Bioinformatics Advance Access published March 22,

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Khatun et al. (2004) developed contact potentials and showed a correlation of 0.46 in a dataset of 1356 mutations. Capriotti et al. (2005) developed SVM based method, which predicts protein stability with 80 % accuracy using structural information and 77%

Bioinformatics Advance Access published March 22, 2007

Khatun et al. (2004) developed contact potentials and showed a correlation of 0.46 in a dataset of 1356 mutations. Capriotti et al. (2005) developed SVM based method, which predicts protein stability with 80 % accuracy using structural information and 77%

L.-T. Huang et al.

Khatun et al. (2004) developed contact potentials and showed a correlation of 0.46 in a dataset of 1356 mutations. Capriotti et al. (2005) developed SVM based method, which predicts protein sta-bility with 80% accuracy using structural information and 77% from sequence. Cheng et al. (2006) also used SVMs and reported the accuracy of 84% using structure information. Parthiban et al. (2006) proposed a method based on torsion and atom potentials, which predicted the stability with more than 80% accuracy. The present method could discriminate the stabilizing and destabilizing mutants at an accuracy of 82% and predict the protein stability changes upon mutations with the correlation of 0.70 from amino acid sequence. This analysis shows that the performance of our method is similar to or better than other methods in the literature. The main features of the present method are: (i) it is based on the neighboring residues of short window length, (ii) it can predict the stability from amino acid sequence alone, (iii) developed dif-ferent servers for discrimination and prediction, and integrated them together, (iv) utilized the information about experimental conditions, pH and T, and (v) implemented several rules for dis-crimination and prediction from the knowledge of experimental stability and input conditions: (i) if the deleted residue is Ala and the neighboring residues contain Gln, then the predicted stability change will be negative (accuracy = 97.1%), (ii) if the deleted residue is Glu and its second neighbor at N-terminal is Met, the mutation stabilizes the protein (accuracy = 100%) and (iii) if the deleted-residue belongs to Y, W, V, R, P, M, L, I, G, F or C, and the introduced-residue belongs to T, S, P, K, H, G or A, then the predicted stability change will be -2.05 kcal/mol (mean absolute error = 1.57 kcal/mol). Additional rules are provided on the web.

Fig. 1. Snapshot showing the necessary items to be given as input for discrimination and prediction.


The input options for discrimination/prediction are shown in Fig-Fig 2. The results obtained for predicting the stability change along with

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