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2、大多数形容词既可作定语又可作表语,但有少数形容词只能作表语。 This is a red dress. The dress is red.

alike, afraid, alone, asleep, awake, aware, alive, ashamed, unable, content.


副词在句子中主要作状语,可以修饰动词、形容词、副词,有时修饰整个句子。 Unfortunately, he wasn't at home when I came. (修饰整个句子) Luckily, she wasn't injured in the accident.(修饰整个句子) Her pronunciation is very good.(修饰形容词)

I have been extremely busy these days.(修饰形容词) I can hardly agree with you.(修饰动词) He works terribly (quite) hard. (修饰副词)


1.单音节词和少数双音节词(如以y结尾的)在词尾加-er , -est.

如:small, smaller, smallest; great, greater, greatest; clever, cleverer, cleverest; quiet, quieter, quietest ; common, commoner, commonest; narrow, narrower, narrowest。

2、以e结尾的词加-r , -st 。

如:larger, larger , largest ; simple, simpler , simplest ; polite, politer , politest; brave, braver, bravest; fine, finer, finest。

3、以\辅音字母+y\结尾的词,变y为i 再加-er , -est 。

如:busy,busier, busiest; heavy,heavier, heaviest; happy,happier, happiest.

4、以一个辅音字母结尾的词,双写该辅音字母,再加-er, -est 。(一个辅音字母结尾;重读闭音节)

如:big,bigger, biggest; thin,thinner, thinnest; hot,hotter, hottest。 双音节词,多音节词比较级和最高级在词前加more, most。

如:difficult, more difficult, most difficult, interesting, more interesting, most interesting; useful, more useful, most useful。 特殊的比较级和最高级


1、比较级常与than引导的状语从句连用,表示与什么相比。 This room is bigger than any other one in the hotel. 为了避免重复,从句常用一些代词。 比较必须是两个相同的成分。

Everyday he arrives earlier than anyone else in the company. Small oranges are usually sweeter than big ones. It is better to be prepared than unprepared. This is easier said than done. She is taller than I(me).

I meet with more difficulties than she does.

The girls in my class are more active than those in his class. 1、有than 就要考虑比较级。 2、比较的成分要完全一致。


My father walked faster and faster until I could no longer keep up with him . keep up with \\跟上,赶上 no longer=not any longer

My father walked faster and faster until I couldn't keep up with him any longer. (not 用来否定动词)

Our country is getting stronger and stronger. Things are getting better and better every day. I'm getting more and more interested in arts.

get interested in 对……感兴趣

3.\比较级…,the+比较级\,表示\越是…就越…\。 The more haste, the less speed. 欲速则不达。

The harder she works, the more progress she makes.

make progress 取得进步

The more I study it, the more I like it.

Actually, the busier he is, the happier he feels.

The more preparation you do now, the less nervous you'll be before the exam. The sooner you start, the faster you'll be finished.



Of all the places I've visited, I like Hangzhou best. This is the worst movie I've ever seen.

Beijing is one of the largest cities in the world.

For me, Tuesday is one of the busiest day in the week. Among all the students, he runs (the) fastest.

比较级前面有时也加the ,表示两者之间\较…的一个\。

Both of the two girls are beautiful, but I think the tall one is more beautiful of the two. The five-year-old boy chose the more expensive of the two toys.


\原级+as\,表示\和…一样…\, \原级+as\表示\不及…\。 He is as good a swimmer as any of us.

注意 good 的位置 He's as tall as I.

It is not as hot in Beijing as in Wuhan. He does not smoke so heavily as his father. French is just as difficult a language as English. She is as good a cook as her mother.

I have never seen so beautiful a place as Hangzhou.

never 否定含义

类似的还有:hardly, little, few

\原级+as one can\和\原级+as possible\表示\尽可能地…\。 Come as soon as possible.

There is nothing we can do but wait as calmly as we can.

there is nothing…but… , but后一定跟动词原形 \原级+as\可以用来表示倍数。

My new coat cost me four times as much as the old one.


cost 花费,主语是物。spend, 主语是人。 It takes sb. some time to do sth.

spend in doing sth. spend on sth.

This room is twice as large as that one. This room is twice larger than that one.


The sun is much bigger than the earth.

错误:The sun is more bigger than the earth. She is by far the cleverest girl in our class. by far 到目前为止

It's becoming the third largest city in the country. They have many more chemistry books than we. There is much more water in this jar than that one. They will come back a little earlier. This time she ran a good deal faster. Tom is six centimeters taller than John.

Of all the workers in the factory, Alice is by far the most skilled.




3、比较级多用than,个别情况下用 of the two。比较时,前后成分一定一致。 4、the +比较级…,the+比较级

5、as+原级+as , not as / so +原级+as 6、\原级+as\可以用来表示倍数。

He is almost as tall as his brother. My father isn't as old as he looks.

This word is used less frequently in British English than in American English. Spanish people usually speak more quickly than English people. Winter is drawing near. It's getting colder and colder. The more you practise writing, the better you will do it.

The more work we give our brains, the more work it is able to do.


1. We are not _______ to afford a car yet.

A. enough money B. money enough

C. rich enough D. enough rich

1、enough 作为形容词放在可数复数名词和不可数名词前。 Have you got enough sandwiches for lunch?

Surely 15 minutes is enough time for you to have coffee. 2、enough 作为代词。

Six bottles of wine will be enough.

I hope enough of you are prepared to help with the show. 3、enough 作为副词,放在动词、形容词和其他副词的后面。 You don't practice enough at the piano.

Is the river deep enough for swimming (to swim in)? She isn't good enough for the exam. 答案 C

2. \ \

A. be as hard working as B. as working harder than C. do harder work than D. work as hard as as+原级+as 答案 D

3. \


A. almost as happy B. as happy almost C. as almost happy D. almost happy as as+原级+as

almost (already)放在系动词be的后面,其他动词的前面。 答案 A

4. They say Mexico City is more populous than _______ in the world. A. any city B. any other city C. any else city D. any rest city populous 人口众多的 单数一定要跟单数比。 答案 B

5. Most of the students have made _______ progress in their study of English than we first expected.

A. more great B. more greater C. far greater D. far more greater 答案 C

6. General George Brown was older than _________ in his regiment (军团). A. any officer B. any other officer C. any others officer D. any officer else 答案 B

7. The French seem far more interested in reading about Africa _______ about their nearest neighbors.

A. as B. than C. the same D. so more 为比较级,只能than

答案 B

8. It usually takes much _______ time to fly from one country to another than to travel by train. A. more B. less C. little D. least 有than,肯定是比较级。 答案 B

9. Frank plays _________ Alex.

A. a lot more better than B. much more better than C. a lot better than D. much more well than 答案 C

10. Have you finished your homework? This lesson is ________ than the last one. A. more easier B. more easy C. very easier D. much easier 答案 D

11. Young people regard Bob Dylan as _________ other musicians. A. more better than B. more superior than C. superior to D. more perfect to superior 没有比较级。 superior to 优于 答案 C

12. \

\ A. beyond B. more than C. greater than D. plenty of more than happy(glad) to do sth. 高兴做某事 I am more than happy to take you there in my car. 答案 B

13. I'd like to leave my car near here. Where's the ______, please? A. nearest parking B. next parking C. nearest car parking D. next car park 答案 A

14. The harder they worked, ____________.

A. they seemed to do less B. the less they seemed to do C. they were doing less D. they did less the +比较级…,the+比较级 答案 B

15. \


A. as I take more pictures B. the more pictures I take C. as more pictures I take D. the pictures I take more the +比较级…,the+比较级 答案 B

16. The more we looked at the abstract painting, _______. A. the less we liked it B. we like it less C. better we liked it D. it looked better

the +比较级…,the+比较级 答案 A

17. The new large passenger jets have made the traffic problems at airports _______. A. more bad than it was B. the worse than before C. worse than ever before D. more bad than they were make+名词+形容词 使……成为,变为 The news makes her happy.

His actions make him universally respected. 答案 C

18. Of the two lectures, the first was by far the _______.

A. good B. better C. best D. worst by far跟形容词或副词的比较级或最高级连用时,放在这类词的后面。 如果这类词带有冠词,放前,放后都可以。 It is quicker by far to go by train.

She is the best by far. (She is by far the best.) 答案 B

19. Kansas is _________ states in America's mid-west. A. one of the flattest B. the flattest

C. as flatter as D. flattest of the 答案 A

20. On the day he was to give his speech, Paul was suffering from one of _______ colds he had ever had.

A. bad B. worse C. the worst D. bad of all 答案 C

suffer from 遭受……罪

21. The steel output of this year will be bigger than _____ last year. A. this of B. the one C. that of D. those of output 产量

指上文提到的用that或those。 答案 C

22. Japan has taken a more independent stand ________. A. as it does before B. as it did before

C. than it does a few years ago D. than it did a few years ago stand 立场 答案 D

23. Her English is very good. She can speak English better than _____ in her grade. A. any one B. the one C. anyone else D. other student other的用法:


Moral beauty ought to be ranked above all other beauty.

2、前面有the, this, that, some, any, each, every, no, none, one以及形容词性物主代词时,other可跟单数名词连用。

Every member must bring one other person.

There must be some other reason for him refusing to help.

another的用法:another表示单数概念,后面接单数名词或代词one。 Don't say another word.


He went back to work too soon,and was laid up for another three months. one…the other… 一个…另一个… one…another… (同组内的两个个体) 答案 C

24. The new model costs twice ________ last year's .

A. more than B. as much as C. as many as D. than \原级+as\可以用来表示倍数。

The new model costs twice more than last year's. 答案 B

25. This one isn't good. That one is _______ worse.

A. more B. very C. quite D. even quite后面只能跟原级。 This one is quite bad. very的用法:

1、用于形容词、副词前,加强语气。(非常,十分) very quickly, very soon

2、用于形容词最高级或own之前。(十足,完全) the very best quality, six o'clock at the very latest 3、very 表示正是…… Sitting in the very same seat. 答案 D

第六节 介 词(05-2~06-3) 考试大纲要求:


2、介词与某些动词、形容词、名词的固定搭配; 3、介词短语及其用法。



1. across(穿过)

My mother lives across the street.

I came across him yesterday. (come across偶然遇到) The post office is just across the street.

2. after(在……之后)

The children went to bed after saying good night to their parents. Who will look after your baby while you're away? (look after 照看,照料,take care of) The girl is named after her mother. (name after 以……命名)

Rewrite the sentences after the model. (模仿,仿照)

3. against(反对)

What you are doing is against the rule.

We are against the proposal. (be against 反对) Nobody has got anything against you.

4. along(沿着)

They walked along Nanjing Road. There is a cinema along the street.

I'm getting along/ on well with my classmates.

5. around(围绕)

We all drew up closely around him. The guide showed us around the city. (show sb. around 领某人参观)

6. at(在……)

Let's meet at the station. She was at a conference.

The committee is to meet at the weekend. He joined up at eighteen.(join up 参军) What are you laughing at? (laugh at 嘲笑)

Let's have a look at the picture. (have a look at 看一看) My mother was surprised at the news.(be surprised at 吃惊) He is good at mathematics.(be good at 擅长) He is good at drawing.

7. before(在……之前)

Don't put the cart before the horse. 不要本末倒置。 Pride comes before a fall. 骄傲就会摔跤。 Before starting the work, we had a discussion. Before long, the war broke out. (break out 爆发) I bought the book the day before yesterday.

8. besides (除…之外还)

There are six students in the classroom besides me.

Besides fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill.

9. between(在……之间)

Come between ten and eleven o'clock.

They don't know the difference between wheat and oats. (among 用于三者或三者以上) What's the difference between them?

10. beyond(在……之外)

The lake is beyond that mountain.

Don't go beyond the city boundary. (go beyond 超过) It's expensive and beyond our reach.

The city is beyond recognition. (beyond recognition 面目全非) The problem is too difficult. It's beyond me.

This is inevitable and beyond all doubts. 这是必然的,毫无疑义的。

11. but ((除…之外)

Who but a fool would do such a thing? I have nothing but a book in my hand. I'm the last but one to get here.


She passed by me without saying goodbye to me. The woman is standing by the door.

By the time we got to the station, the train had left. By the end of the year, we have trained 400 people.

I came here by taxi. (by bus, by plane, by ship, on foot) The girl isn't an actress by profession. (actor 男演员) What's the time by your watch?

This novel is written by Charles Dickens.

Consumer goods production will go up by 6 % this year. I met him by chance yesterday. (by chance 偶尔碰到) We all have to abide by the rules. (abide by 遵守)

By the way, where is the teacher? (by the way 顺便说一下) In order to pass the exam, we have to learn the texts by heart. At the age of ten she began to live by herself.(by oneself 独自)

13. except (除去)

None of us have seen the film except my sister. He comes to school every day except Saturday. She is alone in the world except for her mother.

14. for(为了)

After supper I always go out for a walk.

(go out for a walk 散步)

Thank you for spending so much time listening to me explain. Thank you for spending so much time listening to my explanation. Forgive me for being late. (表原因) I'm sorry for what has happened.

The coat is for sale. (for sale 出售) This is a book for you.

Whenever she is in trouble, she'll turn to her parents for help. (be in trouble 处在困难之中 turn to 向某人求助) We left Beijing for Shanghai last week. (leave…for… 动身去) I have studied English for three years. I sold the flat for 100,000 yuan.

(flat,apartment 公寓,house 别墅,room 房间) How much do you pay for the coat? (pay for 付款)

It's hard for me to get rid of all the rats. (get rid of 消灭,消除) I'm looking for my book.

find(找到): I'm looking for my book, but I can't find it. I do this all for your good. (for one's good 为了某人好) Who are you waiting for? (wait for 等待) They do this for the sake of their mother. (for the sake of 因为)

15. from(来自……)

We've learnt a lot from our teacher.

They are busy from morning to night.(from...to... 从……到……) The letter is from your parents.

I have been away from home for a long time. (be away from home 离开家)

(be from 来自) I'm from China.

The film we saw yesterday was different from the novel. (be different from 与……不同,differ from) The wine is made from the best grapes. make from 化学变化

make of 物理变化 The desk is made of wood. make sth. up 由……组成

Animal bodies are made up of cells.

Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities. make with sth. 迅速拿出或提供某物

Make with the beers, buster. 伙计,拿啤酒来。 make for 为……做……

She made coffee for all of us.

Millions of people are suffering from the war.(suffer from 遭受) He is weak from lack of sleep. (lack of 缺乏) I disagree with them from the beginning.

(disagree with 不同意 agree with 同意)

I try to prevent them from doing the work, but in vain. (prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事) (in vain 毫无作用,徒劳)

The situation is getting from bad to worse. The guest is talking from beginning to the end.

16. in(在……里)

She was born in 1980.

We'll be back in three days.

( He came back three days ago.) Do you work in the daytime or at night?

We'll be back in no time. (in no time 立刻,马上) He is in his early thirties. (in one's thirties 三十多岁) He is always in a good mood.

(in a good mood 情绪很好 in a bad mood 情绪很糟) I have no difficulty/ trouble in solving the problem. (no difficulty in doing sth. 没有困难) Did you have any difficulty in finding the hotel? Can you write in English?

They have done it in a wrong way. (in a wrong way 错误的方式) They accepted the plan in principle. (in principle 原则上)

17. into(进入)

Let's go into the room.

