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八年级上册Unit3 ★短语擂台

下面的短语你还记得吗?试试吧,祝你成功! 1、你的爱好是什么?________________ 2、在某人的闲暇时间____________________ 3、去钓鱼_____________

4. 听音乐______________ 5. 喜欢背诵诗歌_____________ 6. 电影迷________________

9为什么不.......?_______________ =______________________ 10. 做户外活动_____________ 11. 需要换口味______________ 12、谈论某事_______________ 13.五种表达喜爱的句型__________________/_________________/__________________/__________________/__________________

14、遛狗__________ 15、集邮______________ 16.种花_______________

17、去旅游______________ 18去游泳______________

19、一定很有趣________________ 20. 过去常常做某事______________ 21对......感兴趣____________- 22、电话卡______________ 23 飞机模型___________


25制作剪贴簿是一种爱好______________________ 26. 友谊簿_______________

27、最愚蠢的主意______________________ 28、最丑陋的狗______________ 29、以......开始.__________________ 30、剪掉图片_____________________ 31、把......粘/贴到_________________ 32、与......分享_______________

33在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天__________________ 34、自我介绍________________________ 35、毕业______________

36、平常的宠物____________ 5

37. 用......提供......_______________=________________ 38. 在吃糖里洗澡____________ 39. 去散步______________

40.多美妙的音乐啊!______________ 41. 去听音乐会____________ 42.多么激动人心啊!_________ 43. 在音乐会上_____________ 44.开音乐会____________ 45.看电影____________


48.把某物借给某人____________________=_______________ 49.乐器___________

50.校园歌手____________ 51. 很难说______________

52. 你喜欢哪种音乐?_____________

53. 古典音乐_______________流行音乐______________爵士音乐___________摇滚音乐____________乡村音乐______________ 54. 来去匆匆____________ 55.以......著名_____________ 56. 在......岁时___________ 57.弹钢琴___________ 58. 上音乐课__________

59.开始做某事______________ 60. 决定做某事___________

61.令某人惊讶的是_______________ 62. 天生的音乐家______________ 63. 神童_______________

64. 认为......怎么样?_____________ =_____________________ 65. 各种各样______________ 66.打鼓_____________

67.多可爱的狗啊!__________ 68.花多漂亮啊!____________ 69.练习小提琴_____________ 70电话铃响___________

71. 我是......(打电话用语)__________ 你是......吗?_____________ 你是谁?__________

72. 接电话__________

73.请稍等(别挂断)_______________ =________________ =________________ 74.昨天的这个时候____________ 75.给某人打电话_______________

76.去英语角____________ 77. 洗澡_______________ 78. 洗衣服____________ 79.打扫卫生___________ 80打发时间___________ 81. 端上食物__________ 82.与朋友聊天__________ 83.参观博物馆___________ 84.种树____________


86.昨天晚上____________ 上周______________ 去年____________ 87.同意某人的观点_______________ 88.在除夕夜____________ 89.团聚___________ 90打发时间___________ 91. 端上食物__________ 92.与朋友聊天__________ 93.参观博物馆___________ 94.种树____________


96.昨天晚上____________ 上周______________ 去年____________ 97.同意某人的观点_______________ 98.在除夕夜____________ 99.团聚___________

100用低低的声音___________ 101. 路过__________ 102风猛烈地吹_________ 103.害怕去做某事___________ 104.点燃火柴____________

105.把某人抱在怀里_______________ 106.靠着......躺着____________ 107.敲门____________


109.停下来去做某事_______________ 停止做某事________________ 110.......的开始__________________ 111.双休日的周末______________ ★重点句型。

1. What hobbies did you use to have?

used to do sth 过去常常做某事 ,否定句式:_________________________ 一般疑问句:______________________ 6

例如:——你过去常常集邮吗?______ you _____ ______ collect stamps?/______you _____ collect stamps?


我过去不常去游泳。I______ _____ _____ go swimming./I _____ _____ to go swimming. 2.I’m interested in basketball.

be interested in sth/doing sth.对......感兴趣

例如:我对数学感兴趣。I_____ ______ ______ maths.

他对踢足球感兴趣。He _____ ______ ______ ______ football. 3. I can lend you some CDs of her songs.

lend sb sth = lend sth to sb 把某物借给某人。(向外借) borrow ...from ...(向里借)

例如:.我可以把自行车借给你。I can _____ _____ my bike.=I can ____ my bike ______ you.

昨天我从朋友那里借了5元钱。I ______ 5 yuan _____ my friend. 4.I don’t like it at all.

not ...at all 一点儿也不,根本不。

例如:我对英语一点儿也不感兴趣。I _____ ______ _______ _____ English at all. 她根本不喜欢打篮球。She ______ ______ ______ basketball at all. 5.He plays as well as his big sister.

as...as...与......一样,结构:as +形容词/副词的原级+as...

例如:康康与迈克尔跑得一样快。Kangkang runs _____ _____ ______ Michael. 我写得和她一样认真。I write _____ ______ ______ her. 6.What were you doing at this time yesterday? 这是过去进行时的句子。

( 1).过去进行时表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。

(2).过去进行时常和表示过去的时间状语连用。如:this time yesterday, at that time, then, last night, at 9:00 yesterday, all night等。

(3).其构成和现在进行时类似,只需将be变为相应的过去式:was/ were + 动词-ing 练习:( ) 1. What _____ your grandfather _____ this time yesterday ? A. is ... doing B. was ... doing C. did .. do D. had ... done ( ) 2. ____ you ______ a meeting at four yesterday afternoon ?

A. Were ... having B. Was ... having C. Did ... have D. Do ... have ( )3. I called you yesterday evening ,but there was no answer. -- Oh, I am sorry I _________ dinner at my friend's home. A.have B.had C.was having D.have had ( )5. -What were you doing this time yesterday? -I ____ on the grass and drawing a picture. A. sit B. sat C. am sitting D. was sitting ( )6. While I ___________ TV, the bell rang.

A. watch B. watched C. am watching D. was watching ( )7. -Why didn't you answer my telephone yesterday? -Sorry. I _______ a bath.

A. took B. take C. am taking D. was taking

( )8. While the alien _______ a souvenir, the girl called the police. A. was buying B. bought C. buys D. is buying

7.stop doing sth 停止做某事,stop to do sth 停下来去做某事

例如:当老师进教室的时候,学生们都不交谈了。When the teacher came into the classroom,the students ______ ______,

他们太累了,停下来去休息。They were tired ,they _____ _____ have a rest.

