初二英语八年级上Unit 3-Unit 4 错题回放

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初二英语八年级上Unit 3 错题回放


1. This is a _____________(宽的)street and five cars can go through it together at the same time . 2. English is ___________(wide) spoken in the world . 3. The sun is ________________()brightly . 4. The sun _________________ ( 照耀)as usual.

5. --- Can you tell the story in _____________(清晰的)language? ----- Of course , I can. 6. The bus ______________(到达)at the bus stop at six in the morning . 7. The _______________(登山者)looks very strong .

8. ______________(幸运), I was not in the house when the earthquake happened . 9. The story ___________(本身) is very interesting . 10 . Thank you for ______________(invite) me to your home . 11. Who _______________(喝彩)for you when you sang . 12. You are _________(幸运) that you didn’t hurt.

13.Do you think which team will win the _____________(决赛)? 14.With her _______________(支持),we finished the task .

15. The sports meeting___________(发生) place in the Sports Centre last week . 16. I have ten dollars in my pocket at ______________(little) 17.Hurry up! Don’t keep Alice ________(wait).

18.It’s ______________(use) to argue(争论)with them . 19. He tasted the soup and found it quite______________(taste). 20.There is hardly any ____________(cheer) news in the newspaper.

21.Do you know the _____________(mean) of the words?

22. You’d better ________(take) an underground there. It’s quite far.

23. The World Cup F__________ is exciting every time. Many people enjoy watching it. 24.Look! The students of Class 2 are ___________(喝彩) for their basket team.

25.Many people _________ Yao Ming, and Yao Ming has the most __________in China.(支持) 26.They were the w____________ of the game.

27. He got the first prize because of good _____________(luckily) .

28. The little boy has a lot of ___________ in this ____________(interest) book. 29. They a_____________ at the stop too late, so they missed the bus. 30.I’m a___________ I can’t pass the exam. 31.It’s a secret. You can’t tell a_____________.

32.Thanks for __________ (同意) to let me watch the match on TV. 33.Who taught him to sing the song? Nobody. He taught h________. 34.Let’s go and __________ (喝彩) for them.

35. ___ ____ ____ (luck), he didn’t pass the exam.

36. Yesterday he ________ (drive) to his office, but this morning he _____ (ride) there. 37. They _________ (climb) over the mountain when I saw them.

38. I’m afraid he ________ (not be) able to play basket in three months. 39. .We are very sad that he’s even ________ (ill) today.

40. Abraham Lincoln was famous as one of the greatest American _____________(总统) 二.单项选择:

( )1. The place my class teacher lives in _______ Taiping Gate.

A .call B. calls C. to call D. is called


( ) 2. Do you walk _______ the food shop every day ?

A. pass B. past C. through D. across ( )3. There are over two _______ students in the playground.

A. hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundred D .hundred of ( ) 4. We felt ________ when we heard the _______ news.

A. amazed, amazing B. amazing, amazed C. amazed, amazed D. amazing, amazing ( ) 5. Help _______ to some chocolates, children.

A. you B. yourself C. yourselves D. yours ( )6.Kitty felt sick for _______.

A. many of the trip B. the most of the trip C. more of the trip D .most of the trip ( )7. This tool is ________. Why do you still keep it ?

A. use B. useful C. usefully D. useless ( )8 . His father hoped ________ a doctor when he was a child .

A. him to be B. to be C. himself to be D. he will be ( )9. You must do homework as __________ as you can.

A. careful B. careless C. carelessly D. Carefully ( )10. Did the children have a great time ______ the party?

A. prepare B. prepared C preparing D .to prepare

( )11.---Does she ______ go with you? ----Yes, of course.

A. agrees to B. agrees with C. agree to D. agree with ( )12.----Your skirt looks very nice. Is it ______ silk? ----Yes. It’s ______ Suzhou.

A. made from; made in B. made of; made for C. made of; made by D. made of; made in

( )13.----Can you find any differences _______ the two pictures, Jim?

---Yes, there are some.

A. between B. for C. and D. with

( )14.Singapore doesn’t have _______ beaches ________ mountains.

A. some; and B. some; or C. any; and D. any; or

( )15.---Who taught ________ English? ---Nobody. I learned all by _______.

A. yourself; me B. your; myself C. you; myself D. you; me ( )16. Thanks a lot for ___________ me_____ your party.

A. invite, for B. invite, to C. inviting, for D. inviting, to ( )17.. I want to sit ___________the bus.

A. in the front of B. in front of C in front D. at the front of

( )18. Finally, please __________ the cost of the trip per person.

A. work out B. put out C. take out D. look out

( )19. We live __________North Street.

A. on B. at C. to D. of

( )20. We will get __________for 5 minutes to let you discuss the matter.

A. outside B. out C. out of D. into

( )21. _____ an umbrella with you, it is going to rain.

A. Bring B. Hold C. Take D. Get ( ) 22. You needn’t _______ those things if you _______them.

A. buy ; needn’t B. buy ;don’t need C. to buy ;need D. to buy ;needn’t ( )23. Sydney is ______ .


A. the capital of Australia B. the name of a big building C. a big city in Australia D. a big city in America ( ) 24. My uncle lives ______ 105 Beijing street. A. on B. at C. to D. of

( ) 25. ----Could I have some water? -----Certainly. There is ______ in the bottle. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( )26. You need ________ fit.

A. exercise keepig B. exercising keeping

C. to exercise keeping D.to exercise to keep ( )27. There are some tall trees _______ our classroom.

A. in the front of B. in front of C. in the front D. at the back ( ) 28. Jim was very busy because he had to do ________housework.

A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too ( ) 29. This apple is ______ redder than that one.

A. very B. too C. much D. more ( )30..I didn’t feel_____ going out for a walk.

A so B as C rather D like

( )31. This maths problem is too hard. I think ______ students can work it out.

A. a few B. a little C. few D. little ( ) 32. There ______ a lot of traffic in the daytime.

A. are B. is C. are going D. will have ( ) 33. He needs to stay healthy, _______?

A. doesn’t he B. isn’t he C. needn’t he D. needn’t him ( ) 34. ---- _____ good time we are having! -----Yes. And ______easy life we are living!

A. What a, what an B. What, what C. How, what D. What, how ( ) 35. The bridge is made______ stones and paper is made _______ wood.

A. of, of B. from, from C. of, from D. from, of ( ) 36 .Shall I get someone ______ her lessons?

A. help B. to help C. help with D. to help with ( ) 37. I hope Millie ___ __to my birthday party tonight.

A. to come B. can come C. comes D. coming

( )38The boat trip __________about 3 days and 3 nights.

A. spend B. took C. used D. cost

( )40. Our playground is about 150,000_______.

A. squares metres B. metres quare C. squares metres D. square metres

( )41.---Please don’t tell anybody about this, Linda. ---OK, I __ __

A. will B. won't C. am D. don't ( )42. Climbing the hill will be ___________________.

A. great fun B. a great fun C. great funny D. very funny ( )43. Here comes the bus. Let’s ________________.

A. get on it B. get it on C. to get on it D. to get it on

( )44. Don’t stand __________________the room. Please come in.

A. in front of B. in the front of C. before D. at the front of

( )45. The students are passing the ball from one to ___________________.

A. the other B. others C. other D. another

( )46. If you feel sick, you ___________________ us in the game this afternoon.

A. needn’t to join B. needn’t join in C. don’t need to join D. don’t need join


( )47. Haw far _______ from the shop to the museum? A.. it’s B. it is C. is D. is it

( )48. My brother had fun ______ one place after another in Nanjing and he had much time _____ the city.

A. to visit, to enjoy B. visiting, to enjoy C. to visit, enjoying D. visiting, enjoying ( )49. I bought a new story book and it _____________ me 30 yuan.

A. paid B. took C. cost D. costs



This hill isn’t ______________________________________________ . 2、昨天,我乘船游览了著名的港湾大桥并且经过了悉尼歌剧院。

Yesterday I ______________________ the famous Harbour Bridge and___________________ the Sydney Opera House .


All of us ______________________________________________ the bus . 4、那儿有来自全世界的一百多个名胜的模型。

There are _________________________________________ from all over the world . 5、当我们看到埃菲尔铁塔时变得非常兴奋。

When we saw the Eiffel Tower we ____________________________________ . 6、 金门大桥模型就像是回到了家乡。

The model of Golden Gate Bridge looked ________________________________ . 7、我们在仅仅一天之内就看到了世界上的主要景点。

We saw _______________________________________________in just one day . 8、画中的女孩看上去没有真的美。

The girl in the picture doesn’t look _________________________________the real one . 9、他的父亲没有他友好。

His father is _____________________________________________ he . 10、他们相互看了看并不把这件事说出去。

They looked ____ __________________ and kept ___________________________. 11、有了你们的支持,我们一定会赢。

We __________________________________________________________ . 12、这场篮球比赛将在下周三举行。

The basketball match will _________________________________________ afternoon . 13、中场休息是供运动员们休息的20分钟时间。

______________ is a ________________________________________________ . 14、对不起,昨天我忘记关灯了。

I’m sorry I _____________________________________________ yesterday . 15、花费大约是每个工人1000元。

_______________________________________is about 1000 yuan . 16、他们计划去哪儿旅游?

Where are they _________________________________________________ . 17、你说那些话是什么意思?

What do you ____________________by ____________________________words? 18、你能游过这条25米宽的河吗?Can you __________________ this _______?


初二英语八年级上Unit 4 错题回放


1. Your shoes are dirty . You should ____________ (刷)them . 2. My bike is broken. It needs _______________(修理)now .

3. Her room is ________________(使充满)with flowers .

4. You should read the _______________(指示)carefully before you use it .

5. Li Hong is not here. I will answer your question ____________(代替)of her . 6.Not only he but also I _____________(be) interested in collecting stamps .

7. He didn’t reply(回答), ________________(反而), he turned on his heel and left the room. 8. Not only you but also she _____________(have) been to Shanghai . 9. You should learn from Lily. She is a good ______________(榜样)。

10. I like eating _________________(草莓). 11.How big the _______________(西瓜)are。.

12. Here is some ______________(葡萄)wine for you . 13. ______________(三明治)are my favorite .

14. Shall I _____________(补充)your name on the list ?

15. If you _____________(混合)blue and yellow, you get green .

16. He likes to play alone and is always ___________(active) in taking part in activities. 17. It’s _______________(possible) for him to finish the work in such a short time . 18. It is ______________(certainly) that they will agree. 19. I’m afraid your answer is _______________(correct). 20. Nobody likes ______________(polite) kids .

21. To eat too much is ______________(healthy) every day .

22. Don’t wear _________________(comfortable)shoes. It’s bad for your feet . 23. He is a very good friend, because he can always keep _____________(秘密). 24. The little girl likes playing with ______________(气球). 25. We can’t judge a book from its _____________(封面). 26. This glue _______________(粘住)very well in the past . 27. We had fun ___________ (work) with these young workers . 28. My father enjoys __________(fix) the broken cup .

29. I know ______________(确切地)what we should do next.

30. Will you ____________(出席)the meeting the day after tomorrow? 31. Sandy ____________(tidy) her bedroom up after school .

32. I think you will find the importance of the ______________(工具)by using it . 33. The garden is full of ___________________(玫瑰花). 34. The train arrived at ________________(exact) 8 o’clock. 35. This chair is _____________(break). You can’t sit on it . 36. All the _____________________(家具)is clean now .

37. A __________________________(糟糕的)flood (洪水)hit his hometown. 38. He _______________(说)he was good at DIY.

39. If you feel _______________(happy), you can go to talk with him because he can make you

happy .

40. We are ____________(terrible)sorry for being late . 41. She was ___________(fill) with joy after seeing her son .

42. Your pronunciation is ______________________(correct) . You should practice more . 43. There are _____________(use) books about DIY. Buy one . 44. ______________(wash) the fruit first.

45. I’m afraid he should stop ________________(clean) the house. It’s time for lunch.


