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07 设计变更及工程量签证管理制度1




第二条本管理制度规定了新疆嘉润资源控股有限公司2x 350MW 火电机组建设工程项目设计变更及工程量签证管理的内容与要求、检查与考核等事项。

第三条本管理制度适用于新疆嘉润资源控股有限公司2x 350MW 火电机组建设工程项目设计变更及工程量签证的全过程管理。















ecurit y, pr ofit, maintain sta bility and prom ote harmonious development" as the mai n content of the "three guara ntees" theme practice activities a nd "stressing party spirit, to conduct, for example" cam paign, party and further impr ovement of the l evel of work. Staff partici pating in t he hone st and cl ean culture construction seminars, staff's sense of pr obity and e nha nce d. Founde d by honest inspe ctors team composed of 12 empl oyees to broa den the channels of supervision. Adhere to establish "four good"

leadershi p activities, staff satisfaction rate of 98% to the team. --Group work dynamic. Promoti ng the ope nne ss of factory Affairs, proposal for a love letter box, to the vital i nterests of the staff Trade Uni on delegation leader meeting of the 26 system to di scuss a nd safeguard their democratic right s. Impr ove the organizational

str ucture of the missi on, t he w ork of strengthening. Organize mai ntena nce l abor emulation and "health Cup" competition, enhance the skills of staff. Organized a variety of cultural activitie s, physical a nd me ntal healt h care staff, to create a harm oni ous atm osphere. Duri ng the We nchua n earthquake, donate d

all the company em ployee s, to lov e, to support the disa ster areas. T his yea r, the compa ny ha s won the "Su ... Cutting costs can be controlle d, money should not be wasted "manageme nt philo sophy, management a nalysi s, to impr ove manageme nt qua lity, impr ove cost control capa city and market competitive ness. Innovation of science and technology--scie nce and te chnol ogy innovation is t o play the r ole of scie nce a nd te chnol ogy as the primary pr oductive force, active use of new technologie s, new materials, new pr oce sses, new equipment, i ncrea se inve stment in scie nce a nd te chnolog y, stre ngthe ning scientifi c and technological training, speedi ng up transforming scie ntific and technologi cal achieveme nts, forming a number of proprietary technolog y, enhancing core competitiveness. Resource-savi ng-t he-re sources saving e nterprise was to re duce coal consumpti on, water consumpti on, electri city at the core, e nha nce the operation of lea n manageme nt to realize l ow consumpti on, high efficie ncy, reduce production costs. Second is

to strengthen the busine ss, fina nci al, material, informati on a nd the optimizati on of organizati on

and manageme nt, savi ng the inter nal transa ction costs. Harm oni ous devel opment of harmoni ous devel opme nt--is to construct a "foreign" envir onme nt for development. "XING" refers to the "internal se curity firm and internal ma nagement of the internal ma nagement measures are effective, har monious". "Foreign currency" means "Enter prise coor dinati ng devel opme nt of home opathy, well, get al ong wit h the neighbors better." (B) XX 2013 five enter prises bui ldi ng intrinsic safety power company goals are: unplanned outage 0 times. Class of disorders 0, 0 is e quivale nt forced outag e rate. No personal inj ury accide nt, material and equipme nt acci de nts do not occur, no fire, no envir onme ntal poll ution accident. Enterprise integrated to achieve zer o case s of violation, zer o accide nts, zer o. Quality goal i s: when ge nerating ca pacity > 7.5 1.一般设计变更:变更部分一次增加或减少投资在10 万元

以下(不含10 万元)的变更事项。

2.重要设计变更:变更部分一次增加或减少投资在10?50 万元(不含50 万元)的变更事项。


改变原系统、变更主要结构布置、修改主要尺寸、变更主要设备及原材料代用等,或一项变更增加或减少投资在50 万元及以上的变更事项。



2.属于施工单位、设备制造商提出的变更要求,由要求变更方填写《变更设计申请单》。一般变更设计申请单送设计工代审查其可行性、施工监理审查其必要性与工程量、业主工程建设部电厂基建办审核,并送计划发展部会签,变更设计申请单经审批后送设计院,由设计院按第十二条第 1 款执行。重要变更的申请单,除执行上述规定外,还须送业主主管副总经理批准。

3.属业主或监理单位提出的变更要求,由要求变更方提出《变更设计申请单》递交设计院,由设计院按第十二条第 1 款执行





