20142015高中英语 Module 3 Slavery and the American Civil War Period Two Language in use同步精练 外研

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Module 3 Slavery and the American Civil War Period Two Language

in use



1.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed________.

A.catching B.be caught C.being caught D.to catch

答案 C

2.________that's important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction.

A.One B.All C.Something D.Anything

答案 B

3.My mother opened a drawer to ________the knives and spoons.

A.put away B.put up C.put on D.put together

答案 A

4.That room ________ my father's library and now it is my bedroom.

A.was used to be B.used to being

C.used to be D.was used to being

答案 C

5.I'm pleased ________ your success.

A.in B.over C.on D.at

答案 D

6.You are ________kind to me.

A.too much B.such C.much D.much too

答案 D

7.He ________ prison two years ago and now he________.

A.was put in; was set free

B.was shut into; is set free

C.put into; has been set freely

D.was put into; has been set free

答案 D

8.In the spoken English of some areas in the US, the “r” sounds at the end of the

words ________ .


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2 A.are dropped B.drop

C.are being dropped D.have dropped 答案 A

9.I have seldom seen my mother ________ pleased with my progress as she is now.

A.so B.very C.too D.rather

答案 A

10.Nobody enjoys________.

A.being looked down upon B.looking down upon

C.being looked down D.to look down

答案 A


I work in a company in India. And it has __11__ in Germany and the UK, so I __12__ take business trips to these have a(n) __13__ at the office by which anybody coming back to India from a foreign country gets chocolates for all the __14__. Naturally the chocolates are finished __15__ because everyone loves them and __16__ to grab as many as had noticed that the housekeeping staff __17__ in our company never got to __18__ even a single chocolate.

Recently, I came back to __19__ after a month-long trip from Munich and I'd bought a lot of chocolates for the office called over __20__ of the housekeeping staff members called gave him a box of chocolates and told him to distribute it __21__among the housekeeping face immediately broke into a wide smile and this made me __22__.

But the story doesn't __23__ best part of it all was that Babu actually distributed the chocolates among everyone equally __24__ giving extra chocolates to a woman who has a 5-year-old son. It was so __25__ for me to see this. I find it really __26__ to understand how we,who have the money to buy chocolates and other goodies, do not even feel like __27__ and just think how much we can grab. __28__,Babu, who earns only just about enough to raise his family, was so __29__and did not even keep one extra chocolate for himself.

It made me __30__one simple question: Which is better, having a little less money but being kind and generous or having lots of money but being selfish? 11.B.machines C.branches D.buildings

答案 C [考查名词。此处branches指这家在印度的公司在英国和德国的一些分支机构。]

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12.B.frequently C.hardly D.never

答案 B [考查副词。由于有分支机构,所以作者经常去这些地方出差。]

13. B.theory C.example D.tradition

答案 D [考查名词。作者的办公室有一个传统。 ]

14.A employees B.children C.leaders D.managers 答案 A [考查名词。所有从国外出差回来的人都要给员工买巧克力。]

15. A.at a time B.in time C.in no time D.on time

答案 C [考查介词短语。下文提到每个人都喜欢巧克力,因此巧克力应该很快就被拿完了。]

16.A pretends B.fails C.hesitates D.tries

答案 D [考查动词。每个人都喜欢巧克力,因此大家都尽力多拿一些。] 17.B.working C.playing D.helping

答案 B [考查动词。勤杂人员是作者单位的员工,所以用working。] 18.B.smell C.buy D.make

答案 A [考查动词。这些勤杂人员从来尝不到巧克力。]

19. B.England C.India D.China

答案 C [考查名词。文章开头说公司在印度,所以作者出差后应该回到印


20. B.ones C.that D.one

答案 D [考查代词。根据下文,作者把一位叫Babu的勤杂人员叫过来。]

21. B.equally C.extremely D.secretly

答案 B [考查副词。从第三段可知,是公平地分发这些巧克力。 ]

22. B.sad C.disappointed D.frightened

答案 A [考查形容词。这位勤杂员脸上的笑容当然让作者高兴。] 23.B.continue C.end D.last

答案 C [考查动词。根据下文的描述,此处指故事没有结束。]

24. B.yet C.instead D.even

答案 D [考查副词。Babu不但在员工中平分巧克力,甚至把多余的还给

了一位有一个5岁孩子的妇女。even表示一种递进关系。 ]

25.B.touching C.worrying D.interesting

答案 B [考查形容词。Babu把多余的巧克力给了那位妇女,而不是留给自己,这是令人感动的。]

26.B.funny C.hard D.strange

答案 C [考查形容词。作者发现有一个问题很难理解。]


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27. B.dividing C.changing D.enjoying

答案 A [考查动词。作者难以理解的是为什么他们很有钱却都不愿与别人


28.'s more B.In reality

C.On the other hand D.Worse still

答案 C [考查关联词。on the other hand“在另一方面”,与上文情况形成对

比。what's more“而且”;in reality“实际上”;worse still“更糟糕的是”。] 29. B.generous C.brave D.intelligent

答案 B [考查形容词。Babu尽管薪水很低,却很慷慨大方。 ]

30. up B.figure out C.think of D.take off

答案 C [考查动词短语。这件事引起作者思考一个简单的问题。think of意思是“考虑,想起”。make up “组成,编造;化妆等”;figure out“计算,理解,弄明白”;

take off“拿走;脱下;起飞;成功”。]


Jane Austen, a famous English writer, was born at Stevenson, Hampshire, on December 16,1775,and died on July 18,1817. She began writing early in life, although the prejudices of her times forced her to have her books published anonymously(匿名 ).But Jane Austen is perhaps the best known and best loved of Bath's many famous local people and visitors. She paid two long visits here during the last five years of the eighteenth century and from 1801 to 1806,Bath was her home. Her deep knowledge of the city is fully seen in two of her novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, which are largely set in Bath. The city is still very much as Jane Austen knew it, keeping in its streets and public buildings the well-ordered world that she described so well in her novels. Now the pleasure of learning Jane Austen's Bath can be enhanced by visiting the Jane Austen Centre in Gay Street. Here, in a Georgian tow house in the heart of the city, you can find out more about Bath in Jane Austen's time and the importance of Bath in her life and work.

The Centre has been set up with the help and guidance of members of the Jane Austen Society. After your visit to the Centre, you can look round the attractive shop, which offers a huge collection of Jane Austen related books, cards and many specially designed gifts. Jane Austen quizzes are offered to keep the children busy.

You can also have walking tours of Jane Austen's Bath, which is a great way to find out more about Jane Austen and discover the wonderful Georgian city of Bath. The tour lasts about one and a half hours. The experienced guides will take you to


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the places where Jane lived, walked and shopped.

31.Jane Austen paid two long visits to Bath________.

A.in her early twenties B.in her early teens

C.in her late twenties D.in her late teens

答案 A [细节理解题。第一段交代了她出生于1775年;第二段提到了她去Bath是during the last five years of the eighteenth century,即1795~1799年。] 32.The author writes this passage in order to________.

A.attract readers to visit the city of Bath

B.ask readers to buy Austen's books

C.tell readers about Jane Austen's experience

D.give a brief introduction to the Jane Austen Society

答案 A [推理判断题。从文章的后半部分可以明显地判断出作者的这一意图。] 33.What is the meaning of the underlined word “enhanced” in Paragraph 2?

A.Reduced. B.Strengthened. C.Spread. D.Praised.

答案 B [词义猜测题。通过上下文和常识可知,参观名人故居可以增强(strengthen)对某人的了解。reduce减少;spread传播;praise表扬。]


