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7.1 相等


1. as...as

例1. 在真空中,轻物体与重物体降落得一样快。

In vacuum, light bodies will fall as fast as heavy ones. 例2. 你左手拉东西使的劲必须和右手使的劲一样。

You must pull as hard with your left hand as you do with your right hand. 例3. 她的脸圆圆的,跟孩子的脸一样。

Her face is as round as a child's (face). (比喻) 例4. 他很伤心地看着我们,眼睛睁得跟他的祖母的一样大。

He looked at us sadly with his eyes as large as his grandmother's (eyes). 【评析】例3、4在英译时应注意比较部分的逻辑性。句中最后一个词如不加“’s”例3就成了“脸”和“孩子”比,例4就成了“眼睛”同“祖母”比,那是不合逻辑的。 例5. 郑州是和西安同等重要的一个工业中心。

Zhengzhou is as important an industrial center as Xian. 例6. 做体操是一种跟其它减肥方法一样的好方法。

Exercising is as good a way as any to lose unwanted weight.



例7. 你有多聪明,他就有多狡猾。

He is as cunning as you are clever. 例8. 这里生活便宜,但出租车却很贵。

Life here is as cheap as taxies are expensive.

2. the same...as...

例1. 荷兰语与古英语同出一源。

Dutch is of the same origin as Old English. 例2. 他的艰苦奋斗的作风和在学生时代一样。

His hard-working style remains the same as when he was a student. 例3. 这个和你给我看过的那个是一样吗?

Is this the same as the one you showed me before?

3. 含有否定/肯定意义的比较

相等程度比较,如含有否定意义,可以使用no more...than (not any more...than)或no better...than (not any better than)等等。意思是“和??同样不??”,意味被比较的两者均否定。例如:

例1. 他不善于游泳,如同你不善于游泳一样。(两个都不善游泳。) He is no more skilful at swimming than you are. (or: He is no better at swimming than you are.) 例2. 我同他一样,都不喜欢玩扑克。(两人都不喜欢玩扑克。) I am no more fond of playing poker than he is.

例3. 国家不能以大小而论,如同个人不能以大小而论一样。(两者都不能以大小而论) Nations are not to be judged by their size any more than individuals. 例4. 他不会游泳,就像我不会飞一样。

He can no more swim than I can fly.

在英语中,诸如此类的表达方法还有:no wiser than(相比的两者都不聪明)、no richer than(相比两者都不富)、no bigger than(相比的两者都不大)。

当两者相比相差无几并含有肯定意思时,可以使用not more...than、not better...than、not less...than或not so...as。意思是“不像??”、“没有到??的程度”、“并不比??更??”,意味着两者肯定。如:

例5. 他并不比你更善于游泳。(两人都善于游泳,只是他游得比你差一点而已。) He is not more skilful at swimming than you are.

(or: He is not better at swimming than you are.=He is skillful at swimming but not so skilful as you are.)

例6. 我并不比他更喜欢玩扑克。(两个都喜欢玩扑克)

I am not more fond of playing poker than he is. 例7. 新版本并不比旧版本贵。(两种版本均贵)

The new edition is not more expensive than the old one.

在英语中,诸如此类的表达方法还有:not wiser than(相比的两者都聪明)、not richer than(相比的两者都富)、not bigger than(相比的两者都大)。

4. 比较的常用句型

比较两种相似的关系或相似的情况时,英译时一般可遵循下列句型: 1) A之于B犹如C之于D

A is to B what C is to D. 例1. 军民关系犹如鱼水关系。

The army is to the people what fish is to water. 例2. 照相机之于光犹如留声机之于声。

The camera is to light what the gramophone is to sound. 例3. 读书对于精神如同食物对于身体一样。

Food is to the body what reading is to the mind. 例4. 莎士比亚对于文学的贡献如同贝多芬对于音乐的贡献。

Shakespeare is to literature what Beethoven is to music.

从语法上来看,该句型中的what是一个关系代词,由what引起的从句是“A is”的表语。即:A is what C is to D to B. 如果用括弧把“to B”括上,会显得清楚一些,即:A is (to B) what C is to D.

2) 正如C之于D,A之于B也同样。 As C is to D, so is A to B. 例1. 12:6就像2:1一样。

As two is to one, so is twelve to six. 例2. 室之于人,犹巢之于鸟,穴之于兽。 As the house is to the man, so is the nest to the bird and the cave to the animal.

例3. 像地球绕太阳运行一样,月亮绕地球运行。

As the earth moves round the sun, so the moon moves about the earth. 例4. 正如烈火试炼真金,同样逆境试炼人的美德。

As fire tries gold, so does adversity try virtue. 在这个句型中,as引导的是从句,so之后为主句。

7.2 超越


1. 用“比较级 + than...”结构

例1. 这任务比我想象的难。

The task is more difficult than I imagined it to be. 例2. 他在科研上取得的成就比预期的大。

The success he has achieved in scientific research is greater than expected. 例3. 这个实验室比你们昨天做实验的那个实验室要大得多。

This laboratory is much larger than that (or: the one) in which you did the experiment yesterday.

2. 用含有“超越”意义的动词或动词词组

例1. 心灵美胜过外表美。

Beauty of mind excels pulchritude of appearance. 例2. 真理胜过谎言。

Truth comes before lies. 例3. 伦敦比纽约大。

London exceeds New York in size.

英语中,这类动词和动词词组还有surpass、overtake、transcend、go beyond等等。

3. 用含有“超越”意义的形容词,后面被比较部分常用介词to引出

例1. 这项计划和原来的计划比起来,要完整得多。

This plan is far superior to the original one. 例2. 贫穷总比不健康好。

Poverty is preferable to ill-health. 例3. 这是洪水以前的事。

This was an event anterior to the flood.

4. 用表示程度、限度、次序或位置的介词

例1. 这比其它事都重要。

This is important before everything. 例2. 他声音比其他声音都要响。

His voice is heard above all other sounds. 例3. 他的身旁是他的妻子,她比她丈夫高。

Next to him was his wife, who towered over her husband. 例4. 我们比他们占优势。

We got the start of them.

7.3 差逊


1. 用“比较级 + than...”的结构

例1. 机器所做的有用功总是比输入机器的功要小。

The useful work done by the machine is always less than the work done on the machine.

例2. 一个可疑的朋友比一个肯定的敌人还坏。

A doubtful friend is worse than a certain enemy.

2. 用含有“差逊”意义的动词或动词词组

例1. 他未能充分表现哈姆雷特这个角色。 He underacted the part of Hamlet.

3. 用含有“差逊”意义的形容词,后面被比较部分常用介词to引出

例1. 他的智力比弟弟差。

He is intellectually inferior to his younger brother. 例2. 他年龄比我小。

He is junior to me.

4. 用表示程度、限度、次序或位置的介词

例1. 他在班上比我强。

He is above me in the class. 例2. 我的成就比你的小。

My attainments are below yours. 例3. 这本书仅次于那本书。

After that book, this book is good. 例4. 他在学习上比他的弟弟差。

He is behind his younger brother in his studies.

7.4 数的比较

1. 表示数的比较之差,在英语中常用表示差数的介词by接数词

例1. 今年小麦产量比去年多4500万吨。

This year's yield of wheat exceeds last year's by 45 million tons. 例2. 她在女子单打中以3:0取胜。

She won by 3:0 in women's singles.

例3. 这座高耸入云的摩天大楼比它附近的教堂尖塔还高九英尺。 The cloud-kissing skyscraper is taller by nine feet (or: nine feet taller) than the church spire in its vicinity. 例4. 他只差两分钟没赶上班机。

He missed the airliner by two minutes.

2. 倍数


1) 增加的倍数如果包括基数在内,即“增加到n倍”、“是??的n倍”,英译时用下列结构表示:

(i) increase (be, rise, grow, go up, multiply...) + 倍数 例1. 1990年以来,我厂的产量已增加到4倍。

The output of our factory has increased four times since 1990. 例2. 1990年以来,电子产品的销售量已增加到6倍。

The sales of electronic products have multiplied six times since 1990. 例3. 试管A内的气体体积是试管B内气体体积的3倍。

The volume of gas in tube A is three times that in tube B. (ii) 倍数 + as + 形容词或副词 + as... 例4. 氧原子的重量几乎是氢原子的16倍。

The oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as heavy as the hydrogen atom. 例5. 水中的声速约为空气中的4倍。

The speed of sound in water is about four times as great as in air. 例6. 水银的重量是同样体积水的13.5倍。

Mercury weighs 13.5 times as much as an equal volume of water.

2) 增加的倍数如果不包括基数在内,即“增加了n-1倍”英译时用下列结构表示: (i) increase (grow, go up, rise, multiply...) + 表示差数的介词by + 倍数 例1. 煤产量比1990年增加了3倍。

The coal output has increased by three times as against 1990. 例2. 今年我国工业的产值比去年增加了3倍。

This year the value of our industrial output has increased by three times as compared with that of last year.

(ii) 倍数 + 比较级(more, better, larger, higher, greater...) + than... 例3. 这种机器的耗油量比那种类型的多3倍。

This type of machine uses three times more fuel oil than that type does. 例4. 这个图书馆已经完全自动化和电脑化,它比那个资料中心大4倍。

This library has been thoroughly robotized and computerized. It is four times larger than that information center.

3. 数量减少

1) 表示纯减少的数量,即“减少了??”、“降低了??”时,用表示减少意义的动词reduce (fall, drop, lower, bring down, lessen, decrease...)+表示差数的介词by+数字。例如:

例1. 收音机的成本降低了60%。

The cost of radio receivers decreased by 60%. 例2. 化肥、农药的价格降低了1/3。

Prices for chemical fertilizer and insecticides have dropped by one-third. 例3. 利润减少了1/4。

The profit was lessened by one-fourth. 2) 表示“减少到??”、“降低到??”,用表示减少意义的动词+介词to+数字。例如: 例1. 采用这种新工艺,金属耗损降到20%。

By using this new process, the loss of metal was reduced to 20%. 例2. 由于节食,他把体重降到了232磅。

As a result of his dieting, his weight was reduced to a mere 232 pounds.


人们叙述事物,表达思想,有正说,有反说,有肯定,有否定。翻译时,常用的方法是以肯定译肯定、否定译否定,即正面着笔。 a)天下有一知己,可以死而无憾。

One dies without regret if there is one in the whole world who is his “bosom friend” or one who “knows his heart.”


Her face wasn't a bad one,it had what they called charm.


Armed resistance showed that a minority at least was not prepared to be subject to foreign rule.


No one can succeed without perspiration.


第一节 以肯定译否定


1.由于语言习惯的不同,汉语中常用否定形式的地方,而英语却只有肯定形式。如汉语习惯说“在?投有?以前”,而英语before从句中不可用否定形式。如: a)在你尚未想好之前,不要下结论。

Don't draw a conclusion before you think it over.


Before he was appointed to the post, he was a clerk.

汉语中的“还没来得及?”英译时,常采用be/or one could?的结构。


Before I could get in a word, he had measured me and was giving orders for morning suits,evening suits,shirts and all sorts of things.

再如,汉语表“懊悔”时,常用“悔不该”表达,而英语not regret,作“不后悔”解,regret not表“后悔没有?”,和汉语的\悔不该\意思不符。


I regret having told her the truth,making her so upset.

2,汉英对否定疑问的回答,对前半部分否定的反意疑问的回答,以及对话中后者对前者否定陈述所做的回复,在表述方式上习惯也不大相同。试看下列各例: a) 你在舞会上玩得不痛快吧?这么不高兴。 不,很痛快。只是我的项链不见了。

--Didn't you have a good time at the ball? You look so sad. --Yes,a very good time.It's only that I got my necklace lost.



--You haven't signed up for the exam.have you? --Yes,I have


--啊是的,你不会的。但十年前你我挺熟的。 --I don't think I know you

No,you wouldn't.But ten years ago you knew me well.

d)你和这事毫无关系,是吗? 是的,一点关系也没有。

You have nothing to do with it,have you? No,nothing at all


3 搭配习惯的差异同样会导致正说与反说的对应。以一招贴用语为例。汉语习惯于说“油漆未干”,而英语却说“wet paint”。


双重否定是肯定的强化表达方式,英译时可照译为双重否定,亦可译作肯定形式。如; a)他无孔不入,干尽坏事。

He seized every opportunity to do all kinds of evils.


Everyone in the neighborhood knows him,whether old or young, man or woman.


This will be of some help to us.


1.利用英语中含有否定意义的动词翻译.以求表达更加确切。如; a)他未能参加这次聚会,很令我们失望。

To our disappointment, he failed to attend this reunion.


His words failed him for the moment.

fail暗含try to without success之意,即“他试图参加,但情况所迫未能如愿”。由于某种原因.想说而说不出来”。若采甩“didn't attend”,“He couldn't say?”的否定式翻译,则只是事实的陈述,所蓄含之意则表达不出。这类动词常用的有lack,exclude,refuse,neglect,deny,overlook,withhold,miss,refrain,forbid,count out等。

2.汉语否定英译时可借助含否定意味的名词,如ignorance,failure,absence,refusal,exclusion,neglect等。如: a)他犯法皆缘于不懂法律。

His ignorance of law led to crime.


Please look after my house during my absence.


The child has been in a state of neglect.

3.表示选择关系的否定,如“宁愿?也不”等,翻译时常采用下列结构:prefer?to,would rather?than,prefer?rather than,would sooner?than,better?than。如: a)他喜欢沉默而不喜欢说话。 I prefer silence to speech.


The soldiers would rather/sooner die than surrender.


Better live a single life than marry such a women. 4.表“由于?原因而没能?”之意的句子英译时可利用prevent,stop,hold?back,discourage,keep等从反面着笔。如:


Bad weather prevented us from starting.

b)他的一番话使得我再也鼓不起再次尝试的勇气。 What he said discouraged me from having another try.


This held him back from committing his worst.



Something must be done to preserve the environment from pollution.


Take it easy.I can protect you from any harm.


5.英语中有相当一部分介词短语含有否定含义,可用来翻译汉语的否定句。这类介词常用的有beyond,above,against, except,but,past,instead of,in place of,out of.but for,far from等。


But for your help,we wouldn't have accomplished the assignment on schedule.


He was cited instead of being punished.


Obsessed with the present,he is beyond thinking of the future.


Her performance is far from being satisfactory.


英语中too?to?结构和比较级+than to结构虽为主动形式,其不定式却表否定之意。如:


The news is too good to be true


This coffee is too hot for me to drink

c)我不至于蠢到竟相信这件事。 I am wiser than to believe that.

7利用“the last+不定式”或。the last+从句”翻译。

此结构中的last为the least likely之意,是否定地加以推论的表达方式,常可用来翻译“最不大可能的,最不适的,决不之义。如: a)他决不是受贿赂之人。

He is the last man to accept a bribe.

b)我最不愿意看到这样的事情发生。 This is the last thing I wish to see.

c)那是一种最不可能预期到的东西。 That is the last thing one would expect. 四、注意一些习语的英译方式


心不在焉 absent minded 无忧无虑 free from care 无所事事 idle away 不容置疑 beyond doubt 不知所措 be at a loss 经不住 be subject to 不得不 have to 不谋而合 coincide

五、注意英汉口语中一些常用的对应表达方式 a)说什么我也不去。 I'll be damned if I go.

b)谅你不敢再这么干。 Do that again if you dare.

c)我决不干那样的事。 Catch me doing that.


I'll be damned if I will!

第二节 以否定译肯定



用反面的否定词来表示间接肯定.借以增添种种感情色彩,此种修饰方式,汉语有之,英语亦有之。翻译时以正面着笔者较多。如 a)此人决不是傻瓜。 The man is no fool.



I was no small feat to harness the energies of an entire nation for a united show of hospitality and goodwill for visitors around the world.


The 14th Party congress fully demonstrates that our Party is flourishing and has no lack of successors.

为使语气显得委婉,亦可用否定翻译肯定。如: a)她也还算标致。

She is not bad looking.


How are you feeling today?——Not so bad.

c)这种情况倒也常见。 This isn't unusual.


1.利用双重否定翻译汉语肯定句 a)我们每次开会势必谈论外语教学。

We never meet without talking about foreign language teaching.


No pleasure without pain.


They never meet without quarrelling.


其它一些肯定句式,有时亦可用双重否定翻译。如: a)她缺席会议是有原因的。

Her absence from the meeting is not without excuse.


There is nothing that you assigned that I have not done.


There is scarcely a chapter in this book that does not bear the remarks of the two writers.

2 利用“not?enough”,“not?too”等结构 汉语中程度状语,如“万分” “完全”“特别”,“极度”等,有时从反面着笔.以。否定

词+enough/too/比较级”表达,比正面着笔更能表达原文之意。如: a)万分感谢。

I couldn't thank you enough.

比较:Thank you very much indeed.


b)我觉得好极了。 I couldn’t feel better

比较:I feel extremely well. 怎样才算“extremely”,理解也会因人而异。“couldn't feel better”(不可能比这再好了)表达准确、传神。


You can't be too careful.




在程度表达上,反说比正说语气更强。在表示赞赏、喜悦等强烈感情的感叹句中,亦常借以反说的方式构成感叹。如; a)那是多么令人销魂啊!

Well,lf that isn't fascinating!

b)今天天气多么好啊! Isn't it lovely today!


Her acting couldn't be better! 4.“直到?才”的英译

由于表达习惯的不同,英语中表示“直到?才”对总是用“not?until/till”的句式。如: a)直到会议结束他才露面。

He didn't turn up until the end of the meeting.


The house has been let, but nobody's moving in till next week.


I can't decide whether to take part in this activity until father has come back.


汉语中有部分词语在英译时同样也可用反说方式表达。如“仅仅”可译为only,亦可译为no more than。表达“只有(人,物)”时还可用。no/nobody/none/nothing but”的结构。 试看下列各例:


There is nothing in the room but two empty looms.


No leader will win love and esteem from the people but he who serves them heart and soul.


No one but Tom has been there before.





1.有些无主句、独词句汉英一致,省略成分相同,翻译时直译即可。如:一些“致谢” “道歉”“祝贺”“祝愿”的用语都属此范畴。其它如对话中的一些简略答语。 a)--你何时到的? --昨天。

--When did you arrive? --Yesterday.

b)--再吃一点吧? --吃不下去了。

--Would you like some more to eat? --Can't eat any more.

c)今天感觉怎么样? 好多了。

How are you feeling today?

Much better.


“I don't want the light. I hate it. It gets on my nerves.”

2 少数情况下汉英宾语的省略是一致的,翻译可以直译。如 a)“他住哪里?” “我不知道。”

“Where does he live?” “I don't know.”

b)让我们来洗碗吧。我来洗,你负责弄干。 Let's do the dishes. I'll wash and you dry.

3对话中为了突出新内容,往往一些已知信息全部省略,英汉皆有此现象,可以直译。 a)“谁打坏的我的杯子?” “汤姆。”

\ \

b)“饿吗?”--“有点”。 \.\c)“你从哪里来的?天津?” “不,北京。”

\ \.Beijing.\

二、译文中补出所省去的成分 1.补出主语

1)汉语中第一种省略主语现象是无主句。除命令句和谚语外,英译时都必须补出主语。如: a)要有把握,就要有准备。

To be sure of success,one must be prepared.


One will fail unless he perseveres.


It is time we took effective measures.



Everywhere you can find new types of men and objects in New China.


If you can pardon me, I'll turn over a new life.


I have never heard of such things.

3) 汉语复句中若前后两分句主语相同,既可能出前承前省略现象,亦可能出现蒙后省略现象,英译时根据英语的表达习惯一般应补出。如:


But it's the way I am, and try as I might,I haven't been able to change it.


In the natural sciences we are rather backward, and here we should make a special effort to learn from foreign countries.And yet we must learn critically, not blindly.


He walked straight back to the Heavenly Kingdom Monastery,and angrily ate with the monks.Then he saw a case of the finest,most fragrant ink in the chief monks’ room and asked.\.\



a)交出翻译之前,必须读几遍.看看有没有要修改之处。 Before handing in your translation,you have to read it over and over again,to see if there is anything in it to be corrected.


I'll return it to you as soon as I have no use for it.


The more you try to hide it,the more conspicuous you'll make it.

3.由于汉英表达习惯的不同,所补成分应做必要的变化,使其符合英语的句法规则。 a)“活得不耐烦了吗?”

“Are you getting tired of living?”


I really have had too much of it.


当英语省略范围大于汉语省略范围时,译文中根据英语的习惯应省去更多的成分。如: a)再吃一勺吧?

(Will you have) Just one more spoonful?

b)“你对他有意见吗?” “没意见。”

“Have you got anything to say against him?” “NO.”

c)干完了吗? Finished?




He lent me a book,which was both easy and interesting.


He has three daughters, all of whom are married.


I invited twenty people to my home,all of whom are my classmates.



When in trouble, he often comes to consult me.


Though tired,he kept on working.


Not having done it right, I had to try again.



6.1 行为与方式的主从


例1. 游行的人拿着鲜花和彩旗走过天安门广场。

The paraders marched through Tiananmen Square, carrying flowers and banners in their hands.

例2. 在旧社会,杂技演员终年流浪街头,饥寒交迫。

In the old society, the acrobats had to wander about in the streets all the year round, suffering from cold and hunger.

例3. 西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光奇丽。

The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty.


例4. 一个中年妇女抱着婴儿,急急忙忙在赶路。

A middle-aged woman with a baby in her arms was walking hurriedly on. 例5. 一队民兵从街上走过去,肩上背着枪,头上包着白毛巾。

A column of militiamen walked past the street with guns on their shoulders and white towels round their heads.


6.2 目的与手段的主从


例1. 你可以运用词干和构词法的知识,猜测生词的意思。

Using what you know of word stems and formations, you can make a guess at the meaning of a new word.

例2. 学生们听录音学习英语发音。

Students learn English pronunciation by listening to records. 例3. 这些错误都应该向他们进行教育,加以纠正,而不是简单地去进行斥责。 These mistakes should be corrected by educating them and not by simply dressing them down.


6.3 结果与原因的主从


例1. 电子表价格便宜,计时准确,在我们生活中使用的越来越广泛。

Electronic watches, being cheap and accurate, are finding wider and wider use in our life.

例2. 听说这个大的工厂几年前创建时只有六名工人,我们都很吃惊。 We were astonished to hear that there were only six workers in that huge factory when it started a few years ago.

例3. 去年秋天,我接到全国总工会的邀请,到北京参加国庆节庆祝活动。

At the invitation of All-China Federation of Trade Unions, I went to Beijing to attend the National Day celebrations.


例4. 你站在风里,就会感到有一股力在推你。

Standing in a wind, you will feel a force pushing against you. 【评析】“站在风里”表示条件,故用现在分词短语处理。

6.4 偏正复句的翻译


1. 时间关系


例1. 时候既然是深冬,渐近故乡时,天气又隐晦了,冷风吹进船舱中,呜呜的响。(鲁迅《故乡》)

It was late winter. As we drew near my farmer home the day became overcast and a cold wind blew into the cabin of our boat.

例2. 芦沟桥事变爆发之前,第二次世界大战还未全面展开。

Before the Lugouqiao Incident took place, World War Ⅱ had not yet reached its full scope.

2. 目的关系

表示目的关系的汉语关联词有“以利于”、“为了”、“以便”、“省得”、“以免”等;英语用于这一关系的连词或短语有in order (not) to、in order that、so that、to the end that、so as (not) to、with the aim of、in case、lest等。如:

例1. 为了更好的了解中国,许多外国人学起了汉语。

In order to gain a better understanding of China, many foreigners have begun to study the Chinese language. 例2. 卫星必须加速,以便在它开始绕地球运行时可以获得足够快的速度来抵消来自地球的引力。

A satellite must accelerate so that when it starts going round the earth it may go fast enough, to balance the force of gravity.

例3. 为了生存,为了自己和子孙后代的衣食住行,人类和大自然不断地进行着斗争。

In order to survive, to feed, clothe and shelter himself and his children, man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature.

例4. 要做好防汛工作,以免临时措手不及。

We must do a good job of flood prevention so as not to be caught unprepared.

3. 假设关系


例1. 倘若客人不来怎么办?

What shall we do if the guests fail to turn up?

例2. 如果这次上海申办成功,中国将成为第一个举办世界博览会的发展中国家。

If Shanghai wins the bid this time, China will be the first developing country to host the World Exposition.

例3. 他清晨坚持锻炼,纵使天寒地冻,也不间断。

Persisting in early morning exercise, he went at it even in freezing weather. 例4. 假若哥伦布没有发现新大陆,别人也会发现的。

Even if Columbus had not discovered the continent of America, somebody else might have discovered it.

4. 转折让步关系

汉语中的转折让步关系通常表现为“虽然??但是??”、“尽管??可是??”等,单纯的转折关系常用“但是”、“而”、“就是”、“即便”、“不过”等。英语中通常用but、although、though、even if、as、despite等表示汉语的转折让步关系。如:

例1. 但即便如此,私家车对于大多数人仍然是奢侈品。

Even so, a private car is still a luxury for most people. 例2. 虽说他英语不怎么好,但也还能叫人听得懂。

Though he does not speak English well, he still can make himself understood. 例3. 虽然不少人都劝过她,但她还是不同意跟他和解。

She still refuses to make it up with him despite exhortations from many people. 例4. 随你怎么说,我就是不同意。

You may say as you like, but I'll never do it. 例5. 试验失败了,不过他并不灰心。

The experiment failed, but he didn't lose heart.

5. 条件关系

条件关系可以分为两种,一种是特定条件关系,如“如果??就”、“只有??才”、“除非??才”、“越??越”等,体现在英语中常用only...if、if only、unless、as/so long as、the more...the more等;另一种是无条件关系,如“无论??都”、“不管”、“任凭”、“无论”等,体现在英语中常用no matter...、whatever、however、wherever、whenever、whoever或者in any case、at any rate等。如:

例1. 在新世纪里,只要充分发挥自己的优势,亚洲一定能够为促进世界的和平与发展做出更大的贡献。

Asia will surely make a greater contribution to world peace and development in the new century as long as it gives full play to its advantages. 例2. 只要肯下功夫,哪有学不会的道理?

Anyone can learn as long as he makes an effort.

例3. 除非接到命令,他绝不撤退。

He would not retreat unless he received orders to do so. 例4. 不管困难有多大,都要完成任务。

Whatever the difficulties are, we'll have to fulfill the task.

6. 因果关系

汉语中表示因果关系的成对关联词有“因为??所以”或“由于??因而”等,单独表示结果的有“因此”、“所以”、“因而”、“致使”、“以致”等,用于因果关系推理的有“既然??就??”。在英语中,表示因果关系的词语不能成对的使用,而只能单独使用。表示原因的有since、for、as、because、due to等,表示结果的有so、therefore、hence、so...that、such...that、thus、as a result等。如:

例1. 过去,对于大多数中国人来说,拥有一辆私家车只是一个梦想,因为汽车价格是普通工薪阶层一年工资的十几倍。

In the past, owning a private car was a dream for most Chinese people because the price of a car could be 10 times more than the annual income of the average wage-earner.

例2. 借助亚太经合组织,中国可以与其他成员共同致力于亚太地区的共同发展,从而为中国经济也可为亚太经济的发展做出贡献。

Through APEC, China is able to join hands with its fellow members in achieving common development of this region, thus making contribution to the economic development of both China and the Asia-Pacific region. 例3. 由于我过分激动,以致把要讲的话丢掉了一大半。

I was so excited that I forgot more than half of what I intended to say. 例4. 既然男女同权,男女平等,法律是应该不讲性别的。

Since men and women enjoy the same and equal rights, legislation should not take gender into consideration.

例5. 既然这种方式不行,我们就试试别的方式吧。

Since this doesn't work, let's try another way. 例6. 你们事先没有充分调查,以致作出了错误的结论。 You didn't conduct adequate research and investigation beforehand, as a result, you came to the wrong conclusion.


6.5 从属式连动句的翻译


例1. 中美两国经济上的相互依存不断加强,经贸关系已成为中美关系的稳定器。(因果关系)

As the economies of China and the United States have become increasingly interdependent, economic and trade relationship has functioned as a stablizer for relations between the two countries.


例2. 然而,经贸结束不会自动减缓政治冲突,但持续的政治紧张势必要影响到经贸往来的进一步发展。(让步关系) Although economic and trade contacts will not automatically mitigate political conflicts, continuous political tension will inevitably affect the further development of economic and trade contacts.

例3. 复杂的计算我们可以用计算机进行,它能迅速地求出准确的解答。(因果关系)

In complicated calculation we can use a computer, because it quickly gives us an exact solution.

【评析】原句中第二句是第一句“用计算机进行的”的原因。 例4. 天已经相当晚了,我们决定在那座庙里过夜。(因果关系)

As it was getting quite dark, we decided to stop at the temple for the night. 【评析】显然,“天晚”是“决定??”的原因。

例5. 小国人民敢于起来斗争,敢于拿起武器,掌握自己国家的命运,就一定能够战胜大国的侵略。(条件关系)

The people of a small country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country, if only they dare to rise in struggle, dare to take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their own country.

【评析】原句中“小国人民敢于??”是“战胜??”的条件。 例6. 我们向国际社会推荐这些原则来指导国际关系,首先我们两国之间的关系要遵循这些原则。(因果关系) Since our two countries have recommended these principles to the international community to guide international relations, we should be the first to abide by them in our bilateral relations.




4.1 定语

1. 定语的位置

汉语的定语,无论是单用或是几个连用,通常都放在所修饰的名词即中心词的前面。英语则不同,单词做定语一般放在中心词之前(有少数例外,如:someone reliable可靠的人;the guest present到场的来宾),词组、短语和从句做定语时,一般放在中心词之后。汉语的定语译成英语时,有的要用单词,有的要用短语,有的要用从句。这就要依照英语的习惯调整语序。如:

例1. 这恐怕是目前唯一可行的办法。

That will be the only thing to do now. 例2. 这些是我们面对的主要问题。

Those are the chief problems facing us. 例3. 得到最高分数的学生将获得奖学金。

The student who receives the highest score will be awarded a scholarship. 【评析】在上述译文中,由单词构成的定语大多放在中心词之前,其余的不论是短语或是从句,均放在中心词之后。

2. 定语的次序


1) 表示物理性质的词距中心词较远,表示化学性质的词距中心词较近。 例1. 氢是一种能自燃(1)的轻(2)气体。

Hydrogen is a light (2) and spontaneously combustible (1) gas. 2) 表示产地的词距中心词较远,表示原料的词距中心词较近。 例1. 这是特级的(1),有图案的(2)国产(3)毛(4)毯。 This is a homemade (3), superfine (1), patterned (2) woolen (4) blanket. 3) 表示时间概念(包括年龄、时代等)的词距中心词较近。 例1. 一位矍铄的(1),白发苍苍(2)的老(3)教授 an old (3), hale (1) and white-haired (2) professor 例2. 国际(1)经济(2)新(3)秩序 a new (3) international (1) economic (2) order 4) 数词距中心词较远,表示性质的词距中心词较近。 例1. 在旧社会,饱经忧患的(1)五亿(2)人民处于水深火热之中。 In the old society, five hundred million (2) careworn (1) people were plunged into dire suffering. 5) 表示次要性质的词距中心词较远,表示主要性质的词距中心词较近。 例1. 政客的(1)耸人听闻(2)的宣传

sensational (2) politician's (1) propaganda 例2. 医学上(1)的重大(2)发明 the great (2) medical (1) invention 6) 如果表示性质的词难分主次,则按词的长短排列,短的在前,长的在后。 例1. 勤劳(1)勇敢(2)的人民 a brave (2) hard-working (1) people 为了综合说明定语语序调整,这里再补充两个例句: 例1. 这几篇(1)专为大学生编写的(2)最新(3)实用(4)翻译(5)讲稿,在理论指导和技巧指导上有许多特点。 These (1) up-to-date (2) practical (4) lectures on translation (5) specially written for college students (2) have many features in theoretical principles and technical direction. 例2. 差不多同时开放的(1)几千朵(2)美丽(3)的红(4)玫瑰,使这座公园在春季吸引了许多游人。 Thousands of (2) red (4), beautiful (3) roses that blossom almost at the same time (1) make the park the great resort of people in spring. 上述例句表明,一系列的单词作定语时,数词、表示时间概念的词距中心词较远,同样表示性质的词(red, beautiful)短的在前,长的在后;介词短语、分词短语及定语从句作定语则一律后置。

4.2 状语




例1. 他很聪明,我赶不上他。

He is very clever. I cannot keep pace with him. 例2. 他英语讲得相当好。

He speaks English quite well.


例1. 1980年以来,他只来过北京一次。

Since 1980, he has come to Beijing once only. 例2. 在我们国家,那些不关心人民利益的人是不称职的。

In our country those who do not care about the interests of people are not fit for their office.

例3. 因有风暴,野餐延期了。

On account of the storm, the picnic was postponed. 例4. 如果天气合适,我们要到西山去玩。

Weather permitting, we'll go on an excursion to the Western Hills. 例5. 使他吃惊的是,她不仅没有表扬他,反而批评了他。

To his surprise, she criticized him instead of praising him. 例6. 由于用电作动力,这种小汽车不污染空气。

Powered by electricity, these little cars do not pollute the air. 例7. 一般说来,计划或措施的制定都必须符合客观外界规律。

Generally speaking, plans and measures must be worked out in accordance with the laws of the objective external world.

例8. 当电话刚发明并可供使用时,几乎没有人要安装它。

When the telephone was first invented and ready to use, hardly anybody cared to install one.

例9. 跟过去相比,已进步多了。

Compared with what it was, it has improved greatly. 例10. 如果你们要看这戏,就得排队买票。

If you want to see the play you'll have to queue up for tickets.


例1. 他昨天走的。(前置)

He left here yesterday. (后置)

例2. 他从口袋里取出一条红领巾,给了他女儿。(前置)

He took out a red scarf from his pocket and gave it to his little daughter. (后置)

例3. 他愿为你做一切他能做的事。(前置)

He will do all he can for you. (后置)

例4. 我因患扁桃腺炎而感到不舒服,但并不严重。(前置)

I am indisposed with tonsillitis. It's nothing serious though. (后置) 例5. 我们为了保护人民的利益,纵使牺牲生命亦在所不惜。(前置)

We spare no sacrifice of our lives to protect the interests of the people. (后置)


1) 汉语句子中同时有时间状语和地点状语时,地点状语放在后面,与英语语序相反。如: 例1. 我是去年(1)在北京(2)遇见他的。 I met him in Beijing (2) last year (1). 例2. 昨天(1)在真空中(2)进行了这个反应。 This reaction was carried out in a vacuum (2) yesterday (1). 2) 汉语中有两个以上的时间状语时,表示长时间的状语在前,表示短时间的在后,与英语语序相反。如:

例1. 我于1980年(1)9月(2)考入清华大学土木工程系学习。 I was enrolled to study engineering in the Civil Engineering Department of Qinghua University in September (2), 1980 (1). 3) 汉语句中有两个以上的地点状语时,代表范围大的地点在前,代表范围小的在后,与英语语序相反。如:

例1. 他们住在石家庄(1)中山路(2)87号(3)。 They live at 87 (3), Zhongshan Rd (2). Shijiazhuang (1). 4) 汉语中同时有地点状语、时间状语和方式状语时,其顺序通常是时间、地点、方式,与英语语序相反。例如:

例1. 天上的(1)白云缓缓地(2)飘着。 White clouds sailed gently (2) in the sky (1). 例2. 我去年(1)在北京(2)愉快地(3)见到了他。 I met him with pleasure (3) in Beijing (2) last year (1). 例3. 毛主席于1949年(1)在天安门(2)庄严地(3)宣告中华人民共和国成立。 Chairman Mao proclaimed solemnly (3) the foundation of the People's Republic of China at Tiananmen (2) in 1949 (1). 在上述例句中,汉英状语的排列顺序从形式上看正好相反,但从状语与被修饰词关系的“亲疏”来看,两者却是一致的,即:方式状语距被修饰的词最近,地点状语次之,时间状语更次之。


例4. 从杭州(1)坐旅游车(2)向西南(3)走大约三小时左右(4),可以到达(5)一个叫瑶林(6)的旅游胜地(7)。

There is a tourist attraction (7) called YaoLin (6) which you can reach (5) in about 3 hours (4) by going southwest (3) by tourist bus (2) from Hangzhou (1). 最后,汉语中,表示时间、条件、让步、原因等的偏句(即从句)通常放在正句(即主句)之前,而英语中这些从句既可以位于主句之前,也可位于主句之后。例如:

例1. 如果你不马上走开,我要去叫警察来了。

If you do not go away at once, I will send for a policeman. I will send for a policemen if you do not go away at once. 例2. 虽然天色已晚,他仍继续工作。

Thought it was very late, he went on working. He went on working though it was very late. 例3. 老师们正在开会,一个学生跑了进来。

While the teachers were holding a meeting, a pupil rushed in. A pupil rushed in while the teachers were holding a meeting.




3.1 汉语动词的转换


例1. 我带孩子上街去走走。

I took my child to the street for a walk. 例2. 你妈妈叫你马上回去。

Your mother wants you back at once. 【评析】第一句是“连动式”,其中连用三个动词:带、去、走。第二句是“兼语式”,其中“你”是“叫”的宾语,同时又兼做“回去”的主语。而译成英文,每句只有一个动词。


1. 汉语动词译成英语名词

例1. 汉语的特点之一是动词占优势。 One of the characteristics of Chinese language is the predominance of the verb. 例2. 一切爱好和平的人们都要求禁止原子武器。

All peace-loving people demand the prohibition of atomic weapons. 例3. 选择朋友,愈谨慎愈好。

One can never be too careful in the choice of one's friends. 例4. 他说起谎来可神啦,能让任何人都相信他。

He was a terrific liar: He could make anybody believe him. 例5. 我们必须充分利用现有的技术设备。

We must make full use of the existing technical equipment. 例6. 他们特别强调提高生铁的质量。

They laid special stress on raising the quality of pig iron. 【评析】在例句5和6中,随着汉语中动词“利用”、“强调”转译为英语名词use、stress,原来修饰它们的汉语副词“充分”、“特别”也需分别转译成英语的形容词full、special。

2. 汉语动词译成英语形容词

例1. 他因成功而快乐。

He is happy over his success. 例2. 他非常清楚自己的缺点。

He is quite aware of his shortcomings. 例3. 他好心帮助我,我很感激他。

I am grateful to him for his kind help. 例4. 我不知道他们要干什么。

I am ignorant of what they intend to do. 例5. 我肯定他会很快回来。

I am sure that he will be back soon. 例6. 他们怀疑这是否是真的。

They are doubtful whether it is true or not.

上述各例中,汉语动词表示感情、知觉、想法等心理状态,转译为英语的“be+形容词+介词短语或从句”结构。在英语中,这种结构含有一定程度的动词意义,其作用往往相当于及物动词。因而,在汉语动词转译为英语形容词时,常常使用这种结构。又如:害怕:be afraid of=fear;喜欢be fond of=like;知道:be conscious of=know等等。

例7. 不要嫉妒别人。

Do not be envious of others. 例8. 不要总是批评别人的工作。

Don't be critical of others' work all the time. 例9. 他以象征他坚持不懈精神的热情进行工作。

He works with the same enthusiasm as is symbolic of his untiring perseverance.

上面3个例句中,英语中的形容词是由及物动词派生来的。这类形容词大多跟介词of连用,具有及物动词的意义,在汉语动词转译为英语形容词时,经常使用。又如:忘记:be forgetful of=forget;渴望:be desirous of=desire等等。


例10. 我们渴望学习英语。

We are eager to learn English.

比较起来,汉语喜欢用动态(dynamic state)角度反映某些静态(static state)现实,而在英语中,则喜欢用静态角度反映某些动态现实。因而,在英汉两种语言互译中,就存在一个汉语动态句与英语静态句如何转换、使译文符合习惯的问题。如:

例11. 一个人如果依赖的是身外之物,是金钱,是权力、名誉之类的东西,那他就不会感到安全,永远也不会。只有做到自制,知足的人,才会真正感到安全。

No one who is dependent on anything outside himself, upon money, power, fame or whatever, is or ever can be secure. Only he who possesses himself and is content with himself is actually secure. 【评析】句中汉语“依赖”、“感到”、“知足”等构成的动态句均转译成了英语中由系动词be构成的静态句。

3. 汉语动词译为英语介词


例1. 他们不应该以怨报德。

They shouldn't return evil for good. 例2. 数控就是机床采用数字操纵。

Numerical control is the operation of machine tools by numbers. 例3. 那个穿绿衣服的少女是英文系的学生。

The girl in green is a student of the English Department. 例4. 他支持这个建议,我反对。

He is for the suggestion, but I am against it.

例5. 他是搞法律的。 He is in the law.

例6. 我发现他在图书馆里看书。

I found him at his books in the library. 例7. 她不顾生病,仍去开会。

She attended the meeting in spite of her illness. 例8. 句子应当按照句法规则翻译。

Sentences should be translated in accordance with syntactic rules. 例9. 他们吃着粗茶淡饭,住着寒冷的窑洞,点着昏暗的油灯,长时间地工作。 They worked long hours on meagre food, in cold caves, by dim lamps. 例10. 他被逼急了,也就顾不得老婆的叮嘱,说出了真情。

Hard pressed, he told the truth in spite of his wife's warnings.

在汉译英时,介词运用恰当,可使译文准确、简洁、晓畅。例如,与汉语中动词“用”相对应的英语动词有use、utilize、employ、apply等,但在许多情况下可换用介词,如: with: 用刀切面包。Cut bread with knife. 用右手写字。Write with right hand. on: 汽车用汽油开动。Cars run on petrol.

收音机用电池。The radio works on batteries.

by: 这活用机器/手干。The work is done by machine/hand. 用特快专递邮寄。Send by express (mail service).

in: 你能用英语唱这首歌吗?Can you sing this song in English? 不要用铅笔写。Don't write in pencil.

4. 汉语动词译成英语副词

例1. 这电影正在上演吗? Is the movie on?

例2. 那天他在日出前就起身了。

That day he was up before sunrise.

【评析】上述例句中,英语副词在连系动词be后作表语,表达动词的意义。 例3. 我打开窗子,让新鲜空气进来。

I opened the window to let fresh air in. 例4. “放我出去!”房间里的孩子叫道。



3.2 汉语名词译成英语动词


例1. 这种习惯势力既然在社会中还存在着,也就有可能给许多政府工作人员以影响。 Since the force of habit still exists in society, it can influence many governmental functionaries. 例2. 他的态度极其镇静。

He behaved with great composure.

例3. 中国科学研究发展的特点是理论联系实际。 The development of scientific research in China is characterized by integration of theory with practice.

e)不名一文 without a penny to one's name/penniless

d)害群之马 a black sheep

e)猫哭耗子假慈悲 to shed crocodile tears

f)煽风点火 fan the flames

g)智穷才尽 at one's wit's end h)并驾齐驱 neck and neck

有些汉英习语所用比喻很不相同,但仍可采用同义习语来表达,这样可避免因直译而可能出现的文字拖泥带水,或甚至于以辞害义的现象。如: a)集腋成裘 many drops make an ocean

该习语《汉英词典》中采用直译加注的方式译作the finest fragments of fox fur,sewn together will make a robe=many a little makes a miracle。有的译得更直,如The bits of fur from many foxes taken together will make a robe.两种译文,虽无不可,但总是文字较多,有失习语的短小精悍,干脆利索之特点,况且many drops make an ocean无突出民族色彩,完全可以借用。

b)一针见血to touch one on the raw/put one's finger on the weak spot of/hit the nail on the need

“一针见血”意即“触及弱点并抓到痒处”“击中要害”,如直译为to draw blood with a single prick of a needle,外国读者则难以理解,不如借用同义习语来得妥切。如: a)你的批评确是一针见血。

Your criticism really hit the nail in the head.


Your put your finger on our weak point.

c)洗心革面turn over a new leaf

“洗心革面”直译定是费解,英语turn over a new leaf(翻开新的一页),比喻虽不同,含义却一致。

很多汉语习语在英语中能找到同义表达方式,但在能直译的情况,应尽量少借用。如“打草惊蛇”如借用“to wake a sleeping dog”则语义有变。二者虽都有“惹起麻烦叫惊动对方”之义.但汉语中蛇的形象有较强的贬义,而英语中dog却多褒义,褒贬不一.译文并不等值。 习语的翻译应尽可能保持原文的文化特色,民族色彩。如所用同义习语民族色彩太浓,则不宜借用。如:One can't make bricks without straw源于《圣经》,富于西方色彩,不宜用来翻译“巧妇难为无米之炊”(Even the cleverest housewife can't cook a meal without rice)。 有的汉语比喻并没有任何形象或比喻,不具浓厚的民族或地方色彩,倘若译文中借用了地方色彩较浓的同义习语,则亦显不妥。如“因小失大”就不宜译作penny wise, pound foolish,因“便士”和“镑”都是英国的货币单位,地方色彩太浓,不如直译为try to save a little only to lose a lot。


当由于文化差异而无法直译,又无同义习语可借用时,一般采用意译法,牺牲形象,根据原文内容和喻义,结合上下文灵活传达原意。如: a)骑驴看唱本——走着瞧啊 wait and see.


to snap and snarl at a kind-hearted person.

c)打开窗子说亮话frankly speaking

这种歇后语往往利用一些具体浅显的比喻说明比较抽象的事理,语言诙谐,生动,类似谜语,加之双关语的运用,很难直译,只有根据上下文内容意译。再如: d)他这一阵心头如同十五个吊桶打水,七上八下。 His mind has been in turmoil these days.


I don't know the first thing about modern drug business.

汉语中有些习语,虽源于历史事件或寓言故事等,但久经沿用,人们已不在计较其出处,只注意其寓意的表达。因此,翻译时大可不必直译或加注释,结合上下文意译即可。 a)他没料到半路上会杀出一个程咬金来。

Little did he expect that half way another man should appear and try to poke his nose into the matter.


It's better for the doer to undo what he has done. Let's turn to Zhang Peng for help.


I,too,have been forced to attend such a course。

汉语中很多短语已被人们当作代表一定意义的语言成分使用比喻。人们甚至很少顾及其比喻,因此,大量的习语翻译时可采用意译的方式。如: a)他这人粗枝大叶。 He is crude and careless.


Wish you instant success.

c)大刀阔斧地进行改革 Carry out drastic reforms


He likes to come straight to the point without beating about the bush.

意译是在无法直译,或直译效果较差,又无同义习语可借用的情况下进行的。汉语中一些字面上不合逻辑的习语,或带有方言性的习语大都无法直译,故常采用意译法译之。如。 a)不管三七二十一,反止我不去。 No matter what you say, I won't go.


What lousy luck! When I reached the train had just left.


He told his comrades the whole story exactly as it had happened.


Don't pretend! You know better than anyone else.



代习语的内容,是常用的一种翻译技巧。如: a)瞎子点灯白费蜡

As useless as a blind man lighting a candle.


Pluck up the evil by the roots


Until all is over ambition never dies.


One bowl is quiet,two howls make a row.


省略法实质上是语言冗余信息在翻译中的运用。语言的冗余性表现为信息的复现和蕴涵,这种同义复现现象汉语习语中极为常见,如“风驰电掣”中“风驰”和“电擎”意思相近,都表“快速”。按语言学中的信息论来说,重复信息的价值等于零,因此只译出其中两个字即可,即“like the wind”,全部译出英语反显累赘。如: a)咬牙切齿 clench one's teeth

h)甜言蜜语 sugary/honeyed words e)赤手空拳 bare-handed d)深情厚意 profound feeling

e)取之不尽,用之不竭 inexhaustible f)无影无踪 without a trace g)愁眉苦脸 gloomy faces


a)恭恭敬敬 respectfully b)鬼鬼祟祟 stealthily c)吞吞吐吐 stumble d)跄跄踉踉 stagger e)躲躲闪闪 be evasive




Only fools catch flies on a tigers' head.

译文中增添了only fools把习语的内涵清楚表达出来,便于读者理解。


The mentis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole lurking behind unaware of和lurking的增添,更加清楚地交代了原文之意。


Show off one's proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter. 如不增补proficiency和the master carpenter,恐怕英语读者会不知所云。




a)牵着鼻子走 be led by the nose b)武装到牙齿 armed to the teeth c)火中取栗 cat's paw

d)挤得像沙丁鱼罐头 packed like sardines e)打出王牌 play one's trump card


具体翻译过程中.究竟选用哪种翻译方式,应视语言环境而定。不可机械地直译或意译等。《汉英词典》是译者常使用的工具,但《词典》中习语的翻译相当一部分采用的是直译加注的方式。翻译时不可照搬,应据上下文而适当变化。这一点,《词典》中也有译例为证。如“水落石出”《词典》中翻译为when the water subsides the rocks emerge,the whole thing comes to light,但具体上下文中却相应变化。 a)把事情弄个水落石出 to argue a matter out b)我们一定要把这事弄个水落石出。

We must get to the bottom of this matter.

再如“朝秦暮楚”《词典》中译为to serve(the 8tare of)Qin in the morning and(the State)of Chu in the evening--be quick to switch sides; be fickle; be in constant。具体语言环境中则应注意译法的选择。如,在用“朝秦暮楚”描写一个人在爱情或友谊方面易变时,用be fickle则比较合适,无需直译。

同一习语,在不同的上下文,由于所说明对象的变化.其含义同样会有细微的差异。因此,习语的翻译无固定模式,需根据具体的上下文选择适当的翻译方式。如前文“意译法”中所举之例e),not know the first thing about(擀面杖吹火一窍不通)用于指“新药业”可谓比较贴切.但对于下面一句的翻译颇有点费解。人们会问,对于法语来说.the first thing到底是什么。不如译作not know a single letter(连一个字母都不认识)到比较传神。 对于法语,我是擀面杖吹火,一窍不通。 I don't know a single letter of French.



Their economy has become torn and tattered.


The capitalist system is rotten to the core.


Since he took office,he has been confronted with a hopeless mess.


so far as their kills are concerned, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other.

这两个人半斤对八两,都不是好东西。 The two of them are equally bad.


The work done by them is much of a muchness.

第三节 兼语式的译法


-名-动:”的句式,汉语中称兼语式。如: 他叫我等一会(He asked me to wait a while) 名-动-名-动:谓语 复合宾语


1 按英语的SVOC句型将兼语式的第二个动词译成非限定动词作宾语补足语。“使、令”类兼语式大都可采用这种译法。如;


Mother often encourages me to learn English.


We asked him to sing a folk song.


What made you give up smoking?


He ordered his soldiers to march by day and rest by night.




Don't keep your mother waiting.


The words set us all laughing.

c)他觉得房子在摇动。 He felt the house shaking.

2)“make, have, let”的“使、夸”兼语式要求宾补为原形动词,这时宾语是宾补动作的施动者。如:


He always has his sister wash his clothes. b) 请让我自我介绍一下。

Please let me introduce myself.


What made you think of this?

但若宾语是第二动词宾补的受事者,宾补则应采用ed形式。如: d)我们总有一天会让你受到惩罚。

We'll have you punished sooner or later.


I will make you elected.

