Unit 2 Special Days 教学设计

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Unit 2 Special Days 教学设计(Lesson 1) 一、教材内容分析

本课时的教学内容为新起点五年级下册第二单元14-15页,即: Get ready, A Listen and number, B Ask and answer和C Let’s write.

在A部分,借助Get ready图和对话录音,情境化地呈现了本课的目标词。

B部分通过Ask and answer的活动,根据具体日期猜测特别的日子,并就这一天可以进行的活动展开交流,进一步巩固和操练词汇。

C部分是学生根据日历上的标注和句子的提示,填写出特别日子的具体名称,以便进一步操练和内化新知。 二、学生情况分析

五年级的学生在三年级上学期第六单birthdays学习了1—12月份的单词及功能句: When is your birthday? My birthday is in ...

月份单词的学习为这节课学习特别的日子打下了基础。无论什么特别的日子,孩子们都比较感兴趣,他们有学习的欲望和兴趣。 三、教学目标


1. 能够听懂、会说New Year’sDay, Tree Planting Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, Father’s Day,

Teachers’ Day, National Day, Christmas Day, birthday, fifth等单词和短语,尝试借助拼读规律记忆它们。

2. 能够根据具体日期或相应的活动猜测出某个特别的日子的名称,并进行对话交流,操练以上词汇。

3. 能够根据提示或者要求,选择恰当的词语填空。 四、教学重难点 教学重点: 听懂、会说New Year’s Day,Tree Planting Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, Father’s Day, Teachers’ Day, National Day, Christmas Day, birthday, fifth等单词和短语,尝试借助拼读规律记忆它们。 教学难点:

根据具体日期或相应的活动猜测出某个特别的日子的名称,并进行对话交流,操练以上词汇。 五、教学步骤

1. 热身(唱一唱)

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Fan. T: Let’s sing a song. Ss: OK!


师生同唱12月份的歌曲,一个是进行热身,另外一个是借助这首歌曲复习12月份的单词,为本节课的顺利开展做好准备。 T: Do you like playing games? Ss: Yes!

T: OK! Let’s play a Bomb game. Ss: Yeah!

T: 教师点击课件,学生看图片及单词,快速说出单词。及时评价。 设计意图:

月份的单词比较长,读音比较难。通过两个游戏---歌曲和炸弹游戏,由单词的音到形,进行系统的复习,加深了学生对月份单词的印象。 2. 学习(学一学,练一练(1)单词教学 T: Look at the picture. What’s the date? S1: It’s …

T: What special day is it? S2: It’s … T: special Ss: special

T: What’s the Chinese meaning of special day?

Ss: 特殊的日子。

T: You are right. Look here. New Year’s Day, Tree Planting Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, Father’s Day, Teachers’ Day, National Day, Christmas Day… They are special days. Today we are going to talk about special days. 设计意图:

对于新单词的教学,先整体后具体 ①教学New Year’s Day

T: Look at the picture. What’s the date? S1: It’s January 1st.

T: What special day is it? S2: It’s New Year’s Day. T: Yes. New Year’s Day. Ss: New Year’s Day.

T: What do you do on New Year’s Day? S1: I often … S2: …

T: Well done!


用学过的句子反复操练新学的单词。 ②教学Tree Planting Day T: What’s this? Ss: It’s a tree.

T: What are they doing? Ss: They are planting trees. T: What special day is it? Ss: …

T: Tree Planting Day Ss: Tree Planting Day

T: What do you do on Tree Planting Day? S1: I often … S2: …

T: Great! When is Tree Planting Day? S1: It’s on March 12th. T: Clever! 12th

Ss: 12th

③教学Mother’s Day

T: After Tree Planting Day is Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day. Ss: Mother’s Day

T: When is Mother’s Day? Ss: …

T: It’s on the second Sunday in May. Understand? Ss: Yes!

