Western Music Zone

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Western Music Zone (第一期)

编辑:黄旋 播音:沈磊 肖逸婷 张津越 赵望尧

[Music——Start Of Something New]



A:Yeah,college is a magic place where some people find their dreams and others lose themselves. Anyway,新学期第一期节目献给我们的学弟学妹们,let’s atart of something new.

B:This is the English Radio of Donghu College FM87.0。I’m B在今天的欧美音乐天地中,我们要和大家分享的是美国一部获得艾美奖的电视电影HighSchoolMusical的电影原声带,以及和青春有关的歌曲。


B:对,第四部还没有发布。Maybe the songs will sound a lot more better after watching the movie, if you find it not so good at first. But if you like musical, pop music and Disney, you gonna fall in love with it.

[Music——Get'cha Head In The Game] A: 这是迪士尼频道首部原创电影。故事发生在两个高中生之间。特洛伊(扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron饰)和盖布利拉(瓦妮莎·安妮·哈金斯 Vanessa Anne Hudgens饰)本是分属两个世界的年轻人。特洛伊从小就作为篮球种子来培养,而盖布利拉则是个高智商的学习优秀学生。

B:While on a New Year's Eve vacation,high school hoops star Troy and brainy Gabriella - two teens who are worlds apart - meet. During a karaoke contest they discover their love for singing and an interest in each other.After vacation,Troy finds out that Gabriella is the new girl at his school. A:艺术老师打算挑选合适的人选参演一部音乐剧,特洛伊和盖布利拉凭着优美默契的歌声打动了老师。要获得最终的演出资格,他们还得在第二轮面试中打败对手,然而,事情却起了波折。

B:Troy's friend Chad and Gabriella's new friend Taylor discourage them from moving forward with their plans.But it's Ryan and his sister Sharpay - who really try to thwart their efforts.


B:听说了故事情节以后,相信你们心中对这部电影的原声也有个大致轮廓了吧。It was recorded in five days,and released on January 10, 2006, becoming the best selling album of that year, having sold more than 3.7 million copies in the US and Canada as of January 2007. 专辑刷新了全美单张原声带最多首[9首]的进榜单曲新纪录。

[Music——When There Was Me and You]

A:原声大碟中闯进Billboard热门单曲榜的9首歌曲中,有5首歌曲都打进TOP40,分别是刷新近半世纪以来单周跳升名次最高纪录,窜升至第4名的男、女对唱曲〈Breaking Free〉,一周之内从第100名直冲第23名的青春劲歌〈Get'cha Head In The Game〉 B:"Breaking Free" went from number #86 to #4 in its second week, an 82-point jump on the Hot 100. Get'cha Head in the Game" went from number #100 to #23 in its second week, a 77-point jump.

A:其他歌曲还有,发行首周登陆第28名的男女对唱情歌〈Start of Something New〉,发行首周直击第34名的合唱劲歌〈We're All In This Together〉,发行首周攻占第35名的轻快对唱曲〈What I've Been Looking For〉,其他打进百名排行的歌曲包括了〈Stick To The Status Quo〉、〈Bop To The Top〉、〈What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)〉、〈When There Was Me and You〉。

[Music——Breaking Free]

B:刚刚听到的是Breaking Free。收录在这张原声专辑中的单曲也创造了诸多纪录,其中由Andrew Seeley,Zac Efron和Vanessa Anne Hudgens合作的《Breaking Free》在二月初的一周从Hot 100单曲榜的第86位飙升到第四位,创造了Hot 100单曲榜单周上升名次最多的新纪录。


B:好马配好鞍,一部出色的电影背后一定有一张非同凡响的原声大碟。让我们来看看歌舞青春1在各方面的获奖情况:The TV movie:"High School Musical" has been seen by more than 250 million people in more than 100 countries and in 20 languages. The resulting DVD was the first TV movie offered on the iTunes Music Store.

A: Soundtrack:The No. 1 selling album of 2006 went quadruple-platinum (more than 4 million copies sold), and placed nine singles on the Billboard chart — and it was recorded in five days. The sequel soundtrack has sold 3 million.

B: 接下来是于2007年8月17日在美国播出的歌舞青春第二部——High School Musical

2. 《歌舞青春》于2006年一月首映时,迪士尼频道的高级主管们确信这是一部兼具幽默与创新的歌舞剧,但他们却完全没有料到该剧播出后,在世界各地所造成的疯潮。于是第二部诞生了。Good-bye, classroom! Hello, summer!

A:But for Troy, Gabriella, Chad, and Taylor, this vacation is no day at the beach. 高一生活告一段落,东高中野猫队正准备大肆放松、尽情享受暑假。男主角特洛伊在获知一流的乡村俱乐部要录用他时,简直难以相信自己的好运。That's because they're all working at a country club founded by Ryan and Sharpay's family!

B:但实情是,这份新工作是暗恋他已久的夏培让特洛伊远离女朋友盖比瑞拉的计谋。可是,没想到,特洛伊让整个野猫队和盖比瑞拉同时录用了。夏培十分气愤。And with the club's annual talent show right around the corner, Sharpay's competitive instincts are sizzling. She dumps Ryan as her singing partner and starts wooing Troy to join her onstage instead.

A:这一切却在心机皇后夏培 伊凡斯利用她父亲的影响力帮特洛伊在自家经营的豪华俱乐部中弄到一份工作,和藉机让他获得大学篮球奖学金的机会而走调。特洛伊正好在烦恼大学


[Music——Gotta Go My Own Way]

B:Gabriella is less than thrilled that Troy has agreed to sing with Sharpay. How could he do that to her? Things are heating up on the lawns of high society. 夏培的弟弟莱恩和没了特洛伊的野猫队合作,排练曲目参加比赛。不料被夏培知道,强行取消了他们的资格。而她的条件是什麼?特洛伊必须放弃死党们并和夏培搭档参加俱乐部一年一度的才艺比赛。 A:Will Troy and Gabriella realize that they're meant to be? Or is it already too late for them to sing one last song together? B: High School Musical 2 is the soundtrack album for the Disney Channel Original Movie of the same name. It is the third best selling album of 2007, behind Josh

Groban's Noël and Daughtry's Daughtry in the U.S. 这张《High School Musica2》的原声大碟在上榜之初并没有引起过多地关注,专辑在上榜的第二周也仅排在Billboard 200专辑榜的第58位。

A:但随着这部电影的热播,本张原声也得到了很多本部电影影迷的青睐,专辑在上榜的第三周从Billboard 200专辑榜的第58位飙升到了当周的第十位。并且最终成为了Billboard 200专辑榜的冠军。

B:Debuting at number one on the Billboard 200 chart, , and iTunes Store, the album sold 615,000 copies in its initial week of release. As of September 2007, this figure amounted to the fourth-biggest first week sales of the year.

[Music——You Are the Music in Me]

A:有了第一部电影和第一张原声大碟的铺垫,第二部的原声大碟可谓是众望所归。As of September 2007, this figure amounted to the fourth-biggest first week sales of the year. It is the first soundtrack of a television movie to debut at the Billboard summit.

B:The album also shipped double platinum (2,000,000) copies in the U.S. in its first week of release. As of December 2007, the album has shipped 3 million copies in the U.S. and more than 6 million worldwide. And as of February 2011, the album has sold nearly 7 million copies worldwide.

A: 虽然这是一部带有喜剧色彩的音乐剧影片,我却看得想流泪,除了与我发达的泪腺有关,我想打动我的是里面似曾相识的的青春。是的,充满活力的body,真挚的友情,珍贵的亲情,令人忍俊不禁的小聪明,热烈的舞蹈,动人的歌声,还有关于嫉妒关于代沟。。年轻的一切都在展现。

B:After spending four consecutive weeks at number one on the Billboard 200, the album dropped to number four, following the releases of 50 Cent's Curtis, Kanye West's Graduation, and Kenny Chesney's Just Who I Am: Poets & Pirates.没有暴力,没有恶心,没有阴暗。只是一部简单的青春剧,有着美好而可以预料的没有任何惊喜的结局。我们的青春,本就该这么明亮。不是吗?

A:是的。And the album was the number-one most downloaded album

on iTunes and on its first day of release, and remained so a week later. In its fifteenth week on the Billboard 200, during November 2007, High School Musical

2 returned to the top 10 with a 130% sales increase (183,000 copies), bringing it to #6 and making it 2007's best-selling album, ahead of Daughtry.




B:Disney's High School Musical phenomenon leaps onto the silver screen in HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3: SENIOR YEAR! 转眼间,高中生特洛伊(扎克·埃夫隆)和加百利(温妮莎·哈金斯)面临毕业,由于要去不同的大学学习,两人不得不面对艰难的选择。 A: Amidst a basketball championship, prom and a big spring musical featuring all of the Wildcats, Troy and Gabriella vow to make every moment last as their lifelong college dreams put the future of their relationship in question.


A:Team captain Troy (Zac Efron) rallies the team's spirit ("Now or Never") and, thanks to new transfer Jimmie "The Rocket" Zara (Matt Prokop), the Wildcats win the championship game which is the last one for the seniors on the squad at East High. 他们一起参加了学校的毕业歌舞会,放飞的歌声和华丽的舞步让他们陶醉在音乐的狂想之中,一时忘我。 B:Later, at Troy's after-match party at his house, Troy and Gabriella (Vanessa Hudgens) are seen thinking about their future and wishing that their last few months at East High would not end ("Right Here, Right Now").而不久,Gabriella接到的斯坦福大学的荣誉课程通知书,课程的日子正好与毕业舞会的日期相冲突。

[Music——Can I Have This Dance]

A:面对选择,Gabriella不知道自己到底该何去何从,她甚至想留下来不去斯坦福大学了,因为她知道他们两个人都不能忍受阿尔伯特与斯坦福之间一千零五十三公里远的思念。The next day, Troy asks Gabriella to the dance while on the rooftop (seen previously in the first film as The Garden Club, a place where Troy goes seeking some quiet).

B:Troy知道这个消息后,虽然很不情愿分离,但他还是劝说Gabriella不要放弃这个机会,不要埋没自己的人生。She then teaches him how to waltz (" Can I Have This Dance? ").此时,背景音乐响起,正是我们刚刚听到的Can I Have This Dance。Chad then asks Taylor to go to prom with him with a cheesey pick-up line.

A:She initially refuses, but later agrees when Chad proves he can put in some effort and asks again in front of everyone in the school. Gabriella最终决定离开,而且她也没有在毕业舞会的前夕赶回来,因为她好不容易忘记了一些,她不愿意再伤痛一次,

B:At the graduation ceremony, Troy gives the class speech. Throwing their caps in the air, the graduates form a giant wildcat before breaking out into song and dance to the tune of (" High School Musical ").


B:As the film ends, the cast runs across the field, the curtain falls, and they appear on the East High stage. They do their famous High School Musical jump with a close up of the six in order before bowing when the curtain falls.

A:第三部的电影原声在2008年10月24日发布。The album sold 297,000 copies in the first week of sales on United States, debuting at #2 on Billboard 200, losing the top

toAC/DC's Black Ice.

B:这张专辑在美国销售超过130万份,全世界一共售出2365000份。In Australia, the soundtrack was accredited Gold on November 6 (within the first week of its release), and was certified Platinum on December 2 - before the film even opened in cinemas across Australia.

[Music——Right Here Right Now]

A:High School Musical终于到了毕业年。 让我着实很想念。那些在心中,很久远的很美好的事情。 当我们为了各自的理想,为了各自的目标而分别,注定我们还会因为我们之间不断的纽带而相聚。当我选择在离你32.7公里的地方与你相守,那么我们将不再为了分别而相拥哭泣。

B:It also sold 97,972 in its first week in the UK, making it the Fastest-Selling Soundtrack Album in the UK. A two-disc Premiere Edition version of the soundtrack was released on the same day as the standard version. 很明显,这一部的原声不像前面两部那样,获奖无数。然而,故事从一开始的开学演到毕业,也许情节和音乐已经不那么重要,重要的是他们留在其中的青春。

A: 是啊。一部剧出了这么多部,演员成熟了,观影的观众也何尝不是跟着成长呢。说起青春,不能不提曾经风靡大街小巷的那首歌?

B:哦? 让我想想。 Forever Young!

A:Bingo。Let’s dance in style, Let’s dance for a while Heaven can wait, We’re only watching the skies Hoping for the best But expecting the worst Are you going to drop the bomb or not Let us die young or let us live forever We don’t have the power But we never say never。

B:让我们纵情起舞,忘记时光,天堂可暂不去想,只抬头对空仰望。心怀最好的期许 ,却也已准备迎接最坏的结果,管你把不把噩运降到我身上。让我们长生不老吧,要不就干脆早早夭亡。我们的确无权决定,但却永不言放弃希望。

A:"Forever Young" is the title track from German rock/synthpop groupAlphaville's 1984 debut album of the same name. Though it was not the group's highest-charting European

hit and failed to reach the American Top 40 despite three separate U.S. single releases, "Forever Young" has subsequently been covered by numerous artists.

B:有乐迷这样写到:1984年,我还不能用两脚站在坚实的大地上,或者其实我还在子宫中徜徉,在柏林墙西边的一支名叫Forever Young的乐队却已写下了这样的歌词:Forever young, I want to be forever young。


B:"Forever Young" has become something of a pop culture standard. It has been performed by numerous musical groups and in different versions and has appeared in television series, movies, and advertisements.

A:他们是Marian Gold,Bernhard Lloyd,Frank Mertens,三个叫英语名字、唱英文歌的德国人,他们正值青春的妙龄,他们的年轻每天都战栗在核子炸弹的阴影里,他们却渴望着永远年轻!

B:The song plays during scenes in the television series Passions, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (episode 103: "Underage Drinking: A National Concern"), the North American version of Queer as Folk (season 1, episode 18), One Tree Hill (season 4,

episode 16),30 Rock (season 4, episode 10), ABC Family's "Greek" (Cover version by the Youth Group in the Series finale) and Big Love. 可见这首歌在当时的影响力之巨大。

A:1986年,第二张大碟Afternoons In Utopia发布,乐队的名字则早已改成了Alphaville,一部让-吕克·戈达尔电影的名字,来与那些新浪潮片段中忧伤和摇曳的青春遥相呼应。80年代是最后的理想时代,理想不仅仅闪光在巴黎街头的“莫洛托夫鸡尾酒”里,闪光在萨特那些刚被读了几页就放下的著作里,它也闪耀在新浪潮电影和电子合成乐里。

B:In 2006 and 2007 the song was used in advertisements for

the Scandinavian banks SEB in Estonia and Sweden, and Nordeain Denmark. It also appeared in prom-themed advertisements for Saturn Ion automobiles. In Argentina it was used in advertisements for Consolidar AFJP, a pension retirement fund.

A:1989年,歌里唱到的那枚炸弹没有落下,柏林墙却还是轰然倒塌。Forever Young作为单曲在全球重新发行,还被其他艺人争相翻唱,成了一鸭多吃的典型。这是理想主义的最后一年,那个最好和最坏的年代,理想闪光在布加勒斯特的吼声和天安门前的枪声里。 B:So much for today’s Western Music Zone. I’m B.

A:美好的东西都是简单的自然的,青春就应该自由,奔放,热情,单纯,人生毕竟只有一次,唱歌吧,起舞吧,听从你灵魂的声音吧! 我是A. 这里是FM87.0武汉东湖学院英语教学调频电台,我们下期节目再会。

