
更新时间:2023-12-09 06:12:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




1. Being a winner doesn’t mean you’ll always get ________ you want, but it does mean you’ll go after your goals in ways that reliable. A. everything

B. something

C. anything

D. nothing

2. We always creating new virtual communication platforms for ourselves, intentionally or unintentionally, ________ we tend to forget our true identity in the real world. A. which

B. what

C. where

D. as

3. China’s relationship with the US is stable, President Xi said when he recently met US Secretary of State John Kerry, ________ that the two work together to expand communication, trust and cooperation. A. urging

B. to urge

C. having urged

D. urged

4. The sociology of education is the study of ________ educational institutions determine social structures and experiences. A. that

B. what

C. when

D. how

5. Once these basic principles are instilled in young people, I think we’ll find that they are more courageous than we ________. A. may have dreamed C. must have dreamed harm to people’s health. A. even though C. even so chosen. A. found

B. harbor

C. desert

D. reserve

8. — Hello, is it Sunshine Hotel? Could I find out if there are any rooms available? — Sorry, there would be. But we ________ them today. A. will decorate C. are decorating

B. will be decorating D. will have decorated

B. even when D. except when

B. could have dreamed D. should have dreamed

6. Sleeping pills should never be taken ________ suggested by a doctor because they will do great

7. Having failed a third time, the young man began to ________ doubts about the path he had

9. The latest advertising campaign, ________ the earlier one, promoted public concern about the physical and intellectual well-being of the country’s human resources. A. so as

B. as did

C. as were

D. same as

10. He Jong confirmed his resignation on microblog Sina Weibo, saying that ________ he is no longer among the staff, he will continue to put his heart and soul into the campus and always be a member of BFSU. A. in case

B. provided that

C. even if

D. as if

11. Considering the fact that some of the senior high school students of Grade Three feel so sleepy at school, the top ________ of all schools is to reduce pressure and increase the time for exercise.


A. issue B. event C. impact D. priority

12. We can’t be too careful. According the recent statistics, men have ________ as women do whatever vehicles they drive. A.serious accidents as twice many

B. serious accidents twice many

C. twice as many serious accidents could do little to save her life. A. when

B. what

C. whether

D. that

14. Premier Li Keqiang left Beijing on Sunday for his first visit to Brazil, Columbia, Peru, and Chile. The four countries ________ almost 60 per cent of China’s exports and imports in Latin America. A. account for

B. consist of

C. take up

D. add up

15. — Taylor Swift accepted the award for Top Female Artist during the 2015 Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas, Nevada May 17, 2015. — You really love her voice, don’t you?

—__________! I appreciate her gift for composition. A. Not exactly C. Not a little 二、完形填空

Music is the art of thinking with sounds. — Jules Combarieu

Music produces significant and lasting changes in the brain. Schools should add music classes, not cut them. Nearly 20 years ago, a small study advanced the __16__ that listening to Mozart’s Sonata(奏鸣曲)could boost mental functioning. It was not long __17__ trademarked “Mozart effect” products began to __18__ anxious parents aiming to put toddlers(刚学步的孩子)on the fast track to top-ranking universities like Harvard and Yale. Georgia’s governor even __19__ giving every newborn there a classical CD or cassette.

The __20__ for Mozart therapy turned out to be weak, perhaps nonexistent, although the __21__ study never claimed anything more than a temporary and limited effect. In recent years, __22__, scientists have examined the benefits of a continuous __23__ to study and practice music, in contrast to playing a Mozart CD or a computer-based “brain fitness” game __24__.

Advanced monitoring __25__ have/has enabled scientists to see what happens inside your head when you listen to your mother and actually practice the violin for an hour every afternoon. And they have found that music __26__ can produce significant and lasting changes that __27__ the general ability to learn. These results should __28__ public officials that music classes are not a mere decoration, ready for being given up in the budget crises that constantly __29__ public schools.

Studies have shown that __30__ instrument training from an early age can help the brain to __31__ sounds better, making it __32__ to stay focused when absorbing other subjects, from literature to mathematics. The musically experienced are better able to __33__ a biology lesson despite the noise in the classroom __34__, a few years later, to finish a call with a client when a colleague in the next office starts screaming a subordinate(下属). They can be engaged in several


D. twice serious accidents as many

13. When the doctor reached the woman’s bedside, it soon became clear to him ________ he

B. Don’t mention it D. Don’t say so

things at once, which is a(n) __35__ skill in this era of multitasking. 16. A. note 17. A. until

B. notice B. that

C. idea C. since

D. impression D. before D. get across D. permitted D. witness D. latest D. therefore D. effort D. optionally D. management D. lessons D. accelerate D. conclude D. trouble D. outstanding D. predict D. faster D. count on D. for D. unique

18. A. apply for 19. A. proposed 20. A. context 21. A. advanced 22. A. however 23. A. potential 25. A. principles 26. A. subjects 27. A. improve 28. A. convey 30. A. urgent 31. A. promote 32. A. easier 33. A. hold on 34. A. but 35. A. elegant 三、阅读理解

B. appeal to B. pushed B. evidence B. recent B. attention

C. interfere with C. submitted C. symptom

C. somehow C. research C. additionally C. information C. causes

C. original

B. moreover B. occasionally B. techniques B. models

B. introduce B. distribute B. casual B. process B. harder B. so B. specific

24. A. frequently

C. ensure

B. convince

C. contact C. transform C. hardworking C. prefer C. tougher C. insist on C. or C. essential A

29. A. disappoint

B. concentrate on

Maintown Public Library Job Application Job Description

Thank you for your interest in the Part-Time Public Library Clerk position. The application contains personal information followed by a few short-answer questions; your answers to these questions will help us determine if you are a good candidate for the position of Public Library Clerk. Job Duties

Answer readers’ questions in person, by telephone and through e-mail Organize and shelve books and media Provide general research assistance Collect fees, and issue overdue notices Assist with children’s programs Applicant Information Name: Rosa Chan Current Address: 1928 W. Franklin Avenue, Maintown, WA 99571 Age : 16 High School: Maintown High School


Did you graduate? I will graduate in two years. E-mail address: rchan@m*hs.edu What days and hours (Monday through Saturday) are you able to work?

I am available Monday and Wednesday afternoons after 4:00 P.M. and all day Saturday.

Personal Responses

1. Why do you want to work at the Maintown Public Library?

I consider myself a keen reader, a quality I feel a library clerk should possess. Although my reading preferences span a variety of genres, I consider mystery and science fiction among my favourites. Additionally, I volunteer in my school library as an assistant after school; therefore, I have experience using a library catalogue and check-out system, assisting others in researching topics through the Internet and shelving books. My school librarian, Mr. Morris, has trained me to process new books for delivery to the floor. I feel my experience would translate well to the public library system and ensure that the public library gains a valuable employee. 2. What do you enjoy about visiting the Maintown Public Library?

A library is a place of learning and reflection, so it should be comfortable and welcoming. From the large windows to the plush armchairs to the well-organized layout of the shelves and open spaces, the bright, cheerful atmosphere of our town’s library makes me want to extend each of my visits. All my friends have Maintown Public Library cards. 3. How do you define good customer service?

Good customer service means customers leave the library feeling they have accomplished their initial goals for visiting the library that day. In order to assist in this endeavour, a library clerk should determine a customer’s needs and make those needs a priority. Whether patrons have come to the library to browse for a book, or they are researching a topic through the Internet or other media, my job would be to assist them in their search.

4. A reader complains about the library services or products. How would you respond? I would first apologize for any inconvenience, and then I would work to solve the problem. The key to solving problems is listening and asking questions. Using the knowledge I have gained through working in my school’s library and any skills gained through work in the public library, I would work to handle the issue for the reader. If I am unsure of how to solve the problem, I would ask the librarian for help. Finding a solution to a reader’s issue will help create a positive environment and ensure that every reader feels comfortable in asking staff for assistance. Please review the following information and sign below.

I certify that I have answered and provided all information honestly and accurately, to the best of my knowledge, and I give my permission to the public library to contact my references.

Applicant’s signature: Rosa Chan

36. The main idea of Rosa’s answer to Question 1is that . A. she likes assisting readers and finding solutions to issues. B. she interacts well with others and can use the Internet.


C. she can use a library catalogue and shelve books. D. she enjoys reading and has library experience.

37. How are Rosa’s answers for Question 3 and Question 4 similar? A. Both show that satisfied library customers leave with their needs met. B. Both show the importance of understanding various media in the library. C. Both show the importance of customers asking library staff for assistance. D. Both show that library clerks need to know how to deal with customer complaints. 38. Which detail proves Rosa is well qualified for this job? A. Rosa wants to create a positive environment for customers. B. Rosa volunteered as a library assistant for two years. C. Rosa enjoys the cheerful atmosphere at the library. D. Rosa reads many different kinds of books.


In 1751, Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus came up with the novel idea of using flowers as clocks. Morning glories open their trumpet-like petals(花瓣)around 10 a.m., water lilies at 11 and so on through evening primroses and moonflowers. A full layout of these blossoms, planted in a circle, could indicate the time. It was an unusual notion. But some 250 years later, scientists are seriously interested in the timekeeping mechanisms of nature. “They’re so ubiquitous; they’re almost a signature of life,” says molecular neuroscientist Russell Foster of Imperil College, London.

From cockroaches to humans, Foster explores these internal clocks in a fascinating new book, Rhythm of Life, co-authored with British science writer Leon Kreitzman. The author shows how the daily patterns known as circadian rhythms influence far more than our sleep. Heart attacks are more common in the morning. Women tend to go to labor(分娩前阵痛)in the evening. Severe asthma(哮喘)occur at night. Although we may jet across time zones, circadian rhythms rule. The book traces the century-long quest to uncover their mechanisms, with some starting outcomes — including the recent discovery that certain genes switch on and off in 24 hour cycles. Even our responses to medicines may depend on when we take them.

Nature has devised internal clocks for a simple reason: they aid survival. “The early bird really does get the work,” — thanks to a silent wake-up call before dawn. A mimosa plant spreads its fernlike leaves during the day to create the maximum surface area for photosynthesis, and then folds them up at night to reduce water-vapor loss. It’s not a mere response to light. “They do this even when kept in the dark,” says biologist Eugene Maurakis of the Science Museum of Virginia.

In humans, the master clock is a tiny clump of cells in the brain called the suprachiasmatic nuclei. The clock is reset daily by signals from a novel type of photoreceptor in the eye that Foster discovered. “The blind rely on it, too, provided their eyes haven’t been removed,” he says. The result is an orchestrated series of biological events that unfolds in sequence. In the hours before breakfast, the body releases digestive enzymes(酶)gradually to be ready for the first meal. Temperature and blood pressure rise in preparation for the day’s demands. This helps explain the morning increase in the heart attacks. Cells reproduce at set times. Hormones rise and fall —


