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(2018·高考考前适应性考试)No one is sure how many Americans belong to reading groups called book clubs. Yet__1__ (publisher) and bookstores report that more and more people throughout the United States are joining__2__ (they).

Most of the clubs work the same way. Members read the same book at the same time. Then they meet to talk about the book. Members may be friends or people__3__ live near each other. Some Americans belong to reading groups on__4__Internet. These groups include people around the world who communicate about books they read. They send electronic mails instead of gathering__5__ (discuss) books.

Most reading groups study books by__6__ (variety) writers. However, some groups read the work of a single writer, __7__ (usual) one that has been famous for a while. Other groups may__8__ (name) for an important person in the work of the writer, __9__ a Sherlock Holmes Club. Members of these book clubs often are experts about their__10__ (choose) reading materials. One member of a Holmes reading group, for example, can identify almost every person in every Sherlock Holmes story.

答案:【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了现在美国各种各样的图书俱乐部。

1.publishers 解析:考查名词。句意:然而,据出版商和书店报道,整个美国越来越多的人加入他们。因为名词publisher是可数名词,且bookstores用复数形式,故此处也用复数形式。故填publishers。

2.them 解析:考查代词。句意:然而,据出版商和书店报道,整个美国越来越多的人加入他们。这里代词作宾语,故用宾格形式。故填them。

3.who/that 解析:考查定语从句关系词。句意:成员可能是朋友或住在附近的人。定语从句中先行词为friends or people,在从句中作主语,故用关系词who/that。故填who/that。

4.the 解析:考查冠词。句意:一些美国人属于网上阅读团体。on the Internet在网上,固定搭配,需加the。故填the。

5.to discuss 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:他们使用电子邮件而不是集会来讨论书籍。这里的不定式to表示目的性。故填to discuss。

6.various 解析:考查形容词。句意:大多数阅读小组学习各种作家写的书。名词writers前用形容词修饰。故填various。

7.usually 解析:考查副词。句意:然而,一些小组仅仅研究一个作家的作品,通常



8.be named 解析:考查语态。句意:其它的团体可能是以一位重要作者的作品而命名。主语Other groups与name之间为被动关系,故用被动形式。故填be named。

9.like 解析:考查介词。句意:其它的团体可能是以一位重要作者的作品而命名,比如,夏洛克·福尔摩斯俱乐部。这里是举例,故用like,表示“像,比如”之意。

10.chosen 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:这些读书俱乐部的成员通常是他们所挑选的阅读材料的专家。所填词与修饰的名词reading materials是被动关系,故用过去分词修饰。故填chosen。


(2018·郑州高三质量预测)I lost my last debate in the recent National High School Academic Debate & Speech Tournament held in Shanghai. But instead of focusing on my __1__(fail), I stopped to reflect on my experiences in the past few years __2__ a debater.

In general, preparing for new debate topics usually __3__(include) brainstorming arguments, researching a solution, and doing debate practice. So if you spot a debating group, you might see us sitting together after school, or even all day at weekends, discussing arguments and researching evidence. You might also notice us arguing __4__ (fierce) anywhere we can.

Not only are they supportive, but my debate friends also have similar passions and interests to mine. As we discuss debate topics, my fellow debaters and I can talk about anything, from __5__ best way of reforming(使改过自新) criminals to the negative points of free immigration policies. However, our discussions are more than just a way __6__(practice) our debating skills. In my mind, they're helping us to become calm and consider __7__(win) and solving real problems as well.

To me, the debating community is a great place __8__ people help each other not only because they're interested in a higher cause, but because they care about how people from different __9__ (background) can lead better lives. I'm grateful to each of my debate friends and every single minute we get to spend together. Indeed, my high school life would be incomplete without them. So even though I __10__(defeat) in my last debate, I'm still thankful for being part of my wonderful debate family.

答案:【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者参加了高中辩论赛,却在最后一场辩论中失败了。回顾在过去的几年中自己作为辩手的经历,作者很感激能成为辩论社的一员。它不仅提高了作者的辩论技能,而且还教会了作者遇事要冷静。

1.failure 解析:考查词性转换。句意:但是我并没有过多地关注失败,而是开始反


思在过去的几年中我作为辩手的经历。设空处位于形容词性物主代词之后,作focusing on的宾语,应用名词。故填failure。

2.as 解析:考查介词。句意见上题解析。根据句意可知,设空处表示“作为”,故填介词as。

3.includes 解析:考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意:一般来说,准备新的辩论主题包括对论点进行头脑风暴、研究解决方法和进行辩论练习。根据时间状语In general和副词usually可知,设空处应用一般现在时。主语为动名词短语,谓语动词应用第三人称单数,故填includes。

4.fiercely 解析:考查词性转换。句意:你可能也会注意到我们在任何地方都进行激烈的争论。设空处修饰动词arguing,应用副词。故填fiercely。

5.the 解析:考查冠词。句意:当我们讨论辩论主题的时候,我的辩友们和我可以讨论任何主题,从使罪犯改过自新的最好的方法到自由移民政策的弊端。设空处后有形容词最高级best,故应填the。

6.to practice 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:然而,我们的讨论不仅仅是一个练习辩论技巧的方法。a way to do sth.,为固定搭配,意为“做某事的一种途径”,故填to practice。

7.winning 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:在我看来,它们帮助我们变得冷静,并且思考如何赢得比赛和解决真正的问题。设空处作consider的宾语,应用动名词形式,且设空处和solving real problems之间为并列关系。故填winning。

8.where 解析:考查定语从句。句意:对我来说辩论社是个很好的地方,在那儿,人们相互帮助,不仅是因为他们都对更高的目标感兴趣,而且因为他们都关心怎么让来自不同背景的人们都过上更好的生活。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导定语从句,先行词为a great place,关系词在从句中作地点状语,故填where。

9.backgrounds 解析:考查名词单复数。句意见上题解析。from为介词,后接名词;background意为“个人背景”时为可数名词,根据设空处前的different可知,应用名词复数,故填backgrounds。

10.was defeated 解析:考查动词的时态和语态。句意:所以,尽管在最后一场辩论中我失败了,我仍然很感激能成为优秀的辩论大家庭的一员。根据in my last debate可知,设空处应用一般过去时,且主语I和defeat之间为被动关系,故应用被动语态。故填was defeated。


A young man in Wuhan, Hubei Province has become the latest Internet sensation after a video showing his heart-warming act on a subway train went viral(广为传播的) on social media __1__(recent).


In the video, the man can be seen __2__(hold) his mobile phone in his hand after falling asleep on a Metro, with a message in large font on the screen which reads, “Please wake me if you need my seat.”

The video __3__(capture) by a fellow passenger who posted it on Weibo. The video, __4__ was just 7 seconds long, has been viewed more than 19 million times in just two days. Chinese netizens were greatly touched by the young man's act and applauded him for his __5__(kind). A Web user even commented, “I only needed 7 seconds to fall __6__ love with this young man.”

The humble man __7__(refuse) an interview invitation after becoming an Internet star and said that he just did what he felt he should. In a Weibo post, he thanked netizens for __8__(they) love and praise. He said he would always fall asleep when he had nothing to do on the train but worried others may need the seat, so he got __9__ idea of making a message on his phone screen.

He added that he hopes the positive energy can spread __10__(far).


1.recently 解析:句意:近日,一段关于湖北省武汉市一名年轻男子在地铁上的暖心行为的视频在社交媒体上走红后,这名男子在网络上引起了轰动。设空处修饰句子,应用副词,故填recently。

2.holding 解析:句意:在视频中,人们可以看到,这个人在地铁上睡着后,手里拿着手机,屏幕上有一条大字体的信息,上面写着:“如果你需要我的座位,请叫醒我。”see sb.doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“看到某人正在做某事”,此句用到了其被动结构,故填holding。

3.was captured 解析:句意:这段视频是同车的一名乘客拍摄的,他把视频传到了微博上。设空处描述过去的动作,应用一般过去时,且设空处和主语The video为被动关系,故填was captured。

4.which 解析:句意:这段时长仅7秒的视频在短短两天内就被观看了1 900多万次。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导定语从句,先行词为video,指物,在从句中作主语,且空前有逗号隔开,故填which。

5.kindness 解析:句意:中国网民被这个年轻人的行为深深地感动了,纷纷称赞他的善良。根据设空处前的介词for和形容词性物主代词his可知,设空处应为名词,故填kindness。

6.in 解析:句意:一位网友甚至评论:“我只需7秒钟就爱上了这个年轻人。” fall


in love with为固定搭配,意为“爱上”,故填in。

7.refused 解析:句意:这位谦虚的人在网上走红后拒绝了采访邀请,并说他只是做了他觉得应该做的事。and连接并列成分,根据其后的said可知,设空处应用一般过去时,故填refused。

8.their 解析:句意:在微博上,他感谢了网友对他的爱和赞扬。设空处指代netizens,且修饰名词love and praise,应用形容词性物主代词,故填their。

9.the/this 解析:句意:他说,当他在地铁上无事可做时,他总是会睡着,又担心其他人可能需要座位,所以想到了这个在手机屏幕上留言的主意。设空处特指在手机屏幕上留言的主意,故填定冠词the,或填this,表示“这个”。

10.further 解析:句意:他补充说,希望这种正能量可以传播得更远。根据句意可知,设空处暗含比较意义,且指抽象意义上的“远”,故填further。


(2018·南昌二中月考)The term “extreme sports”, which you have probably seen in magazines and on websites, __1__(be) becoming more and more common as the concept of extreme sports gains __2__ (popular). So, what exactly are extreme sports?

During the 1970s and 1980s, the term “extreme sports” was used for sports that had high risks __3__ (involve) and often resulted in death.Today, however, extreme sports also include activities that give a feeling of adventure without __4__ (necessary) putting the participant's life in danger. For every extreme sport there is professional equipment that has been developed __5__(protect) your body, improve your performance and give you __6__ advantage in the competition.

Extreme sports cover a wide range of activities. Some kinds of extreme sports __7__(develop) from familiar activities, such as mountain biking, climbing and drag racing. Some extreme sports may not be as well known. Bouldering, for instance, is a type of rock climbing __8__ no rope is used. __9__ usually takes place in an area with large rocks or in climbing centers.

People have never stopped developing new types of extreme activities.These sports are gaining a large audience and growing in popularity and participation, especially __10__ young people.

答案:【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了极限运动的相关内容。

1.is 解析:考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意:你可能在杂志和网站上看到过“极限运动”一词,随着极限运动的概念日益流行,该词变得越来越常见。该句中extreme sports为同位语,不是主语;which you have probably seen in magazines and on websites为定语从句。该句真正的主语为The term,是单数名词,且此处阐述的是一般事实,应用一



2.popularity 解析:考查词性转换。句意见上题解析。该句中gains后缺少宾语,因此,设空处应用名词。故填popularity。

3.involved 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:在二十世纪七八十年代,“极限运动”一词指涉及高风险并往往会导致死亡的运动。该句中that所引导的定语从句有谓语动词had,have sth.done表示“某物被……”,因此,设空处应用involve的过去分词形式。故填involved。

4.necessarily 解析:考查词性转换。句意:然而现在,极限运动也包括一些可以给参与者冒险感,而不一定将参与者的生命置于危险之中的活动。设空处修饰动词putting,故用副词形式。故填necessarily。

5.to protect 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:每一项极限运动都有专业的设备来保护你的身体,改进你的表现,并让你在比赛中获得优势。该句中that引导的定语从句有谓语has been developed,因此设空处应用非谓语动词,且此处表目的,故填to protect。

6.an 解析:考查冠词。句意见上题解析。advantage意为“优势;有利条件”时,可以作可数名词,此处泛指“给你一个优势”,其前应用不定冠词修饰,且该词以元音音素开头,故填an。

7.have developed 解析:考查动词的时态。句意:有一些种类的极限运动是从我们所熟悉的活动中发展而来的,如山地自行车、攀岩和直线加速赛等极限运动。此处表示“目前来看已经……”,表示发生在过去的动作一直持续到现在,且有可能继续持续下去。因此,应用现在完成时,主语中心词sports为复数名词,故填have developed。

8.where 解析:考查定语从句。句意:例如,抱石运动是一种不使用绳索的攀岩方式。设空处引导的句子修饰rock climbing,为定语从句,先行词为rock climbing,在从句中作地点状语,因此,应用where引导该从句。

9.It 解析:考查代词。句意:它通常在有大块岩石的地区或者攀岩中心进行。设空处作主语,指代前文的bouldering,故填it,与设空处后面的动词takes保持数的一致。

10.among 解析:考查介词。句意:这些运动正在赢得大量观众,并且越来越受欢迎,有越来越多的人,特别是年轻人参与其中。根据young people可知,此处指在三个或三个以上的人中,应用介词among。



2.popularity 解析:考查词性转换。句意见上题解析。该句中gains后缺少宾语,因此,设空处应用名词。故填popularity。

3.involved 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:在二十世纪七八十年代,“极限运动”一词指涉及高风险并往往会导致死亡的运动。该句中that所引导的定语从句有谓语动词had,have sth.done表示“某物被……”,因此,设空处应用involve的过去分词形式。故填involved。

4.necessarily 解析:考查词性转换。句意:然而现在,极限运动也包括一些可以给参与者冒险感,而不一定将参与者的生命置于危险之中的活动。设空处修饰动词putting,故用副词形式。故填necessarily。

5.to protect 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:每一项极限运动都有专业的设备来保护你的身体,改进你的表现,并让你在比赛中获得优势。该句中that引导的定语从句有谓语has been developed,因此设空处应用非谓语动词,且此处表目的,故填to protect。

6.an 解析:考查冠词。句意见上题解析。advantage意为“优势;有利条件”时,可以作可数名词,此处泛指“给你一个优势”,其前应用不定冠词修饰,且该词以元音音素开头,故填an。

7.have developed 解析:考查动词的时态。句意:有一些种类的极限运动是从我们所熟悉的活动中发展而来的,如山地自行车、攀岩和直线加速赛等极限运动。此处表示“目前来看已经……”,表示发生在过去的动作一直持续到现在,且有可能继续持续下去。因此,应用现在完成时,主语中心词sports为复数名词,故填have developed。

8.where 解析:考查定语从句。句意:例如,抱石运动是一种不使用绳索的攀岩方式。设空处引导的句子修饰rock climbing,为定语从句,先行词为rock climbing,在从句中作地点状语,因此,应用where引导该从句。

9.It 解析:考查代词。句意:它通常在有大块岩石的地区或者攀岩中心进行。设空处作主语,指代前文的bouldering,故填it,与设空处后面的动词takes保持数的一致。

10.among 解析:考查介词。句意:这些运动正在赢得大量观众,并且越来越受欢迎,有越来越多的人,特别是年轻人参与其中。根据young people可知,此处指在三个或三个以上的人中,应用介词among。


