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教学内容 Unit 6(理论6学时,课内实践2学时) 1. 主要内容: (1) Section A: Bribery and Business Ethics (2) Section B: The Biggest Threat to the Role of Police Officers (3) Reading Skills: Reading Between the Lines (4) Structured Writing: to develop a composition with a general statement supported by details. Talk and Share: 教学设计 2. 教学步骤与方法: (1) Warm up and lead in (10 min) (2) Intensive learning (185 min) (3) Interactive practice (60 min) (4) Go-over (15 min) (5) Sum-up and assign homework (5 min) Warm up and lead in: Talk and Share: Picture Show & Discussion Show the Ss some pictures and let them talk to each other about the topic on the screen. Bribery has become a global disease that plagues every government. Now please work in group to discuss questions as follows: 1)What do you think is the core of business ethnics? 2)Can you name a few famous companies whose collapse resulted from violating business ethnics? 3)As far as students are concerned, what do you think you should do to show your academic ethnics? Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study. Bring in new subject: Bribery and Business Ethics Method: Use the CAI, PPT software and talk in groups; Use task-based

language teaching method, communicative approach, audio-visual method and audio-lingual method. Intensive learning: Words and phrases: 1. pay up: pay all the money that you owe, often unwillingly付清欠款;还钱 1

* Translation: 最后他们终于还清了债务。 * Key: Eventually they paid up the debt.. * Translation: 你的包裹如遗失或受损,可能会根据所付的费用来支付赔偿。 * Key: If your parcel is lost or damaged, compensation may be paid up according to the fee paid. 2.speed up: make something happen or move more quickly * Translation: 如果我们想准时的话就最好加快速度。 * Key: We’d better speed up if we want to be on time. * Translation: 这项新协议将加快和平进程。 * Key: The new agreement will speed up the peace process. 3. amount to: have the same effect as * Translation: 她的答复意味着完全拒绝。 * Key: Her answer amounted to a complete refusal. 4. square with: make two ideas, facts or suggestions agree with each other; agree or be consistent with another idea, fact, or situation * Translation: 你的理论与事实不符。 * Key: Your theory doesn’t square with the facts. 5. stand by 1) remain faithful to a promise, etc.; keep to 遵守;履行 * Translation: 经过两个月的沉默,我被告知大臣们仍坚持他们的决定。 * Key: After two months' silence, I was informed that the ministers stood by their decision. * Translation: 他说华盛顿方面信守其承诺,在经济上支持欧洲国家二战后的重建工作。 * Key: Washington, he said, stood by its commitment to

financially support European countries in their reconstruction after World War 2) stay loyal to sb. and support them, esp. when they are in trouble 支持;忠于 * Translation: 感谢你帮助我对付毒瘾问题。 * Key: Thank you for standing by me while I tried to deal with my drug problem. * Translation: 互相支持是朋友应该做的。 Text Analysis 2 * Key: Standing by one another is what good friends should do! Text Analysis: A. Structure Analysis Bribery in various forms is on the increase and has become a fact of commercial life. On the whole, the bribery can fall into three categories: for political purposes or to secure major contracts; to obtain quicker official approval of some projects; and to obtain help with the passage of a business deal. To ban bribery, ICC favors a code of conduct. However, the ICC members are of different opinions. The headache is still there to stay in business. Part I (Para. 1~4): the viewpoint that bribery is a common occurrence in many countries. (Bribery and other questionable payments are on the increase in many countries. They seem to be based not on lack of business ethics but on business interests. ) Part II (Para. 5~8): three main categories of bribery. (payments made for political purposes or to secure major contracts; to obtain quicker official approval; and made to people who help with the passage of a business deal.) Part IV (Para. 9~11): the effort to ban bribery and the result.(To ban bribery, a code of conduct is favored by ICC, and even a council was proposed to manage it. But, its members are of different opinions. Anyway, bribery seems inevitable.) B. Understanding The passage focuses on a social phenomenon in business——bribery. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do business students study professional ethics? People feel that bribery is increasing throughout the world. One day, business students will grow into managers of all ranks and in all fields. If they should offer or take bribes in their positions, corruption and unfair competition would result. In that case, normal economic order would be ruined, and people in business circles would have no commonly agreed principles to follow. To prevent this, business students are now required to study professional ethics as part of their course. 2. Why do the people in the motor industry have to give bribes or extra discounts? People in the motor industry argue that the market is very competitive. If they don’t give bribes to make the customers happy, one of their rivals will. Interactive And, as a result, they are likely to lose their share of market, which is practice unacceptable to both the salespeople and the company. 3. Why do some members of the ICC probably feel the code of conduct should not be legally enforceable? Some members of the ICC feel that it is not the business of the ICC to enforce the code of conduct. They believe that government should make and impose it, and the job of the ICC is only to state what is right and what is wrong in conducting business. 4. Why do students sometimes feel surprised when they find business ethics are included in the content of their business course? Because they don’t know how serious the problem of bribery is. 5. What will the manager of a company do if he decides to give up his principles in a negotiation with some government officials? He will bribe the officials. 6. Why are practices such as paying agents and purchasers an exaggerated commission, and offering additional discounts described as “questionable”? Because these practices are likely to be morally wrong and may be


certain forms of bribery. 7. What might a foreign company do if they want to sell arms to a company? They might make large payments to ruling families or their close advisors, or make donations to party bank accounts. 8. What does “a copy with a preface” mentioned in Paragraph 7 refer to? It refers to a rare edition of a book with $20,000 slipped within its pages. Interactive practice: Language points A. Active Expressions Find out the active expressions: 1) Now, the question is: do you pay up or stand by your principles? (Para. 2) Meaning: Now you must decide whether to pay the officials a large sum of money to bribe them or to stick to your principles. 2) …when the company as under investigation for possible violations of US business laws. (Para. 5) under investigation: in the process of being investigated e.g. The issue is still under investigation. Similar expressions include “under threat/pressure/attack/construction”. 3) This code would try to distinguish between commissions paid for real services and exaggerated fees that really amount to bribes. (Para. 9) Meaning: This set of moral principles would try to make people recognize the difference between commissions that are paid for real services and exaggerated fees that really are the same as bribes. 4) …a writer argued recently that “industry is caught in a web of bribery” and that everyone is “on the take”. (Para. 11) Meaning: …a writer claimed recently that “the problem of bribery is so complicated that our industry can not get out of it” and that everyone is “willing to accept money in a dishonest or illegal way”. be caught in: be in a situation that one cannot easily get out of e.g. Caught in a the poverty trap, they are unable to make the savings necessary for business venture.

Sum-up and assign homework 4

