The Differences Between Chinese Culture And Western Culture
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The Differences Between Chinese Culture And Western Culture----A brief introduction
SummerChina: People often say “夏日炎炎“,“火辣夏 日”。They connect summer with the extremely hot. Great Britain: Summer in the Sonnet of Shakespeare is different ,”Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.(我能不能拿夏天同你相比?你 啊,比夏天来的可爱和煦)The great poet compared lover to the summer,lovely and warm. Reasons: China and the UK at different latitudes.China is continental climate,extremly hot in summer.But the UK is oceanic
Production and LaborThere are many words about aquatic and ship. Such as ,fish in the air(缘木求鱼),an odd fish怪 人),miss the boat(错过机会).And in Chinese ,these words are less than English. Reasons:The UK is surrounded by water.Fishing industry and Seafaring play an important role in the National Economy. In China, only the seaside towns have some fishermen. So the words are less.
China:There are many words are used to express carrying things. Like 扛,挑,担, 抬,驮,挎。They have great differences. Great Britain:only “carry” express all these actions. The reason : Maybe China is the Agriculture Society for a long time, manual is more.
Customs The use of Him Words(谦词的使用) In English, no matter how old you are, no matter how rich you are.People just use you and I to communicate with each other. In China, many him words are used.您,令尊,令堂
Reason:Chinese feudal hierarchical society patriarchal system, you don’t use these words ,people think you are impolite.Chinese people often think modesty is a virtue.
History(历史典故) China 真是马后炮 原来是空城计啊 Western That all Greek to me (我对此一窍不通) He is a Shylock (他是个守财奴) Chinese histories come from the Four Famous Ancient Chinese,Myth Folklore,Traditional Chinese Entertainment Program. Like chess and drama.
Western histories are from Shakespeare and the characters’ names in English and American Literature, Greek and Roman mythologies
Values of individualism In western culture,there are many words formed with self .Like selfadmiration(自我欣 赏),self-absorption (自我专注),selfimage. So individualism is very popular. In China, we often see the words “先国家, 后集体,再个人” “先利民,再利己”。
ConclusionLearning English and Western cultures through the language of the differences in contrast.It will have a deeper cultural understanding .This , in turn ,helps us to understand both languages.Learn English at us,we should know the cultural background of his knowledge and social customs.At anytime with our mother tongue compared,we are consciously aware of our own non-standard language and avoid the root ways. Enhance the awareness of using the specification language.
The Differences Between Chinese Culture And Western Culture07-20
- 1Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners
- 2The Differences between Western Friendship and Chinese Friendship
- 3The Differences between Chinese and Western Food Cultures
- 4Differences between Chinese and Western Table Manners
- 5The Differences of Family Values between Chinese and western countries
- 6The Differences Between Chinese and Western Food Dietetic Cu
- 7Comparison of eating and food culture between China and western countries
- 8Traditional Chinese culture
- 9the relationship between language and culture
- 10Chinese Traditional Culture
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