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重庆邮电大学 毕业设计(论文)


设计(论文)题目: 设计与实现

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经济管理学院 蒋鹏

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摘 要


OpenStack 是一个开放源的云计算项目和工具集,并且提供了关于基础设施即服务(IaaS)的解决方案。OpenStack 不仅可以快速部署全虚拟化环境,而且可以通过此环境来建立多个互联的虚拟服务器,并能够使用户快速部署应用在虚拟机上。本文旨在深入了解OpenStack的架构和其各种服务,并对各种服务深入了解,掌握各种服务的实现原理,最后亲自动手的搭建OpenStack云平台,掌握其安装的过程,并且可以对实际的部署予以指导。

【关键词】 云计算 OpenStack 云平台 Iaas

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With the development of computing scientific and commercial computing software model and architecture increasingly rapid change, while promoting grid computing, parallel computing,distributed computing has rapidly developed into cloud computing. Cloud computing, including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS),and Software as a Service (SaaS), provide unified management and scheduling through these technologies. As a new computing model, cloud computing has been rapidly development by virtue of its low cost, high efficiency, but also to promote the continuous development and improvement of open source cloud computing infrastructure in recent years. OpenStack is an open source cloud computing projects and tool set, and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solution.The OpenStack not only can quickly deploy virtualization environment, and through this environment to create multiple interconnected virtual server, and enables users to quickly deploy applications on a virtual machine. The purpose of this paper is to a deep understanding of the architecture of it and its various services, and the various service understanding, to master the principle of various services and the final hands-on building it cloud platform, grasp its installation process, and it can give guidance for actual deployment.

【Key words】 cloud computing OpenStack cloud platform Iaas

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目 录

第一章 绪论................................................................................................................ 1

第一节 论文研究背景及意义 ............................................................................ 1 第二节 国内外研究现状 .................................................................................... 2 第三节 论文组织结构 ........................................................................................ 3 第二章 Iaas相关介绍 ................................................................................................ 4

第一节 IaaS概述 ................................................................................................. 4 第二节 IaaS服务特征及优势 ............................................................................. 4 第三节 IaaS整体架构 ......................................................................................... 5 第四节 本章小结 ................................................................................................ 6 第三章 关键技术介绍................................................................................................ 7

第一节 IaaS服务器虚拟化 ................................................................................. 7 第二节 IaaS存储虚拟化 ..................................................................................... 8 第三节 IaaS网络虚拟化 ..................................................................................... 8 第四节 本章小结 ................................................................................................ 9 第四章 OpenStack相关介绍 ................................................................................... 11

第一节OpenStack 介绍 ...................................................................................... 11

一、 OpenStack概念架构 ....................................................................... 11 二、 Openstack访问流程 ........................................................................ 12 第二节 Openstack认证服务-Keystone ............................................................ 13

一、 Keystone介绍 ................................................................................. 13 二、 Keystone概念 ................................................................................. 13 第三节 Opestack计算服务-nova ..................................................................... 14

一、 Nova简介 ........................................................................................ 14 二、 Nova 云架构 ................................................................................... 15 三、 Nova工作流程 ................................................................................ 16 第三节 OpenStack网络服务-Neutron ............................................................. 16

一、 Neutron简介 ................................................................................... 16 二、 Neutron实现原理 ........................................................................... 18 第四节 Neutron 网络创建过程 ....................................................................... 19 第五节 本章小结 .............................................................................................. 20 第五章 Openstack云平台搭建 ................................................................................ 21

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第一节 多节点安装部署 OpenStack ............................................................... 21

一、 实验环境及实验拓扑图.................................................................. 21 二、 构建过程.......................................................................................... 22 第二节 云平台搭建过程遇到的问题与解决方法 .......................................... 23

一、 Keystone的安装与问题分析 ......................................................... 23 二、 Glance 的安装与问题分析 ............................................................ 24 三、 Nova 的安装与问题分析 ............................................................... 25 第三节 本章小结 .............................................................................................. 28 第六章 Openstack云平台的测试 .................................................................... 29 第一节 对各项服务的启动测试 ...................................................................... 29 第二节 创建instance ........................................................................................ 29 第三节 本章小结 .............................................................................................. 31 第七章 结 论.......................................................................................................... 32 致 谢.......................................................................................................................... 33 参考文献...................................................................................................................... 34 附 录.......................................................................................................................... 35

一、英文原文 ............................................................................................. 35 二、英文翻译 ............................................................................................. 44

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第一章 绪论

第一节 论文研究背景及意义





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第二节 国内外研究现状

云计算已经成为当今计算机界最热门的技术之一,许多大公司认识到云计算的重要性,在努力发展自己的云计算技术。Amazon、Google、Saleforee、IBM和微软等大公司都为推动云计算发展做出了很大的贡献。2006年,亚马逊推出AWS服务,包括简单存储服务(AmazonS3)和弹性计算云(EC2),[4]走在了云计算技术领域的前沿,目前亚马逊的Eucalyptus已经商业化;Google也向对外开放了他们的云服务Google App Engine[5],不过他们的形式多种多样,有应用托管、企业搜索等形式。Gloogle 的云GoogleAppEngine以GFS、MapReduee和Big table支撑,提供了一个允许用户在它的基础框架上部署和开发自己的应用程序的平台,是一个典型的PAAS平台;Foree。com是salesforee。com提供的随需应变平台,可以使构建、共享、运行业务应用程序的过程比以前更加简单,也使业务应用程序的功能更加强大;“蓝云”是IBM在充分利用现有资源的基础上,重点在于对产品和技术的整合的云计算平台[6]; 2008年,AsureServicesPlatform在微软开发者大会上发布了,这个平台是的基于Windows系列产品的开发、储存和服务代管等服务的云计算环境。目前云计算的发展在国内还属于初级阶段,还没有非常成熟的云计算服务平台,但各大通信运营商都非常重视。中国移动的“大云”(BigCloud),中国电信的“e云”,中国联通的“互联云”等相继出现,但是技术

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第三节 论文组织结构


第一章 绪论。简单介绍云计算的研究背景、意义以及论文的组织结构。 第二章Iaas相关介绍。这一章介绍了Iaas的概述、IaaS服务特征及优势、IaaS服务特征及优势。

第三章 关键技术介绍。这一章介绍了IaaS服务器虚拟化,IaaS存储虚拟化IaaS网络虚拟化这三大虚拟化的实现原理。

第四章openstack相关介绍。这一章首先介绍了openstack的概念架构和访问流程对openstack的整体运行原理有一个大致的了解,之后详细介绍了openstack的三大服务:openstack认证服务keystone、Opestack计算服务nova 、OpenStack网络服务Neutron。



第六章 结束语。

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第二章 Iaas相关介绍

第一节 IaaS概述

IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service,基础设施即服务)指将IT基础设施能力通过互联网提供给用户使用,并根据用户对资源的实际使用量或占用量进行计费的一种服务。[8]




第二节 IaaS服务特征及优势

IaaS主要具有以下服务特征及优势: ①更低的门槛







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第三节 IaaS整体架构



。。。 终端设备n 。。。 用户管 资源调网络管逻辑资源池 存储管理 系统管理 (计算资源、存储资源,网络资源) 全面虚拟化 硬件设备 (计算设备,存储设备,网络设备) 图2.1IaaS整体架构



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第四节 本章小结


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第三章 关键技术介绍

第一节 IaaS服务器虚拟化


服务器虚拟化通常有两种架构,包括寄生架构和裸金属架构。 ①寄生架构

操作系统1 操作系统2 虚拟化软件 主操作系统 硬件 图3.1寄生架构



操作系统1 操作系统2 虚拟化软件 硬件 图3.2裸金属架构

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第二节 IaaS存储虚拟化



用户层 文件/记录层 聚合块层 数据库 (主机)聚合块 存储设备 图3.3存储虚拟化

文件 (网络)聚合块 存储设备层 存储设备 ①存储设备层:存储设备层的存储资源是最底层的物理设备,通过数据块存储地址的虚拟化,实现对存储内容的快速寻址。



第三节 IaaS网络虚拟化


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①主机内部网路虚拟化 主机内部网络虚拟化技术是面向云计算的网络虚拟化技术的核心,它通过与传统网络虚拟化技术的配合,在现实虚拟网络的动态性、安全性等方面发挥了重要的作用。

物理机 物理网卡 网桥 虚拟网桥 虚拟网桥 虚拟机 虚拟机 图3.4主机内部网路虚拟化

②网络虚拟化统一管理 网络虚拟化的重要价值在于它配置的灵活性,为了达到灵活配置的目的,需要对虚拟化网络做统一的管理。

资源分配:为虚拟网卡分配IP地址、MAC地址。 流量监控:对虚拟网卡设定流量上限。



第四节 本章小结


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第四章 OpenStack相关介绍

第一节OpenStack 介绍

OpenStack 是一套开源的软件架构,也是一款工具集。它刚问世不久就得到学术领域的普遍关注,并很快渗透到各个研究领域。 OpenStack 可以构建自己的 IaaS 云计算环境,并且提供给用户使用。OpenStack 部署云环境的优点就是灵活,可以根据自己的需要来搭建基础设施,同时可以自由地扩充集群规模。 OpenStack 允许客户通过部署虚拟机来创建资源,在节点上通过使用 Xen 或KVM 等来对虚拟机进行一系列配置。客户端用户只需要申请自己需要的虚拟资源[15]。

一、 OpenStack概念架构



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Horizon 是图形用户界面,管理员可以很容易地使用它来管理所有项目。 Keystone 处理授权用户的管理.

Neutron 定义提供组件之间连接的网络。

Nova 被认为是 OpenStack 的核心,负责处理工作负载的流程。它的计算实例通常需要进行某种形式的持久存储,它可以是基于块的(Cinder)或基于对象的(Swift)。Nova 还需要一个镜像来启动一个实例。Glance 将会处理这个请求,它可以有选择地使用 Swift 作为其存储后端[16]。

二、 Openstack访问流程

userkeystonecredentialstokennovaglanceneutronToken+request for VMVerify tokenToken+request for imageVerify tokenimageToken+request for ipVerify tokenipsuceess图4.2 Openstack访问流程

① User通过自己的身份凭证(credentials)向keystone服务发起认证,keystone如果通过认证则给user颁发密钥(token),之后执行②步

② User把密钥(token)和虚拟机的创建请求发送给nova服务,nova通过keystone服务验证密钥(token)如果通过认证则执行③步

③ Nova把密钥(token)和创建虚拟机所需要的镜像请求发送给glance服务,glance 通过keystone服务验证密钥(token),如果通过glance向nova返回镜像执行④步

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④ Nova把密钥(token)创建虚拟机所需要的网络资源请求发送给Neutron服务过keystone服务验证密钥(token),如果通过Neutron向nova返回网络资源(ip)执行⑤步

⑤ Nova得到创建虚拟机所需要的资源了,之后向用户返回请求成功。

第二节 Openstack认证服务-Keystone

一、 Keystone介绍

Keystone(OpenStack Identity Service)是OpenStack框架中,负责身份验证、服务规则和服务令牌的功能, 它实现了OpenStack的Identity API。Keystone类似一个服务总线, 或者说是整个Openstack框架的注册表, 其他服务通过keystone来注册其服务的Endpoint(服务访问的URL),任何服务之间相互的调用, 需要经过Keystone的身份验证, 来获得目标服务的Endpoint来找到目标服务[17]。

二、 Keystone概念

User即用户,他们代表可以通过keystone进行访问的人或程序。Users通过认证信息(credentials,如密码、API Keys等)进行验证,如:住宾馆的人。


Role即角色,Roles代表一组用户可以访问的资源权限,例如Nova中的虚拟机、Glance中的镜像。Users可以被添加到任意一个全局的或租户内的角色中。在全局的role中,用户的role权限作用于所有的租户,即可以对所有的租户执行role规定的权限;在租户内的role中,用户仅能在当前租户内执行role规定的权限,如:VIP 等级,VIP越高,享有越高的权限。


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Endpoint,翻译为“端点”,我们可以理解它是一个服务暴露出来的访问点,如果需要访问一个服务,则必须知道他的endpoint。因此,在keystone中包含一个endpoint模板(endpoint template,在安装keystone的时候我们可以在conf文件夹下看到这个文件),这个模板提供了所有存在的服务endpoints信息。一个endpoint template包含一个URLs列表,列表中的每个URL都对应一个服务实例的访问地址,并且具有public、private和admin这三种权限。public url可以被全局访问,admin url被从常规的访问中分离,如:具体的一种服务,比如吃烧烤,打羽毛球。

第三节 Opestack计算服务-nova

一、 Nova简介

Nova是OpenStack云中的计算组织控制器。支持OpenStack云中实例(instances)生命周期的所有活动都由Nova处理。这样使得Nova成为一个负责管理计算资源、网络、认证、所需可扩展性的平台。但是,Nova自身并没有提供任何虚拟化能力,相反它使用libvirt API来与被支持的Hypervisors交互。Nova 通过一个nova API来对外提供服务[18]。

Nova的功能和特点有:实例生命周期管理,管理计算资源,网络和认证管理,REST风格的API,异步的一致性通信,Hypervisor透明:支持Xen,XenServer/XCP, KVM, UML, VMware vSphere and Hyper-V。

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Young adults moving to college need to create new networks at college. However, they often leave friends from high school with whom they may have established rich networks; completely abandoning these high school networks would mean a loss of social capital. Granovetter (1973, 1982) has suggested that weak ties provide more benefit when the weak tie is not associated with stronger ties, as may be the case for maintained high school relationships. To test the role of maintained high school relationships as weak, bridging ties, we adapted questions about general bridging relationships, such as those in Williams (2006), to be specific to maintained relationships with high school acquaintances as opposed to close friends. We call this concept “maintained social capital.” In keeping with the thrust of our prior hypotheses about the role of Facebook and bridging social capital, we propose the following:

H5: Intensity of Facebook use will be positively associated with individuals’ perceived maintained social capital.


A random sample of 800 Michigan State University (MSU) undergraduate students was retrieved from the MSU registrar’s office. All 800 students were sent an email invitation from one of the authors, with a short description of the study, information about confidentiality and incentives, and a link to the survey. Two reminder emails were sent to those who had not responded. Participants were compensated with a $5 credit to their on-campus spending accounts. The survey was hosted on Zoomerang (http://www.zoomerang.com), an online survey hosting site, and was fielded in April 2006. Only undergraduate users were included in our sampling frame. A total of 286 students completed the online survey, yielding a response rate of 35.8%. Demographic information about non-responders was not available; therefore we do not know whether a bias existed in regards to survey participation. However, when we compare the demographics of our sample to information we have about the MSU undergraduate population as a whole, our sample appears to be representative with a few exceptions. Female, younger, in-state, and on-campus students were slightly overrepresented in our sample.


Our instrument included four broad types of measures, which are discussed in more detail below. We collected information about demographic and other descriptive variables, including gender, age, year in school, local vs. home residence, ethnicity, a measure of Internet use adapted from LaRose, Lai, Lange, Love, and Wu (2005), and

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whether respondents were Facebook members or not. We also included Facebook usage measures, such as time spent using Facebook and items designed to assess whether Facebook was used to meet new people or to establish an online connection to pre-existing connections. Our instrument also included measures of subjective well-being and as well as three social capital measures, which served as our dependent variables.

Measures of Facebook Usage Facebook Intensity

The Facebook intensity scale (Cronbach’s alpha = .83) was created in order to obtain a better measure of Facebook usage than frequency or duration indices. This measure includes two self-reported assessments of Facebook behavior, designed to measure the extent to which the participant was actively engaged in Facebook activities: the number of Facebook “friends” and the amount of time spent on Facebook on a typical day. This measure also includes a series of Likert-scale attitudinal questions designed to tap the extent to which the participant was emotionally connected to Facebook and the extent to which Facebook was integrated into her daily activities.

Facebook Usage: Elements in Profile and Perceptions of Who Has Viewed Profiles

We asked respondents to indicate which of several salient aspects of the profile (such as relationship status, high school, and mobile phone number) they included when constructing their profile. The instrument asked respondents to indicate who they thought had viewed their profile, such as high school friends, classmates, or family members. These items offer insight into the degree to which respondents used Facebook to maintain existing connections or meet new people.

Use of Facebook to Meet New People vs. Connect with Existing Offline Contacts

In order to further investigate whether usage was more motivated by prior offline contacts or the potential to form new online contacts, we developed several items reflecting each of these paths. In the former case, the items measured whether respondents used Facebook to look up someone with whom they shared some offline connection, such as a classmate or a friend (Cronbach’s alpha = .70). In the latter case, our instrument included several items that tapped the use of Facebook to make new friends without any reference to an offline connection, but these did not correlate

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highly, and our final analysis incorporated only a single item measure: using Facebook to meet new people.

Satisfaction with Life at MSU

The scale of satisfaction with life at MSU was adapted from the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) (Diener, Suh, & Oishi, 1997; Pavot & Diener, 1993), a five-item instrument designed to measure global cognitive judgments of one’s life. We amended each item slightly to refer specifically to the MSU context, on the assumption that restricting participants was more appropriate given our hypotheses and more likely to elicit accurate answers. The reliability test for this 5-point Likert scale showed a relatively high reliability.

Measures of Social Capital

Our three measures of social capital-bridging, bonding, and maintained social capital-were created by adapting existing scales, with wording changed to reflect the context of the study, and creating new items designed to capture Internet-specific social capital (Quan-Haase and Wellman, 2004). The full set of social capital items was factor analyzed to ensure that the items reflected three distinct dimensions.

Bridging Social Capital

This measure assessed the extent to which participants experienced bridging social capital, which is believed to be better-suited for linking to external assets and for information diffusion (Putnam, 2000). According to Williams (2006), “members of weak-tie networks are thought to be outward looking and to include people from a broad range of backgrounds. The social capital created by these networks generates broader identities and generalized reciprocity” (n.p.). We therefore adapted five items from Williams’ (2006) bridging social capital subscale and created three additional items intended to measure bridging social capital in the MSU context to create our bridging social capital scale (Cronbach’s alpha = .87). One item, “MSU is a good place to be,” was included because it loaded on the same factor and tapped into an outcome of bridging social capital.

Bonding Social Capital

Bonding was assessed using five items from the bonding subscale of the Internet social capital scales developed and validated by Williams (2006). Responses were reported on a five-point Likert scale. These items were adapted to the MSU context (Cronbach’s alpha = .75.)

Maintained Social Capital

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This original scale was inspired by our pilot interviews,3 media coverage of Facebook, and anecdotal evidence that suggested that keeping in touch with high school friends was a primary use of Facebook. These items were adapted from traditional measures of social capital which assess an individual’s ability to mobilize support or action (Cronbach’s alpha = .81) but focus on the ability to get assistance from a previously inhabited community.

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据报道, Facebook创建于2004年,截止到2007年,已经有超过2100万的注册会员每天产生16亿的页面浏览量。这个网站是紧密集成到用户的日常媒体实践:典型的用户每天在网站上花大约20分钟的时间,三分之二的用户每天至少登录一次。Facebook利用它在大学生中的成功应用,在2005年9月初又推出了一个高中版本。2006年,该公司推出了社区商业组织;到2006年11月,近22000的组织拥有Facebook目录。在2006年,Facebook被超过2000美国院校使用,是提供有关总页面访问量的万维网上的第七个最流行的网站。

在Facebook上现有的学术研究主要集中在身份表示和隐私问题。查看Facebook参与者对自己提供的信息量,信息的相对开放的性质,以及缺乏隐私控制制定的用户,Gross 和Acquisti 认为,用户可能同时将自己置于危险之中(如跟踪)和网络(如识别盗窃)。最近其他Facebook研究考察了学生对老师的看法存在和自我表露,时态的使用模式,和剖面结构之间的关系和友谊清晰度。




社会资本广泛指的是通过人们之间的关系进行资源积累。社会资本在多个领域都是一个弹性术语的定义,包含着原因和结果。Bourdieu 和 Wacquant 将社会资本定义为“实际或虚拟的资源的总和,这个凭借拥有持久的网络或多或少的制度化关系相互认识和识别获得个人或集团”。来自这些关系的资源能够基于关系自身在形式和作用上进行转换。

社会资本与各种积极的社会效果有着密切的联系,比如更好的公共卫生,更低的犯罪率,更高效的金融市场。根据社会资本的若干措施, 在过去的几年里,这个重要的资源在美国一直在下降 (。当社会资本下降,社会经验提高社会障碍,

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二、 Nova 云架构

图4.3Nova 云架构

Nova 云架构的各个组件是以数据库和队列为中心进行通信的,下面对其中的几个组件做一个简单的介绍:

① Queue,也就是消息队列,它就像是网络上的一个hub,nova各个组件之间的通信几乎都是靠它进行的,当前的Queue是用RabbitMQ实现的,它和database一起为各个守护进程之间传递消息。

② database存储云基础架构中的绝大多数状态。这包括了可用的实例类型,在用的实例,可用的网络和项目。当前广泛使用的数据库是sqlite③(仅适合测试和开发工作)、MySQL和PostgreSQL。

③ nova-compute负责决定创造虚拟机和撤销虚拟机,通过运行一系列系统命令(例如发起一个KVM实例,)并把这些状态更新到nova-database中去,其过程相当复杂,但是基本原理很简单。

④ nova-schedule负责从queue里取得虚拟机请求并决定把虚拟机分配到哪个服务器上去。schedule的算法可以自己定义,目前有Simple (最少加载主机),chancd(随机主机分配) ,zone(可用区域内的随机节点)等算法。

⑤ nova-volume负责记录每一个计算实例,相当于一个计算请求吧,并负责创建,分配或撤销持久层容器(Amazon的,iSCSI,AoE等等)给这些compute instances。

⑥ nova -netwok负责处理队列里的网络任务。、

⑦ nova-api守护进程是OpenStack Compute的中心。它为所有API查询提供一个入口。

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三、 Nova工作流程

为了看看nova是如何工作的,我们可以以启动一个实例为例来进行说明,因为启动一个新的instance涉及到很多openstack nova里面的组件共同协作。

Scheduler Api Queue&Database Nova-network Nova-compute 图4.4Nova工作流程

① API:处理客户端的请求,并且转发到 Queue和Database中。如:我们输入一个启动instance的命令api就会查看这种类型的instance是否达到最大值并给scheduler发送一个消息(实际上是发送到Queue中)去运行这个实例。 ② Scheduler:选择一个host去执行命令。如:Schedule:调度器接收到了消息队列Queue中API发来的消息,然后根据事先设定好的调度规则,选择好一个host,之后,这个instance会在这个host上创建。

③ nova-compute :启动和停止实例,附加和删除卷等操作。如:创建一个instance的操作是由Compute完成的,而这个过程中computer组件与Glance-api交互得到所需的instance镜像。

④ nova-network:管理网络资源,分配固定IP。

第三节 OpenStack网络服务-Neutron

一、 Neutron简介


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这一模式是在OpenStack Neutron服务器中实现的,它与OpenStack Nova软件管理的虚拟机(即计算服务)以及上述提及的其他元素进行交互。用户通过OpenStack的Horizon GUI与网络功能进行交互,而其他的管理系统和网络则通过使用Neutron API与网络服务进行交互。


在其目前的分布中,OpenStack Neutron混合实施了第二层的VLAN和第三层的路由服务, 它可为所支持的网络提供防火墙、负载平衡等扩展功能。网络中的虚拟机来自于虚拟机管理程序。[19]

此外,通过使用支持IPv4和IPv6的强大地址管理功能,Neutron可在一个站点内实现虚拟机的灵活部署。它采用了一个逻辑的子网架构,IP块表示可以寻址虚拟位置和到达其部署结构中任何的位置。这种结构类似于在众多Neutron IP组网中所使用的子网技术,它通常是从与子网相关的物理端口抽取出来的。在覆盖网络中,它可被用作逻辑关联机制,以便于为不同用户和应用程序分离网络流量。通过使用这种方法,云计算供应商可以分别实现多个租户的通讯并为不同应用程序部署拓扑,例如多层服务器组合以处理一个整体应用程序的不同部分

Software-define Networking service L3-agent Plugin-agent Neutron-server Dhcp-agent Message queue 图4.5 Neutron架构

① neutron-server 是 OpenStack Networking 服务器的主要流程。它是一个 Python 后台进程,将用户请求从 OpenStack Networking API 中继到配置的插件。

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② neutron-dhcp-agent 向所有租户网络提供动态主机配置协议 (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, DHCP) 服务。

③ neutron-l3-agent 执行 L3/网络地址转换 (Network Address Translation) 转发,以支持网络网络访问租户网络上的 VM。

一个特定于插件的可选代理 (neutron-*-agent) 在每个虚拟机管理程序上执行本地虚拟交换机配置。

二、 Neutron实现原理


图4.6 计算节点网卡状况


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root@network:~# ovs-vsctl show dbf08d07-90e5-4af8-8a9d-4ba659e8f56a Bridge br-int

Port \ tag: 1

Interface \ type: internal Port patch-tun Interface patch-tun type: patch

options: {peer=patch-int} Port br-int Interface br-int type: internal

从上面的代码看出br-int上有三个端口Port \、Port patch-tun Port br-int正好与br-tun上的接口相连。


第四节 Neutron 网络创建过程

Neutron 网络目的是为 OpenStack 云更灵活地划分物理网络,在多租户环境下提供给每个租户独立的网络环境。另外,Neutron 提供 API 来实现这种目标。Neutron 中用户可以创建自己的网络对象,如果要和物理环境下的概念映射的话,这个网络对象相当于一个巨大的交换机,可以拥有无限多个动态可创建和销毁的虚拟端口。[20]

在 Horizon 上创建 Neutron 网络过程如下:

首先管理员拿到一组可以在互联网上寻址的 IP 地址,并且创建一个外部网络和子网。



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第五节 本章小结

本章首先介绍了openstack的概念架构和访问流程对openstack的整体运行原理有一个大致的了解,之后详细介绍了openstack的三大服务:openstack认证服务keystone、Opestack计算服务nova 、OpenStack网络服务Neutron,对每一种服务的架构、访问流程以及实现原理都做出了详细的介绍。

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第五章 Openstack云平台搭建

第一节 多节点安装部署 OpenStack

一、 实验环境及实验拓扑图

本次实验采用一台ACER PC主操作系统win8.1安装vmware station10之后虚拟出三台Ubuntu12.0.4(LTS)虚拟机分别作为控制节点、网络节点和计算节点,安装部署的 OpenStack 版本为Icehouse。实验拓扑图如图 5.1 所示。

Controller node Network node Networking ML2 plug-in Indentityservice-Keystone Image service-Glance Compute service - nova management Networking - Neutron plug-in Dashboard- horizon 2.instance tunnels Network interfaces 1. management 3.External server ML2 Networking Network interfaces 1.management plug-in Openvswitch(ovs) Network interfaces 1.management 2.instancetunnel Openvswitch(ovs) Layer3agent DhcpAgent Compute Novahypervisor Kvm/Qemu compute node Mysql RabbitM图5.1实验拓扑图

本文设计的云计算平台的实验拓扑图如图5.1 所示,在图可以看到每个节点安装的服务和每个节点的网络配置情况, 计算平台验拓扑图中主要由:控制节

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点(Controller Node)、计算节点(Compute Nodes)、网络节点(NetWork Node )组成的。在本文模型中计算节点可以继续添加。控制节点是整个云计算平台的核心,起着调度任务、管理监控整个系统作用。用户通过在控制节点部署的各种服务和管理操作界面来对整个云计算平台进行各种命令操作。云平台的其他计算节点和网络节点的信息都必须向控制节点进行注册,由控制节点对资源进行统一调度。计算平台中虚拟网络的管理和配置由网络节点提供的服务来完成的。计算节点是云计算平台具体的计算运行工作执行者,包括提供给客户使用的各种虚拟机和存储空间等。

二、 构建过程

目前OpenStack可以采用多种方法进行构建,如源码安装、使用DevStack脚本安装、使用 Puppet 安装等,为了进一步熟悉 OpenStack 的框架,本文采用通过openstack官方网站提供的指导手册进行一步步的安装。

1. 控制节点的安装和配置

控制节点部署流程如图5.2 所示:

Keystone 认证服务系统的安装和配置 Cinder块存储服务系统的安装和配置 Glance 镜像服务系统的安装和配置 Nova 计算服务系统的安装和配置 Dashboard 网络应用程序的安装和配置 图5.2实验流程图

2. 计算节点的安装和配置

计算节点只需安装 NOVA 组件即可。

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第二节 云平台搭建过程遇到的问题与解决方法

一、 Keystone的安装与问题分析


1. 安装 Keystone

安装 Keystone 依赖项,并将 Keystone 安装到 python 的 package 中: cd ~/keystone

sudo pip install -r tools/pip-requires sudo python setup.py install

2. 配置 Keystone

(1) 创建配置文件

自己创建 Keystone 的配置文件路径和文件。 sudo mkdir -p /etc/keystone

sudo cp ~/keystone/etc/* /etc/keystone/

(2) 配置 keystone 的数据库

①本实验使用 mysql,修改配置文件 /etc/keystone/keystone.conf, 将 connection = sqlite:///keystone.db

修改为: connection = mysql://keystone:openstack@localhost/keystone ②同步数据库 schema 并运行 keystone sudo keystone-manage db_sync sudo keystone-all -d &

3. 问题分析

①没办法通过客户端的命令来验证安装的 Keystone 服务。这是因为通过 git 签出代码来安装 kestone 之前,忘记安装 keystone client。应注意 gitkeystone 的代码时,要:

git clone git://github.com/openstack/keystone.git

git clone git://github.com/openstack/python-keystoneclient.git client

②keystone 使用期间,有时会出错,可能是因为环境变量问题。我们需要用到keystone.conf 里的 admin_token 来访问 keystone 的服务,后面也可以通过

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keystone-client 来注册新的 token。 默认的 admin_token 是 ADMIN,要把它添加到系统环境里去 :



二、 Glance 的安装与问题分析

1. 安装 Glance

进入 Glance 源代码文件夹,执行: cd glance

sudo pip install -r tools/pip-requires sudo python setup.py install

2. 配置 Glance

(1) 配置数据库:

在 mysql 里为 Glance 创建一个数据库来保存镜像的 matadata。操作如下: mysql -u root -p create database glance;

grant all on glance.* to 'glance'@'%' identified by 'openstack' grant all on glance.* to 'glance'@localhost identified by 'openstack'

(2) 设置 Glance 配置文件

sudo mkdir /etc/glance

sudo cp ~/glance/etc/* /etc/glance

①/etc/glance/glance-api.conf,默认使用 file 来做 glance 的存储,不修改。 ②/etc/glance/glance-reigstry.conf,修改内容:

ql_connection = mysql://glance:openstack@ #这里指向到 mysql 服务器,我这里是使用 keystone 那台服务器的 mysql

#在文件末尾加上 [paste_deploy] flavor = keystone

③ /etc/glance/glance-api-paste.ini 和 /etc/glance/glance-registry-paste.ini,找到文件末尾, 修改为下面这样,注意把ip 地址改成 keystone 服务器地址,并且设置正确 tenantName user 和 password。

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(3) 建立镜像文件夹

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/glance/images

(4) 初始化数据库结构

sudo glance-manage db_sync

3. 注册 Glance 到 Keystone





--description=\返回 service 的 id,然后,利用这个 id 注册,以下是一个例子:

keystone endpoint-create --service_id= \\ --region RegionOne \\

--publicurl \\ --adminurl \\ --internalurl

4. 问题分析

做 Glance 的存储,其实既可以用 file,也可以用 Swift。选择用 file,好处是当Swift 崩溃时,glance 的镜像不会受影响。

三、 Nova 的安装与问题分析

1. 安装 Nova

(1) 安装必要的软件和 Python 依赖项

sudo apt-get install build-essential git python-dev python-setuptools python-pip python-mysqldb libxml2-dev libxslt-dev sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server bridge-utils sudo rabbitmqctl change_password guest openstack

sudo apt-get install lvm2 iscsitarget open-iscsi iscsitarget-source iscsitarget-dkms 配置 nova-volume

sudo apt-get install libhivex0 btrfs-tools cryptsetup diff libaugeas0 reiserfsprogs zfs-fuse

jfsutils scrub xfsprogs zerofree libfuse2 sudo /etc/init.d/tgt start

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(2) 签出代码后,直接安装

cd ~/nova

sudo pip install -r tools/pip-requires sudo python setup.py install

2. 安装虚拟机 Hypervisor

现在,有了一个桥接设备,桥接在物理网卡 eth1 上, 那么接下来需要设置一下虚拟机的运行环境和Libvirt,这样nova就可以通过Libvirt连接到虚拟机Hypervisor。执行:

sudo apt-get install qemu libvirt-bin libvirt-dev python-libvirt kvm ebtables nbd-server

nbd-client qemu-kvm

3. 配置数据库

Nova 需要使用数据库来存放实例数据和一些配置数据,所以需要配置一下数据库。

执行: mysql -u root -p create database nova;

grant all on nova.* to 'nova'@'%' identified by 'openstack'; grant all on nova.* to 'nova'@localhost identified by 'openstack';

4. 配置 volume

Openstack Volume 来作为镜像启动,这里配置正常了,后面的DashBoard(Horizon)里可以通过 Web 界面管理 Volume, Nova-Volume 需要一个单独的分区来做 LVM。假设使用 sda7:

sudo sed -i 's/false/true/g' /etc/default/iscsitarget sudo service iscsitarget restart sudo pvcreate /dev/sda7

sudo vgcreate nova-volumes /dev/sda7 初始化数据库表结构: sudo nova-manage db sync

5. 启动服务

经过刚才的设置,现在可以启动 Nova: sudo nova-api &

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6. 注册 nova 到 Keystone

现在如果让 OpenStack 的其他服务使用 Nova,要像其他服务一样,为 Nova 创建一个 Service Endpoint。登录到 Keystone 所在服务器,使用 Keystone Client 来为 Nova注册 Service 和 Service Endpoint。Nova 我们为其安装了 Compute 和 Volume,这是DashBoard 控制 Nova 的两个服务。执行:

keystone service-create --name=Nova --type=compute --description=\Compute Service\

keystone service-create --name=Volume --type=volume --description=\VolumeService\

然后,利用:keystone service-list返回 service id,在通过这个 id 来创建 endpoint

7. 问题分析

① nova-volume 无法正常访问:此时需要检查是否正常创建了 lvm 卷,然后检查nova.conf 是否指定了volume-name。本次实验创建的卷名为 nova-volumes,这也是系统默认的命名, 如果修改了这个名称,则需要在 nova.conf 里指定。

② 虚拟机无法正常启动:需要检查 libvirt-type 是什么,镜像是否有问题,以及libvirt 是否有权限访问你的 instance 目录。

③ 网络无法访问:可以尝试创建一个 floating ip range 来解决这个问题。 ④ 无法获得镜像文件:这个问题是由于 glance 访问 swift 的一个 bug。先使用 glance index 来确认是否能列出镜像,如果 nova-compute 里报 Image Not Found 这样的错误,那 么 就 要 去 跟 踪 当 验 证 swift 的 时 候 , 给 出 的 auth_url 是 否 是http://[ yourip]:5000/v2.0,如果是,那么需要对这个 url 后面加上一个/,否则会拿不到 swift proxy-server 的 endpoint。

⑤ Nova 安装完后,nova-network 服务已经运行,但是用 nova-manage service list指令却查看不到 nova-network 服务。后来通过修改 nova.conf 文件解决,添加了以下项目:


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lock_path=/var/lock/nova use_deprecated_auth=false

resume_guests_state_on_host_boot=true root_helper=sudo nova-rootwrap

第三节 本章小结


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第六章 Openstack云平台的测试

第一节 对各项服务的启动测试

① instance的成功创建必须先启动openstack的各项服务,如图6.1对openstack的keystone认证服务、glance镜像服务以及nova计算服务和网络服务成功的启动


第二节 创建instance

① 首先检查nova所支持的类型,因为我是在虚拟机里创建的所以选择最小的类型,选择的网络为ext-net外部网络,并且给予ssh访问权限,最终如下图6.2实例启动成功,在浏览器中和securecrt中可以访问实例并获得IP地址且可以访问外网218.201.22.9。证明实例创建成功。

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第三节 本章小结


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第七章 结 论

作为一种新兴的资源使用和交付模式,云计算已为学术界和产业界所认知,形成了比较成熟的服务模式,使得计算资源成为向大众提供服务的社会基础设施。开源云计算平台被认为是 IT 的趋势。OpenStack 作为一种开源的云操作系统,自推出以来受到业界的普遍关注。

本文基于OpenStack云计算平台安装部署了云平台。并将实验中出现的问题加以汇总,可作为安装部署 OpenStack 云计算平台的参考。




③介绍了 OpenStack 的发展历史、项目组成、概念架构和逻辑架构,并依托现有条件,基于开源云计算平台 OpenStack 安装部署了一个云平台,并将安装部署中的问题作了总结,

针对构建出的云计算平台,指出存在的不足,以及下一步工作的展望: ①目前 OpenStack 存在着诸如因版本更新过快而导致的问题,使得新老版本之间不能很好地兼容。

②由于 OpenStack 的开源特性,有时会出现比较难以维护自己的代码,以及难以使用自己代码更新版本的问题,并且由于国内研究和开发 OpenStack 的人员还属少数,在一定程度上增加了安装部署 OpenStack 的难度。

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致 谢





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附 录


The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:”

Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online

Social Network Sites

An Overview of Facebook

Created in 2004, by 2007 Facebook was reported to have more than 21 million registered members generating 1.6 billion page views each day (Needham &Company, 2007). The site is tightly integrated into the daily media practices of its users: The typical user spends about 20 minutes a day on the site, and two-thirds of users log in at least once a day (Cassidy, 2006; Needham & Company, 2007). Capitalizing on its success among college students, Facebook launched a high school version in early September 2005. In 2006, the company introduced communities for commercial organizations; as of November 2006, almost 22,000 organizations had Facebook directories (Smith, 2006). In 2006, Facebook was used at over 2,000 United States colleges and was the seventh most popular site on the World Wide Web with respect to total page views (Cassidy, 2006).

Much of the existing academic research on Facebook has focused on identity presentation and privacy concerns (e.g., Gross & Acquisti, 2005; Stutzman, 2006). Looking at the amount of information Facebook participants provide about themselves, the relatively open nature of the information, and the lack of privacy controls enacted by the users, Gross and Acquisti (2005) argue that users may be putting themselves at risk both offline (e.g., stalking) and online (e.g., identify theft). Other recent Facebook research examines student perceptions of instructor presence and self-disclosure (Hewitt & Forte, 2006; Mazer, Murphy, & Simonds, 2007), temporal patterns of use (Golder, Wilkinson, & Huberman, 2007), and the relationship between profile structure and friendship articulation (Lampe, Ellison, & Steinfield, 2007).

In contrast to popular press coverage which has primarily focused on negative outcomes of Facebook use stemming from users’ misconceptions about the nature of

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their online audience, we are interested in situations in which the intended audience for the profile (such as well-meaning peers and friends) and the actual audience are aligned. We use Facebook as a research context in order to determine whether offline social capital can be generated by online tools. The results of our study show that Facebook use among college-age respondents was significantly associated with measures of social capital.

Literature Review

Social Capital: Online and Offline

Social capital broadly refers to the resources accumulated through the relationships among people (Coleman, 1988). Social capital is an elastic term with a variety of definitions in multiple fields (Adler & Kwon, 2002), conceived of as both a cause and an effect (Resnick, 2001; Williams, 2006). Bourdieu and Wacquant (1992) define social capital as “the sum of the resources, actual or virtual, that accrue to an individual or a group by virtue of possessing a durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance and recognition” (p. 14). The resources from these relationships can differ in form and function based on the relationships themselves.

Social capital has been linked to a variety of positive social outcomes, such as better public health, lower crime rates, and more efficient financial markets (Adler & Kwon, 2002). According to several measures of social capital, this important resource has been declining in the U.S. for the past several years (Putnam, 2000). When social capital declines, a community experiences increased social disorder, reduced participation in civic activities, and potentially more distrust among community members. Greater social capital increases commitment to a community and the ability to mobilize collective actions, among other benefits. Social capital may also be used for negative purposes, but in general social capital is seen as a positive effect of interaction among participants in a social network (Helliwell & Putnam, 2004).

For individuals, social capital allows a person to draw on resources from other members of the networks to which he or she belongs. These resources can take the form of useful information, personal relationships, or the capacity to organize groups (Paxton, 1999). Access to individuals outside one’s close circle provides access to non-redundant information, resulting in benefits such as employment connections (Granovetter, 1973). Moreover, social capital researchers have found that various forms of social capital, including ties with friends and neighbors, are related to indices

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of psychological well-being, such as self-esteem and satisfaction with life (Bargh & McKenna, 2004; Helliwell & Putnam, 2004).

Putnam (2000) distinguishes between bridging and bonding social capital. The former is linked to what network researchers refer to as “weak ties,” which are loose connections between individuals who may provide useful information or new perspectives for one another but typically not emotional support (Granovetter, 1982). Alternatively, bonding social capital is found between individuals in tightly-knit, emotionally close relationships, such as family and close friends. After briefly describing the extant literature on these two forms of social capital and the Internet, we introduce an additional dimension of social capital that speaks to the ability to maintain valuable connections as one progresses through life changes. This concept, “maintained social capital,” permits us to explore whether online network tools enable individuals to keep in touch with a social network after physically disconnecting from it.

Social Capital and the Internet

The Internet has been linked both to increases and decreases in social capital. Nie (2001), for example, argued that Internet use detracts from face-to-face time with others, which might diminish an individual’s social capital. However, this perspective has received strong criticism (Bargh & McKenna, 2004). Moreover, some researchers have claimed that online interactions may supplement or replace in-person interactions, mitigating any loss from time spent online (Wellman, Haase, Witte, & Hampton, 2001). Indeed, studies of physical (e.g., geographical) communities supported by online networks, such as the Netville community in Toronto or the Blacksburg Electronic Village, have concluded that computer-mediated interactions have had positive effects on community interaction, involvement, and social capital (Hampton & Wellman, 2003; Kavanaugh, Carroll, Rosson, Zin, & Reese, 2005).

Recently, researchers have emphasized the importance of Internet-based linkages for the formation of weak ties, which serve as the foundation of bridging social capital. Because online relationships may be supported by technologies like distribution lists, photo directories, and search capabilities (Resnick, 2001), it is possible that new forms of social capital and relationship building will occur in online social network sites. Bridging social capital might be augmented by such sites, which support loose social ties, allowing users to create and maintain larger, diffuse networks of relationships from which they could potentially draw resources (Donath & boyd,

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2004; Resnick, 2001; Wellman et al., 2001). Donath and boyd (2004) hypothesize that SNSs could greatly increase the weak ties one could form and maintain, because the technology is well-suited to maintaining such ties cheaply and easily.

Based on this prior work, we propose the following hypothesis:

H1: Intensity of Facebook use will be positively associated with individuals’ perceived bridging social capital.

In Putnam’s (2000) view, bonding social capital reflects strong ties with family and close friends, who might be in a position to provide emotional support or access to scarce resources. Williams (2006) points out that little empirical work has explicitly examined the effects of the Internet on bonding social capital, although some studies have questioned whether the Internet supplements or supplants strong ties (see Bargh & McKenna, 2004, for a review). It is clear that the Internet facilitates new connections, in that it provides people with an alternative way to connect with others who share their interests or relational goals (Ellison, Heino, & Gibbs, 2006; Horrigan, 2002; Parks & Floyd, 1996). These new connections may result in an increase in social capital; for instance, a 2006 Pew Internet survey reports that online users are more likely to have a larger network of close ties than non-Internet users, and that Internet users are more likely than non-users to receive help from core network members (Boase, Horrigan, Wellman, & Rainie, 2006). However, it is unclear how social capital formation occurs when online and offline connections are closely coupled, as with Facebook. Williams (2006) argues that although researchers have examined potential losses of social capital in offline communities due to increased Internet use, they have not adequately explored online gains that might compensate for this. We thus propose a second hypothesis on the relationship between Facebook use and close ties:

H2: Intensity of Facebook use will be positively associated with individuals’ perceived bonding social capital.

Online social network tools may be of particular utility for individuals who otherwise have difficulties forming and maintaining both strong and weak ties. Some research has shown, for example, that the Internet might help individuals with low psychological well-being due to few ties to friends and neighbors (Bargh & McKenna, 2004). Some forms of computer-mediated communication can lower barriers to interaction and encourage more self-disclosure (Bargh, McKenna, & Fitzsimons, 2002; Tidwell & Walther, 2002); hence, these tools may enable connections and interactions

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that would not otherwise occur. For this reason, we explore whether the relationship between Facebook use and social capital is different for individuals with varying degrees of self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1989) and satisfaction with life (Diener, Suh, & Oishi, 1997; Pavot & Diener, 1993), two well-known and validated measures of subjective well-being. This leads to the two following pairs of hypotheses:

H3a: The relationship between intensity of Facebook use and bridging social capital will vary depending on the degree of a person’s self-esteem.

H3b: The relationship between intensity of Facebook use and bridging social capital will vary depending on the degree of a person’s satisfaction with life.

H4a: The relationship between intensity of Facebook use and bonding social capital will vary depending on the degree of a person’s self-esteem.

H4b: The relationship between intensity of Facebook use and bonding social capital will vary depending on the degree of a person’s satisfaction with life.

Maintained Social Capital and Life Changes

Social networks change over time as relationships are formed or abandoned. Particularly significant changes in social networks may affect one’s social capital, as when a person moves from the geographic location in which their network was formed and thus loses access to those social resources. Putnam (2000) argues that one of the possible causes of decreased social capital in the U.S. is the increase in families moving for job reasons; other research has explored the role of the Internet in these transitions (Cummings, Lee, & Kraut, 2006; Wellman et al., 2001). Wellman et al. (2001), for example, find that heavy Internet users rely on email to maintain long distance relationships, rather than using it as a substitute for offline interactions with those living nearby.

Some researchers have coined the term “friendsickness” to refer to the distress caused by the loss of connection to old friends when a young person moves away to college (Paul & Brier, 2001). Internet technologies feature prominently in a study of communication technology use by this population by Cummings, Lee, and Kraut (2006), who found that services like email and instant messaging help college students remain close to their high school friends after they leave home for college. We therefore introduce a measure focusing specifically on the maintenance of existing social capital after this major life change experienced by college students, focusing on their ability to leverage and maintain social connections from high school.

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