译林牛津Book 3 Unit 2 Language单元仿真检测(附答案及解析)

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Unit 2 Language

单元仿真检测试卷 (A卷)


第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 、D 、四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21. Because the hall was full, thousands of fans were _____, and they left, disappointed. A. turned out B. turned away C. turned in D. turned over

22. One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to ______ healthy eating habits. A. grow B develop C. increase D. raise 23. — How long are you staying? — I don't know.___________.

A. That's OK B. Never mind C. It depends D.It doesn't matter

24. You can't imagine what difficulty we had ______ home in the snowstorm.

A. walked B. walk C. to walk D. walking

25. For all these years I have been working for others. I’m hoping I’ll ______ my own business someday.

A.turn up B. fix up

C.set up D. make up

26. He suddenly saw Sue _______ the room. He pushed his way _______ the crowd of people to get to her.

A. across; across B. over; through C. over; into D. across; through

27. He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _______ was seen at its best when he worked with others.

A. temper B. appearance C. talent D. character

28. I saw a woman running toward me in the dark. Before I could recognize who she was,she had run back in the direction ______ she had come. A. of which B. by which C. in which D .from which

29. Kathy______ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.

A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up

30. If you keep practicing your son in football, he ______ to be a famous player . A. wants B. hopes C. wishes D. promises

31. Don't ______. You will _______ new customs and different ways of thinking.

A. lose your heart; apply to B. lose heart; apply yourself to

C. lose your heart; adapt to D. lose heart; adapt yourself to

32. In some places women are expected to earn money ____ men work at home and raise their children.

A. but B. while C. because D. though

33. Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be _______ to the kids. A. accessible B. relative C. acceptable D. sensitive

34. The way he did it was different _______ we were used to. A. in which B. in what C. from what D. from which

35. Could I speak to is in charge of International Sales please? A. who B. what C. whoever D. whatever



A person may have an idea about himself that will prevent him from doing good work. He may have the belief that he is not capable of it. A child may think he is 36 because he doesn’t understand how to make the 37 of his mental faculties (才能). Older people may be mistaken that they are incapable of learning things new because of their 38 . A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real 39 because he feels that it would be useless. He won’t go at a job with the confidence necessary for 40 , and he won’t work his hardest way, even though he may think he is doing so. He is 41 likely to fail, and the failure will 42 his belief in his incompetence (无能). Alfred Alder, a famous doctor, had 43 like this . When he was a small boy, he had a poor 44 in maths. His teacher told his parents he had no ability in maths in order that they would not 45 too much of him. In his way, they two 46 the idea. He accepted 47 mistaken thinking of his ability, felt that it was useless 48 and was very poor at maths, 49 as they expected. One day he worked at a problem which 50 of the other students had been able to solve.

Alder 51 in solving the problem. This gave him confidence. He now 52 with interest, determination and purpose, and he soon became especially good at maths. He not only 53 that he could learn maths well, but luckily he learnt 54 in his life from his own experience that if a person goes at a job with determination and purpose, he may 55 himself as

well as others by his ability.

36. A. clever B. shy C. useless D. stupid 37. A. biggest B. most C. highest D. deepest 38. A. ability B. age C. brain D. knowledge 39. A. decision B. success

C. effort D. trouble 40. A. work B. study C. improvement D. success 41. A. truly B. really C. however D. therefore 42. A. lead to B. strengthen

C. increase D. add to 43. A. an experience B. an example

C. a thought D. a story 44. A. state B. mind C. start D. ending 45. A. blame B. expect C. get D. win 46. A. developed B. organized C. discovered D. found 47. A. his B. her C. its D. their 48. A. managing B. succeeding C. trying D. acting 49. A. only B. almost C. just D. then 50. A. none B. no C. no one D. nobody 51. A. gave B. succeeded C. failed D. believed 52. A. lived B. worked C. played D. graduated 53. A. made B. took C. expected D. proved 54. A. early B. deeply C. late D. simple 55. A. encourage B. love C. astonish D. disappoint




Almost 55,000 people who have had a major impact on British society are profiled in a new 60-volume book that has taken 12 years to compile.

It has cost more than £25 million and taken 10,000 writers to update the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

Murder victims Stephen Lawrence and James Bulger are among those joining the likes of Queen Victoria and Gandhi.

The new version of the dictionary, which was founded in 1882, costs £7,500 and takes up 12 feet of shelf space.

Projects director Robert Faber said Stephen Lawrence was included because his death triggered \

Women make up 10% of the entries - double the previous share - and include Queen Elizabeth I, Dusty Springfield, Linda McCartney and Virginia Woolf, whose father compiled the first edition.

Alongside the famous names are lesser known individuals such as the inventor of snooker, army reservist (预备役军人) Neville Chamberlain.

Stephen Lawrence and James Bulger were both included because of the \soul-searching (真挚的自我反省、深思) and examination of education and social policy\followed their deaths.

Mr Faber said: \Dando is there as much for her career but also because her death became a public event.


56 How many women are profiled in the New Oxford Dictionary of National Biography? A.About 5. B.About 55. C.About 550. D. About 5500. 57. It can be inferred that Jill Dando _____. A.died in a case of murder which drew the public much attention B.isn’t included in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography C.is the director of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography D. is included in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography only for her death 58. _____ are collected in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. A.Those who were murdered in history B.Those who have shaped Britain C.Those who are famous all over the world

D.Those who live in Britain

59. How much does a volume of the new version cost on average? A.More than £25million. B.More than £400, 000. C.£7, 500. D.£125.


\takes an entire village to raise a child.\That's an old proverb (谚语) that is being quoted more and more often these days. And I'm pleased about that.

Today, more and more schools are reaching out to involve parents, community members and businesses (工商企业) to help shape a child's future.

Parents need to be involved in their children's education in many ways. Helping children with homework and studying, going on a field trip, teaching a craft (手工艺) or coaching a child's sports team are all great ways to be involved with your child's education. And don't forget to communicate with teachers — they need and respect your input. Studies show that children learn more and schools function better when parents and schools work together. It's important to stay in touch with your child's education all through his or her school career. Communities can help children create and achieve new goals. Help with homework, read to a child, coach a children's team, or provide emotional (情感上的) support. Help solve problems and build self-esteem (自尊心). Kids need role models and advisers can be role models by sharing their experiences and wisdom.

Businesses can also help shape our children's future. Invite a class from your local school to visit your workplace. You may be providing a glimpse that opens a new world of possibilities. Show students what goes on during a typical day. Give a mini course for students: how to use a computer; how products are made; how machinery works. You may have a developing electrician, teacher, nurse, or even a newspaper reporter on your hands. It really does take an entire village to raise a child. So share the responsibility(职责) -- and the joy -- of bringing a child to his or her full potential(潜能).

60. The implied advice in the proverb \takes an entire village to raise a child.\is that ______.

A.All the people in a village should give food to a child.

B.Schools, parents, and other organizations should share the responsibility of shaping a child's future.

C.Children should be brought up in the village where they were born. D.Schools should be set up in the village where a child was raised.

61. The text was written mainly for ______.

A.parents and members in organizations B.teachers and students

C.newspaper reporters and developing electricians D.education experts and government officials

62. Students can get developed in practical working skill through ______.

A.parental involvement

B.community activities

C.business training

D.school teaching

63. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Parents play an important part in children’s education.

B.Communities have not a bit effect on the way to new and high ideal.

C.Educating a child well demands of the work not only from school

but from other organizations.

D.Businesses may arrange some training courses for students.


Six Americans are working on a new highway. But this highway won't have any traffic.It's an \

The team has just finished a second year of work on the 1,020-mile highway. \greatest single footprint of activity we've seen in the Antarctic (南极洲),\Australian environmentalist.

The highway will provide a new way for supplies to be trekked (拉, 搬) across the earth on tractor-pulled sleds (雪橇). This method will use a lot less fuel than an aircraft, the current (当前的) way that scientists and supplies reach the Amundsen-Scott Base, a U.S. research station in the South Pole. The highway will also allow for equipment that is too big for planes to carry to be brought to Antarctica.Even with these benefits, there is one disadvantage —a round trip on the road will be 30 days, compared to a few hours by plane.

Making this 20-foot-wide road isn't easy, and it takes a lot of time. The crew (工作队) has been working on the road for two summers, when it's warmer and easier to work with the ice. It probably won't be completed until 2006.

Crevasses (裂缝), or cracks, in the land often make the construction difficult. Crevasses are kind of like pot holes that form when surface ice is stretched.This can be very dangerous, especially when the crevasses are hidden under a layer (层) of snow and can't be seen.

\hidden crevasses,\they have to be filled with snow and ice so the road is safe for travel. The road will also be lined with green flags so travelers know where the safe surface is. 64. When it is finished, the highway will not be used for ______. A.giving supplies to the research station in the South Pole B.taking scientists to the South Pole C.taking travelers to a tour of Antarctic D.bringing huge equipment to Antarctic

65. How many miles can be covered at most each day if you take the ice highway to the South Pole? A.30. B.34. C.68. D.88.

66. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A.Other crevasses won’t appear if a crevasse has been filled. B.Many new crevasses will form after a crevasse has been filled. C.Travelers can drive their sleds on the ice highway freely. D.There will be less danger if the crevasses are covered by snow.

D Beauty has always been regarded as something admirable. Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and healthier, have better marriages and have more respectable jobs. Personal

consultants (顾问) give them better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attractive persons. But in the executive circle (政界), beauty can become a liability. While attractiveness is a positive thing for a man’s rise, it is harmful to a woman. Handsome male executives were considered as having more honesty than plainer men; effort and ability were thought to be the reasons for their success. Attractive female executives were considered to have less honesty than unattractive ones; their success was attributed not to ability but to factors such as luck. All unattractive women executives were thought to have more honesty and to be more capable than the attractive female executives.

Why are attractive woman not thought to be able? An attractive woman is thought to be more feminine (女性的) and an attractive man more masculine (男性的) than the less attractive ones. Thus, an attractive woman has an advantage in traditionally female jobs, but an attractive woman in a traditionally masculine position appears to lack the \.

This is true even in politics. Anne Bowman recently published a study on the effects of attractiveness on political candidates (候选人). She asked 125 undergraduate students to rank two groups of photographs, one of men and one of women in order of attractiveness. The students were told the photographs were of candidates for political offices. They were asked lo rank them again, in the order they would vote for them.

The results showed that attractive males completely defeated unattractive men, but the woman who had been ranked most attractive always received the fewest votes. 67.In traditionally female jobs, attractiveness _____. A.strengthens the feminine qualities required B.makes women look more honest and capable C.is of great importance to women D.often enables women to succeed quickly

68.Bowman’s experiment shows that when it comes to politics, attractiveness _____. A.turns out to be an obstacle to men B.affects men and women alike C.has as little effect on men as on women D. is more of an obstacle than a benefit to women

69.It can be inferred from the passage that people's views on beauty are often _____. A.practical B.old-fashioned C.prejudiced (偏见的) D.serious 70.The author writes this passage to _____. A.discuss the negative aspects of being attractive B.give advice to job-seekers who are attractive C.demand equal rights for women D.emphasize the importance of appearance



Maybe you are an average student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessary so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how:

1. Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. then decide a good, regular time for studying. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment. A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.

2. Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television! When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.

3. Make good use of your time in class. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teachers say. Really listening in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

4. Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher mentioned in class. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.

5. Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be overly worried.

There are other methods that might help you with your studying. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.

How to become a better student General method How to Advantage Plan your time Make a list Force you to carefully Make a 71. realize 72._______ is ______ happening to your time Find a good Free of You can 74. place to study everything but ______ on the study 72. subject ______ Make good use Listen to Really listening of your time in everything the in class means class teachers say 76. ______ Taking 75. work later ______ Study regularly Go over your notes 77. ______ new Help you 78. material ____ it better, remember it longer Develop a good Don’t be 79. Remember your attitude about ______ worried new 80. ______ tests


某英文报社准备刊发一篇题为Living in the city的有关城市生活的利和弊的文章,请根据下面提示,写一篇英语短文,向报社投稿。 Advantages 找工作容易 交通便利 有公园、饭店等休闲场所 …… Disadvantages 生活消费高 人口多,拥挤 空气污染、居住环境差 ……




Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. _______ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________





21. 【解析】B turn away意为:把某人拒之门外,不准进入。符合语境。

22. 【解析】B “养成习惯”可以用以下方式表达:develop a habit、form a habit或get into the habit of。

23. 【解析】C 从I don’t know可知,还没决定,故选C。That depends / It (all) depends意思是“那得看情况定”。

24. 【解析】D 考查have difficulty (in) doing sth.的变化运用。difficulty为先行词,其后为定语从句。 25. 【解析】C 考查动词短语。turn up开大; 翻起;出现;fix up修理, 修补;安排;set up建立,建造,创立;make up编造;化妆,打扮;组成,构成。句意为:这几年来,我一直给别人打工,我希望将来有一天能创立自己的生意。C项符合句意。

26.【解析】D 句意为:他突然看见Sue走到了房间那边。他挤过人群向她走过去。across和 through分别


27. 【解析】D 本题考查名词辨析。temper意为“脾气”;appearance意思是“外表,外貌,容貌”;talent意为“天资, 天才,天赋,才能”;character意为“性格,秉性,品质”。句意为:他证明自己是一个真正的绅士,在与他人共事的过程中他把自己的品质充分地展现出来。D项符合句意。 28. 【解析】D 表示“来自……的方向”用from the direction of …。故选D。

29. 【解析】A pick up“偶尔学到”。由句子意思“在与当地的孩子玩耍中学会了西班牙语”可以看出,不是有意识学的。故选A。

30. 【解析】D promise可以表示“有希望”,其它选项与条件状语从句的意思不一致。

31. 【解析】D “丧失勇气”用lose heart表示,排除A、C项; apply oneself to的意思是“致力于”;adapt oneself to的意思“使自己适应或习惯于某事”。D项符合句意。

32. 【解析】B 分析句子结构可知,该句是对妇女和男人两种情况的对比。but表示转折;while可以表示两种情况的对比;because表示原因;though表示让步。句意为:有些地方,人们期望妇女挣钱,而那人在加了干活和养育孩子。

33. 【解析】A 句意为:弗兰克把药放在上面的抽屉里,确保不被孩子们够到。accessible易接近的;relative相对的,比较的;acceptable合意的,受欢迎的,可接受的;sensitive敏感的。根据句意选A项。 34. 【解析】C be different in的意思是“在……方面不同”;be different from的意思是“与……不同”。由句意可知,排除A、B项;引导词在宾语从句中作宾语,意思是“……的”。故选C。

35. 【解析】C 依据speak to sb.判断,B、D可以排除;who引导名词性从句时,含特指意义,而whoever引导名词性从句时含泛指意义,意为 “无论谁”。句意为“请问我能不能与负责国际贸易的人说话?”。whoever符合句意,故选C。


36. 【解析】D A、 B不符合本文主旨。下文的事例说明,有的人想当然地认为自己笨。故选D. 37. 【解析】 B 固定词组。make full use of / make the best of / make the most of 意为:充分利用 38. 【解析】B 和前面的older people搭配用age.

39. 【解析】C 句意为: 认为自己在某方面缺乏天赋的人往往不会在这一方面真正投入精力,因为他认为做了等于白做还不如不去努力。从下文的事例也可推知答案。

40. 【解析】D本题和51题呼应。自信是成功的必备因素。necessary for success作定语修饰confidence 41. 【解析】D 由于不认真工作,再加上缺乏信心,失败也是理所当然。固选therefore.

42. 【解析】B多次失败往往会使人形成一种错误的认识,更加认为自己在某方面真的无能。在此之前他已经形成此观点,故A不选

43. 【解析】 A 由最后一段from his own experience可知,答案为A。

44. 【解析】C 从a small boy 可知,这是回忆刚开始学数学时候的事情。故选C。

45. 【解析】B 依据第49题后的as they expected可知,B项正确。老师认为他在数学上无什么天赋体现出老师对他在数学方面的期望值不高,告诉家长不要指望其儿子在数学方面有什么成就。

46. 【解析】A在听了老师的看法之后,家长也就自然对儿子形成了一种新的认识。organize一般是建立某机构,C不符合文意。故选A

47. 【解析】D their代指his teacher and parents。

48. 【解析】C 由第一段和第二段可知,一旦认为自己不行,在某个方面先天不足,人就会失去信心,认为再努力也没用。try意思是“努力”。

49. 【解析】C因为没有用功所以学得很差,这种结果刚好和老师和家长的看法一致。

50. 【解析】A none即指人也可指物,其后常接of短语,构成“none of+名词/代词\结构。其它三项不可接of短语。

51. 【解析】B succeed in doing成功做某事。

52. 【解析】B 此句表示他目前的状况,可将句子补全。He now worked at maths with great interest, determination, and purpose.

53. 【解析】D用自己的经历证明了一个道理。

54. 【解析】B从自己的经历他悟出了一个道理,用deeply才能表达出悟出道理这个漫长的过程。 55. 【解析】C从一个老师眼中的数学白痴到数学天才,当然会让人astonish。



56. 【解析】D细节题。根据首句“词典收录了将近5.5万名对英国社会有重大影响的人物”和短文中的“Women make up 10% of the entries”一句计算可知。

57. 【解析】A 推断题。短文倒数第二段费伯先生说:“他们不仅是单纯的遇害者,他们也是有影响的人物。Jill Dando被编入字典不仅仅是因为她的职业,也因为她的死成为公众关注的事件” 由此可推断Jill Dando也是被谋杀致死。

58. 【解析】B 推断题。根据短文首句及全文所列举的人物,他们都是对英国有重大影响的人物。由此判断可知。

59. 【解析】D 计算题。此次新版的词典总共60卷,全套7500英镑,平均每卷125英镑。



60. 【解析】B 句义推测题,解答此题切不可从字面上理解,谚语中的an entire village不是“全村庄”之意,应该引申为“社会各界”,即:短文中的“parents, community members and businesses”。

61. 【解析】A 主旨意图题,综合全文可以推断作者的写作意图是“号召人们参与孩子的教育和培养”,所以此文主要为“parents and members in organizations”所作。

62. 【解析】C 从倒数第二段中可以看出,“孩子们的实践操作能力主要来自工商企业的培训”。 63. 【解析】B not a bit意为“一点也不,根本没有”,等于“not at all”。第四段的意义可验证答案。


64. 【解析】C 细节归纳题。文中提到的此条“冰上高速公路”主要用途是…provide a new way for supplies; allow for equipment … to be brought to Antarctica,所以C项不包括在“用途”之内。

65. 【解析】C 数字计算题。解这道计算题要抓住文中的两个数据the 1,020-mile highway;a round trip on the road will be 30 days,尤其关键的是a round trip指“来回”,单程当然为15天,理解了这些数据,计算就容易了。

66. 【解析】B 细节推断题。从文章的最后两段可以推断。



67. 【解析】A 推断题。由文章第三段可知,人们觉得有魅力的女人比不那么有魅力的女人要更有女人特质。因此,在传统上女人所从事的工作中,有魅力的女人具有一定的优势。但在传统上男人所从事的工作中,有魅力的女人看起来缺乏所需的男性特质。由此可推出,在传统上女人所从事的工作中,魅力加强了所需的女人特质。A项符合题意。

68. 【解析】D 推断题。由文章最后一段可知,有魅力的男性彻底击败了缺乏魅力的男性。而那些被认为最有魅力的女性常常得到最少的选票。由此可推出,在政界中,对于女性来说,魅力是一个障碍,而不是


69. 【解析】C 推断题。由文章第—段可知,几乎每个入都认为有魅力的人比别人更幸福健康。他们的婚姻更美满,并且拥有更令人尊敬的职业。在找工作方面,私人顾问给他们更好的建议。甚至法官对于有魅力的被告都手下留情。由此可推出,人们对美的看法往往是带偏见的,而没有事实的依据。

70. 【解析】A 主旨题。本文虽然也讲述了魅力的许多积极方面,但那不是文章的主要方面。文章主要叙述了魅力给行政部门和政界中的女性所造成的不利因素。由此可见,作者写这篇文章是要讨论有魅力的消极方面。


71. schedule 72. what

73. materials 74. concentrate / focus 75. notes 76. less 77. Read 78.

understand 79. overly 80. knowledge


One Possible Version

Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. It is often easier to find jobs .There are always many choices of public transport. Besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. You can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want to relax. However, living in a city is often very expensive. You must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the things you will do. What's more, the city is always crowded, noisy and dirty. It is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the countryside.

