a. interpersonal b. informational c. decisional d. controlling

27. Michael’s search for new technologies that can be used in the production processes of his plant is an example of which type of management skill? a. conceptual b. communication c. effectiveness


d. interpersonal

Application of Management Skills

Shawna, a management major at a local college, had a class assignment to interview a business manager. When she approached her uncle, Harris, who is the CEO of a large firm that manufactures cereal and related products, he suggested that she would get a better feel for management if she would \a day with him, observing how he dealt with a variety of issues throughout the workday. Harris’ first appointment for the day was a meeting with the division

manager who was having difficulties meeting his target amount due to his inability to motivate his employees. Then Harris was off to the assembly line floor to inspect a new procedure for filling cereal boxes. For lunch, Shawna accompanied her uncle to a gathering of local CEOs, where everything from the new hiring laws to the latest economic reports was discussed. After lunch, Shawna sat in on a meeting where the five-year strategic plan for the company was evaluated. All in all, it was a day full of information Shawna could use for her class assignment.

28. The meeting with the division manager concerning his inability to motivate his employees required Harris’ use of _____. a. political skills b. interpersonal skills c. technical skills d. conceptual skills

29. Inspecting the new procedure for filling cereal boxes is an example of which of the following competencies? a. political skills b. interpersonal skills c. technical skills d. conceptual skills

30. The five-year meeting for setting a strategic plan calls for the use of _____. a. political skills b. interpersonal skills c. technical skills d. conceptual skills



For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.

Business Expansion Plan (Scenario)


As a business expansion director, Shana’s goal is to scout out potential locations and basically provide input on how her company should proceed with its planned expansion to Europe. There are many options, including maintaining the business’s head office in the United States and sending over company representatives when necessary or establishing separate operations facilities abroad and hiring locals as managers.

1. If Shana’s company decides to open another company in France but maintain its

management in the United States, it would be considered _________________. a. a transnational corporation b. a multinational company c. a regional trade alliance d. a joint venture

2. If Shana’s company decides to open a completely new operation in Germany, tailoring

the company to local customs and marketing strategies and hiring local managers, it would be considered _______________. a. a multinational corporation b. a borderless organization c. a regional trade alliance d. a transnational corporation

3. If Shana’s company eliminates country-designated locations and reorganizes based on

industry groups, it would be considered a __________________. a. borderless organization b. strategic partnership c. global business alliance d. multination corporation

4. One section of Shana’s company’s business plan involves strategic alliances and joint

ventures. This section is most likely focused on the _________ phase of the company’s global business expansion. a. legal b. middle c. final

d. preliminary

Software Entrepreneurial Venture (Scenario)

Theodore and James have formed an entrepreneurial venture to develop software for banks and other financial institutions. Their company is growing, but in looking for opportunities in the future, they decide to explore international operations.

5. The international operations in their firm continue to grow. Theodore and James have

come to see that decentralized management using foreign nationals to run operations in




For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.

It’s Academic (Scenario)

You are the academic dean for a small liberal arts college. The university president has asked you to develop a plan for the college. He wants the plan to cover the next five years. He wants it to be as specific as possible, but it should leave some room for flexibility.

1. Because your plan will have specific objectives covering a period of five years along with

specific action plans for achieving of these objectives, your plan could best be described as ______________. a. contractual b. formal c. defined d. standard

2. The president has expressed concern regarding the impact of planning on the ability of the

organizational to respond to emerging changes in the higher education environment, such as distance learning and corporate universities. You should tell the president that planning _______________.

a. forces managers to look at the present b. forces managers to anticipate change

c. eliminates the consideration of the impact of change d. increases uncertainty

Retail Planning (Scenario)

Mr. Tyler Nall is president and CEO of a retail chain that is about to begin operations in

numerous major cities across the United States. The stores will sell home furnishings that are considered moderately priced for the average-income buyer. During the last few months he has been working to lay out directions for the managers of the stores. Mr. Nall and his vice presidents have decided that each store should have sales equal to or greater than $100 per square foot, per day. To attract an adequate number of customers, the store should be well maintained both inside and out.

3. The primary task that Mr. Nall and the vice presidents have been performing during the

last couple of months is known as ____________. a. laying out ideas b. making plans

c. establishing networks d. designing the stores


4. The statement that each store should have sales equal to or greater than $100 per square

foot, per day is an example of ___________. a. a specific plan b. a directional plan c. an objective

d. management by objectives

5. Because the environmental conditions in which home furnishing stores operate are

generally stable, the statements intended to attract customers would most likely be considered to be ___________. a. tactical plans b. specific plans c. directional plans d. strategic plans

6. The statement that all stores should be well maintained both inside and out is an example

of a _________. a. directional plan b. specific plan c. stated goal d. real goal

A Business Plan (Scenario)

Imagine that you are the owner of a small company that sells typewriters, business equipment, and computer hardware. You employ about 40 people. You know that the organization needs to move in a different direction, and you want to set some long-term goals for the company. You want to write a plan that will cover the next three years only, knowing that business needs change somewhat frequently. Your goal is to write a plan that provides direction but does not contain extremely well-defined, potentially restrictive objectives.

7. The fact that your plan covers three years suggests that your plan is most consistent with

what type of plan? a. specific b. long term c. tactical d. strategic

8. Your plan will cover the entire organization. This characteristic is most consistent with

what type of plan? a. specific b. long term c. standard d. strategic


E-Biz Dreams (Scenario)

Robert Downs has just completed a Master of Science degree in computer science at Major State University. He now wants to begin a new Internet business selling his services as a Web site maker for companies in his home city, St. Louis. He estimates that, if his business idea is a success, within one year he will be employing at a minimum 10 programmers and two analysts.

9. To make his business successful, Robert will first have to develop what type of plan?

a. tactical b. specific c. directional d. strategic

10. To clarify how the overall goals are to be achieved, Robert will have to develop a

_______________. a. tactical plan b. specific plan c. directional plan d. strategic plan

11. To ensure that the organization’s objectives are clearly defined and do not leave room for

interpretation, he will have to develop what type of plan? a. tactical b. specific c. directional d. strategic (b; moderate; p. 76)

12. To provide the programmers and analysts general guidelines about the efficiencies that

are desired, he will have to develop what type of plan? a. tactical b. specific c. directional d. strategic (c; moderate; p. 76)

XYZ Planning (Scenario)

At organization XYZ, the plans are made at the top, and then those managers meet with their subordinates at the next level and mutually agreed-to goals are established with them. The mid-level managers then meet with their first-level managers and mutually agreed-to goals


are established with them. Finally, the first-level managers meet with each of their employees and mutually agreed-to goals are established with them.

13. The planning approach used at the XYZ organization is _______________.

a. management by objectives b. directional planning c. specific planning d. traditional planning

Dollars to Donuts (Scenario)

Ralph Friedgrin is the owner of a chain of five donut shops in Smalltown, MD. Smalltown is located along the Interstate 95, about half-way between Lost and Nowhere.

14. Mr. Friedgrin demands that the five store managers during their weekly meeting discuss

what the customers in their stores are requesting. Mr. Friedgrin always reads the monthly donut-industry magazine, Holey Mazole. He always attends the Annual National Conference of Donut Makers and updates his managers when he returns. These activities are examples of __________. a. competitive intelligence b. benchmarking

c. environmental scanning d. global scanning

15. On occasion, Mr. Friedgrin goes to nearby, larger towns such as Lost and Nowhere to

visit big chain donut shops. Mr. Friedgrin purchases donuts and chats with these customers about their donut likes and dislikes. He also will ―peek‖ into the kitchen to view the equipment, or when he can, he will watch through the customer observation window to see the whole process. Mr. Friedgrin is performing which planning technique? a. competitive intelligence b. environmental scanning c. benchmarking d. global scanning

16. Mr. Friedgrin recently went on a well-deserved vacation. While at the beachfront resort,

Mr. Friedgrin took many notes regarding the excellent service he received. On the flight home, he reviewed his notes to see what lessons he could apply to his donut shops. When Mr. Friedgrin is out looking at the ―best practices‖ of the other donut stores in these towns, he is performing which of the following? a. competitive intelligence b. benchmarking

c. environmental scanning d. strategic planning


SWOT Analysis (Scenario)

As a process of self-examination during her senior year of college, Casey decides to develop a SWOT analysis of her prospects relative to getting a job.

17. Casey realizes that she has a personal characteristic that suggests she is not comfortable

interacting with strangers. She interprets this as a(n) ___________ if she is to get a job as a salesperson. a. alternative b. strength c. weakness d. opportunity

18. Casey majored in marketing and really enjoyed studies in market research. Through

research on the Internet and in the university library, she discovers that this industry appears to have significant positive external trends. She interprets this as a(n) ___________. a. alternative b. strength c. weakness d. opportunity

19. Casey has been involved in ______________ at a personal level.

a. opportunity analysis b. risk avoidance c. strategic planning d. Stage decision making

Un Taco Pequeno (Scenario)

Imagine that you are the president of Taco Rocket, a new and successful chain of 100 Mexican fast-food restaurants. The success you have experienced in the last 5 years has you thinking of what to do with the business next. Should you expand the business at the current rate? Open new and different restaurants? What?

20. You decide to concentrate on Taco Rocket’s primary business by only increasing the

menu to include new items such as enchiladas and rice bowls. This is an example of what type of growth strategy? a. quality improvement

b. new-product development c. retrenchment d. diversification


