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《纽约时报》读译--砖块积累练习: 1.

Alibaba went on to raise a record $25 billion in September in an initial public offering in New York.

In unusually blunt criticism, a Chinese government agency on Wednesday took aim at the e-commerce

giant Alibaba Group for what it said were unlicensed The regulator’s report, first made public on Wednesday, merchants, fake goods and other illegal practices on its said it had found 19 problems in five main areas on hugely popular shopping websites. China’s





Alibaba’s sites. Those included a number of unlicensed or unregistered vendorsselling items, including

State knockoffs and goods that were improperly imported or

Administration for Industry and Commerce, released a banned from sale in China. Such items included fake report summarizing its findings of thedeficiencies on cigarettes, wine and mobile phones; knockoff handbags; Alibaba’s sites, including Taobao Marketplace and gambling equipment; wiretapping devices; and Tmall.com. In a statement on its website, the regulator restricted types of knives. said that after a thorough review, it had discovered “the long-term existence of illegal problems regarding the management of transaction activity and other issues.”

Because of its failure to take action against these shortcomings, Alibaba “faces its biggest credibility crisis

The agency said that it had presented the findings to since it was founded,” according to the regulator’s unidentified top Alibaba executives in a July 17 meeting Chinese-language report. at the company’s headquarters in the eastern city of

Hangzhou, but that it had kept the results confidential at In a response on its verified account on the social the time so as “not to affect Alibaba’s preparations for a messaging service Weibo, Taobao on Wednesday said stock market listing.”

that it had been a victim of fakes and had gone to great lengths to prevent them from being sold on its site.


? In unusually blunt criticism一反常态的进行直接批? a record $25billion(数字前面有形容词,形容词前

? take aim at瞄准,盯着;以…为目标

? 无照经营商家、假冒商品

? 中国的主要企业监管机构(监管机构regulator) ? SAIC ; Chinese : 国家工商行政管理总局 ? 总结了阿里巴巴网站上发现的问题

要加不定冠词,record表创历史记录) ? initial public offering(IPO)上市

? 上市的动词 go public; get listed; issue or float


? 上市公司 a listed company; a public company; a

publicly-owned or publicly-traded company; ? 退市,摘牌 get delisted;

? 未办理营业执照或未注册登记的卖家

? vendor (formal) a company that sells a particular

product (某种产品的)销售公司

? Deficiency存在的问题(institutional deficiencies体? knockoff n. 名牌仿制品an unauthorized copy or

制机制不完善,存在体制问题) ? a thorough review全面审核

? transaction (Synonym: dealing)

? present sth. to sb.=to give sth. to sb.

? executive(a person who has an important job as a

manager of a company or an organization) ? 没有公布相关结果(反说正译)

imitation (Synonym: clone)

? 出售假货、水货 sell knockoffs and goods that were

improperly imported

? 水货:非正常渠道进口的货物 grey-market goods;

Smuggled goods; parallel imports;

? wiretapn. 搭线窃听(电话) If someone wiretaps

your telephone, they attach a special device to the line so that they can secretly listen to your conversations

? wiretapping devices窃听器材

? 9月,阿里巴巴在纽约上市,募集资金250亿美元,? restricted types of knives管制刀具


? credibility crisis诚信危机


? go to great length to do sth.做了大量工作

At the same time, the company took issue with the

medicine and footwear. In the past Alibaba has cited the sheer magnitude of the listings on Taobao as a reason it has been unable to clean up postings of fake

regulator’s approach, saying that it “welcomes fair and or dangerous goods. just supervision” but that the agency had not been objective.

Last month, Alibaba said it had spent about $160 million combating the sale of fake goods on its sites in

Taobao went further still, and in a rarely seen public 2013 and 2014. Still, many companies complain that criticism of a government official, it accused Liu Alibaba can be slow to pull down listings of Hongliang, a bureau chief at the administration for piratedgoods. Others point out that removed listings industry and commerce, of using inappropriate often quickly reappear under different names. procedures in carrying out his investigation. The

company said it would file a formal complaint to the In another move to improve its reputation abroad, agency.

Alibaba said it would cooperate with the Consumer Product Safety Commission of the United States to

Mr. Liu “used mistaken methods to arrive at an ensure that goods banned by the American regulator conclusion that was not objective, causing very serious would not be available for purchase in the country. negative effects on Taobao and on China’s

e-commerce industry participants,” the company said in Jack Ma, the Alibaba founder, is known for speaking its statement.

directly about delicate matters and has called out regulators in the past. Most notably in an editorial

Taobao, Alibaba’s largest site, operates as a written in The People’s Daily in 2013, the official marketplace where small vendors and individuals post mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, Mr. Ma listings for everything from car parts to Chinese criticized China’s financial regulators, arguing that the


Chinese financial system serves only major ? 由于淘宝上商品种类繁多,他们无法清除有关假冒


? Citesth. As a reason 以…为由; ? the sheer magnitude量非常大

? combat

? pirated adj.剽窃,盗用

? 清除盗版商品 clean up/ pull down listings of

pirated goods

? 被清除的商品很快会改头换面,卷土重来

? CPSC消费安全产品委员会

? 过去也曾叫板监管机构

? 叫板challenge sb.; take issue with sb.; call out sb.

corporations and neglects small businesses.

? 对监管机构的做法提出异议

? take issue with sb. 与某人较真;对…提出异议;

? file a formal complaint to 向…正式诉讼; ? file a lawsuit against sb. 对…提出诉讼 ? file a report 提交报告 ? file an application 提出申请 ? patent filings 专利的申请量

? 在网站上出售各种物品



