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【篇一:作文 那些年我们犯过的错】

[作文 那些年我们犯过的错]那些年 我们犯过的错 年少轻狂,幸福时光,作文 那些年我们犯过的错。 ------题记 爱情

曾经为了一份感情不顾一切的我们,可以为了给她买一杯奶茶而迟到,却无暇顾及被老师喊去学校的父母的低三下四。可以为了等他深夜的一句晚安而抛下大量的功课,却没有想过看着你退步几十名成绩单不知所措的父母的心情。可以为了给她制造一个看似巧合的浪漫而心潮澎湃发呆几节自习课,却全然不知你的以为你在刻苦学习同样劳动了一天的父母正在家想尽办法做你喜欢的菜为了博你一笑。记忆中你最喜欢的咖啡馆似乎成为了角落里泛了灰尘的黑白照片。空间里充满暧昧的对话也像影响开机速度的的系统缓存一样消失得无影无踪。脑海深处那些难以释怀的山盟海誓似乎也随着伤口隐隐作痛的愈合而被慢慢遗忘在心底。你身边的一切都会改变,学校,朋友,老师甚至你自己的性格。但只有你的父母做到了不离不弃。所以,在他们的有生之年,在他们还在为你打拼照顾你的时候,请拿出一点你对感情的执着,对感情的耐心去对待你的父母,去尝试着将你们对父母的爱用行动表达出来,高中一年级作文《作文 那些年我们犯过的错》。 ◆分享好文◆ 接受

军训结束时,似乎灼热的日光也随着队伍中隐隐的兴奋和松懈而变得柔和起来,看见前面攘攘熙熙父母等待的人群,我轻呼一口气,终于是要结束了呢。这时,我看到了父亲高大的身影,令我意外的是,看到我的他急匆匆地跑来,就像没有看到行进的队伍似的,弯腰扯下了我手中的行李袋。我不禁脸上一红,甚至有些怒气向上冒,心想:我都高一了,怎么还把我当小孩。但看着父亲离去的背影,心中却又生出一股感动,从小到大,父亲不论是在工作还是家庭上,都是威严,稳重。也只有对自己的孩子他才会那么着急,急切地为他掂包,不想让他吃一点苦吧。学会坦然接受父母给予的爱,因为对父母来说,我们永远是个孩子。 叛逆


谁无年少轻狂时 敢将热血闯四方




1 名词单复数,可数不可数。 8 冠词有两种,定冠不定冠。 2 代词主宾格,代词无主格。9 感叹词表感情,喜怒和哀乐。 3 动词情系助,及物不及物。 10 数词记两种,基数和序数 4 含有形容词,关键比较级。

5 副词时地频,有些有比较。 6 介词短语多,时间地点等。 7 连词分两类,并列和重属。

a. nouns ( countable/uncountable nouns)

b. verbs ( transitive/intransitive verbs; verb tense; active/ passive voice; subjunctive mood) verb tense:

when i was eighteen, i was going home from school. i didn?t realize it.

i look at him.

if i were a billionare, i would buy a house for my parents.c. adjectives ( to modify nouns)

d. adverbs ( to modify verbs or adjectives) i want really to buy beautiful clothes.

e. pronouns ( to avoid repetition) : unexpected money; money; get it…

f. prepositions ( collocation): to do about; sentences:

a. structure ( basic structures)

incomplete: the rest money of 1,000 yuan i ?ll store in the bank, the other put in the credit card.

i think you won?t feel at ease, because you don?t know where the money come from, and where it wanted to be sented, maybe the money just use to save a child?s life, or give the greybeard.

we can clearly see that how important the money in our life. i think i must very happy at the time.

not only the unexpected money, but also the other things. i saw a man standing next his car was very unhappy. secondly, for my family. a wonderful car, bmw, for my daddy. found a fine

place to build up a big house for them and a automatical kitchen.

b. chinglish ( translate directly)

eg. spending money in a restaurant and shopping is the things i will do there.

the high temperature was very serious. my feeling was so good.

today, i no longer have the heart to see my mother still like that.

this example is very old.

i love my conscience more. most of things need money.

there are many ways that people can get the unexpected money.

…asked her when she picked up the money, where she picked up the money.

logic: i just listened to songs, watched tv and enjoyed films but did nothing everyday.

… sharing the friendship which belonged to both of them. their friendship got closer.

we looked like old friends even though our age in much difference.

the money was i ought to get.

i found surprisingly that it had added a million yuan. the money i got have no my efforts.

the first part and the second part has 1,000 yuan and the third part has 3,000 yuan.

although you need it, it is not yours that it never be yours.

“no cheat, no money .” no money, no talk. no pains, no gains. long time, no see.

c. inverted sentences ( indirect speech)

she had taught me how do you become wealthy. d. set pattern: there be/have/own/belong to e. compound sentences: too simple sentences:

he left a letter. the letter was about that he left all his money to me, because i am his only child.

i am so happy. it almost make me mad. i am a lucky man. 常用的连词: 1)表层次:

first,firstly, to begin with, further, in the first place second,secondly, furthermore

third,thirdly, what is more, last, last but not least to start with, still,

also, and then, next, besides

and equally important; too ;moreover besides; in addition; finally;


by contrast; although; though; yet

at the same time; but; despite the fact that; even so in contrast; nevertheless; even though; for all that

notwithstanding; on the contrary; however ;in spite of ; on the other hand; otherwise; instead; still ; regardless ; 3)表因果;

therefore; consequently; because of ;for the reason ; thus; hence; due to; owing to;

so; accordingly; thanks to; on this account ; since; as; on that account; in this way for; as a result; as a consequence 4)表让步:

still; nevertheless; concession granted;




审题时还要注意文章体裁和字数要求,看看题目要求写成什么体裁的文章,字数不要超出或少于要求字数太多。 错误二、语言贫乏缺少文采



文章中恰当地运用古诗词也是让文章增色的好办法。 错误三、文章较平缺少细节


