
更新时间:2023-10-30 05:03:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


1. Please quote for Butterfly Brand Sewing Machine CIF Marseilles.

2. Will you kindly quote us CIF Marseilles for Butterfly Brand Sewing Machine. 3. Can you quote your lowest price CIF Melbourne, Australia? 4. We should like to mention that our quotation is CIF Marseilles net. 5. We hope you will quote us for Printed Shirting competitively. 6. Your early reply to our specific inquiry will be highly appreciated.

7. It will be highly appreciated if you will reply to our Enquiry Note No.2436regarding Walnutmeat immediately .

8. We shall appreciate it very much, if you will quote us your lowest price for Walnuts. 9. We thank you for your immediate confirmation of our order.

10. We make you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching us not later than noon time, December23.

11. We offer you the 30 metric tons Waluntmeat, subject to your reply before December23, Beijing time.

12. We make you the following offer, subject to the goods being unsold. 13. Our quotation is subject to 5% commission. 14. We trust you will find our quotation acceptable.

15. We trust you will find our price reasonable and the quality of our products excellent.

16. We regret we can’t accept “Cash against Documents” on arrival of goods at destination. 17. We have agreed to replace the sight L/C payment terms by sight D/P terms. 18 Items like this are not to be returned once they are accepted by purchasers.

19. We have established this regulation for offering our customers the definite best quality products.

20. Our proposal to cut down the price by 7% is reasonable, or else the buyer is entitled to return the goods and ask for compensation as stipulated in the contract. 21. The bills of lading must cover shipment as detailed below.

22. If there is any particular change of local import regulations, Party B shall notify Party A at once. 23. Up to the present, we have not received the covering L/C.

We are asking you to amend your L/C to read “Partial shipments and transshipment allowed”.


25. “Shipped on board” bills of lading are essential and the statement “freight paid”

must appear thereon.

26. The amount of this credit shall be restored automatically twice after negotiation.



2.请你方给我们报蝴蝶牌缝纫机成本、保险费加运费马赛价。 3.能否报澳大利亚墨尔本成本保险费加运费最低价。

4.我们想要提出的是我方报价为成本保险费加运费马赛净价。 5.希望向我方报具有竞争性的印花细布价格。 6.如蒙早日答复我方的具体询价,将不胜感谢。

7.如蒙立即对我方关于核桃仁的第2436号询价单作出答复,将十分感谢。 8.如蒙报核桃最低价,将非常感谢。


10.现报盘如下,(此盘)以你方12月23日中午前复到为有效。 11.现报盘30公吨核桃仁,以你方在北京时间12月23日前答复为有效。 12.现报盘如下,以货未售出为准。 13.我方报价内容包括5%佣金。

14.相信你方会认为我们的报价是可以接受的。 15.相信你方会感到我方产品物美价廉。


17.我们同意将即期信用证付款方式改为即期付款交单。 18.此类商品买方一旦接受,不可退货。


20.我方建议(提议)降价7%是合理的,否则根据合同规定买方有权退货并要求赔偿。 21.提单必须载明/注明下列详情的货物。

22.如果当地进出口条例有什么特殊变化的话,B方应立即通知A方。 23.到目前为止,我们没有收到有关信用证。

24.我们要求你方将你方信用证修改为“允许分批装运和转船”。 25.必须要有“已装船”提单并在其上注明“运费已付”字样。 26.本信用证金额议付后应恢复自动循环支付两次。

