瑞典留学residence permit申请经历分享
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瑞典留学residence permit申请经历分享
强烈建议大家网申,网申的过程并不复杂,看好移民局要求,鼠标点点就完成了,而且需要上传的资料比面申的还要少,关键是网申的回复速度确实很快啊。本人4月21日网上提交的申请,4月24日晚收到了移民局发给的两封邮件,一封信告诉了 dossier number并让14日内联系瑞典大使馆,另一封信内容如下,发给大家做个参考~ Your case has now been settled.
Please observe that this message does not inform you whether your application has been granted or rejected. You will be informed about the decision by mail (if you are residing in Sweden) or through the Swedish embassy/consulate that you specified in your application to receive the decision.
If you have been granted a residence permit you will be issued with a residence permit card as proof of your right of residence in Sweden If you are in Sweden
? and already have attended one of our units to have your photograph and fingerprints taken,
your card will be sent to your address in Sweden in about a week's time.
? and have not attended one of our units to have your photograph and fingerprints taken,
your card needs to be produced. We kindly ask you to attend one of our units as soon as possible to have your photograph and fingerprints taken. The card will be sent to your address in Sweden in a few weeks' time.
? If you have been granted a permission to stay in Sweden for more than one year you can
visit Skatteverket (the Swedish Tax Agency) to register. You have to bring the residence permit card.
If you are outside Sweden
? and already have attended the Swedish embassy (mission abroad) to have your
photograph and fingerprints taken, you will get your card from the Swedish embassy that you have noted in your application. If you are registered at an address in Sweden your card will be sent to that address.
? and have not attended the Swedish embassy (mission abroad) to have your photograph
and fingerprints taken, your card needs to be produced. We kindly ask you to attend the Swedish embassy that you have noted in your application as soon as possible to have your photograph and fingerprints taken. If you are registered at an address in Sweden your card will be sent to that address.
? If you do not need a visa for Sweden, you should go to Sweden and have your photograph
and fingerprints taken at one of the units of the Swedish migrations Board. The residence card will be sent to your address in Sweden in a few weeks' time.
If you are an EU/EEA citizen and have applied for registration of your right of residence, you will receive a notice by post to the address you stated. You do not need to contact the Migration Board.
之前看了很多帖子,说大使馆的中国女性工作人员态度很不好,呵呵,确实不是很热情又友好,但也不是差到不给你办的地步。本人全部DIY而且第一次办理签证,有些问题不是很清楚,出了个小小的岔子,那位姐姐果然是很不乐意。但既然是为了实现出国留学的理想,这点小事也可以不去理会。想想她们天天坐在那里做着重复的工作,回答重复的问题,有些抱怨也可以理解,呵呵~ 希望分享自己的经历,能让大家有更充分细致的准备,尽量减少错误,顺利通过留学出境这关键一关~
轮到自己后先跟工作人员说办理什么事情,网申后的就是照相、录指纹。工作人员还会跟你核实护照号和生日。照相时要报一下身高,可能根据鞋跟的高度还会做些微调。在办理签证的窗口处有个自动调节的照相设备,所以转个身,不用走动就完成了照相。在照相设备下是指纹录制设备,一般是两个手的食指同事按在上面,里面的工作人员确认录好了就可以了。本人的经历比较奇特,手上无伤、无去皮却怎么也录不上,后来改录的中指。所以大家一定在去前保证手指的完好啊,哈哈~ 然后还要拿旁边的电子笔签个名。这些工作人员都会提示你做的,很简单。
录完基本工作也就完成了,工作人员会告诉你大概等三个星期,等到通知后可以去取residence permit card。顺便,网申的,移民局回复邮件的,还可以顺便问问是否已经批准了,她们能看到的,会告诉你的。
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