Unit5 There ia a big bed

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Unit5 There is a big bed

A Let?s spell


1. 知识目标:


(2)学生能够跟着录音说唱歌谣,强化记忆ay与ai的发音规则。 (3)学生能够通过对比ay/ai的位置,强化ay/ai的形对应关系。

2. 能力目标:


(2)学生能够了解并运用自然拼读法记忆单词拼写。 3. 情感目标:

激发学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生在英语学习中乐于自己思考,总结,从而体验成功,增强学好英语的信心。 二、教材分析:

Let?s spell共分为三个部分:第一部分Read, listen and chant 呈现了字母组合ay与ai在单词中都发/ei/的发音规则。第二部分listen, read and circle通过听力活动对比ay/ai的位置,训练ay/ai的形对应关系。第三部分look, listen and write 通过听写单词活动帮助学生听到符合ay/ai的发音规则的单词能拼写,并辨认词形。 三、教学重点:






课件、卡片、26个字母贴 六、教学步骤:

1、Warm-up(复习热身) (1) Play a game: hit golden eggs Sing a song: Days of the week

Read fast: play the pipa play football…



2、Presentation and practice(新知呈现与操练)

(1)教学单词say,way, birthday和 Monday, 并初步感知字母组合ay在单词中的发音及规则。

承接以上环节,出示Monday. Tuesday. Birthday. Today.等单词 T: What?s the same? (学生回答)

T: What does the “ay” sound? (学生回答/ei/) T: Let?s chant with it.

T: Can you find the rule? Where is the “ay”? (学生回答) Here is a tip. T: Let?s spell. (教学s-ay w-ay Mon-day birth-day) (学生操练) T: Look at the blackboard. Let?s make the words. (逐步呈现lay play day today ray pray, 学生认读)

(2)教学单词rainy,rainbow, paint和 wait, 并初步感知字母组合ai在单词中也发/ei/。


T: What does the “ai” sound? (学生回答/ei/) T: Let?s chant with it.

T: Can you find the rule? Where is the “ai”? (学生回答) Here is a tip. T: Let?s spell. (教学rai-ny rain-bow pai-nt wai-t ) (学生操练) T: Look at the blackboard. Let?s make the words. (逐步呈现main mail nail学生认读)

(3) 综合运用字母组合ay与ai. Task1:Let?s choose!

Task2:group work: I can play with letters. 小组内,一位同学读单词,其他同学轮流摆2个单词,并拼读出来。 看哪组拼得单词又准又快。 (4)进入文本,练习巩固。

Task1:Let?s chant. I can not wait, I can not wait. My birthday is on Monday. I can not wait, I can not wait. It?s going to be a fun day. (第一遍就是听,第二遍一起chant, 第三遍让学生自己chant。) Task2:Listen, read and circle

听音,圈单词。再请学生以拼读的方式进行校对。(听两遍) Task3:Look, listen and write 听两遍:听录音,写出单词。 一起校对四线格中的单词。

(设计意图:通过听音写单词活动,培养学生见到符合发音规律的单词能拼写的能力,同时引导学生注意单词音形的对应关系,并能够根据发音拼写出单词的能力。) 3、Extension

(1)完成课堂作业本的相关练习。 (2)Enjoy a story.:wait. wait wait


(1) Read, listen and chant P50. (读,听和吟唱第50页内容)

(2) Search more words with “ai”,”ay”, try to read together with your friends.



Unit 5 Let?s spell

rainy rainbow paint wait say way birthday Monday

